Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

...a media watchdog agency just reported that only 11% of the major media is even mentioning the Biden scandals and the former VP's video-taped extortion confession while falsely reporting the President's exercising of existing mutual law enforcement and investigative assistance treaties to be 'treason'.
...a media watchdog agency just reported that only 11% of the major media is even mentioning the Biden scandals and the former VP's video-taped extortion confession while falsely reporting the President's exercising of existing mutual law enforcement and investigative assistance treaties to be 'treason'.
Because it wasn't extortion. Get it now?
Dude - You've backed up your bullshit with more bullshit and partisan talking points and spin. I'm trying to be nice by walking away but if you want to play I can stay.........

The law states that Mr. Pompeo needs to take his fat ass up in front of Congress with the documentation that Congress has requested and answer questions along with others involved or with knowledge of the topic being investigated.

Sorry, snowflake, but in just the last several months I have posted and reposted the facts / data / sources. The Coup 2.0 is still being run by proven criminals, based on ZERO evidence, just more false narratives and lies.

The very accusation - by Democrats, you, other snowflakes - that President Trump broke the law / perpetrated an Impeachable offense demonstrates your unbelievable ignorance in U.S. government and law.

Ever hear of Treaty Document 109-13 -
Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement with the European Union snowflake? OF COURSE YOU HAVEN'T - if you had you wouldn't be proudly hanging your ignorance out like a flag for everyone to see.



Text - Treaty Document 109-13 - Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement with the European Union

Therein lies your error. I've never suggested that Trump has done anything wrong. I've simply said that we have laws and once Congress invokes their rights on an impeachment inquiry then ALL Americans should accept it as law.

I'm not sure what you've been posting for months. What I can say is that based on what I've read today I'm not convinced by your argument. It's just gibberish and partisan talking points as far as I'm concerned.

Based on your posts today it's clear you've already made up your mind whereas I'm interested in hearing ALL points and supporting information before I come to any conclusions.

Also - I'm not a democrat and I'm not a snowflake - I'm an American.
You have already made up your mind that there is evidence of crimes committed by the Democrats who told you he did, the same Democrats who told you President Trump was an unquestionable compromised agent of Vladimir Putin...which turned out to be a MASSIVE, TREASONOUS LIE...

...and now the same traitors who have been proven to be lying for the last 3+ years just told you that the President of the United States just committed treason / an Impeachable offense by requesting mutual cooperation and assistance in a legal investigation....and you swallowed it without question...when all the President really did was EXERCISE EXISTING TREATIES...

Agreement with the United States on mutual legal assistance - EUR-Lex

"The agreement sets out conditions relating to the provision of mutual legal assistance in criminal matters between the EU and the US."

Hillary was too stupid to know she was breaking the law, and you snowflakes are too stupid to know when Democrats are breaking laws, committing treason, and playing you for fools.

Where?!! Where have I posted that the President has committed a crime? Where?

No where - that's where.

You're the one whose been running around the forum telling anyone who will stop and listen what your position is on the issue.

You're the one who has a problem with being compromised and influenced with hearsay and preliminary reporting, not me. I've not made any assertions. I've only called for people to respect our laws.
Refusing to even research or question accusations by Democrats of guilt / criminal acts by the President is a failure on your part and amounts to facilitating treason.

3+ years of continuous exposed lies and attempts to overthrow the President of the United States while refusing to investigate evidence of crimes committed by Democrats amounts to Sedition and Treason.

And after 3+ years you continue to demonstrate your willingness to believe the crap Democrats constantly feed you and your willingness to allow them to continue without ever having actual evidence of criminal activity.

I just exposed the fact that the Democrats are accusing the President of treason when he is simply executing existing mutual law enforcement cooperation treaties, which the Democrats know very well.

To say the American people should allow the Democrats to continue to engage in this never-ending Impeachment quest based on undeniable false accusations because THEY call the President exercising existing treaties 'treason' is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.

That's like a criminal breaking into your house and calling the cops on YOU, claiming YOU broke the law, and demanding the legal process against YOU go forward.

The transcript of the President's and the Ukraine PM's conversation prove there was no crime and no need for an investigation based on the existence of these treaties.

The declaration by the Ukraine PM that what the Democrats are accusing the President of NEVER HAPPENED prove there was no crime and no need for an investigation based on the existence of these treaties.

The existing treaties themselves prove the President committed no crimes, but despite that you want to allow the Democrats to continue their 'Inquisition'?!

Eventually even YOU have to acknowledge what the Democrats are doing is committing fraud, Sedition, and Treason in their continued pursuit of removing the President from office.

I don't know what to make of your post. I can only conclude that you are flirting with me. hahahahahaha

Kidding aside. It's clear we are at an impasse. I simply do not see the issue the same way you do.

Have a good evening Sir.
Confession to what? As I set forth in this thread, federal prosecutors have unanimously concluded that no crime was committed:

Federal Prosecutors: No crime in Ukraine call/no violation of Emoluments Clause
Not so. That's just part of Barr's attempted cover-up.

Do yourself and your credibility a favor and read the post. The cited articles from PBS and ABC make clear that Barr was not involved in the investigation or conclusion, which was conducted by the DOJ Criminal Division, and the conclusion was unanimous, including by career prosecutors that were hired during Democrat administrations.
I do not believe for one second that Barr was not involved. The crime is obvious to anyone with eyes to see. This is a cover-up. Nothing more.
This just in:

State Dept. inspector general requests 'urgent' meeting

"The State Department's inspector general has requested a bipartisan staff briefing with relevant congressional committees Wednesday related to documents on Ukraine, according to sources briefed on the matter.
The email that went to staff suggested it was "urgent," sources say. One congressional aide described the State IG's request as "highly unusual and cryptically worded."
The inspector general said the reason for the briefing was the office had obtained documents from acting legal adviser in the State Department. The offer for the briefing was sent roughly an hour after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's strongly worded letter Tuesday pushing back against Democrats' scheduled depositions for State Department officials."
Well, well...
Remember when Pompeo was in congress and was SOOOOOOOOOO upset with Hillary Clinton over Benghazi?

She was at every requested meeting.

Guess guys can get away with it.

I mean white guys.
Kidding aside. It's clear we are at an impasse. I simply do not see the issue the same way you do.
It is clear that FACTS mean nothing to you.

There are no 'sides' to this 'issue'. Either the President of the United States committed a crime by requesting foreign law enforcement / investigative assistance in investigating possible crimes committed by the former VP's son, or he did not.

Democrats claim that an identified politically-partisan, 2020 Democrat Candidate-supporting CIA Agent specifically trained in Ukraine ops temporarily assigned to the WH filed a complaint based on 2nd-hand information, & this proves treason by the President.

On the other side you have:

1. The transcripts of the conversation between the President and Ukraine PM debunks the accusation / narrative.

2. The Ukraine PM has publicly declared what the Democrats claim never happened.

3. The leader of Australia has publicly stated that they are willingly offering to provide law enforcement / investigative cooperation and in this matter and that there was never any threat / quid pro quo, either

4. There is an existing treaty between the United States and European nations establishing mutual law enforcement / investigative assistance upon request from the leader of one nation to the other. This treaty authorizes the President of the United States - in this case President Trump - to legally do what he did, what the Democrats are knowingly, intentionally, falsely calling a treasonous / Impeachable offense.

Saying you don't agree with 'my side / interpretation of the issue' is equivalent to saying you do not agree with 'my side of the issue' that water is indeed WET. It is a willing ignorance and denial of existing / established FACT. It is a demonstration of how snowflakes CHOOSE to live in their own alternate 'universe'.
Remember when Pompeo was in congress and was SOOOOOOOOOO upset with Hillary Clinton over Benghazi? She was at every requested meeting.
The hearings to investigate what happened at Benghazi were NEVER CRIMINAL investigations and were legitimate investigations of something that actually happened.

She also, according to the testimony of former FBI Director Comey under oath, lied her ass off...


I do not believe for one second that Barr was not involved. The crime is obvious to anyone with eyes to see. This is a cover-up. Nothing more.

Thank you for proving snowflakes are easily-manipulated creatures of EMOTION.

No one gives a crap about what you BELIEVE, snowflake. 'EMOTION' / 'FEELING', no matter how much you want it to be so, are NOT evidence of criminal activity.

'it is obvious' is what every person who has no evidence and who can not find any (after 3+ years of digging) says.

You are the same snowflake who defended the Democrats and Nadler for demanding US AG Barr BREAK THE LAW and who supported their voting to punish him / hold him in Contempt after he refused to do so, are you not?!

I do not believe for one second that Barr was not involved. The crime is obvious to anyone with eyes to see. This is a cover-up. Nothing more.

Thank you for proving snowflakes are easily-manipulated creatures of EMOTION.

No one gives a crap about what you BELIEVE, snowflake. 'EMOTION' / 'FEELING', no matter how much you want it to be so, are NOT evidence of criminal activity.

'it is obvious' is what every person who has no evidence and who can not find any (after 3+ years of digging) says.

You are the same snowflake who defended the Democrats and Nadler for demanding US AG Barr BREAK THE LAW and who supported their voting to punish him / hold him in Contempt after he refused to do so, are you not?!

Barr is a proven liar who has already manipulated the truth to protect tRump. He is not to be trusted.

This is not an emotional judgement.

These things are verifiable.
Barr is a proven liar who has already manipulated the truth to protect tRump. He is not to be trusted. This is not an emotional judgement. These things are verifiable.

1. Then verify them.

2. Now YOU lie. Barr never manipulated anything. Mueller could have declared 'Obstruction'. He did not. Rosenstein agreed with Barr that Obstruction could not be proven.

3. I never saw you attack Barry for his lies and his record setting criminal non-compliance with the FOIA & Federal Records Act.

Poor snowflake, suffering from 'Selective Partisan Outrage'....

Last edited:
Barr is a proven liar who has already manipulated the truth to protect tRump. He is not to be trusted. This is not an emotional judgement. These things are verifiable.

1. Then verify them.

2. I never saw you attack Barry for his lies and his record setting criminal non-compliance with the FOIA & Federal Records Act.

Poor snowflake, suffering from 'Selective Partisan Outrage'....

Stark Contrasts Between the Mueller Report and Attorney General Barr's Summary | ACS


President Obama is not the subject here. He is no longer in office. Even in the event he did exaggerate from time to time *president* tRump has taken us so far beyond that it isn't even funny.
Well...I resent my depiction as well....mostly because it assumes that the worst in human nature runs around in...committees. Also because the assumption has been born out so many times in history...that it's almost axiomatic.
I like your individual truth about good men and women of faith and integrity...and then I look at Congress---I do not see the same people you do.
The impeachment is a career maker or breaker for so many now....and the demand of the American public for circus has never been higher. I think impeachment by the House is certain....because everyone is thinking that the Senate will save them....and they may be right..no matter how egregious the evidence.

You know, Eye, imagine what committees - and Congress as a whole - would look like in case everyone is about making a career (as they almost with necessity must), and everyone acts based on the assumption that everyone else is on their worst behavior. For to me it seems, going about doing the people's business with your mindset generates pretty much the picture Congress is presenting. And yes, there are good people there, from Schiff to Cummings and Lewis, not to mention Warren. You wouldn't stereotype based on but partial evidence, would you?

Whatever... let's look, in light of the above, at the articles of impeachment once they are written up, and see whether they can be said to be based on actual evidence, as opposed to merely being the result of the "worst in human nature" at work, as would be the case if you were right. Shall we?

I almost added we should also look at who is about collecting evidence, and who is about obstructing the proceedings as much and as long as possible, but that horse seems to have bolted already, with Pompeo taking the helm on the latter.
Barr is a proven liar who has already manipulated the truth to protect tRump. He is not to be trusted. This is not an emotional judgement. These things are verifiable.

1. Then verify them.

2. I never saw you attack Barry for his lies and his record setting criminal non-compliance with the FOIA & Federal Records Act.

Poor snowflake, suffering from 'Selective Partisan Outrage'....

Stark Contrasts Between the Mueller Report and Attorney General Barr's Summary | ACS


President Obama is not the subject here. He is no longer in office. Even in the event he did exaggerate from time to time *president* tRump has taken us so far beyond that it isn't even funny.
Quit your cryin' and get a job.
The question is "what can congress do about it?".
Answer Congress could vote to open an official inquiry but then Joe and hunter would be called to testify
About what?
The Ukraine..... Look just face it I am right, Nancy said that she was opening an official impeachment investigation, but never did as this begins with a vote to open the investigation which the dems would easily win, however Nancy never did this.

And likely never will
Given all that, Pompeo should require them to bring specific charges and detail the issues that will be on the table.
Well, the first reason that is silly is that the impeachment inquiry exists to find out what charges, if any, should be brought.

The second reason it is silly is that the requests from the committee have been very specific:

"related to reported efforts by President Trump and his associates to improperly pressure the Ukrainian government to assist the President's bid for reelection."

The third reason is that Pompeii has no such rights to demand any of that. His refusal is only provided cover by the fact that the DOJ will not prosecute him for defiance, and that the Congress is not yet to the point of invoking their powers regarding inherent contempt.
Given that the second reason is not founded or grounded in any fact, that would require much more clarification from the Congress. A good reason to do as I said.

He has every right to refuse an improper subpoena.

The impeachment farce should already have an agenda with a detailed listing of reports from Justice of an independent investigation listing the concerns and wrong doings of the President in order to justify the impeachment. They have none of that and Pompeo is under no obligation to aid them in their witch hunt

Congress is not above the Executive branch.
Actually, it kinda is.
I don't know how much you know about our Govt. history..but there have been many confrontations between Congress and the White House..Congress has won almost all of them.

If Congress were to issue a warrant..they would find someone to serve it..and then Trump can use his pardon power....and Congress can re-issue the supeana..and arrest the person again...and again...and again.
In actuality, even if they managed to enforce a subpoena, Pompeo and his staff can answer every question with, "Executive Privilege", thereby creating the exact same outcome.

executive privilege is not viable when used in the course of an illegal act. if donny is proven to have bribed or used extortion in that phone call then there is no EP.
executive privilege is not viable when used in the course of an illegal act.
Except there is no criminal act. There isn't even any evidence to support the accusation that a crime was committed.
Given all that, Pompeo should require them to bring specific charges and detail the issues that will be on the table.
Well, the first reason that is silly is that the impeachment inquiry exists to find out what charges, if any, should be brought.

The second reason it is silly is that the requests from the committee have been very specific:

"related to reported efforts by President Trump and his associates to improperly pressure the Ukrainian government to assist the President's bid for reelection."

The third reason is that Pompeii has no such rights to demand any of that. His refusal is only provided cover by the fact that the DOJ will not prosecute him for defiance, and that the Congress is not yet to the point of invoking their powers regarding inherent contempt.
Given that the second reason is not founded or grounded in any fact, that would require much more clarification from the Congress. A good reason to do as I said.

He has every right to refuse an improper subpoena.

The impeachment farce should already have an agenda with a detailed listing of reports from Justice of an independent investigation listing the concerns and wrong doings of the President in order to justify the impeachment. They have none of that and Pompeo is under no obligation to aid them in their witch hunt

Congress is not above the Executive branch.
Actually, it kinda is.
I don't know how much you know about our Govt. history..but there have been many confrontations between Congress and the White House..Congress has won almost all of them.

If Congress were to issue a warrant..they would find someone to serve it..and then Trump can use his pardon power....and Congress can re-issue the supeana..and arrest the person again...and again...and again.
In actuality, even if they managed to enforce a subpoena, Pompeo and his staff can answer every question with, "Executive Privilege", thereby creating the exact same outcome.

executive privilege is not viable when used in the course of an illegal act. if donny is proven to have bribed or used extortion in that phone call then there is no EP.
Which is why it was illegal for Biden to extort the Ukraine

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