Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

Confession to what? As I set forth in this thread, federal prosecutors have unanimously concluded that no crime was committed:

Democrats and snowflakes claimed Don Jr committed treason for having a 10-minute conversation - made possible by Barak Obama - with a Russian Lawyer during which time ZERO information exchanged hands....yet YOU suggest that the son of the Vice President of the United States - who had just been named Obama's 'Point Man' on Ukraine - working for a widely-known Ukraine criminal and his criminal Ukraine Energy company that had a history of doing business with Russia and that stood to benefit greatly from Putin annexing Crimea, thereby solidifying Russia's choke-hold on Europe's energy independence, was / is perfectly 'OK'....

When I hear stupid shite like this from deranged Leftist / traitor-defending snowflakes I always apply the 'What If It Had Been A Republican / Trump' test....Had it been Don Jr working for this Ukrainian criminal and Trump rolled into town and extorted the Ukraine PM Democrats would have had Trump in Gitmo by now.

Hell, the Deputy US AG authored justification for President Trump to fire the former Director of the FBI and recommended that he do so - which he had ever right and authority to do...and did...and immediately after the same Deputy US AG was the one who recommended the President be investigated for Obstruction for following his advice.

Sorry, but the BS coming from the Democrats yet again completely fails the 'What If It Had Been A Republican / Trump' test
Confession to what? As I set forth in this thread, federal prosecutors have unanimously concluded that no crime was committed:

Democrats and snowflakes claimed Don Jr committed treason for having a 10-minute conversation - made possible by Barak Obama - with a Russian Lawyer during which time ZERO information exchanged hands....yet YOU suggest that the son of the Vice President of the United States - who had just been named Obama's 'Point Man' on Ukraine - working for a widely-known Ukraine criminal and his criminal Ukraine Energy company that had a history of doing business with Russia and that stood to benefit greatly from Putin annexing Crimea, thereby solidifying Russia's choke-hold on Europe's energy independence, was / is perfectly 'OK'....

When I hear stupid shite like this from deranged Leftist / traitor-defending snowflakes I always apply the 'What If It Had Been A Republican / Trump' test....Had it been Don Jr working for this Ukrainian criminal and Trump rolled into town and extorted the Ukraine PM Democrats would have had Trump in Gitmo by now.

Hell, the Deputy US AG authored justification for President Trump to fire the former Director of the FBI and recommended that he do so - which he had ever right and authority to do...and did...and immediately after the same Deputy US AG was the one who recommended the President be investigated for Obstruction for following his advice.

Sorry, but the BS coming from the Democrats yet again completely fails the 'What If It Had Been A Republican / Trump' test

I think you misquoted me
He's smart. He will wait till all the evidence one way or another is in.

Only a lefty loon like you would call that stone walling.
ROTF! Calling me a lefty is sure sign of ignorance.
As for ignorance...he is not going to wait for all the evidence when he is PART of the evidence!

Stonewalling I said..and stonewalling I meant. Not that I believe for a moment that he will be successful.

I would think that this is at the order of Pompeo's boss..the President.

Looks like Pompeo is taking a page out of the Bill Clinton playbook.

Thanks Lanny......you scum.
Be nice. (wink) You frighten me because you would dismiss the law of the land and recite past situations to justify your reasons for advocating breaking the law.
No, I would NOT.

ONCE AGAIN the Democrats are sending out subpoenas to 'everyone' associated with President Trump again based on ZERO EVIDENCE (a complaint filed based on 2nd-hand account info from an identified politically-biased, Democrat 2020 Presidential Candidate-supporting agent of the CIA - which was proven to have engaged in illegal activity in the failed 'Collusion Delusion' failed coup attempt - and based on comments from OTHER identified politically-biased Democrat-supporting unidentified persons.

We've been down this road SEVERAL times now over the last going-on 4 years, only to have each time be exposed as lies, false accusations, FISA Court Abuses, criminally leaked information, and other crimes committed by Democrats that the Democrats who seek to take down the President has never looked at / investigated - REFUSED to investigate.

Several of the Democrats in these key Committee Chairperson positions have been proven to have committed crimes in their pursuit of overthrowing / removing the President from power...some have admitted it...while others have publicly thrust their contempt for and violation of the Constitution and Rule of Law in our faces. Nadler DEMANDED THE US AG OF THE UNITED STATES BREAK THE LAW - THE LAW HE HELPED PASS - IN HOPES OF GETTING SOMETHING IMPEACHABLE ON THE PRESIDENT, & WHEN THE US AG REFUSED TO COMPLY - REFUSED TO BREAK THE LAW - NADLER AND THE DEMOCRATS POLITICALLY PUNISHED HIM IN A CORRUPT / CRIMINAL PUBLIC THEATRICAL DISPLAY.

Sorry, uh-uh. Resisting...refusing to aid and abet...refusing to comply with Sedition and Treason...is NOT breaking the law...and calling what has been going on for 3+ years - since Hillary lost in 2016 - what it IS is NOT 'dismissing the law' when those demanding others follow the law have been breaking it this whole time.
Confession to what? As I set forth in this thread, federal prosecutors have unanimously concluded that no crime was committed:

Democrats and snowflakes claimed Don Jr committed treason for having a 10-minute conversation - made possible by Barak Obama - with a Russian Lawyer during which time ZERO information exchanged hands....yet YOU suggest that the son of the Vice President of the United States - who had just been named Obama's 'Point Man' on Ukraine - working for a widely-known Ukraine criminal and his criminal Ukraine Energy company that had a history of doing business with Russia and that stood to benefit greatly from Putin annexing Crimea, thereby solidifying Russia's choke-hold on Europe's energy independence, was / is perfectly 'OK'....

When I hear stupid shite like this from deranged Leftist / traitor-defending snowflakes I always apply the 'What If It Had Been A Republican / Trump' test....Had it been Don Jr working for this Ukrainian criminal and Trump rolled into town and extorted the Ukraine PM Democrats would have had Trump in Gitmo by now.

Hell, the Deputy US AG authored justification for President Trump to fire the former Director of the FBI and recommended that he do so - which he had ever right and authority to do...and did...and immediately after the same Deputy US AG was the one who recommended the President be investigated for Obstruction for following his advice.

Sorry, but the BS coming from the Democrats yet again completely fails the 'What If It Had Been A Republican / Trump' test

I think you misquoted me
Was that not your words? If I did misquote you, I humbly apologize.
Be nice. (wink) You frighten me because you would dismiss the law of the land and recite past situations to justify your reasons for advocating breaking the law.
No, I would NOT.

ONCE AGAIN the Democrats are sending out subpoenas to 'everyone' associated with President Trump again based on ZERO EVIDENCE (a complaint filed based on 2nd-hand account info from an identified politically-biased, Democrat 2020 Presidential Candidate-supporting agent of the CIA - which was proven to have engaged in illegal activity in the failed 'Collusion Delusion' failed coup attempt - and based on comments from OTHER identified politically-biased Democrat-supporting unidentified persons.

We've been down this road SEVERAL times now over the last going-on 4 years, only to have each time be exposed as lies, false accusations, FISA Court Abuses, criminally leaked information, and other crimes committed by Democrats that the Democrats who seek to take down the President has never looked at / investigated - REFUSED to investigate.

Several of the Democrats in these key Committee Chairperson positions have been proven to have committed crimes in their pursuit of overthrowing / removing the President from power...some have admitted it...while others have publicly thrust their contempt for and violation of the Constitution and Rule of Law in our faces. Nadler DEMANDED THE US AG OF THE UNITED STATES BREAK THE LAW - THE LAW HE HELPED PASS - IN HOPES OF GETTING SOMETHING IMPEACHABLE ON THE PRESIDENT, & WHEN THE US AG REFUSED TO COMPLY - REFUSED TO BREAK THE LAW - NADLER AND THE DEMOCRATS POLITICALLY PUNISHED HIM IN A CORRUPT / CRIMINAL PUBLIC THEATRICAL DISPLAY.

Sorry, uh-uh. Resisting...refusing to aid and abet...refusing to comply with Sedition and Treason...is NOT breaking the law...and calling what has been going on for 3+ years - since Hillary lost in 2016 - what it IS is NOT 'dismissing the law' when those demanding others follow the law have been breaking it this whole time.

You are reciting falsehoods and party talking points.

I can't reason with intentional ignorance.

Have a good evening.
So..the stonewalling begins..will it work? Or..will it just pour gas on an already burning fire?
I sense Pompeo may be panicking just a bit..after all...what harm could there be..if all was on the up and up?

Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo fired a broadside at House Democrats on Tuesday, saying State Department officials scheduled to appear this week before committees conducting the impeachment inquiry would not be made available until “we obtain further clarity on these matters.”
The refusal, in a letter to House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.), described the demand for depositions by five officials who played a role in U.S. relations with Ukraine as “an attempt to intimidate, bully, and treat improperly, the distinguished professionals of the Department of State.”
The statements came as Pompeo’s role in the Ukraine investigation broadened with reports that he was a participant in the July 25 call by President Trump to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, which led to the impeachment investigation.

Before that report, first published by The Wall Street Journal, Pompeo had brushed off questions about the incident, saying last week that he had not yet read the transcript of the telephone call released by the White House, or the whistleblower complaint that it sparked.
The committee, along with the House Intelligence and Oversight panels, had requested the five officials to appear for depositions this week and next, to begin Wednesday with Marie Yovanovitch, who was recalled by Pompeo as ambassador to Ukraine in May, prior to the end of her tour.
Other State Department officials scheduled for depositions include Kurt Volker, the administration’s special envoy to Ukraine, who resigned last week; Deputy Assistant Secretary George Kent; U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland; and State Department Counselor T. Ulrich Brechbuhl."
I'm glad Secretary of State Pompeo stood up to the toxic TDS sufferers in Congress who are creating an additional hoax against the President in addition to the $45,000,000 false narrative they accused President Trump of treason by collusion, obstruction, which he did not commit, as he has been transparent in sharing information with Democrats in spite of their intentional misinterpretations and spinning with false narratives attached.

This Pelosi Congress is so corrupt, I'm beginning to think we really don't need that house in Congress making trouble for the orderly running of the USA by the President who was elected and had done good things for the American people through job creation, return of American businesses back to American soil, and doing what no other President would do due to fear, and that was to put the American Embassy in Jerusalem, which gave Israelis the incentive to make Jerusalem their Capital for the first time in thousands of years when King Solomon built God's temple there. :thup:
federal prosecutors have unanimously concluded that no crime was committed
Well that's a shameless lie. They only addressed one crime in a small context and did not have all the other info that congress will and does have.
Two things...first..what some prosecutors decide or not is irrelevant..that is why we have trials..to determine guilt or innocence..not trying a case in the public media...or empaneling some 'experts' to tell us..a trial.

The other...let us not assume facts not in evidence....and we do not yet know what,, if any, additional evidence the Congress might have.

It behooves us to remember that Impeachment and trial in the Senate are first and foremost political acts..and not actions of usual jurisprudence. There are no rules of evidence..or procedure except as the Senate enacts.

They can acquit in the face of overwhelming evidence..or they can vote to remove..without any evidence at all..once the Senate trial begins. There is no appeal to their actions...no SCOTUS mandated 'do-overs'. There will be no parsing of what 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' means.

It is a crap-shoot..for the highest office in the land.
The other...let us not assume facts not in evidence....and we do not yet know what,, if any, additional evidence the Congress might
In this case, we do. They have the roadmap that is the whistleblower report (which contains a lot of info besides the content of that one phone call), and the transvript of the call. The prosecutors who made this decision had neither.
The other...let us not assume facts not in evidence....and we do not yet know what,, if any, additional evidence the Congress might
In this case, we do. They have the roadmap that is the whistleblower report (which contains a lot of info besides the content of that one phone call), and the transcript of the call. The prosecutors who made this decision had neither.
Well...I'm not all that confident in rushing to judgement with what I get from the MSM and the net...I get that you're a partisan..and I'm not..despite circumstances putting us..more or less..on the same side. With the facts..just the facts..no conjecture..right now...I'd not vote to remove..if I were voting. Is Trump sleazy..oh yeah. But we elected the sleazy one...and until I see something totally egregious..so much so that any thinking being can see it--without spin..without speculation, without having to connect the dots in the dark---I'm inclined to let him serve out his term..and face the music afterword.

That being said..I AM enjoying the show!
Well...I'm not all that confident in rushing to judgement with what I get from the MSM and the net...I
Neat, but the things i stated are facts. My partisanship or lack thereof has nothing to do with that.

Congress does have more info at its disposal than what the DOJ criminal division had, when they made that determination. It's just a fact

I would vote to remove, based on clear evidence of trump's criminality and corruption. But i would rather he just be voted out in the election.

It is quite a show...the info is going to be pouring forth, from here on out.
Well...I'm not all that confident in rushing to judgement with what I get from the MSM and the net...I
Neat, but the things i stated are facts. My partisanship or lack thereof has nothing to do with that.

Congress does have more info at its disposal than what the DOJ criminal division had, when they made that determination. It's just a fact

I would vote to remove, based on clear evidence of trump's criminality and corruption. But i would rather he just be voted out in the election.

It is quite a show...the info is going to be pouring forth, from here on out.
Well..unless you have a pipeline that the rest of us mortals lack...you are making a lot of definitive statements that have a higher degree of doubt than you are allowing. Have you seen clear evidence? Or are you inferring guilt from some evidence--that others are interpretating differently? In many respects, the Biden kerfuffle illustrates this on the R side. You--and I--- see Biden undertaking his lawful duty..at the possible expense of his son..by removing a corrupt prosecutor...the R's see Biden as going to the Ukraine on a rescue mission..to fire the Prosecutor that is going to hang his son.

Both narratives are based on the same set of facts, right? All I'm saying is that we are lied to, fed slanted data and having our emotional buttons pushed--Objectivity is the goal..and it is hard!

Impeachment is going to be the same tar baby..only cubed.
Well..unless you have a pipeline that the rest of us mortals lack...you are making a lot of definitive statements that have a higher degree of doubt than you are allowing.
There is zero degree of doubt. The prosucutors at issue made their review based solely on a white house memorandum describing the phone call.

Congress has in its possession the transcript of the phone call and the complete whistleblower report.

These are all facts in the public domain. Do you even remember what we were talking about? The review by the criminal division of the DOJ. Or whitewash. Either one works.

Both narratives are based on the same set of facts, right?
False. Like,you couldn't be more wrong. The transcript of the call and the whistleblower report say nothing about the biden fantasy. But they fully support the notion of corruption on the part of the president and of Giuliani.

I think we must be talking about two different things.
Well..unless you have a pipeline that the rest of us mortals lack...you are making a lot of definitive statements that have a higher degree of doubt than you are allowing.
There is zero degree of doubt. The prosucutors at issue made their review based solely on a white house memorandum describing the phone call.

Congress has in its possession the transcript of the phone call and the complete whistleblower report.

These are all facts in the public domain. Do you even remember what we were talking about? The review by the criminal division of the DOJ. Or whitewash. Either one works.

Both narratives are based on the same set of facts, right?
False. Like,you couldn't be more wrong. The transcript of the call and the whistleblower report say nothing about the biden fantasy. But they fully support the notion of corruption on the part of the president and of Giuliani.

I think we must be talking about two different things.
Nope..same thing..just an interpretive issue. I used the Biden example to illustrate the spin that can lead one to deduce two completely different conclusions from the same set of facts. Those are the two narratives i was referring to.

I painted with too broad a brush, I see. As the Biden thing is what the R's are using to counter the Trump conversation....I thought it was germane.

Yes..the Fed. prosecutors had incomplete info....but as i said....their take is irrelevant anyway.
I used the Biden example to illustrate the spin that can lead one to deduce two completely different conclusions from the same set of facts.
Okay, but the point I made was that the doj prosecutors were operating from a completely different set of facts. Because they were. This is why i think we are talking past each other.

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