Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

Remember, Tumpybear officials feel they have no obligation to tell Americans or our Congress the truth unless they are under oath.
Not really. You said he could not ignore it.
False. I said he had no right to do so. Clearly. Please pay attention. I said he is only provided cover for doing so, because the DOJ will not prosecute him for defiance.

In other words, exactly what you just supported with your example.

Like i said....
Clearly, he has the same right to do so that Holder had.
The dems want state dept officials to show up without counsel...that is a ridiculous demand and should be laughed at....
Not really. You said he could not ignore it.
False. I said he had no right to do so. Clearly. Please pay attention. I said he is only provided cover for doing so, because the DOJ will not prosecute him for defiance.

In other words, exactly what you just supported with your example.

Like i said....
Clearly, he has the same right to do so that Holder had.
Neither of them had any right to do it. They were simply not prosecuted for it. Come on man, this isn't rocket surgery....
I do not understand what is going on with the citizens of this country. Tossing aside the rule of law because it's not prudent for your party is mind boggling to me.

This country is in deep trouble if this forum is an accurate snapshot of the current state of our society.
and still ignoring the subpoena.
Wrong. The investigation ended with no findings of any wrongdoing on Holders part, nor any finding that he had any knowledge of F&F.

You're just kind of winging it, aren't ya?
You're lying, aren't you?

Holder was held in contempt but no charges were brought against him.

SHOULD THE HOUSE HAVE held Eric Holder in contempt? The question is not whether they should have; the question is why they did not do it earlier.
Despite the attempts by the Democrats to spin this into something it is not, the contempt is very straightforward: Darryl Issa's committee issued a subpoena for documents relating to the Fast and Furious scandal. Congress, like the courts, has subpoena power. A subpoena is simply an order to appear at a certain date at a certain time to give testimony. A subpoena can also command someone to bring items or documents with them for their testimony. This is what has been happening in the House of Representatives.

When someone receives a subpoena, they can either comply or challenge the subpoena on certain legal grounds or claim the documents are privileged. What they cannot do is ignore the subpoena and that is what Holder did. For months, Holder has ignored the subpoena. When Darryl Issa asked if the documents had been assembled within the Justice Department, Holder refused to answer. In short, he was thumbing his nose at the committee.

Contempt is what is called a remedial power. If you fail to comply with a subpoena, you can be jailed until you do comply. You can also be jailed for contempt as a separate offense. Not shockingly, the most corrupt administration since the Nixon administration quickly announced after the contempt vote that it would not prosecute Eric Holder for contempt.

The problem here is that the Obama Regime believes it is above the law. Eric Holder went off to Disney World the day the House voted on holding him in contempt.


The United States Justice Department said it will not prosecute Attorney General Eric Holder for contempt of Congress.

"The Department has determined that the Attorney General's response to the subpoena issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform does not constitute a crime, and therefore the Department will not bring the congressional contempt citation before a grand jury or take any other action to prosecute the Attorney General," the Deputy Attorney General told House Speaker John Boehner in a letter.

As we reported, the House voted that Holder was in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over documents related to the gun-walking operation "Fast and Furious." The White House has claimed executive privilege on the emails and documents, saying they show internal deliberation after the program became public.

The AP reports that this means Holder's own department will do nothing further on matter.

Justice Will Not Prosecute Holder For Contempt Of Congress

Have a nice day.
and still ignoring the subpoena.
Wrong. The investigation ended with no findings of any wrongdoing on Holders part, nor any finding that he had any knowledge of F&F.

You're just kind of winging it, aren't ya?
You're lying, aren't you?

Holder was held in contempt but no charges were brought against him.

SHOULD THE HOUSE HAVE held Eric Holder in contempt? The question is not whether they should have; the question is why they did not do it earlier.
Despite the attempts by the Democrats to spin this into something it is not, the contempt is very straightforward: Darryl Issa's committee issued a subpoena for documents relating to the Fast and Furious scandal. Congress, like the courts, has subpoena power. A subpoena is simply an order to appear at a certain date at a certain time to give testimony. A subpoena can also command someone to bring items or documents with them for their testimony. This is what has been happening in the House of Representatives.

When someone receives a subpoena, they can either comply or challenge the subpoena on certain legal grounds or claim the documents are privileged. What they cannot do is ignore the subpoena and that is what Holder did. For months, Holder has ignored the subpoena. When Darryl Issa asked if the documents had been assembled within the Justice Department, Holder refused to answer. In short, he was thumbing his nose at the committee.

Contempt is what is called a remedial power. If you fail to comply with a subpoena, you can be jailed until you do comply. You can also be jailed for contempt as a separate offense. Not shockingly, the most corrupt administration since the Nixon administration quickly announced after the contempt vote that it would not prosecute Eric Holder for contempt.

The problem here is that the Obama Regime believes it is above the law. Eric Holder went off to Disney World the day the House voted on holding him in contempt.


The United States Justice Department said it will not prosecute Attorney General Eric Holder for contempt of Congress.

"The Department has determined that the Attorney General's response to the subpoena issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform does not constitute a crime, and therefore the Department will not bring the congressional contempt citation before a grand jury or take any other action to prosecute the Attorney General," the Deputy Attorney General told House Speaker John Boehner in a letter.

As we reported, the House voted that Holder was in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over documents related to the gun-walking operation "Fast and Furious." The White House has claimed executive privilege on the emails and documents, saying they show internal deliberation after the program became public.

The AP reports that this means Holder's own department will do nothing further on matter.

Justice Will Not Prosecute Holder For Contempt Of Congress

Have a nice day.
...and then the investigations continued aand ended with no finding of any wrongdoing on the part of holder regarding F&F. Like I said.

You can shake your fist at the sky all day. When you come back, this fact will still be here, waiting for you.
Not really. You said he could not ignore it.
False. I said he had no right to do so. Clearly. Please pay attention. I said he is only provided cover for doing so, because the DOJ will not prosecute him for defiance.

In other words, exactly what you just supported with your example.

Like i said....
Clearly, he has the same right to do so that Holder had.

Did Holder refuse to testify before Congress or did he refuse to submit certain documents? Did he issue a blanket refusal for everything they asked for?
This is not what 'not worried' looks like. Not worried would be total laughing compliance...and amusement as the the Committee tried to prove a nothing burger.

Stonewalling makes it look like 'something'--and the committee is not going away.
but nothing like what deleting 33k mails and destroying hard drives would look like, huh?
What does one have to do with the other..this false comparison that keeps cropping up...only some very amoral people would think that one bad act, by Clinton..somehow excuses another bad act..by Trump--or whoever.
All bad acts stand on their own..ethically.
Bringing up Clinton or Obama or Biden....has no relevance when investigating someone else's bad acts.

Hang them all..if all need to be hung. But excuse none..for the actions of another.

Tit for tat does not fly..legally or ethically.
oh you can fuck off with that shit. the left has said JUST PERSONAL MAIL and NEVER validated it and NOT ONE GOD DAMN TIME CARED OUT THE OPTICS LOOKED.

now you're trying to go after someone else for something that "looks" bad when you protect your side from "looks bad" to the death.

god damn tired of this hypocritical bullshit.

Lefty owns no mirrors.

I have many mirrors..and I'm able to look in them every day..knowing that I see a truthful, caring human being...who is as even-handed as circumstances allow.

Can you say the same?

It is amusing that many of the posters here literally are unable to comprehend that someone who is just a bit right of center can still despise Trump and what he has done to our politics and to our country.

Oh well..your ignorance is not my problem.

It never stops. For as long as someone wants an exception for themselves they will always see the ignorance they perceive in others. You have a right to despise anyone you want to despise for whatever reason you choose to despise them. So does everyone else.

The question is "what can congress do about it?".
Answer Congress could vote to open an official inquiry but then Joe and hunter would be called to testify

Yep everybody always wants to drill a hole in the bottom of the boat until they figure out it's the boat that they're in too. Then all of a sudden everything changes.

Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

Before that report, first published by The Wall Street Journal, Pompeo had brushed off questions about the incident, saying last week that he had not yet read the transcript of the telephone call released by the White House, or the whistleblower complaint that it sparked.

Smart move. Even though he was present during the call, he cannot competently comment on the so-called "transcript". Or was anyone operating under the delusion that Trump suddenly acquired the capacity to speak in lengthy, print-ready paragraphs, focused on one issue at a time, without contradicting himself with every other phrase?
I applaud administration officials for refusing to participate in / facilitate the on-going 3+-year exposed political coup attempt. The very individuals who are chairing the committees issuing these illegitimate subpoenas are, themselves criminals who have demonstrated they have no regard for our the Constitution or Rule of Law and will stop at nothing to remove a democratically elected President from office.

D-Nadler actually demanded the United States Attorney General, the top law ENFORCER in the country, to violate U.S. law in the pursuit of his goal of taking down the President, and when the U.S. A.G refused to do so, the elected politician who helped pass the very law he demanded the U.S. A.G. violate punished the A.G. for doing so.

- Not only 'Speaker' Pelosi's refusal to immediately remove him from his position as Committee Chairman for this blatant criminal abuse of power but more importantly the fact that she supported / facilitated it happening demonstrated that she is an illegitimate Speaker due to her willingness to not only abuse her power but to let the Democrats in positions of power beneath her leadership go 'rogue'.

D-Schiff repeatedly disgraced not only himself and his party but disgraced the House of Representatives as well by, among other ways, lying during Committee meetings and to the American people by falsely claiming he had evidence of crimes committed by the President, evidence that Special Counsel Mueller had not even seen. Schiff refused to produce this evidence and instead kept using the lie to commit Sedition (conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch) and treason (the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government) by calling for the overthrow / removal of the United States from power based on his LIES. When finally pressed to 'put up or shut up' Schiff gave his unsubstantiated opinion and continued to lie.

- As I posted with a link yesterday about Schiff, CNN - in its Fact Check of Schiff's comments / lies - attempted to come to his defense by claiming what he had declared during a committee hearing were not 'LIES' but was instead a 'parody' of what President Trump had actually said, stating Schiff had 'obviously' added content the President never said. CNN suggested that Schiff's comments were so BLATANTLY false people should have recognized them as a 'parody'.


...and then, of course, much like Biden's, there is Schiff's CONFESSION of - much like McCabe and Comey - leaking classified information.

The belief that it is acceptable for anyone, let alone a federal politician, to leak classified information, thereby putting national security and potentially lives at risk, in order to remove a United States President you dislike from power, thereby un-doing a Presidential election and voiding the will of the people, is not only unethical, immoral, and / or even illegal - it is a direct assault on the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our entire Democracy.

Even so, for the 1st time in our nation's history elected and appointed politicians and government officials have wantonly violated the Constitution and Rule of Law at will and have gone un[punished, primarily due to the fact that at the time they WERE 'the law', unchecked and virtually 'un-touchable'.

Take Obama U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, for example. During a Congressional committee hearing under oath Holder committed multiple Felony counts of Perjury by lying to Congress. The only ones who could Indict him for his criminal acts were his own hand-picked DOJ employees who refused to do so.

Faced with a corrupt / criminal U.S. A.G. who had committed perjury to protect a U.S. President and continue to affect the Fast and Furious Scandal cover-up and a loyal corrupt DOJ who refused to hold him accountable, Congress - BOTH Republicans AND Democrats - did the only thing they could do: THEY VOTED TO CENSURE THE UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR COMMITTING FELONY PERJURY UNDER OATH BEFORE CONGRESS, MAKING HOLDER THE 1ST U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CABINET MEMBER / U.S. A.G. IN HISTORY TO BE CENSURED:

The most relevant comparison: In a bipartisan vote, 17 House Democrats joined the Republican majority in 2012 to hold then-Attorney General Eric Holder in criminal contempt of Congress for not providing thousands of pages of documents regarding Operation Fast and Furious, a serious scandal for the Obama administration.

More Democrats, a total of 21, joined Republicans to find Holder in civil contempt. Two Republicans voted against the criminal contempt citation.

- As Democrats Threaten Barr, a Look Back at Holder’s Contempt Charge

At some point someone has to step up and call what the Democrats have been doing for going on 4 years now what it is: SEDITION AND TREASON.

I applaud administration officials for refusing to participate in / facilitate the on-going 3+-year exposed political coup attempt. The very individuals who are chairing the committees issuing these illegitimate subpoenas are, themselves criminals who have demonstrated they have no regard for our the Constitution or Rule of Law and will stop at nothing to remove a democratically elected President from office.

D-Nadler actually demanded the United States Attorney General, the top law ENFORCER in the country, to violate U.S. law in the pursuit of his goal of taking down the President, and when the U.S. A.G refused to do so, the elected politician who helped pass the very law he demanded the U.S. A.G. violate punished the A.G. for doing so.

- Not only 'Speaker' Pelosi's refusal to immediately remove him from his position as Committee Chairman for this blatant criminal abuse of power but more importantly the fact that she supported / facilitated it happening demonstrated that she is an illegitimate Speaker due to her willingness to not only abuse her power but to let the Democrats in positions of power beneath her leadership go 'rogue'.

D-Schiff repeatedly disgraced not only himself and his party but disgraced the House of Representatives as well by, among other ways, lying during Committee meetings and to the American people by falsely claiming he had evidence of crimes committed by the President, evidence that Special Counsel Mueller had not even seen. Schiff refused to produce this evidence and instead kept using the lie to commit Sedition (conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch) and treason (the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government) by calling for the overthrow / removal of the United States from power based on his LIES. When finally pressed to 'put up or shut up' Schiff gave his unsubstantiated opinion and continued to lie.

- As I posted with a link yesterday about Schiff, CNN - in its Fact Check of Schiff's comments / lies - attempted to come to his defense by claiming what he had declared during a committee hearing were not 'LIES' but was instead a 'parody' of what President Trump had actually said, stating Schiff had 'obviously' added content the President never said. CNN suggested that Schiff's comments were so BLATANTLY false people should have recognized them as a 'parody'.


...and then, of course, much like Biden's, there is Schiff's CONFESSION of - much like McCabe and Comey - leaking classified information.

The belief that it is acceptable for anyone, let alone a federal politician, to leak classified information, thereby putting national security and potentially lives at risk, in order to remove a United States President you dislike from power, thereby un-doing a Presidential election and voiding the will of the people, is not only unethical, immoral, and / or even illegal - it is a direct assault on the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our entire Democracy.

Even so, for the 1st time in our nation's history elected and appointed politicians and government officials have wantonly violated the Constitution and Rule of Law at will and have gone un[punished, primarily due to the fact that at the time they WERE 'the law', unchecked and virtually 'un-touchable'.

Take Obama U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, for example. During a Congressional committee hearing under oath Holder committed multiple Felony counts of Perjury by lying to Congress. The only ones who could Indict him for his criminal acts were his own hand-picked DOJ employees who refused to do so.

Faced with a corrupt / criminal U.S. A.G. who had committed perjury to protect a U.S. President and continue to affect the Fast and Furious Scandal cover-up and a loyal corrupt DOJ who refused to hold him accountable, Congress - BOTH Republicans AND Democrats - did the only thing they could do: THEY VOTED TO CENSURE THE UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR COMMITTING FELONY PERJURY UNDER OATH BEFORE CONGRESS, MAKING HOLDER THE 1ST U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CABINET MEMBER / U.S. A.G. IN HISTORY TO BE CENSURED:

The most relevant comparison: In a bipartisan vote, 17 House Democrats joined the Republican majority in 2012 to hold then-Attorney General Eric Holder in criminal contempt of Congress for not providing thousands of pages of documents regarding Operation Fast and Furious, a serious scandal for the Obama administration.

More Democrats, a total of 21, joined Republicans to find Holder in civil contempt. Two Republicans voted against the criminal contempt citation.

- As Democrats Threaten Barr, a Look Back at Holder’s Contempt Charge

At some point someone has to step up and call what the Democrats have been doing for going on 4 years now what it is: SEDITION AND TREASON.


Um....... yeah, I got nothing.

You frighten me
Um....... yeah, I got nothing. You frighten me
I know, snowflake. The very fact that documented, recorded, reported evidence of Democrat crimes and treason and even video-taped confessions by Democrats 'frightens' you is WHY your kind - fragile, easily-offended, easily-frightened Liberals / Democrats who run to their 'safe spaces' - are referred to as 'snowflakes'.


Um....... yeah, I got nothing. You frighten me
I know, snowflake. The very fact that documented, recorded, reported evidence of Democrat crimes and treason and even video-taped confessions by Democrats 'frightens' you is WHY your kind - fragile, easily-offended, easily-frightened Liberals / Democrats who run to their 'safe spaces' - are referred to as 'snowflakes'.



Be nice. (wink)

You frighten me because you would dismiss the law of the land and recite past situations to justify your reasons for advocating breaking the law.

For those of us who have actually taken the oath to uphold the Constitution we understand how detrimental the current Administration's strategy can be long term for the country.
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