Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

He's smart. He will wait till all the evidence one way or another is in.

Only a lefty loon like you would call that stone walling.
His Department HAS part of that evidence. It is not his place to say he won't provide the information to Congress. They are co-equal branches and he does not have more power than Congress.
He is stonewalling and it makes him look guilty as sin. "I haven't read the transcript so I can't comment." He was IN on the call. Lying sack of shit is what he is. One of Trump's goons.
I wonder who's goons murdered Epstein in his jail cell?
Which goons kicked down Manafort's door and stole and destroyed evidence of Democrat's corruption in Ukraine?
Who's goons are claiming to be whistleblowers and are being protected by Democrats?
Who's goons are in Portland screaming at the top of their lungs at 76 year old grandmas with their walkers when they try to cross the street?
He's smart. He will wait till all the evidence one way or another is in.

Only a lefty loon like you would call that stone walling.
His Department HAS part of that evidence. It is not his place to say he won't provide the information to Congress. They are co-equal branches and he does not have more power than Congress.
He is stonewalling and it makes him look guilty as sin. "I haven't read the transcript so I can't comment." He was IN on the call. Lying sack of shit is what he is. One of Trump's goons.
I wonder who's goons murdered Epstein in his jail cell?
Which goons kicked down Manafort's door and stole and destroyed evidence of Democrat's corruption in Ukraine?
Who's goons are claiming to be whistleblowers and are being protected by Democrats?
Who's goons are in Portland screaming at the top of their lungs at 76 year old grandmas with their walkers when they try to cross the street?
Evidence of any of this?
Dems trying to deny State Dept employees from having legal counsel is not only disturbing but ILLEGAL. Dems obviously have issues respecting Constitutional rights & the rule of law.
I would like some word from the rubes in the executive branch as to when they will start complying with the laws of the United States. If you are commanded to produce documents, you produce them.

Your selective partisan outrage is duly noted.

President Obama set a new Presidential Administrative record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.

Former Obama U.S. A.G. Eric Holder became the 1st US AG / Presidential Cabinet member in US history to ever be Censured (by a BI-partisan Congress) for Felony Perjury and refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents regarding Fast and Furious.
- Past Attorney General Went Unpunished for Contempt | RealClearPolitics

The FBI publicly declared they had recovered literally THOUSANDS of SUBPOENAED OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS Hillary Clinton attempted to destroy, thereby committing thousands of counts of criminal Obstruction of Justice, from which she was protected by the Obama administration.

In July 2015, Obama's DOJ made it 'Unofficial Rule / Law' that the DOJ could defy subpoenas and withhold requested files / information from the US IG:

"This opinion authorizes DOJ officials to evade audits and investigation of possible misbehavior by claiming that information sought by an IG is protected under the non-disclosure provisions in the Federal Wiretap Act, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act. At its core, this opinion circumvents section 6(a)(1) of the Inspector General Act of 1978, which empowers the IG to access “all” information necessary for audits and investigations of their federal agency."
-- The Obama Administration’s Defiance of Inspectors General—A Faulty Opinion from the Justice Department

ONCE AGAIN, Democrats / snowflakes are accusing others of doing what they have done / do and of being who they have proven themselves to be.

Again, your personal, emotional, partisan selective outrage is duly noted, snowflake.
He's smart. He will wait till all the evidence one way or another is in.

Only a lefty loon like you would call that stone walling.
His Department HAS part of that evidence. It is not his place to say he won't provide the information to Congress. They are co-equal branches and he does not have more power than Congress.
He is stonewalling and it makes him look guilty as sin. "I haven't read the transcript so I can't comment." He was IN on the call. Lying sack of shit is what he is. One of Trump's goons.
I wonder who's goons murdered Epstein in his jail cell?
Which goons kicked down Manafort's door and stole and destroyed evidence of Democrat's corruption in Ukraine?
Who's goons are claiming to be whistleblowers and are being protected by Democrats?
Who's goons are in Portland screaming at the top of their lungs at 76 year old grandmas with their walkers when they try to cross the street?
Evidence of any of this?
Yeah.....they are actual events that are in the news.
I know it's a problem for folks like you to not focus on just Trump....but yes these are actual events.
Esptein was Suicided in his jail cell.....Manafort had his home and apartment broken into by Mueller investigators, a former CIA operative is claiming to be a whistleblower, and Antifa faggots attacked a couple of senior citizens in Portland and were videotaped screaming at them...called them Nazis and other despicable things.
lol... didn't happen. but good luck getting more traction outside your bubble.
You mean you never saw the video where Biden gave the Ukraine 6 hours to comply or swim with the fishes....

Lol have Nancy open the investigation officially like she lied and said she did

Just do it

PS Hunter Biden is hiding in Dubai a non extradition country


You mean you never saw the video where Biden gave the Ukraine 6 hours to comply or swim with the fishes....

^ fake news.

Bidens in Ukraine: An Explainer

Lol have Nancy open the investigation officially like she lied and said she did

^ fake news

pelosi formal inquiry - Google Search

PS Hunter Biden is hiding in Dubai a non extradition country

Look kid I know Nancy said she opened a formal inquiry but she lied as a formal inquiry begins with a vote.

Play on

ummmm.... no. you are either mistaken due to the fake news you swallow - or you are deliberately lying. a formal inquiry needs no 'vote' - it is only to show that the speaker is on board with INVESTIGATING. votes are required within the judiciary committee to go ahead with impeachment proceedings & articles of impeachment are drawn up - then it goes to the floor.

A formal inquiry begins with a vote, in fact the vote is what makes it formal vs informal.
Says who?
So..the stonewalling begins..will it work? Or..will it just pour gas on an already burning fire?
I sense Pompeo may be panicking just a bit..after all...what harm could there be..if all was on the up and up?

Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo fired a broadside at House Democrats on Tuesday, saying State Department officials scheduled to appear this week before committees conducting the impeachment inquiry would not be made available until “we obtain further clarity on these matters.”
The refusal, in a letter to House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.), described the demand for depositions by five officials who played a role in U.S. relations with Ukraine as “an attempt to intimidate, bully, and treat improperly, the distinguished professionals of the Department of State.”
The statements came as Pompeo’s role in the Ukraine investigation broadened with reports that he was a participant in the July 25 call by President Trump to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, which led to the impeachment investigation.

Before that report, first published by The Wall Street Journal, Pompeo had brushed off questions about the incident, saying last week that he had not yet read the transcript of the telephone call released by the White House, or the whistleblower complaint that it sparked.
The committee, along with the House Intelligence and Oversight panels, had requested the five officials to appear for depositions this week and next, to begin Wednesday with Marie Yovanovitch, who was recalled by Pompeo as ambassador to Ukraine in May, prior to the end of her tour.
Other State Department officials scheduled for depositions include Kurt Volker, the administration’s special envoy to Ukraine, wo resigned last week; Deputy Assistant Secretary George Kent; U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland; and State Department Counselor T. Ulrich Brechbuhl."
And then some of them will resign and testify anyway. Like Volker.

Exactly. They cannot ignore subpoenas from Congress, during an impeachment investigation, under orders from anyone, including the President. These clowns are now in official your ass is going to prison territory. Once the official impeachment hearings begin, the President loses the power of the pardon, and none of them are safe. All refusals now are separate charges in the articles of impeachment. I suggest they all read the history of what happened to the clowns that thought they could do the samething during the Nixon impeachment hearings.
You mean you never saw the video where Biden gave the Ukraine 6 hours to comply or swim with the fishes....

Lol have Nancy open the investigation officially like she lied and said she did

Just do it

PS Hunter Biden is hiding in Dubai a non extradition country


You mean you never saw the video where Biden gave the Ukraine 6 hours to comply or swim with the fishes....

^ fake news.

Bidens in Ukraine: An Explainer

Lol have Nancy open the investigation officially like she lied and said she did

^ fake news

pelosi formal inquiry - Google Search

PS Hunter Biden is hiding in Dubai a non extradition country

Look kid I know Nancy said she opened a formal inquiry but she lied as a formal inquiry begins with a vote.

Play on

ummmm.... no. you are either mistaken due to the fake news you swallow - or you are deliberately lying. a formal inquiry needs no 'vote' - it is only to show that the speaker is on board with INVESTIGATING. votes are required within the judiciary committee to go ahead with impeachment proceedings & articles of impeachment are drawn up - then it goes to the floor.

A formal inquiry begins with a vote, in fact the vote is what makes it formal vs informal.
Says who?
Says congressional rules. Nancy said she was doing this but never will because the gop gets to call witnesses too and hunter Biden is number 1
The question is "what can congress do about it?".
How about they start doing their jobs and stop wasting all this time and money?

How be Trump stops violating the law and the Consitution, and stops inviting foreign governments to involve themselves in US elections.
He would have to start before he could stop.

Investigating crimes with video taped evidence isn't involving themselves in an election.

That's not what Trump asked Zelensky to do. There were no crimes that he was investigating. He asked Zelensky to get him the DNC Server from Crowdstrike so he can prove the Russians didn't hack the DNC, and to investigate the Bidens. Both requests are based on conspiracy theories, not facts, and both have been proven to be false by the American intelligence communities.

Trump is asked to Ukrainian President, and apparently other foreign governments, to help his election campaign by investigating American intelligence services. He wants to prove the Mueller investigation was a hoax to take down his presidency. Apparently that investigation of the investigators isn't going well at home. He is begging foreign governments to help him because the CIA, the FBI and the NSA are out to get him.

Trump has already fired every senior official at all of these agenciesi and replaced them with his own people, in some cases more than once. There is no leadership left at the DHS because those people refused to break the law and Trump has fired them, or they've left. This is a corrupt and lawless President who must be removed for the safety and security of the nation.

The Ukrainian phone call is just the cleanest, clearest legal violation, and one that the American people can easily comprehend..
can't wait 'till the state dept IG goes to the hill today to show what he's got.

What he has is an identified politically-partisan, Democrat 2020 Presidential Candidate-supporting, CIA agent - who used to work for fired proven failed coup conspirator, the CIA and Director that admitted to illegally spying on reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices - who was specifically trained in Ukrainian geo-political Ops and was assigned to the WH temporarily filing a Whistle Blower complaint based on 2nd-hand account information and other politically-partisan sources and pushed for it to quickly be sent to Congress, which was NOT how the process worked, according to the Whistle Blower rule / law.

He also has the exposed fact now that he altered that rule for this specific complaint to ensure it went to Congress instead of being kept at the lower level and investigated, as the rule called for in 2nd-hand account complaints.

He should have to answer why he altered the rule / protocol to push an unsubstantiated 2nd-hand account accusation to Congress where he KNEW the Democrats would quickly politicize and weaponize it, claiming it was an 'Impeachable Offense'.

He should also have to answer the question of was he aware of the existing Mutual Law Enforcement and Investigative Assistance treaties between the US and European nations which made what the President did an execution of existing US treaties, not a violation of the law. If he did not know, WHY not? And how can someone be unaware of this yet sit in a position as Inspector General of the Intel agency...

.Anyone who does not immediately see something very wrong with the ICIG's rush to change the rule just to facilitate the Democrats' latest 'Impeachment Collusion Delusion' is being willfully ignorant or false....imho.

Trump hasn't called on the Ukraine to investigate corruption under foreign legal treaties. He asked the President of the Ukraine to help his re-election campaign by finding dirt on his Democratic opponents. And he's using the exact same "Ukrainian corruption" scam on Biden that Putin used previously against a Ukrainian politician who was giving Russia trouble. And he withheld military aid from Zelensky in order to force him to do it.

Both scenarios are illegal. Trump has admitted to doing it. Meaning he confessed on national TV.

So don't tell me he did nothing worng.
Trump hasn't called on the Ukraine to investigate corruption under foreign legal treaties. He asked the President of the Ukraine to help his re-election campaign by finding dirt on his Democratic opponents.

Thank you for your personally politically-biased, Trump-hating, emotional projection / opinion; however, in this case I am forced to agree with EVERY RELEVANT CRIMINAL DIVISION IN THE DOJ WHO INVESTIGATED THIS AND UNANIMOUSLY CONCLUDED NOT ONLY WAS THERE NO CRIME COMMITTED, THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE TO SUGGEST THERE WAS A CRIME COMMITTED.

Welcome to the Butt-hurt Democrat 'Collusion Delusion 2.0 - Ukraine', where you don't have to have legitimate evidence of a crime to attempt to Impeach the President - you just have to have heard your Trump-hating buddies SAY THEY believe the President committed a crime.


"Lost amid the cacophony of condemnation of Trump is the fact that the Criminal Division of the Justice Department examined the official record of the Trump-Zelensky telephone call and concluded there was no crime, not even a violation of campaign finance laws. “All relevant components of the Department agreed with this legal conclusion,” said the Justice Department."

Gregg Jarrett: Trump did NOT commit an impeachable offense on call with Ukraine’s president – Here’s why
So..the stonewalling begins..will it work? Or..will it just pour gas on an already burning fire?
I sense Pompeo may be panicking just a bit..after all...what harm could there be..if all was on the up and up?

Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo fired a broadside at House Democrats on Tuesday, saying State Department officials scheduled to appear this week before committees conducting the impeachment inquiry would not be made available until “we obtain further clarity on these matters.”
The refusal, in a letter to House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.), described the demand for depositions by five officials who played a role in U.S. relations with Ukraine as “an attempt to intimidate, bully, and treat improperly, the distinguished professionals of the Department of State.”
The statements came as Pompeo’s role in the Ukraine investigation broadened with reports that he was a participant in the July 25 call by President Trump to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, which led to the impeachment investigation.

Before that report, first published by The Wall Street Journal, Pompeo had brushed off questions about the incident, saying last week that he had not yet read the transcript of the telephone call released by the White House, or the whistleblower complaint that it sparked.
The committee, along with the House Intelligence and Oversight panels, had requested the five officials to appear for depositions this week and next, to begin Wednesday with Marie Yovanovitch, who was recalled by Pompeo as ambassador to Ukraine in May, prior to the end of her tour.
Other State Department officials scheduled for depositions include Kurt Volker, the administration’s special envoy to Ukraine, wo resigned last week; Deputy Assistant Secretary George Kent; U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland; and State Department Counselor T. Ulrich Brechbuhl."
And then some of them will resign and testify anyway. Like Volker.

Exactly. They cannot ignore subpoenas from Congress, during an impeachment investigation, under orders from anyone, including the President. These clowns are now in official your ass is going to prison territory. Once the official impeachment hearings begin, the President loses the power of the pardon, and none of them are safe. All refusals now are separate charges in the articles of impeachment. I suggest they all read the history of what happened to the clowns that thought they could do the samething during the Nixon impeachment hearings.
Yeah....a good reason to have an up and down vote soon.

Guide to the Constitution
Trump hasn't called on the Ukraine to investigate corruption under foreign legal treaties. He asked the President of the Ukraine to help his re-election campaign by finding dirt on his Democratic opponents.

Thank you for your personally politically-biased, Trump-hating, emotional projection / opinion; however, in this case I am forced to agree with EVERY RELEVANT CRIMINAL DIVISION IN THE DOJ WHO INVESTIGATED THIS AND UNANIMOUSLY CONCLUDED NOT ONLY WAS THERE NO CRIME COMMITTED, THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE TO SUGGEST THERE WAS A CRIME COMMITTED.

Welcome to the Butt-hurt Democrat 'Collusion Delusion 2.0 - Ukraine', where you don't have to have legitimate evidence of a crime to attempt to Impeach the President - you just have to have heard your Trump-hating buddies SAY THEY believe the President committed a crime.


"Lost amid the cacophony of condemnation of Trump is the fact that the Criminal Division of the Justice Department examined the official record of the Trump-Zelensky telephone call and concluded there was no crime, not even a violation of campaign finance laws. “All relevant components of the Department agreed with this legal conclusion,” said the Justice Department."

Gregg Jarrett: Trump did NOT commit an impeachable offense on call with Ukraine’s president – Here’s why

I love how you talk about my "emotional projection" while posting in all caps, with not a single shred of truth to it.

The DOJ did not say there was "NO EVIDENCE TO SUGGEST THERE WAS A CRIME COMMITTED". The DOJ said there was no violation of campaign finance law, because they were only looking at campaign finance violations. Attorney General Barr has already opined that a sitting President cannot be charged with a crime, and Barr is named as being in on these abuses of power, so anything emanating out of the DOJ or the State Department at this juncture is highly suspect.
I love how you talk about my "emotional projection" while posting in all caps, with not a single shred of truth to it.
Snowflake, you just claimed to know exactly what the President of the United States was thinking and what he said during his phone conversation with the Ukraine PM....

...and you completely rejected a report / documented fact w/link by responding with a debunked emotional comment...


(BTW, the transcripts of the conversation showed you don't know what the hell you're talking about....)
I love how you talk about my "emotional projection" while posting in all caps, with not a single shred of truth to it.
Snowflake, you just claimed to know exactly what the President of the United States was thinking and what he said during his phone conversation with the Ukraine PM....

...and you completely rejected a report / documented fact w/link by responding with a debunked emotional comment...


(BTW, the transcripts of the conversation showed you don't know what the hell you're talking about....)

The transcripts of the conversation showed that President Zelensky asked for Javellin missiles, and the next thing out of Trump's mouth was "I need a favour though". Trump then goes on to outline that he needs evidence of two debunked conspiracy theories, and asked the Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden, and to get the DNC server from Crowdstrike. Trump could not have spoken more plainly about what he wanted.

Trump asked for a political favour in exchange for military aid to fight the Russians - aid that Trump was already withholding and aid, paid for by the American people, which was only released to the Ukranians on the day the whistleblowers complaint was made public.

Even if Trump's allegations against Biden weren't a total lie and misrepresentation of the facts of the case, asking for this investigation is a total betrayal of the Constitution of the United States and everything for which it stands. It is naked abuse of power. Now Trump is threatening the whistleblower and calling his Constitutionally based impeachment a coup. This is obstruction.
The transcripts of the conversation showed that President Zelensky asked for Javellin missiles, and the next thing out of Trump's mouth was "I need a favour though". Trump then goes on to outline that he needs evidence of two debunked conspiracy theories, and asked the Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden, and to get the DNC server from Crowdstrike. Trump could not have spoken more plainly about what he wanted.

Trump asked for a political favour in exchange for military aid to fight the Russians - aid that Trump was already withholding and aid, paid for by the American people, which was only released to the Ukranians on the day the whistleblowers complaint was made public.

Even if Trump's allegations against Biden weren't a total lie and misrepresentation of the facts of the case, asking for this investigation is a total betrayal of the Constitution of the United States and everything for which it stands. It is naked abuse of power. Now Trump is threatening the whistleblower and calling his Constitutionally based impeachment a coup. This is obstruction.


You claimed to know what the President was THINKING, what he meant, what his motivation was...you regurgitated the same Trump-hating talking points the prime Minister of Ukraine - whom the President was talking to - claimed NEVER HAPPENED, debunking the 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' false narrative.

You then, to attempt to defend your emotional rant / accusation, completely ignored / rejected the fact that all relevant criminal divisions within the DOJ UNANIMOUSLY agreed not only that there was no crime but there wasn't even any evidence of a potential crime committed by the President.

You inferred that YOU and YOUR expert SECOND-HAND KNOWLEGE of the phone call and what happened overrides the fact that every criminal division in the DOJ UNANIMOUSLY decided that the WB complaint filed by a politically partisan, 2020 DNC Presidential candidate-supporting CIA Agent based on no direct knowledge of what happened and on what they were told by other politically partisan Trump-haters was meritless, was NOT credible, and that no crime was committed.

Thank you SO MUCH for your expertise and your own facts / information that surpasses every expert within the criminal divisions of the DOJ! We are so honored to have you on this board...

Dems trying to deny State Dept employees from having legal counsel is not only disturbing but ILLEGAL. Dems obviously have issues respecting Constitutional rights & the rule of law.
The Democrats are involved in a massive cover-up of the wrongdoing of the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton.
They are guilty of so many crimes it's hard to imagine them.

Simply relating the crimes that Obama and Hillary committed would be laughable.....but they are real and that is the reason for this constant push of impeachment.
You mean you never saw the video where Biden gave the Ukraine 6 hours to comply or swim with the fishes....

^ fake news.

Bidens in Ukraine: An Explainer

Lol have Nancy open the investigation officially like she lied and said she did

^ fake news

pelosi formal inquiry - Google Search

PS Hunter Biden is hiding in Dubai a non extradition country

Look kid I know Nancy said she opened a formal inquiry but she lied as a formal inquiry begins with a vote.

Play on

ummmm.... no. you are either mistaken due to the fake news you swallow - or you are deliberately lying. a formal inquiry needs no 'vote' - it is only to show that the speaker is on board with INVESTIGATING. votes are required within the judiciary committee to go ahead with impeachment proceedings & articles of impeachment are drawn up - then it goes to the floor.

A formal inquiry begins with a vote, in fact the vote is what makes it formal vs informal.
Says who?
Says congressional rules. Nancy said she was doing this but never will because the gop gets to call witnesses too and hunter Biden is number 1
Great, I've been waiting for someone to find that rule. G'head and show me where that rule is...

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives

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