Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

So..the stonewalling begins..will it work? Or..will it just pour gas on an already burning fire?
I sense Pompeo may be panicking just a bit..after all...what harm could there be..if all was on the up and up?

Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo fired a broadside at House Democrats on Tuesday, saying State Department officials scheduled to appear this week before committees conducting the impeachment inquiry would not be made available until “we obtain further clarity on these matters.”
The refusal, in a letter to House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.), described the demand for depositions by five officials who played a role in U.S. relations with Ukraine as “an attempt to intimidate, bully, and treat improperly, the distinguished professionals of the Department of State.”
The statements came as Pompeo’s role in the Ukraine investigation broadened with reports that he was a participant in the July 25 call by President Trump to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, which led to the impeachment investigation.

Before that report, first published by The Wall Street Journal, Pompeo had brushed off questions about the incident, saying last week that he had not yet read the transcript of the telephone call released by the White House, or the whistleblower complaint that it sparked.
The committee, along with the House Intelligence and Oversight panels, had requested the five officials to appear for depositions this week and next, to begin Wednesday with Marie Yovanovitch, who was recalled by Pompeo as ambassador to Ukraine in May, prior to the end of her tour.
Other State Department officials scheduled for depositions include Kurt Volker, the administration’s special envoy to Ukraine, who resigned last week; Deputy Assistant Secretary George Kent; U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland; and State Department Counselor T. Ulrich Brechbuhl."
Becoming quite clear they are hiding crimes.
A formal inquiry begins with a vote, in fact the vote is what makes it formal vs informal.
Says who?
Says congressional rules. Nancy said she was doing this but never will because the gop gets to call witnesses too and hunter Biden is number 1
Great, I've been waiting for someone to find that rule. G'head and show me where that rule is...

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives
Without votes everyone could be doing what they want or not participate. See when a vote passes all members are required to participate, and when there is a vote both sides get subpoena power.

Faun face it you can win nothing here, but thanks for participating in this charade to re elect the don
I gave you a link to the rules where you said there's a rule about how the House has to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Where is it? Either you can quote the rule you're talking about from that link or you're exposed as trying to bullshit the forum.

Which is it?

I already know which it is. :mm:
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock
Last edited:
Remember when Barr refused to participate in non legal Democrat demands and they jumped to the “he’s hiding something”?
Commies -failure to embrace witch hunts and failure to set oneself on fire, failure to prove oneself innocent , are not indicators of guilt in this free land we live in.
Just consider this Trumpians. Sec. Clinton cooperated with Trey Gowdy's never ending Benghazi hearings.

I guess rules for the Teump mob are different.
Sure she did....that's why she took a hammer to her cell phones and destroyed them.
The Secret Service reported a fire at Hillary's home in an out-building because they were probably burning documents indoors.
She also used a process called Bleachbit...to destroy the main drive on her illegal servers.
She claimed not to recall important events over a hundred times during her grilling while under oath for 11 hours.
So if this is cooperation then Trump is leaps and bounds more cooperative than Hillary.
What Hillary did was mishandle TS information, she obstructed justice, and she destroyed evidence.

Any one of these crimes would be enough to impeach Trump and nobody could argue against it.

Hillary's server was NEVER illegal. That's a flat out lie. The law forbidding the use of a private server was passed AFTER she left office.

If you were asked specific questions about mundane things that happened 5 years ago, could you recall every detail.

Trump was afraid to sit for an interview because he's incapable of telling the truth. Trump stonewalls everything.

There wasn't a single crime in any of it. That was a Republican lie. No charges from the Republican FBI. Several investigations since 2016 have come up with NOTHING. The Huber investigation went nowhere. More than 20 investigations over the past, 35 plus years.

When are you going to clue into the fact that Republicans have been lying to you about the Clintons? There is not and has never been crimes committed by the Clintons? 20 plus investigations. $100 billion investigating them and what you have is a lie about a blow job.

You believe all of Trump's lies without question. When someone lies to you, they're telling you that you're stupid, to you face. They saying you're too stupid to see through their dishonesty. The Republican Party is lying, as is the President and his top officials.

Trump is now obstructing the impeachment, or attempting to.

Last edited:
Says who?
Says congressional rules. Nancy said she was doing this but never will because the gop gets to call witnesses too and hunter Biden is number 1
Great, I've been waiting for someone to find that rule. G'head and show me where that rule is...

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives
Without votes everyone could be doing what they want or not participate. See when a vote passes all members are required to participate, and when there is a vote both sides get subpoena power.

Faun face it you can win nothing here, but thanks for participating in this charade to re elect the don
I gave you a link to the rules where you said there's a rule about how the House has to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Where is it? Either you can quote the rule you're talking about from that link or you're exposed as trying to bullshit the forum.

Which is it?

I already know which it is. :mm:
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock

You said there's a House rule.

House rules on impeachment are all defined here...

If it's not there, you're full of shit.

Says congressional rules. Nancy said she was doing this but never will because the gop gets to call witnesses too and hunter Biden is number 1
Great, I've been waiting for someone to find that rule. G'head and show me where that rule is...

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives
Without votes everyone could be doing what they want or not participate. See when a vote passes all members are required to participate, and when there is a vote both sides get subpoena power.

Faun face it you can win nothing here, but thanks for participating in this charade to re elect the don
I gave you a link to the rules where you said there's a rule about how the House has to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Where is it? Either you can quote the rule you're talking about from that link or you're exposed as trying to bullshit the forum.

Which is it?

I already know which it is. :mm:
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock

You said there's a House rule.

House rules on impeachment are all defined here...

If it's not there, you're full of shit.

Your download can be tracked back to the downloader

Jason Bourne 101

Try again little girl

So, you want to be next? Just ask, your wish is on command

He he he
Last edited:
Says who?
Says congressional rules. Nancy said she was doing this but never will because the gop gets to call witnesses too and hunter Biden is number 1
Great, I've been waiting for someone to find that rule. G'head and show me where that rule is...

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives
Without votes everyone could be doing what they want or not participate. See when a vote passes all members are required to participate, and when there is a vote both sides get subpoena power.

Faun face it you can win nothing here, but thanks for participating in this charade to re elect the don
I gave you a link to the rules where you said there's a rule about how the House has to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Where is it? Either you can quote the rule you're talking about from that link or you're exposed as trying to bullshit the forum.

Which is it?

I already know which it is. :mm:
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock

The last time I looked, Donald Trump had Attorney General, William Barr, and the entire power of the Justice Department and the courts behind him. If they have any evidence whatsoever that either of the Bidens have behaved in an illegal manner, why haven't THEY opened an investigation, convened a Grand Jury, and asked judges for search warrants and supoenas?

Instead, this president is spreading alt-right conspiracy theories and lies. Biden didn't ask the Ukraines to fire the prosecutor because he was investigating Hunter Biden's company, he asked that the man be fired because NATO, the IMF, and the Obama Administration ordered him to do it. That's a fact that cannot be disputed by Trump.

This whole smear scam was run by Putin in the Ukraine on another politician, and she's currently in jail for corruption, after the Russians manufactured evidence that she was corrupt. Rudy Guiliani last night was waving around papers purporting to be evidence against the Biden's and it was a deposition by the same guy who's false affidavits were used as evidence in this woman's case.

Putin is very supportive of Trump in his call to the Ukraine. Why is that? They were talking about giving missiles to the Ukrainians in their war against Russia. Why would Putin be happy that Americans are helping the Ukrainians defeat Russia?
Says congressional rules. Nancy said she was doing this but never will because the gop gets to call witnesses too and hunter Biden is number 1
Great, I've been waiting for someone to find that rule. G'head and show me where that rule is...

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives
Without votes everyone could be doing what they want or not participate. See when a vote passes all members are required to participate, and when there is a vote both sides get subpoena power.

Faun face it you can win nothing here, but thanks for participating in this charade to re elect the don
I gave you a link to the rules where you said there's a rule about how the House has to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Where is it? Either you can quote the rule you're talking about from that link or you're exposed as trying to bullshit the forum.

Which is it?

I already know which it is. :mm:
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock

The last time I looked, Donald Trump had Attorney General, William Barr, and the entire power of the Justice Department and the courts behind him. If they have any evidence whatsoever that either of the Bidens have behaved in an illegal manner, why haven't THEY opened an investigation, convened a Grand Jury, and asked judges for search warrants and supoenas?

Instead, this president is spreading alt-right conspiracy theories and lies. Biden didn't ask the Ukraines to fire the prosecutor because he was investigating Hunter Biden's company, he asked that the man be fired because NATO, the IMF, and the Obama Administration ordered him to do it. That's a fact that cannot be disputed by Trump.

This whole smear scam was run by Putin in the Ukraine on another politician, and she's currently in jail for corruption, after the Russians manufactured evidence that she was corrupt. Rudy Guiliani last night was waving around papers purporting to be evidence against the Biden's and it was a deposition by the same guy who's false affidavits were used as evidence in this woman's case.

Putin is very supportive of Trump in his call to the Ukraine. Why is that? They were talking about giving missiles to the Ukrainians in their war against Russia. Why would Putin be happy that Americans are helping the Ukrainians defeat Russia?
They have opened an investigation. In fact trump was investigating during the call

Take another puff snowflake
There are no such things as impeachment depositions. The democrats in the House made it up thus Fake which is no surprise.

A deposition can be given in any legal proceeding. Hence if a deposition is given regardiing an impeachment, it becomes an impeachment deposition.
House members and body itself cannot declare a “crime” and legally require people to show up to prove their innocence. It’s just more witch hunting 101

Read your Constitution. It’s really clear on how you remove a corrupt President. The definition of impeachable offences is “High Crimes and Misdemeanours”. It doesn’t include the word “Statute” anywhere. Congress can literally call the President to impeachment for any reason they choose.

The Founders were best shit crazy about foreign influence on American politics. It was their greatest fear. Trump has checked every box of a corrupt and criminal President. His behaviour is a danger to the country.
Great, I've been waiting for someone to find that rule. G'head and show me where that rule is...

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives
Without votes everyone could be doing what they want or not participate. See when a vote passes all members are required to participate, and when there is a vote both sides get subpoena power.

Faun face it you can win nothing here, but thanks for participating in this charade to re elect the don
I gave you a link to the rules where you said there's a rule about how the House has to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Where is it? Either you can quote the rule you're talking about from that link or you're exposed as trying to bullshit the forum.

Which is it?

I already know which it is. :mm:
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock

The last time I looked, Donald Trump had Attorney General, William Barr, and the entire power of the Justice Department and the courts behind him. If they have any evidence whatsoever that either of the Bidens have behaved in an illegal manner, why haven't THEY opened an investigation, convened a Grand Jury, and asked judges for search warrants and supoenas?

Instead, this president is spreading alt-right conspiracy theories and lies. Biden didn't ask the Ukraines to fire the prosecutor because he was investigating Hunter Biden's company, he asked that the man be fired because NATO, the IMF, and the Obama Administration ordered him to do it. That's a fact that cannot be disputed by Trump.

This whole smear scam was run by Putin in the Ukraine on another politician, and she's currently in jail for corruption, after the Russians manufactured evidence that she was corrupt. Rudy Guiliani last night was waving around papers purporting to be evidence against the Biden's and it was a deposition by the same guy who's false affidavits were used as evidence in this woman's case.

Putin is very supportive of Trump in his call to the Ukraine. Why is that? They were talking about giving missiles to the Ukrainians in their war against Russia. Why would Putin be happy that Americans are helping the Ukrainians defeat Russia?
They have opened an investigation. In fact trump was investigating during the call

Take another puff snowflake

The investigate was years ago, and there was nothing found. If they were doing nothing wrong in that phone call, why the super secret coverup? Why lie about it?
Without votes everyone could be doing what they want or not participate. See when a vote passes all members are required to participate, and when there is a vote both sides get subpoena power.

Faun face it you can win nothing here, but thanks for participating in this charade to re elect the don
I gave you a link to the rules where you said there's a rule about how the House has to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Where is it? Either you can quote the rule you're talking about from that link or you're exposed as trying to bullshit the forum.

Which is it?

I already know which it is. :mm:
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock

The last time I looked, Donald Trump had Attorney General, William Barr, and the entire power of the Justice Department and the courts behind him. If they have any evidence whatsoever that either of the Bidens have behaved in an illegal manner, why haven't THEY opened an investigation, convened a Grand Jury, and asked judges for search warrants and supoenas?

Instead, this president is spreading alt-right conspiracy theories and lies. Biden didn't ask the Ukraines to fire the prosecutor because he was investigating Hunter Biden's company, he asked that the man be fired because NATO, the IMF, and the Obama Administration ordered him to do it. That's a fact that cannot be disputed by Trump.

This whole smear scam was run by Putin in the Ukraine on another politician, and she's currently in jail for corruption, after the Russians manufactured evidence that she was corrupt. Rudy Guiliani last night was waving around papers purporting to be evidence against the Biden's and it was a deposition by the same guy who's false affidavits were used as evidence in this woman's case.

Putin is very supportive of Trump in his call to the Ukraine. Why is that? They were talking about giving missiles to the Ukrainians in their war against Russia. Why would Putin be happy that Americans are helping the Ukrainians defeat Russia?
They have opened an investigation. In fact trump was investigating during the call

Take another puff snowflake

The investigate was years ago, and there was nothing found. If they were doing nothing wrong in that phone call, why the super secret coverup? Why lie about it?
Yea like Obama investigated it.

Barr is investigating this now, thanks to the whistleblower


Were you born dumb or did you go to Harvard?
Great, I've been waiting for someone to find that rule. G'head and show me where that rule is...

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives
Without votes everyone could be doing what they want or not participate. See when a vote passes all members are required to participate, and when there is a vote both sides get subpoena power.

Faun face it you can win nothing here, but thanks for participating in this charade to re elect the don
I gave you a link to the rules where you said there's a rule about how the House has to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Where is it? Either you can quote the rule you're talking about from that link or you're exposed as trying to bullshit the forum.

Which is it?

I already know which it is. :mm:
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock

You said there's a House rule.

House rules on impeachment are all defined here...

If it's not there, you're full of shit.

Your download can be tracked back to the downloader

Jason Bourne 101

Try again little girl

So, you want to be next? Just ask, your wish is on command

He he he

Quote the rule or you're lying....
Without votes everyone could be doing what they want or not participate. See when a vote passes all members are required to participate, and when there is a vote both sides get subpoena power.

Faun face it you can win nothing here, but thanks for participating in this charade to re elect the don
I gave you a link to the rules where you said there's a rule about how the House has to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Where is it? Either you can quote the rule you're talking about from that link or you're exposed as trying to bullshit the forum.

Which is it?

I already know which it is. :mm:
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock

The last time I looked, Donald Trump had Attorney General, William Barr, and the entire power of the Justice Department and the courts behind him. If they have any evidence whatsoever that either of the Bidens have behaved in an illegal manner, why haven't THEY opened an investigation, convened a Grand Jury, and asked judges for search warrants and supoenas?

Instead, this president is spreading alt-right conspiracy theories and lies. Biden didn't ask the Ukraines to fire the prosecutor because he was investigating Hunter Biden's company, he asked that the man be fired because NATO, the IMF, and the Obama Administration ordered him to do it. That's a fact that cannot be disputed by Trump.

This whole smear scam was run by Putin in the Ukraine on another politician, and she's currently in jail for corruption, after the Russians manufactured evidence that she was corrupt. Rudy Guiliani last night was waving around papers purporting to be evidence against the Biden's and it was a deposition by the same guy who's false affidavits were used as evidence in this woman's case.

Putin is very supportive of Trump in his call to the Ukraine. Why is that? They were talking about giving missiles to the Ukrainians in their war against Russia. Why would Putin be happy that Americans are helping the Ukrainians defeat Russia?
They have opened an investigation. In fact trump was investigating during the call

Take another puff snowflake

The investigate was years ago, and there was nothing found. If they were doing nothing wrong in that phone call, why the super secret coverup? Why lie about it?
And the investigation was for purported corruption between 2010-2012, years before Hunter Biden worked there.

Righties are batshit crazy.
Without votes everyone could be doing what they want or not participate. See when a vote passes all members are required to participate, and when there is a vote both sides get subpoena power.

Faun face it you can win nothing here, but thanks for participating in this charade to re elect the don
I gave you a link to the rules where you said there's a rule about how the House has to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Where is it? Either you can quote the rule you're talking about from that link or you're exposed as trying to bullshit the forum.

Which is it?

I already know which it is. :mm:
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock

You said there's a House rule.

House rules on impeachment are all defined here...

If it's not there, you're full of shit.

Your download can be tracked back to the downloader

Jason Bourne 101

Try again little girl

So, you want to be next? Just ask, your wish is on command

He he he

Quote the rule or you're lying....
So I am lying if I do not do what you demand.

Sounds like schizophrenic ally induced delusions of grandeur

Delusion of Grandeur

Looks like yer hero obooba
I gave you a link to the rules where you said there's a rule about how the House has to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Where is it? Either you can quote the rule you're talking about from that link or you're exposed as trying to bullshit the forum.

Which is it?

I already know which it is. :mm:
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock

The last time I looked, Donald Trump had Attorney General, William Barr, and the entire power of the Justice Department and the courts behind him. If they have any evidence whatsoever that either of the Bidens have behaved in an illegal manner, why haven't THEY opened an investigation, convened a Grand Jury, and asked judges for search warrants and supoenas?

Instead, this president is spreading alt-right conspiracy theories and lies. Biden didn't ask the Ukraines to fire the prosecutor because he was investigating Hunter Biden's company, he asked that the man be fired because NATO, the IMF, and the Obama Administration ordered him to do it. That's a fact that cannot be disputed by Trump.

This whole smear scam was run by Putin in the Ukraine on another politician, and she's currently in jail for corruption, after the Russians manufactured evidence that she was corrupt. Rudy Guiliani last night was waving around papers purporting to be evidence against the Biden's and it was a deposition by the same guy who's false affidavits were used as evidence in this woman's case.

Putin is very supportive of Trump in his call to the Ukraine. Why is that? They were talking about giving missiles to the Ukrainians in their war against Russia. Why would Putin be happy that Americans are helping the Ukrainians defeat Russia?
They have opened an investigation. In fact trump was investigating during the call

Take another puff snowflake

The investigate was years ago, and there was nothing found. If they were doing nothing wrong in that phone call, why the super secret coverup? Why lie about it?
And the investigation was for purported corruption between 2010-2012, years before Hunter Biden worked there.

Righties are batshit crazy.
Then why is hunter Biden hiding out in Dubai today
I gave you a link to the rules where you said there's a rule about how the House has to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Where is it? Either you can quote the rule you're talking about from that link or you're exposed as trying to bullshit the forum.

Which is it?

I already know which it is. :mm:
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock

You said there's a House rule.

House rules on impeachment are all defined here...

If it's not there, you're full of shit.

Your download can be tracked back to the downloader

Jason Bourne 101

Try again little girl

So, you want to be next? Just ask, your wish is on command

He he he

Quote the rule or you're lying....
So I am lying if I do not do what you demand.

Sounds like schizophrenic ally induced delusions of grandeur

Delusion of Grandeur

Looks like yer hero obooba
No, putz, you are lying because even after being given a link to the House rules, you still can't prove your claim about House rules is in there.

Making your claim, that the House has to vote on authorizing an impeachment inquiry -- a bald faced lie.
Just consider this Trumpians. Sec. Clinton cooperated with Trey Gowdy's never ending Benghazi hearings.

I guess rules for the Teump mob are different.
Sure she did....that's why she took a hammer to her cell phones and destroyed them.
The Secret Service reported a fire at Hillary's home in an out-building because they were probably burning documents indoors.
She also used a process called Bleachbit...to destroy the main drive on her illegal servers.
She claimed not to recall important events over a hundred times during her grilling while under oath for 11 hours.
So if this is cooperation then Trump is leaps and bounds more cooperative than Hillary.
What Hillary did was mishandle TS information, she obstructed justice, and she destroyed evidence.

Any one of these crimes would be enough to impeach Trump and nobody could argue against it.

Hillary's server was NEVER illegal. That's a flat out lie. The law forbidding the use of a private server was passed AFTER she left office.

If you were asked specific questions about mundane things that happened 5 years ago, could you recall every detail.

Trump was afraid to sit for an interview because he's incapable of telling the truth. Trump stonewalls everything.

There wasn't a single crime in any of it. That was a Republican lie. No charges from the Republican FBI. Several investigations since 2016 have come up with NOTHING. The Huber investigation went nowhere. More than 20 investigations over the past, 35 plus years.

When are you going to clue into the fact that Republicans have been lying to you about the Clintons? There is not and has never been crimes committed by the Clintons? 20 plus investigations. $100 billion investigating them and what you have is a lie about a blow job.

You believe all of Trump's lies without question. When someone lies to you, they're telling you that you're stupid, to you face. They saying you're too stupid to see through their dishonesty. The Republican Party is lying, as is the President and his top officials.

Trump is now obstructing the impeachment, or attempting to.


Hillary had a legal private server which everyone in government knew about. There were no illegal activities uncovered. All of the money the Foundation received was reported and audited, and nothing illegal, no pay for play, bo bribery or illegal schemes were uncovered.

No witnesses, no evidence, no crimes. No one who shouldn't have received her emails got hands on them.

You screaming it in bold caps in giant fonts, isn't going to make these Republicans lies about the Clintons true.
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock

The last time I looked, Donald Trump had Attorney General, William Barr, and the entire power of the Justice Department and the courts behind him. If they have any evidence whatsoever that either of the Bidens have behaved in an illegal manner, why haven't THEY opened an investigation, convened a Grand Jury, and asked judges for search warrants and supoenas?

Instead, this president is spreading alt-right conspiracy theories and lies. Biden didn't ask the Ukraines to fire the prosecutor because he was investigating Hunter Biden's company, he asked that the man be fired because NATO, the IMF, and the Obama Administration ordered him to do it. That's a fact that cannot be disputed by Trump.

This whole smear scam was run by Putin in the Ukraine on another politician, and she's currently in jail for corruption, after the Russians manufactured evidence that she was corrupt. Rudy Guiliani last night was waving around papers purporting to be evidence against the Biden's and it was a deposition by the same guy who's false affidavits were used as evidence in this woman's case.

Putin is very supportive of Trump in his call to the Ukraine. Why is that? They were talking about giving missiles to the Ukrainians in their war against Russia. Why would Putin be happy that Americans are helping the Ukrainians defeat Russia?
They have opened an investigation. In fact trump was investigating during the call

Take another puff snowflake

The investigate was years ago, and there was nothing found. If they were doing nothing wrong in that phone call, why the super secret coverup? Why lie about it?
And the investigation was for purported corruption between 2010-2012, years before Hunter Biden worked there.

Righties are batshit crazy.
Then why is hunter Biden hiding out in Dubai today
Who says he's "hiding out?"

Oh, wait... you do. And you were just caught lying that House rules state the House has to vote on to authorize an impeachment inquiry.
Look kid, no law rule or regulation is real or not real based on whether I list it here.

Seriously you are quite infantile.

But amusing

Again no Democrat has the balls to open a formal inquiry which would give the gop subpoena power to knock on Bidens door

Knock knock

You said there's a House rule.

House rules on impeachment are all defined here...

If it's not there, you're full of shit.

Your download can be tracked back to the downloader

Jason Bourne 101

Try again little girl

So, you want to be next? Just ask, your wish is on command

He he he

Quote the rule or you're lying....
So I am lying if I do not do what you demand.

Sounds like schizophrenic ally induced delusions of grandeur

Delusion of Grandeur

Looks like yer hero obooba
No, putz, you are lying because even after being given a link to the House rules, you still can't prove your claim about House rules is in there.

Making your claim, that the House has to vote on authorizing an impeachment inquiry -- a bald faced lie.
You never gave me a link to house rules since I have the brains not to click the Adobe java file....

JFK had brains once you know, you want to see it?

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