Pompeo says State Dept. officials won’t show up for scheduled impeachment depositions this week

Look kid I know Nancy said she opened a formal inquiry but she lied as a formal inquiry begins with a vote.

Play on

ummmm.... no. you are either mistaken due to the fake news you swallow - or you are deliberately lying. a formal inquiry needs no 'vote' - it is only to show that the speaker is on board with INVESTIGATING. votes are required within the judiciary committee to go ahead with impeachment proceedings & articles of impeachment are drawn up - then it goes to the floor.

A formal inquiry begins with a vote, in fact the vote is what makes it formal vs informal.
Says who?
Says congressional rules. Nancy said she was doing this but never will because the gop gets to call witnesses too and hunter Biden is number 1
Great, I've been waiting for someone to find that rule. G'head and show me where that rule is...

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives
Without votes everyone could be doing what they want or not participate. See when a vote passes all members are required to participate, and when there is a vote both sides get subpoena power.

Faun face it you can win nothing here, but thanks for participating in this charade to re elect the don
I love how you talk about my "emotional projection" while posting in all caps, with not a single shred of truth to it.
Snowflake, you just claimed to know exactly what the President of the United States was thinking and what he said during his phone conversation with the Ukraine PM....

...and you completely rejected a report / documented fact w/link by responding with a debunked emotional comment...


(BTW, the transcripts of the conversation showed you don't know what the hell you're talking about....)

The transcripts of the conversation showed that President Zelensky asked for Javellin missiles, and the next thing out of Trump's mouth was "I need a favour though". Trump then goes on to outline that he needs evidence of two debunked conspiracy theories, and asked the Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden, and to get the DNC server from Crowdstrike. Trump could not have spoken more plainly about what he wanted.

Trump asked for a political favour in exchange for military aid to fight the Russians - aid that Trump was already withholding and aid, paid for by the American people, which was only released to the Ukranians on the day the whistleblowers complaint was made public.

Even if Trump's allegations against Biden weren't a total lie and misrepresentation of the facts of the case, asking for this investigation is a total betrayal of the Constitution of the United States and everything for which it stands. It is naked abuse of power. Now Trump is threatening the whistleblower and calling his Constitutionally based impeachment a coup. This is obstruction.

Not true, that's a false spin being spread.

This is what he actually said;

The· President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike. ...... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has.it There-are a lot. of things that went on, the· :whole situation .. I think you' re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I .would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you said yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller an incompetent performance-, _but they. say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, ·it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

He asked him to look in an international crime committed on our country.
All of our Presidents have this right to work with other countries on a international crime committed on the USA

Notice he said us?
Not do me a favor.

Just consider this Trumpians. Sec. Clinton cooperated with Trey Gowdy's never ending Benghazi hearings.

I guess rules for the Teump mob are different.
Sure she did....that's why she took a hammer to her cell phones and destroyed them.
The Secret Service reported a fire at Hillary's home in an out-building because they were probably burning documents indoors.
She also used a process called Bleachbit...to destroy the main drive on her illegal servers.
She claimed not to recall important events over a hundred times during her grilling while under oath for 11 hours.
So if this is cooperation then Trump is leaps and bounds more cooperative than Hillary.
What Hillary did was mishandle TS information, she obstructed justice, and she destroyed evidence.

Any one of these crimes would be enough to impeach Trump and nobody could argue against it.
Just consider this Trumpians. Sec. Clinton cooperated with Trey Gowdy's never ending Benghazi hearings.

I guess rules for the Teump mob are different.
Sure she did....that's why she took a hammer to her cell phones and destroyed them.
The Secret Service reported a fire at Hillary's home in an out-building because they were probably burning documents indoors.
She also used a process called Bleachbit...to destroy the main drive on her illegal servers.
She claimed not to recall important events over a hundred times during her grilling while under oath for 11 hours.
So if this is cooperation then Trump is leaps and bounds more cooperative than Hillary.
What Hillary did was mishandle TS information, she obstructed justice, and she destroyed evidence.

Any one of these crimes would be enough to impeach Trump and nobody could argue against it.
She learned well from the master blaster
ummmm.... no. you are either mistaken due to the fake news you swallow - or you are deliberately lying. a formal inquiry needs no 'vote' - it is only to show that the speaker is on board with INVESTIGATING. votes are required within the judiciary committee to go ahead with impeachment proceedings & articles of impeachment are drawn up - then it goes to the floor.

A formal inquiry begins with a vote, in fact the vote is what makes it formal vs informal.
Says who?
Says congressional rules. Nancy said she was doing this but never will because the gop gets to call witnesses too and hunter Biden is number 1
Great, I've been waiting for someone to find that rule. G'head and show me where that rule is...

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives
Without votes everyone could be doing what they want or not participate. See when a vote passes all members are required to participate, and when there is a vote both sides get subpoena power.

Faun face it you can win nothing here, but thanks for participating in this charade to re elect the don
I gave you a link to the rules where you said there's a rule about how the House has to vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Where is it? Either you can quote the rule you're talking about from that link or you're exposed as trying to bullshit the forum.

Which is it?

I already know which it is. :mm:
Just consider this Trumpians. Sec. Clinton cooperated with Trey Gowdy's never ending Benghazi hearings.

I guess rules for the Teump mob are different.
Sure she did....that's why she took a hammer to her cell phones and destroyed them.
The Secret Service reported a fire at Hillary's home in an out-building because they were probably burning documents indoors.
She also used a process called Bleachbit...to destroy the main drive on her illegal servers.
She claimed not to recall important events over a hundred times during her grilling while under oath for 11 hours.
So if this is cooperation then Trump is leaps and bounds more cooperative than Hillary.
What Hillary did was mishandle TS information, she obstructed justice, and she destroyed evidence.

Any one of these crimes would be enough to impeach Trump and nobody could argue against it.
Bummer, dude! Looks like elections matter!

Remember how you've been running around for almost 3 years, reminding everyone that Trump won?

Well,looks like you get to take your medicine, now. No crying allowed!
I love how you talk about my "emotional projection" while posting in all caps, with not a single shred of truth to it.
Snowflake, you just claimed to know exactly what the President of the United States was thinking and what he said during his phone conversation with the Ukraine PM....

...and you completely rejected a report / documented fact w/link by responding with a debunked emotional comment...


(BTW, the transcripts of the conversation showed you don't know what the hell you're talking about....)

The transcripts of the conversation showed that President Zelensky asked for Javellin missiles, and the next thing out of Trump's mouth was "I need a favour though". Trump then goes on to outline that he needs evidence of two debunked conspiracy theories, and asked the Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden, and to get the DNC server from Crowdstrike. Trump could not have spoken more plainly about what he wanted.

Trump asked for a political favour in exchange for military aid to fight the Russians - aid that Trump was already withholding and aid, paid for by the American people, which was only released to the Ukranians on the day the whistleblowers complaint was made public.

Even if Trump's allegations against Biden weren't a total lie and misrepresentation of the facts of the case, asking for this investigation is a total betrayal of the Constitution of the United States and everything for which it stands. It is naked abuse of power. Now Trump is threatening the whistleblower and calling his Constitutionally based impeachment a coup. This is obstruction.

Not true, that's a false spin being spread.

This is what he actually said;

The· President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike. ...... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has.it There-are a lot. of things that went on, the· :whole situation .. I think you' re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I .would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you said yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller an incompetent performance-, _but they. say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, ·it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

He asked him to look in an international crime committed on our country.
All of our Presidents have this right to work with other countries on a international crime committed on the USA

Notice he said us?
Not do me a favor.

You left out "the other thing."

"The other thing, here’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great."

So now we see that in order for trump to provide military support for Ukraine, their president has to investigate one of trump's political rivals.
There are no such things as impeachment depositions. The democrats in the House made it up thus Fake which is no surprise.
Just consider this Trumpians. Sec. Clinton cooperated with Trey Gowdy's never ending Benghazi hearings.

I guess rules for the Teump mob are different.
Sure she did....that's why she took a hammer to her cell phones and destroyed them.
The Secret Service reported a fire at Hillary's home in an out-building because they were probably burning documents indoors.
She also used a process called Bleachbit...to destroy the main drive on her illegal servers.
She claimed not to recall important events over a hundred times during her grilling while under oath for 11 hours.
So if this is cooperation then Trump is leaps and bounds more cooperative than Hillary.
What Hillary did was mishandle TS information, she obstructed justice, and she destroyed evidence.

Any one of these crimes would be enough to impeach Trump and nobody could argue against it.

Hillary's server was NEVER illegal. That's a flat out lie. The law forbidding the use of a private server was passed AFTER she left office.

If you were asked specific questions about mundane things that happened 5 years ago, could you recall every detail.

Trump was afraid to sit for an interview because he's incapable of telling the truth. Trump stonewalls everything.

There wasn't a single crime in any of it. That was a Republican lie. No charges from the Republican FBI. Several investigations since 2016 have come up with NOTHING. The Huber investigation went nowhere. More than 20 investigations over the past, 35 plus years.

When are you going to clue into the fact that Republicans have been lying to you about the Clintons? There is not and has never been crimes committed by the Clintons? 20 plus investigations. $100 billion investigating them and what you have is a lie about a blow job.

You believe all of Trump's lies without question. When someone lies to you, they're telling you that you're stupid, to you face. They saying you're too stupid to see through their dishonesty. The Republican Party is lying, as is the President and his top officials.

Trump is now obstructing the impeachment, or attempting to.
There are no such things as impeachment depositions. The democrats in the House made it up thus Fake which is no surprise.

A deposition can be given in any legal proceeding. Hence if a deposition is given regardiing an impeachment, it becomes an impeachment deposition.
There are no such things as impeachment depositions. The democrats in the House made it up thus Fake which is no surprise.

A deposition can be given in any legal proceeding. Hence if a deposition is given regardiing an impeachment, it becomes an impeachment deposition.
House members and body itself cannot declare a “crime” and legally require people to show up to prove their innocence. It’s just more witch hunting 101
There are no such things as impeachment depositions. The democrats in the House made it up thus Fake which is no surprise.

A deposition can be given in any legal proceeding. Hence if a deposition is given regardiing an impeachment, it becomes an impeachment deposition.
House members and body itself cannot declare a “crime” and legally require people to show up to prove their innocence. It’s just more witch hunting 101
More delusion....
There are no such things as impeachment depositions. The democrats in the House made it up thus Fake which is no surprise.
Ha, interesting, desperate new talking point...
Release of fact. You need to hide from that.
No, desperate trumpkin delusion
As usual, cant refute so name call.
No need to refute. It is self evidently horseshit. Have fun watching all the stuff you claim is impossible. How frustrating it must be for you and your fantasies.
There are no such things as impeachment depositions. The democrats in the House made it up thus Fake which is no surprise.
Ha, interesting, desperate new talking point...
Release of fact. You need to hide from that.
No, desperate trumpkin delusion
As usual, cant refute so name call.
No need to refute. It is self evidently horseshit. Have fun watching all the stuff you claim is impossible. How frustrating it must be for you and your fantasies.
There will be no one there because there is no legal requirement to be there. Failing to comply with requests to prove yourself innocent is permitted in this free land even though it does not match the way you feel it should be.

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