Pontificating President says no deal; GOP must "budge."

Isn't that amazing?

What a tool.

It's almost unimaginable that we collectively permitted that imbecile to be our elected leader.

We collectively didn't. A good number of us kept our wits about us and didn't swallow the cool aid. and he's not my leader. I don't follow fools like him.

I didn't vote for him either. But I failed to marshal the opposition to him. Lots of us failed to work very hard to avoid this catastrophe. I can't abide him as President. But he is still our President. Sad, but there it is.

You may if you wish call him that. I don't so wish. I'm still waiting for MY President. :eusa_angel:
The dope we put into the Oval Office is now publicly playing a national game of "chicken":

President Barack Obama declared on Monday there would be no deal on raising the government's debt limit if Republicans won't compromise, and he said he would not sign a short-term extension — raising the stakes on volatile negotiations with the clock ticking toward an Aug. 2 deadline.

"I don't see a path to a deal if they don't budge. Period," the president said in a challenge to his political opponents, accusing Republicans of having a "my way or the highway" posture.

Asked whether or not he would veto legislation temporarily increasing the debt ceiling, the president said: "I will not sign a 30-day, or 60-day, or 90-day extension."

* * * *
Obama challenges GOP to compromise on debt - Yahoo! News


I say let's play chicken with Dumbo.
He criticized politicians who say the debt ceiling doesn't need to be raised.
"It's irresponsible. They know better," Obama said.

Wrong. What's irresponsible is trying to hold your breath till your face turns blue in order to get the surprisingly responsible people to cave in to your idiocy, Mr. President.

Where's the beef? You post a thread with nothing more than what you've written above as your entire content contribution, and you call OTHER PEOPLE stupid? You're a joke, man!
The dope we put into the Oval Office is now publicly playing a national game of "chicken":

President Barack Obama declared on Monday there would be no deal on raising the government's debt limit if Republicans won't compromise, and he said he would not sign a short-term extension — raising the stakes on volatile negotiations with the clock ticking toward an Aug. 2 deadline.

"I don't see a path to a deal if they don't budge. Period," the president said in a challenge to his political opponents, accusing Republicans of having a "my way or the highway" posture.

Asked whether or not he would veto legislation temporarily increasing the debt ceiling, the president said: "I will not sign a 30-day, or 60-day, or 90-day extension."

* * * *
Obama challenges GOP to compromise on debt - Yahoo! News


I say let's play chicken with Dumbo.
He criticized politicians who say the debt ceiling doesn't need to be raised.
"It's irresponsible. They know better," Obama said.

Wrong. What's irresponsible is trying to hold your breath till your face turns blue in order to get the surprisingly responsible people to cave in to your idiocy, Mr. President.

Where's the beef? You post a thread with nothing more than what you've written above as your entire content contribution, and you call OTHER PEOPLE stupid? You're a joke, man!

ANOTHER sterling contribution from Mistang who still cannot recognize how s/he has just outed herself yet again as the hypocritical gasbag s/he always is.
So, when the House Republicans voted to eliminate the Ethanol subsidy, was that a tax increase?

Do you really imagine that a tax credit is a tax cut?

I tell ya what: we should not be engaged in the business of using ANY kind of taxation or tax relief as a tool for social engineering anyway.

That was a simple "yes" or "no" question. And I only ask because the GOP swore that NOT extending the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy equalled a tax increase. Aren't subsidies and tax breaks similar in nature?

No. If a tax reduction expires, then taxes go up. That is what we call in English an increase. Tax incentives are not tax cuts.

Frankly, I'd like to see the subsidies disappear.. as well as the AMT, Estate Tax, EIC, etc.
The dope we put into the Oval Office is now publicly playing a national game of "chicken":

Obama challenges GOP to compromise on debt - Yahoo! News


I say let's play chicken with Dumbo.

Wrong. What's irresponsible is trying to hold your breath till your face turns blue in order to get the surprisingly responsible people to cave in to your idiocy, Mr. President.

Where's the beef? You post a thread with nothing more than what you've written above as your entire content contribution, and you call OTHER PEOPLE stupid? You're a joke, man!

ANOTHER sterling contribution from Mistang who still cannot recognize how s/he has just outed herself yet again as the hypocritical gasbag s/he always is.

Your thread is not just nonsense in the sense that the Republicans were already playing a game of chicken with the president over not being willing to accept either closing tax loopholes (which many Republicans say they're not opposed to) or massive budget cuts (which all Republicans claim they want), you didn't really offer any content, or insight, or any real commentary of any kind. You just drop a rhetorical egg on the floor and you expect people to engage in a discussion about the yolk that's lying there?

Congratulation, chickenshit. You really laid an egg.

Cleanup on aisle fubar!

Let me ask you, do you ever create a thread or make a post that has anything more to offer than just name calling or the whining of a petulant child?
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No, they were elected to fix the job situation. Something they haven't even touched yet.

Shhhhhhhhhhhh....THAT was the mid-term promise. They are trying to get a POTUS elected now.

Except no, that isn't why they were elected. They ran on a platform of reducing spending.

When we stop wasting money and stealing more of it from individuals, jobs creation will take care of itself.

It's amazing how you fools think the government is going to solve your idleness problem.
what money has been STOLEN from individuals? are you exaggerating from here to kingdom come for some silly political point?

or are you saying that paying taxes is stealing?

very poor choice of words imho avatar....

taxes are constitutional and LEGAL and are NOT stealing, so why did you call it stealing? I don't get it? does it make things better in your world to call what is legal, illegal? stealing is illegal, taxes paid, are not???
Shhhhhhhhhhhh....THAT was the mid-term promise. They are trying to get a POTUS elected now.

Except no, that isn't why they were elected. They ran on a platform of reducing spending.

When we stop wasting money and stealing more of it from individuals, jobs creation will take care of itself.

It's amazing how you fools think the government is going to solve your idleness problem.
what money has been STOLEN from individuals? are you exaggerating from here to kingdom come for some silly political point?

or are you saying that paying taxes is stealing?

very poor choice of words imho avatar....

taxes are constitutional and LEGAL and are NOT stealing, so why did you call it stealing? I don't get it? does it make things better in your world to call what is legal, illegal? stealing is illegal, taxes paid, are not???

I think a direct tax on labor is immoral.. and unfortunately.. legal.
Shhhhhhhhhhhh....THAT was the mid-term promise. They are trying to get a POTUS elected now.

Except no, that isn't why they were elected. They ran on a platform of reducing spending.

When we stop wasting money and stealing more of it from individuals, jobs creation will take care of itself.

It's amazing how you fools think the government is going to solve your idleness problem.
what money has been STOLEN from individuals? are you exaggerating from here to kingdom come for some silly political point?

or are you saying that paying taxes is stealing?

very poor choice of words imho avatar....

taxes are constitutional and LEGAL and are NOT stealing, so why did you call it stealing? I don't get it? does it make things better in your world to call what is legal, illegal? stealing is illegal, taxes paid, are not???

Taxation is legalized Robbery when that money is being taken by one group of people and their friends to glut themselves on the backs of the people. Most of the spending the government engages in does nothing to benefit the American people. It's used to pay off special interests, make people dependent, and buy off votes.

It's immoral and wrong to force the American people labor until April to pay the Federal Government, spending more than you collect and then tell the people they need to pay even more because incompetant and corrupt politicians refuse to stop spending their money without restraint.
Except no, that isn't why they were elected. They ran on a platform of reducing spending.

When we stop wasting money and stealing more of it from individuals, jobs creation will take care of itself.

It's amazing how you fools think the government is going to solve your idleness problem.
what money has been STOLEN from individuals? are you exaggerating from here to kingdom come for some silly political point?

or are you saying that paying taxes is stealing?

very poor choice of words imho avatar....

taxes are constitutional and LEGAL and are NOT stealing, so why did you call it stealing? I don't get it? does it make things better in your world to call what is legal, illegal? stealing is illegal, taxes paid, are not???

Taxation is legalized Robbery when that money is being taken by one group of people and their friends to glut themselves on the backs of the people. Most of the spending the government engages in does nothing to benefit the American people. It's used to pay off special interests, make people dependent, and buy off votes.

It's immoral and wrong to force the American people labor until April to pay the Federal Government, spending more than you collect and then tell the people they need to pay even more because incompetant and corrupt politicians refuse to stop spending their money without restraint.
i understand all of that avatar, but it is still NOT stealing.....it's crappy representation by our elected officials....and WE are at fault....for that imo!
I think its more posturing, they are all jockeying for position, I will say I find it politically ill-advised to paint himself into a corner.

if the reps say ok to 'revenue' plus agreement, as they craft a short term fix, he'll still say no?

If the Republicans agree, now, to ANY tax increase, the President will take credit for "forcing" their hands.
Quit being such a drama-Queen, and look at how big o' SUCKERS you Teabaggers are!!!

"The official June unemployment rate is 9.2 percent. The real rate is 18.5 percent (which includes involuntary part-time workers and the unemployed who haven’t looked for jobs in the past 4 weeks.) Nearly 30 million Americans are unemployed and we need more than 21 million jobs to get back to full-employment (defined as 5 percent).

Meanwhile, the top 10 hedge fund elites make on average nearly $1 million an HOUR.

It starts by putting to rest the notion that hedge fund elites are just like any other. They are not. They make more money than everyone else, including our top movie stars and athletes...and they pay lower taxes."

try learning how to use the quote function....I didn't say that....

Irony: Complain about someone not knowing how to use the quote function, don't know how to use it properly yourself.
or are you saying that paying taxes is stealing?

very poor choice of words imho avatar....

The "taxes is theft" mantra has been going on for quite awhile. I always wondered how one pays for police, fire department, etc if taxes are theft. Maybe go back to how it use to be in New York for fire departments during the Civil War?

Privatized police force? Sounds as stupid as privatized prisons.
try learning how to use the quote function....I didn't say that....

Irony: Complain about someone not knowing how to use the quote function, don't know how to use it properly yourself.

funny how you feel free to insert yourself here, I don't recall quite screwing it up as as badly where in someone elses name actually appears next to; "Quote: Originally Posted by"

and I can see you maybe, dipping your oar in if I dropped the hammer on the poster and made an insulting comment but alas.........ever hear of the saying;

"those that cannot beat the asse, beat the saddle"?

if I may be so bold, it holds meaning for you...

why don't you answer some of the several unanswered posts I have left for you instead of continuing to over compensate and be cute?
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funny how you feel free to insert yourself here, I don't recall quite screwing it up as as badly where in someone elses name actually appears next to; "Quote: Originally Posted by"

and I can see you maybe, dipping your oar in if I dropped the hammer on the poster and made an insulting commentbut alas.........ever hear of the saying;

"those that cannot beat the asse, beat the saddle"?

if I may be so bold, it holds meaning for you...

why don't you answer some of the several unanswered posts I have I have left for you instead of continuing to over compensate and be cute?

Not my fault your sense of humor is dead. I thought it was pretty humorous that you did the same exact thing you were complaining about.
funny how you feel free to insert yourself here, I don't recall quite screwing it up as as badly where in someone elses name actually appears next to; "Quote: Originally Posted by"

and I can see you maybe, dipping your oar in if I dropped the hammer on the poster and made an insulting commentbut alas.........ever hear of the saying;

"those that cannot beat the asse, beat the saddle"?

if I may be so bold, it holds meaning for you...

why don't you answer some of the several unanswered posts I have I have left for you instead of continuing to over compensate and be cute?

Not my fault your sense of humor is dead. I thought it was pretty humorous that you did the same exact thing you were complaining about.

Just when I thought you couldn't get any stupider. Wow. You really haven't a clue what's going on. What is your problem? Seriously. Your stupidity has reached epic proportions.
funny how you feel free to insert yourself here, I don't recall quite screwing it up as as badly where in someone elses name actually appears next to; "Quote: Originally Posted by"

and I can see you maybe, dipping your oar in if I dropped the hammer on the poster and made an insulting commentbut alas.........ever hear of the saying;

"those that cannot beat the asse, beat the saddle"?

if I may be so bold, it holds meaning for you...

why don't you answer some of the several unanswered posts I have I have left for you instead of continuing to over compensate and be cute?

Not my fault your sense of humor is dead. I thought it was pretty humorous that you did the same exact thing you were complaining about.

Ah, humor? I see, :lol:please huh? we don't and never had that kind of board relationship, well, maybe our first 20 posts in exchange oh 8 months ago. and you just did it again. grow up kid.

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