Poor black culture

Hi Mary; it's not the "Poor" that you are identifying; it is the commercial/self entitled Blacks who are pushing anti-Culture to suit their own ends. Poor Blacks were and probably still are salt of the earth people who love God, Family and America. The problem is that they are IGNORED by media and we forget that they exist. The portrayal of "Black" culture as a disgusting perverted mishmash of scum is NOT what Blacks are. That is just the leftists wanting to destroy REAL culture by presenting a perverted view of Blacks.

That is as I see it and THAT portrayal is as you say.


That makes no sense at all.
OK Islamist. What does make sense for you? Dehumanizing women?

Pushing gheys off building roofs and cliffs.
Is it America's Achilles heel? Cardi B, Rap and poor sportsmanship. it is so dehumanizing, and toxic. I hate popular culture, its so stupid. Poor black culture doesn't cure polio or put a man on the moon, its reprehensible. They don't do anything to help themselves even...but blame racism for their failure to thrive.
They’re in general , the most worthless and useless Peons on the planet
Is it America's Achilles heel? Cardi B, Rap and poor sportsmanship. it is so dehumanizing, and toxic. I hate popular culture, its so stupid. Poor black culture doesn't cure polio or put a man on the moon, its reprehensible. They don't do anything to help themselves even...but blame racism for their failure to thrive.
They’re in general , the most worthless and useless Peons on the planet

Wherever they are...problems arise....a race of parasites.
Is it America's Achilles heel? Cardi B, Rap and poor sportsmanship. it is so dehumanizing, and toxic. I hate popular culture, its so stupid. Poor black culture doesn't cure polio or put a man on the moon, its reprehensible. They don't do anything to help themselves even...but blame racism for their failure to thrive.
When LBJ passed his 'Great Society' Bill he said "we'll have those Ni**ers voting democRat for the next 200 years." These democRats also traitors to their race as Jackson and Sharpner They are there to blamb all but the guilty for these peoples problems. Poverty, crime, drugs, no jobs with no way out. What is crazy is these people still haven't a clue of putting it together. As they didn't put it together when a category 5 hurricane is hitting and you live below sea level you should run, walk, or crawl to higher ground. The mayor shouldn't be partying down on Bourbon Street the night before Katrina hit. If not he might want to use the hundreds of school buses to remove the ones found drowned their atics. Or one of the thousands flouting in the flood waters. That WalMart Loot Till Ya Poop' didn't work out for em like they though it would.

What if I told you an African American Woman before LBJ was less likely to have a baby out of wed lock than any other race. Not only that Black Americans had stronger family ties,they were more religious. But that Great Society changed all that. High paying jobs, the end of poverty, and it would even clean up the environment.

Today we throw a trillion a year on poverty and it grows every year as more democrat ran crime and drug infested shit holes are over run with armed criminals having their way with a disarmed good population. Also anyone taking any government assistance in housing it's against federal law to have any firearm in that home. Maybe one day in another 150 years they may get a clue

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