Poor people with perfect driving records pay more then Reckless drivers.

Interesting...I always said car insurance was a scam by crappy ass rich drivers..

Bad Driver? That’s OK — If You’re Rich | TIME.com

In its new study of car insurance rates, the Consumer Federation of America reports that lower-income people pay higher premiums, even if their driving is better than that of their rich neighbors.

The report, which is the CFA’s third on car insurance premiums, features a mystery-shopping experiment conducted over 12 cities with the nation’s five biggest insurers. Rates were requested for two hypothetical customers: one with a master’s degree and an executive job, the other a receptionist with a high school education. Two-thirds of the time, the wealthy executive was offered a better rate than the middle-class customer — even though the “executive” had caused a car crash and the “receptionist” had a clean driving record.



If you want to discuss the many ways it cost more to be poor than it costs to be rich we can, but that's a different subject. It's cheaper to buy one quality item that lasts a long time than it is to buy many inferior items that fall apart quickly and need to be replaced soon. The problem is that poor folk never can afford that one quality item, and probably never will be able to.

No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


If they want to claim location and car theft what cost more a perfect driving record persin with a 98 Ford Taurus worth $800 bucks or a new BMW With a shitty reckless driver...

Interesting...I always said car insurance was a scam by crappy ass rich drivers..

Bad Driver? That’s OK — If You’re Rich | TIME.com

In its new study of car insurance rates, the Consumer Federation of America reports that lower-income people pay higher premiums, even if their driving is better than that of their rich neighbors.

The report, which is the CFA’s third on car insurance premiums, features a mystery-shopping experiment conducted over 12 cities with the nation’s five biggest insurers. Rates were requested for two hypothetical customers: one with a master’s degree and an executive job, the other a receptionist with a high school education. Two-thirds of the time, the wealthy executive was offered a better rate than the middle-class customer — even though the “executive” had caused a car crash and the “receptionist” had a clean driving record.



If you want to discuss the many ways it cost more to be poor than it costs to be rich we can, but that's a different subject. It's cheaper to buy one quality item that lasts a long time than it is to buy many inferior items that fall apart quickly and need to be replaced soon. The problem is that poor folk never can afford that one quality item, and probably never will be able to.

No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


If they want to claim location and car theft what cost more a perfect driving record persin with a 98 Ford Taurus worth $800 bucks or a new BMW With a shitty reckless driver...


No one is going to get full coverage on an $800 dollar car.
Interesting...I always said car insurance was a scam by crappy ass rich drivers..

Bad Driver? That’s OK — If You’re Rich | TIME.com

In its new study of car insurance rates, the Consumer Federation of America reports that lower-income people pay higher premiums, even if their driving is better than that of their rich neighbors.

The report, which is the CFA’s third on car insurance premiums, features a mystery-shopping experiment conducted over 12 cities with the nation’s five biggest insurers. Rates were requested for two hypothetical customers: one with a master’s degree and an executive job, the other a receptionist with a high school education. Two-thirds of the time, the wealthy executive was offered a better rate than the middle-class customer — even though the “executive” had caused a car crash and the “receptionist” had a clean driving record.



If you want to discuss the many ways it cost more to be poor than it costs to be rich we can, but that's a different subject. It's cheaper to buy one quality item that lasts a long time than it is to buy many inferior items that fall apart quickly and need to be replaced soon. The problem is that poor folk never can afford that one quality item, and probably never will be able to.

No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


If they want to claim location and car theft what cost more a perfect driving record persin with a 98 Ford Taurus worth $800 bucks or a new BMW With a shitty reckless driver...


No one is going to get full coverage on an $800 dollar car.
Interesting...I always said car insurance was a scam by crappy ass rich drivers..

Bad Driver? That’s OK — If You’re Rich | TIME.com

In its new study of car insurance rates, the Consumer Federation of America reports that lower-income people pay higher premiums, even if their driving is better than that of their rich neighbors.

The report, which is the CFA’s third on car insurance premiums, features a mystery-shopping experiment conducted over 12 cities with the nation’s five biggest insurers. Rates were requested for two hypothetical customers: one with a master’s degree and an executive job, the other a receptionist with a high school education. Two-thirds of the time, the wealthy executive was offered a better rate than the middle-class customer — even though the “executive” had caused a car crash and the “receptionist” had a clean driving record.



If you want to discuss the many ways it cost more to be poor than it costs to be rich we can, but that's a different subject. It's cheaper to buy one quality item that lasts a long time than it is to buy many inferior items that fall apart quickly and need to be replaced soon. The problem is that poor folk never can afford that one quality item, and probably never will be able to.

No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


If they want to claim location and car theft what cost more a perfect driving record persin with a 98 Ford Taurus worth $800 bucks or a new BMW With a shitty reckless driver...


No one is going to get full coverage on an $800 dollar car.

If you still owe on it you do, that $800 dollar car probably cost her $4,000 ..

( it was just an example when I said $800)

Car insurance co's have become disconnected from their customers much like cable and cell phone co's who thought endless price increases would be tolerated.
Interesting...I always said car insurance was a scam by crappy ass rich drivers..

Bad Driver? That’s OK — If You’re Rich | TIME.com

In its new study of car insurance rates, the Consumer Federation of America reports that lower-income people pay higher premiums, even if their driving is better than that of their rich neighbors.

The report, which is the CFA’s third on car insurance premiums, features a mystery-shopping experiment conducted over 12 cities with the nation’s five biggest insurers. Rates were requested for two hypothetical customers: one with a master’s degree and an executive job, the other a receptionist with a high school education. Two-thirds of the time, the wealthy executive was offered a better rate than the middle-class customer — even though the “executive” had caused a car crash and the “receptionist” had a clean driving record.



If you want to discuss the many ways it cost more to be poor than it costs to be rich we can, but that's a different subject. It's cheaper to buy one quality item that lasts a long time than it is to buy many inferior items that fall apart quickly and need to be replaced soon. The problem is that poor folk never can afford that one quality item, and probably never will be able to.

No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


If they want to claim location and car theft what cost more a perfect driving record persin with a 98 Ford Taurus worth $800 bucks or a new BMW With a shitty reckless driver...


No one is going to get full coverage on an $800 dollar car.
Interesting...I always said car insurance was a scam by crappy ass rich drivers..

Bad Driver? That’s OK — If You’re Rich | TIME.com

In its new study of car insurance rates, the Consumer Federation of America reports that lower-income people pay higher premiums, even if their driving is better than that of their rich neighbors.

The report, which is the CFA’s third on car insurance premiums, features a mystery-shopping experiment conducted over 12 cities with the nation’s five biggest insurers. Rates were requested for two hypothetical customers: one with a master’s degree and an executive job, the other a receptionist with a high school education. Two-thirds of the time, the wealthy executive was offered a better rate than the middle-class customer — even though the “executive” had caused a car crash and the “receptionist” had a clean driving record.



If you want to discuss the many ways it cost more to be poor than it costs to be rich we can, but that's a different subject. It's cheaper to buy one quality item that lasts a long time than it is to buy many inferior items that fall apart quickly and need to be replaced soon. The problem is that poor folk never can afford that one quality item, and probably never will be able to.

No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


If they want to claim location and car theft what cost more a perfect driving record persin with a 98 Ford Taurus worth $800 bucks or a new BMW With a shitty reckless driver...


No one is going to get full coverage on an $800 dollar car.

If you still owe on it you do, that $800 dollar car probably cost her $4,000 ..

( it was just an example when I said $800)


I dont think I'd want to insure somebody who cant come up $800 or a couple thousand to buy a car.
Interesting...I always said car insurance was a scam by crappy ass rich drivers..

Bad Driver? That’s OK — If You’re Rich | TIME.com

In its new study of car insurance rates, the Consumer Federation of America reports that lower-income people pay higher premiums, even if their driving is better than that of their rich neighbors.

The report, which is the CFA’s third on car insurance premiums, features a mystery-shopping experiment conducted over 12 cities with the nation’s five biggest insurers. Rates were requested for two hypothetical customers: one with a master’s degree and an executive job, the other a receptionist with a high school education. Two-thirds of the time, the wealthy executive was offered a better rate than the middle-class customer — even though the “executive” had caused a car crash and the “receptionist” had a clean driving record.



If you want to discuss the many ways it cost more to be poor than it costs to be rich we can, but that's a different subject. It's cheaper to buy one quality item that lasts a long time than it is to buy many inferior items that fall apart quickly and need to be replaced soon. The problem is that poor folk never can afford that one quality item, and probably never will be able to.

Especially when they don't make it available to the poor. Damn those poor people making other people charge them more for the same services! DAMN THEM!
If you want to discuss the many ways it cost more to be poor than it costs to be rich we can, but that's a different subject. It's cheaper to buy one quality item that lasts a long time than it is to buy many inferior items that fall apart quickly and need to be replaced soon. The problem is that poor folk never can afford that one quality item, and probably never will be able to.

No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


If they want to claim location and car theft what cost more a perfect driving record persin with a 98 Ford Taurus worth $800 bucks or a new BMW With a shitty reckless driver...


No one is going to get full coverage on an $800 dollar car.
If you want to discuss the many ways it cost more to be poor than it costs to be rich we can, but that's a different subject. It's cheaper to buy one quality item that lasts a long time than it is to buy many inferior items that fall apart quickly and need to be replaced soon. The problem is that poor folk never can afford that one quality item, and probably never will be able to.

No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


If they want to claim location and car theft what cost more a perfect driving record persin with a 98 Ford Taurus worth $800 bucks or a new BMW With a shitty reckless driver...


No one is going to get full coverage on an $800 dollar car.

If you still owe on it you do, that $800 dollar car probably cost her $4,000 ..

( it was just an example when I said $800)


I dont think I'd want to insure somebody who cant come up $800 or a couple thousand to buy a car.

So your another one who thinks someone who has a perfect driving record ...AKA who won't cost you a dime is some how bad?


Interesting...I always said car insurance was a scam by crappy ass rich drivers..

Bad Driver? That’s OK — If You’re Rich | TIME.com

In its new study of car insurance rates, the Consumer Federation of America reports that lower-income people pay higher premiums, even if their driving is better than that of their rich neighbors.

The report, which is the CFA’s third on car insurance premiums, features a mystery-shopping experiment conducted over 12 cities with the nation’s five biggest insurers. Rates were requested for two hypothetical customers: one with a master’s degree and an executive job, the other a receptionist with a high school education. Two-thirds of the time, the wealthy executive was offered a better rate than the middle-class customer — even though the “executive” had caused a car crash and the “receptionist” had a clean driving record.



If you want to discuss the many ways it cost more to be poor than it costs to be rich we can, but that's a different subject. It's cheaper to buy one quality item that lasts a long time than it is to buy many inferior items that fall apart quickly and need to be replaced soon. The problem is that poor folk never can afford that one quality item, and probably never will be able to.

No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


Same argument against health care insurance and just as incorrect for some of the same reasons.

Its also the very definition of ALL insurance.
Interesting...I always said car insurance was a scam by crappy ass rich drivers..

Bad Driver? That’s OK — If You’re Rich | TIME.com

In its new study of car insurance rates, the Consumer Federation of America reports that lower-income people pay higher premiums, even if their driving is better than that of their rich neighbors.

The report, which is the CFA’s third on car insurance premiums, features a mystery-shopping experiment conducted over 12 cities with the nation’s five biggest insurers. Rates were requested for two hypothetical customers: one with a master’s degree and an executive job, the other a receptionist with a high school education. Two-thirds of the time, the wealthy executive was offered a better rate than the middle-class customer — even though the “executive” had caused a car crash and the “receptionist” had a clean driving record.



If you want to discuss the many ways it cost more to be poor than it costs to be rich we can, but that's a different subject. It's cheaper to buy one quality item that lasts a long time than it is to buy many inferior items that fall apart quickly and need to be replaced soon. The problem is that poor folk never can afford that one quality item, and probably never will be able to.

No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


Same argument against health care insurance and just as incorrect for some of the same reasons.

Its also the very definition of ALL insurance.

No it's not, car insurance was forced on people by people who

Sucked at driving a car.


No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


If they want to claim location and car theft what cost more a perfect driving record persin with a 98 Ford Taurus worth $800 bucks or a new BMW With a shitty reckless driver...


No one is going to get full coverage on an $800 dollar car.
No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


If they want to claim location and car theft what cost more a perfect driving record persin with a 98 Ford Taurus worth $800 bucks or a new BMW With a shitty reckless driver...


No one is going to get full coverage on an $800 dollar car.

If you still owe on it you do, that $800 dollar car probably cost her $4,000 ..

( it was just an example when I said $800)


I dont think I'd want to insure somebody who cant come up $800 or a couple thousand to buy a car.

So your another one who thinks someone who has a perfect driving record ...AKA who won't cost you a dime is some how bad?



You're not taking everything into account.
If you have minimal income you most likely live in a higher crime rate area where of course your vehicle is more likely to be stolen or hit by someone with no insurance.

They charge me more for insurance because I live in Harris county because they know I'm more likely to be in an accident due to traffic yet I can throw a rock from my back porch and it'll land in the next county.
Another example of this kind of scam is that the poor are ticketed, then fined. When they can't pay the fine, it accrues more fines and interest. It can get to the point where they become slaves to the state.

And of course, the ultimate punishment for being poor is our for profit prison system.

Pay attention to the cheeto - this is getting worse and worse.
If they want to claim location and car theft what cost more a perfect driving record persin with a 98 Ford Taurus worth $800 bucks or a new BMW With a shitty reckless driver...


No one is going to get full coverage on an $800 dollar car.
If they want to claim location and car theft what cost more a perfect driving record persin with a 98 Ford Taurus worth $800 bucks or a new BMW With a shitty reckless driver...


No one is going to get full coverage on an $800 dollar car.

If you still owe on it you do, that $800 dollar car probably cost her $4,000 ..

( it was just an example when I said $800)


I dont think I'd want to insure somebody who cant come up $800 or a couple thousand to buy a car.

So your another one who thinks someone who has a perfect driving record ...AKA who won't cost you a dime is some how bad?



You're not taking everything into account.
If you have minimal income you most likely live in a higher crime rate area where of course your vehicle is more likely to be stolen or hit by someone with no insurance.

They charge me more for insurance because I live in Harris county because they know I'm more likely to be in an accident due to traffic yet I can throw a rock from my back porch and it'll land in the next county.

f you have minimal income you most likely live in a higher crime rate area where of course your vehicle is more likely to be stolen

I already covered that argument in the $800 dollar car post above..

No one is going to get full coverage on an $800 dollar car.
No one is going to get full coverage on an $800 dollar car.

If you still owe on it you do, that $800 dollar car probably cost her $4,000 ..

( it was just an example when I said $800)


I dont think I'd want to insure somebody who cant come up $800 or a couple thousand to buy a car.

So your another one who thinks someone who has a perfect driving record ...AKA who won't cost you a dime is some how bad?



You're not taking everything into account.
If you have minimal income you most likely live in a higher crime rate area where of course your vehicle is more likely to be stolen or hit by someone with no insurance.

They charge me more for insurance because I live in Harris county because they know I'm more likely to be in an accident due to traffic yet I can throw a rock from my back porch and it'll land in the next county.

f you have minimal income you most likely live in a higher crime rate area where of course your vehicle is more likely to be stolen

I already covered that argument in the $800 dollar car post above..


It's at a higher risk of being stolen,not sure how you get around that.
If you still owe on it you do, that $800 dollar car probably cost her $4,000 ..

( it was just an example when I said $800)


I dont think I'd want to insure somebody who cant come up $800 or a couple thousand to buy a car.

So your another one who thinks someone who has a perfect driving record ...AKA who won't cost you a dime is some how bad?



You're not taking everything into account.
If you have minimal income you most likely live in a higher crime rate area where of course your vehicle is more likely to be stolen or hit by someone with no insurance.

They charge me more for insurance because I live in Harris county because they know I'm more likely to be in an accident due to traffic yet I can throw a rock from my back porch and it'll land in the next county.

f you have minimal income you most likely live in a higher crime rate area where of course your vehicle is more likely to be stolen

I already covered that argument in the $800 dollar car post above..


It's at a higher risk of being stolen,not sure how you get around that.

But if your a bad driver a $70,000 dollar claim would be more


Last edited:
If you still owe on it you do, that $800 dollar car probably cost her $4,000 ..

( it was just an example when I said $800)


I dont think I'd want to insure somebody who cant come up $800 or a couple thousand to buy a car.

So your another one who thinks someone who has a perfect driving record ...AKA who won't cost you a dime is some how bad?



You're not taking everything into account.
If you have minimal income you most likely live in a higher crime rate area where of course your vehicle is more likely to be stolen or hit by someone with no insurance.

They charge me more for insurance because I live in Harris county because they know I'm more likely to be in an accident due to traffic yet I can throw a rock from my back porch and it'll land in the next county.

f you have minimal income you most likely live in a higher crime rate area where of course your vehicle is more likely to be stolen

I already covered that argument in the $800 dollar car post above..


It's at a higher risk of being stolen,not sure how you get around that.

The last part of the time article , more money to the insurance company's..

So, what would an insurance company have to gain by charging a safe but poor driver more for the same coverage
? Hunter speculates there could be a business motive at work. “We know they are interested more and more in multi-lining as the best way to get revenue,” he says. “Auto insurance is a foot in the door, and we think they’re much more interested in attracting higher-income people than lower-income people.” Rich people might also buy homeowners or life insurance policies, products that could be a harder sell to someone living on a tighter budget — and who might not own a home.
Interesting...I always said car insurance was a scam by crappy ass rich drivers..

Bad Driver? That’s OK — If You’re Rich | TIME.com

In its new study of car insurance rates, the Consumer Federation of America reports that lower-income people pay higher premiums, even if their driving is better than that of their rich neighbors.

The report, which is the CFA’s third on car insurance premiums, features a mystery-shopping experiment conducted over 12 cities with the nation’s five biggest insurers. Rates were requested for two hypothetical customers: one with a master’s degree and an executive job, the other a receptionist with a high school education. Two-thirds of the time, the wealthy executive was offered a better rate than the middle-class customer — even though the “executive” had caused a car crash and the “receptionist” had a clean driving record.



If you want to discuss the many ways it cost more to be poor than it costs to be rich we can, but that's a different subject. It's cheaper to buy one quality item that lasts a long time than it is to buy many inferior items that fall apart quickly and need to be replaced soon. The problem is that poor folk never can afford that one quality item, and probably never will be able to.

No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


Same argument against health care insurance and just as incorrect for some of the same reasons.

Its also the very definition of ALL insurance.

No it's not, car insurance was forced on people by people who

Sucked at driving a car.



No. It became necessary because of dead beat RWNJs who stuck others with repair bills.
I dont think I'd want to insure somebody who cant come up $800 or a couple thousand to buy a car.

So your another one who thinks someone who has a perfect driving record ...AKA who won't cost you a dime is some how bad?



You're not taking everything into account.
If you have minimal income you most likely live in a higher crime rate area where of course your vehicle is more likely to be stolen or hit by someone with no insurance.

They charge me more for insurance because I live in Harris county because they know I'm more likely to be in an accident due to traffic yet I can throw a rock from my back porch and it'll land in the next county.

f you have minimal income you most likely live in a higher crime rate area where of course your vehicle is more likely to be stolen

I already covered that argument in the $800 dollar car post above..


It's at a higher risk of being stolen,not sure how you get around that.

But if your a bad driver than a $70,000 dollar claim would be more



True but you know the insurance companies have data they've amassed over time that is a basic guideline on winners and losers when it comes to risk.
There's nothing sinister about it.
Just like I have to pay more because of the county I live in even though I dont drive into Houston very often and I have an excellent driving record.
Interesting...I always said car insurance was a scam by crappy ass rich drivers..

Bad Driver? That’s OK — If You’re Rich | TIME.com

In its new study of car insurance rates, the Consumer Federation of America reports that lower-income people pay higher premiums, even if their driving is better than that of their rich neighbors.

The report, which is the CFA’s third on car insurance premiums, features a mystery-shopping experiment conducted over 12 cities with the nation’s five biggest insurers. Rates were requested for two hypothetical customers: one with a master’s degree and an executive job, the other a receptionist with a high school education. Two-thirds of the time, the wealthy executive was offered a better rate than the middle-class customer — even though the “executive” had caused a car crash and the “receptionist” had a clean driving record.



If you want to discuss the many ways it cost more to be poor than it costs to be rich we can, but that's a different subject. It's cheaper to buy one quality item that lasts a long time than it is to buy many inferior items that fall apart quickly and need to be replaced soon. The problem is that poor folk never can afford that one quality item, and probably never will be able to.

No my thread is exactly about Reckless crappy ass drivers , forcing through the government people who don't need car insurance to pay for them


Same argument against health care insurance and just as incorrect for some of the same reasons.

Its also the very definition of ALL insurance.

No it's not, car insurance was forced on people by people who

Sucked at driving a car.



No. It became necessary because of dead beat RWNJs who stuck others with repair bills.

How can someone be a dead beat with a perfect driving record and never a claim?

Again it was rich crappy ass drivers in cahoots with insurance company's and the government.


Fuck the auto insurance companies. Those fuckers should be in prison for racketeering. Everyone knows damn well that they paid off crooked politicians to get mandatory insurance laws passed.

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