Poor President Snowflake

What did GWB do to "fuck up the market"?

TWO unpaid for wars, unpaid Medicare Advantage....but, in all honesty, Bush DID increase the revenue for casket makers for our war casualties.....

How did two "unpaid for" wars "fuck up the market"? All that government borrow & spend is "economic stimulus", right? don't you pro-federal government types advocate for that all the time? and what did it have to do with the MBS and CDS markets that were the primary drivers of the credit crisis that crashed the market in 2008?

As far as "unpaid Medicare Advantage" what specifically are you referring to? Are you perhaps referring to the bi-partisan MMA of 2003? If so how was that "unpaid for"?
Don't be an ass. No one, not even a left-wing hack, would have described the economy as vibrant. Persistently sluggish at best.

The screen name "meathead" fits you rather well......Here's a chart of the unemployment rate from GWB to Obama...


What Obama policy caused the Dow to rise?
This is what caused the Dow to rise:
Neil Gorsuch is a huge win. One that will stand for generations.

Gorsuch will ALWAYS have the asterisk on his name as the ONLY justice to ever get the post through the nuclear option.....LOL

Well he get to be first.......Maybe the last for the Grabber if the Dems can win control of the Senate in 18.

Never mind a simple majority was the way the process was originally setup.

And which party changed the rules?

I dunno... it was changed in 1917 I believe. Here's what I found:

"The history of the constitutional option can be traced to a 1917 opinion by Senator Thomas J. Walsh, (Democrat of Montana) who contended that the U.S. Constitution provided the basis by which a newly commenced Senate could disregard procedural rules established by previous Senates, and had the right to choose its own procedural rules based on a simple majority vote.[2] The constitutional option was given further support in 1957 by an advisory opinion written by then-Vice President (and thus President of the Senate) Richard Nixon. In his opinion, Nixon stated that the Constitution grants the presiding officer of the Senate the authority to override Senate rules by making a ruling that is then upheld by a majority vote."
Great article... yet it doesn't address my question. Now, pay attention... WHAT OBAMA POLICY CAUSED THE RISE? I acknowledge the rise.

OK, moron......What Obama did was the OPPOSITE of what the clueless GWB did to fuck up the market......LOL

What did GWB do to "fuck up the market"?

Failed to fix Clinton's miserable mortgage policies
What "miserable mortgage policies" are you referring to? Since when does the executive branch set "mortgage policies"? doesn't the fed along with the secondary market do that?
Trump is desperate for a win. We should be wary of anything he tries to push forward before the 100 days are up, as it will be for the sake of his ego and at the expense of the country.


You Nazicrats are absurd.

Justice Neil Gorsuch cast the deciding vote allowing Arkansas to execute a group of death-row inmates.

His first known decision cleared the way for the state to execute Ledell Lee, a convicted murderer, Thursday night.

Arkansas wanted to fast track the executions of seven other convicted murderers before the month’s end when one of its lethal-injection drugs expires. The state has had difficulty acquiring the necessary drugs because of restrictions pharmaceutical companies have imposed.}

And learn what "snowflake" means, you fucking retards.
Gee, that's all one has to do to shut these libs up is to ask them to explain their position?
Trump is desperate for a win. We should be wary of anything he tries to push forward before the 100 days are up, as it will be for the sake of his ego and at the expense of the country.

Neil Gorsuch is a huge win. One that will stand for generations.

It really changed nothing on the court. Either side still needs 5 to win.
Neil Gorsuch is a huge win.

That was also treacherous theft which is now precedent.


How on Earth was it "theft"?

Good lord, you really have the temerity to ask that question.

Republicans, guided by Mitch McConnell, refused to confirm, or even to consider, Merrick Garland’s nomination.

This unprecedented connivance was nothing short of a treacherous and dishonest plot to steal this seat on the Supreme Court.
Neil Gorsuch is a huge win.

That was also treacherous theft which is now precedent.


How on Earth was it "theft"?

Good lord, you really have the temerity to ask that question.

Republicans, guided by Mitch McConnell, refused to confirm, or even to consider, Merrick Garland’s nomination.

This unprecedented connivance was nothing short of a treacherous and dishonest plot to steal this seat on the Supreme Court.
Good for the goose, good for the gander.

Harry Reid made it much, much easier. Thank him!

Despite holding the Oval Office, the House, and the Senate, President Snowflake has accomplished next to nothing in his first hundred days in office, other than stealing a SCOTUS seat.

Obamacare - intact

Regulations - still there

Tax Reform - DOA

Infrastructure Bill - nope

Poor President Snowflake.


–Trump has cut the U.S. debt burden by $68 billion dollars.

– Manufacturing is at its most robust since 1984.

– Small and medium businesses are confident about the future.

– The stock market keeps topping record highs.

– Samsung is moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

– Exxon moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

– Trump saved the Carrier plant in Indiana.

– Fiat will invest $1 billion in two U.S. factories

– Hasbro is to start making play-doh in the U.S. again.

– Trump signed an executive order ending Obama’s onerous regulations on the coal industry.

– Trump killed the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal.

– Illegal immigration from Mexico is down 40 per cent in Trump’s first month.

– Trump issued an executive order to end “sanctuary cities”.

– Trump began the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.

– Trump selected Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.

– Trump approved the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone Pipeline.

– Trump cut funding for international abortions.

– Trump returned the power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to the states

Evidently just sad for you.
Liberals are pretending none of that happened.
Trump is desperate for a win. We should be wary of anything he tries to push forward before the 100 days are up, as it will be for the sake of his ego and at the expense of the country.

Neil Gorsuch is a huge win. One that will stand for generations.

It really changed nothing on the court. Either side still needs 5 to win.

Yeah, but Ginsberg will be gone soon...
Ummm.... Ginsberg has been "gone" for decades ; it's just her animated corpse that still remains on the bench.
Trump is desperate for a win. We should be wary of anything he tries to push forward before the 100 days are up, as it will be for the sake of his ego and at the expense of the country.

Neil Gorsuch is a huge win. One that will stand for generations.

It really changed nothing on the court. Either side still needs 5 to win.

Yup, that must be why Dems tried so hard to block it.
What did GWB do to "fuck up the market"?

There were SIX major economic mistakes George W. Bush made that adversely impacted the Market:

1) A return to deficit spending

2) The Iraq war (military uncontrolled spending)

3) Huge tax cuts for the wealthy (coupled with no, 1)

4) Sarbanes-Oxley Act that allowed fraud by bankers

5) The lack of a comprehensive energy policy

6) A muddled first bailout under Treasury’s Paul Polson...a bailout that simply favored the rich.

Despite holding the Oval Office, the House, and the Senate, President Snowflake has accomplished next to nothing in his first hundred days in office, other than stealing a SCOTUS seat.

Obamacare - intact

Regulations - still there

Tax Reform - DOA

Infrastructure Bill - nope

Poor President Snowflake.


–Trump has cut the U.S. debt burden by $68 billion dollars.

– Manufacturing is at its most robust since 1984.

– Small and medium businesses are confident about the future.

– The stock market keeps topping record highs.

– Samsung is moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

– Exxon moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

– Trump saved the Carrier plant in Indiana.

– Fiat will invest $1 billion in two U.S. factories

– Hasbro is to start making play-doh in the U.S. again.

– Trump signed an executive order ending Obama’s onerous regulations on the coal industry.

– Trump killed the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal.

– Illegal immigration from Mexico is down 40 per cent in Trump’s first month.

– Trump issued an executive order to end “sanctuary cities”.

– Trump began the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.

– Trump selected Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.

– Trump approved the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone Pipeline.

– Trump cut funding for international abortions.

– Trump returned the power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to the states

Evidently just sad for you.
Liberals are pretending none of that happened.

Not pretending it didn't happen, it's just that the good stuff should all be properly accredited to President Obama.

Despite holding the Oval Office, the House, and the Senate, President Snowflake has accomplished next to nothing in his first hundred days in office, other than stealing a SCOTUS seat.

Obamacare - intact

Regulations - still there

Tax Reform - DOA

Infrastructure Bill - nope

Poor President Snowflake.


–Trump has cut the U.S. debt burden by $68 billion dollars.

– Manufacturing is at its most robust since 1984.

– Small and medium businesses are confident about the future.

– The stock market keeps topping record highs.

– Samsung is moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

– Exxon moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

– Trump saved the Carrier plant in Indiana.

– Fiat will invest $1 billion in two U.S. factories

– Hasbro is to start making play-doh in the U.S. again.

– Trump signed an executive order ending Obama’s onerous regulations on the coal industry.

– Trump killed the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal.

– Illegal immigration from Mexico is down 40 per cent in Trump’s first month.

– Trump issued an executive order to end “sanctuary cities”.

– Trump began the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.

– Trump selected Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.

– Trump approved the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone Pipeline.

– Trump cut funding for international abortions.

– Trump returned the power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to the states

Evidently just sad for you.
Liberals are pretending none of that happened.

Not pretending it didn't happen, it's just that the good stuff should all be properly accredited to President Obama.

Obama? You mean the guy that tried to influence the election in Israel that is now trying to influence the election in France? That Obama?
What did GWB do to "fuck up the market"?

There were SIX major economic mistakes George W. Bush made that adversely impacted the Market:

1) A return to deficit spending
How did this contributed to the credit crisis that broke the market ? and doesn't Congress Control spending, so how can you blame it solely on President Cowboy?

2) The Iraq war (military uncontrolled spending)
How did this contribute to the credit crisis that broke the market? How was the spending "uncontrolled"?

3) Huge tax cuts for the wealthy (coupled with no, 1)
How did this contribute to the credit crisis that broke the market? and didn't the non-wealthy also receive tax cuts?

4) Sarbanes-Oxley Act that allowed fraud by bankers
How did Sarbanes-Oxley "allow fraud by bankers" given that it tightened accounting standards and corporate accountability? not to mention this was bi-partisan legislation so Bush cannot be held singularly accountable for it.

5) The lack of a comprehensive energy policy
How did this contribute to the credit crisis that broke the market? and what exactly was missing from his "energy policy" that would have made it "comprehensive"?

6) A muddled first bailout under Treasury’s Paul Polson...a bailout that simply favored the rich.
Which Paulson sponsored bailout are you referring to? There were several, most of them post market crash (with the exception of Bear Stearns) and in one case Paulson (and Bernake) refused a bail out (Lehman Bros). The remainder of the bail-outs Paulson sponsored were heavily supported by Democrats so again Baby Bush isn't singularly responsible for them.


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