Poor Prince Harry's wedding dilemma

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Of course Harry likes a guy who hates America like he does.

What Harry doesn't realize...? obama hates him and the Royal family....he sees them as oppressors of the 3rd World and would like nothing more than to see them destroyed........

Sure....Obama hates the Royal Family

Obama bowing to the future King . Typical.
This is more for "fun," but the dilemma faced by Prince harry and his soon-to-be bride could have some political repercussions.

There is NO doubt that the U.K (like most other countries except Russia) the orange charlatan is either disliked or ridiculed.....whereas, former president Obama is both respected and sought-after.

Now, Harry wants to very much invite the Obamas to his wedding.....and since this is NOT a state affair but a private one, no one in Parliament can compel the Royal house to uphold political niceties.

However, it is "feared" by the British Parliament that NOT inviting the Trumps (which rumors have it that Harry hates the couple) while inviting the Obamas, will precipitate a tonnage of Trump tweets bitching and moaning that the Brits don't like his corpulent ass to be on British soil.....

This will place Theresa May in an awkward position, since ......given the orange thin skinof Trump......he may cancel any visit to England.....
by Donald's success

LOL..........(Donald's "success," only in the minds of trump cult members......).

Trump Again Has The Lowest Approval Rating In Modern Times ...

Actually, he is having tons of success despite the lib media and obstruction from dems. You keep telling yourself that though. Lol.
There is no obstrucxtioon from the dems. the repugs have a super majority and have done away with the filibuster. The repugs can't get out of their own way. the dems do not have enough seats to obstruct. Old Donald sure does like to pass the buck, don't he!!!!!!!!!!!!! What success can you name?

The GOP has 60 senate seats? Who knew?
This isn't going to end well. Divorce within 5 years.

Prince Harry Ditches Boxing Day Shoot to Please 'Hunt-Hating' Meghan Markle
Prince Harry refused to take part in the Royal Family’s traditional Boxing Day shoot so as not to upset his part-vegan activist fiancée.

Actually, if two people really love each other, they can get over differences like that.

But my question is..................WTF is a "part vegan"? Being vegan is like being pregnant. Either you are or you aren't. There's no such thing as a little bit pregnant or part vegan.
This isn't going to end well. Divorce within 5 years.

Prince Harry Ditches Boxing Day Shoot to Please 'Hunt-Hating' Meghan Markle
Prince Harry refused to take part in the Royal Family’s traditional Boxing Day shoot so as not to upset his part-vegan activist fiancée.

Actually, if two people really love each other, they can get over differences like that.

But my question is..................WTF is a "part vegan"? Being vegan is like being pregnant. Either you are or you aren't. There's no such thing as a little bit pregnant or part vegan.

Not in the Royal Family they can't
Let's see here. Harry probably doesn't want him there and given his unpopularity in the UK, I doubt the citizenry want him either. So, other than Trump depending on diplomatic welfare, perhaps he shouldn't go.
Trump is extremely popular in the UK.
Too bad he wont be getting an invite. The bride doesnt appreciate pussy grabbers.
. Presidents don't attend weddings.
Except they do.

Inside Obama's Wedding-Crasher Moment

We are talking about royal weddings. You can't name one where our president attended. Check here for Charles and Diana. Every crown jewel of the world was there. Not the true leader of all of them: Ronald Raegan. List of wedding guests of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Lady Diana Spencer - Wikipedia
You should have specified the requirement was "royal". Since you failed to do so your reply looks like an embarrassing attempt to back track.
Trump is extremely popular in the UK.

Boy, did you ever "nail" it.......(you're so "astute")

Two million Britons would publicly protest Donald Trump's state visit to
www.independent.co.uk › News › UK › UK Politics
Aug 30, 2017 - Two million Britons would publicly protest if Donald Trump came to the UK for a state visit next year, a poll suggests. Four per cent of those polled, representative of around two million members of the public, said they would "definitely" join a protest against Mr Trump's state visit, an ICM Unlimited poll for The ...

Half of the British public think Trump is 'dangerous' | Andrew ...

News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition | The Guardian › Opinion › Donald Trump
Feb 4, 2017 - While the US is still seen as Britain's greatest ally, the president is a threat to global stability, according to a new Opinium poll.
Polls are rigged. You say the same about him in America. Britain loves the Trumps and so does America.
No the white house said this. They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.
They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.

can you 'cite' that?
Already cited. You are free to search the thread for the post I provided the link.
The British Royals aren't even British! These inbred, genetic abominations are Germans who changed their name in WWI. It's biologically OBSCENE that this cousin-fucking family is continuing their genetic shortcomings. Their family history is tied in consanguinous knots.

Got any links to back up your bullshit, or is this some more crap you pulled outta your ass?
Trump is extremely popular in the UK.

Boy, did you ever "nail" it.......(you're so "astute")

Two million Britons would publicly protest Donald Trump's state visit to
www.independent.co.uk › News › UK › UK Politics
Aug 30, 2017 - Two million Britons would publicly protest if Donald Trump came to the UK for a state visit next year, a poll suggests. Four per cent of those polled, representative of around two million members of the public, said they would "definitely" join a protest against Mr Trump's state visit, an ICM Unlimited poll for The ...

Half of the British public think Trump is 'dangerous' | Andrew ...

News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition | The Guardian › Opinion › Donald Trump
Feb 4, 2017 - While the US is still seen as Britain's greatest ally, the president is a threat to global stability, according to a new Opinium poll.
Polls are rigged. You say the same about him in America. Britain loves the Trumps and so does America.
No the white house said this. They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.
They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.

can you 'cite' that?
Already cited. You are free to search the thread for the post I provided the link.

and you are free to back up your statement, with the link, or the post.
Boy, did you ever "nail" it.......(you're so "astute")

Two million Britons would publicly protest Donald Trump's state visit to
www.independent.co.uk › News › UK › UK Politics
Aug 30, 2017 - Two million Britons would publicly protest if Donald Trump came to the UK for a state visit next year, a poll suggests. Four per cent of those polled, representative of around two million members of the public, said they would "definitely" join a protest against Mr Trump's state visit, an ICM Unlimited poll for The ...

Half of the British public think Trump is 'dangerous' | Andrew ...

News, sport and opinion from the Guardian's US edition | The Guardian › Opinion › Donald Trump
Feb 4, 2017 - While the US is still seen as Britain's greatest ally, the president is a threat to global stability, according to a new Opinium poll.
Polls are rigged. You say the same about him in America. Britain loves the Trumps and so does America.
No the white house said this. They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.
They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.

can you 'cite' that?
Already cited. You are free to search the thread for the post I provided the link.

and you are free to back up your statement, with the link, or the post.
Already done. Youre free to go find it.
Polls are rigged. You say the same about him in America. Britain loves the Trumps and so does America.
No the white house said this. They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.
They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.

can you 'cite' that?
Already cited. You are free to search the thread for the post I provided the link.

and you are free to back up your statement, with the link, or the post.
Already done. Youre free to go find it.

no, the first instance was the post I responded to.

link it, or admit you're a liar
No the white house said this. They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.
They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.

can you 'cite' that?
Already cited. You are free to search the thread for the post I provided the link.

and you are free to back up your statement, with the link, or the post.
Already done. Youre free to go find it.

no, the first instance was the post I responded to.

link it, or admit you're a liar
Sorry but you have no cred here. Go find it or admit you cant read. :)
can you 'cite' that?
Already cited. You are free to search the thread for the post I provided the link.

and you are free to back up your statement, with the link, or the post.
Already done. Youre free to go find it.

no, the first instance was the post I responded to.

link it, or admit you're a liar
Sorry but you have no cred here. Go find it or admit you cant read. :)

Link it, or admit you're a liar.
No the white house said this. They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.
They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.

can you 'cite' that?
Already cited. You are free to search the thread for the post I provided the link.

and you are free to back up your statement, with the link, or the post.
Already done. Youre free to go find it.

no, the first instance was the post I responded to.

link it, or admit you're a liar

Well Will, here is a link that shows that Trump cancelled a working visit to Britain because of the backlash were Trump retweeted racist Tweets from a British white supremacist.

Trump’s UK visit canceled amid outrage over far-right tweets

American diplomats called off President Trump's "working visit" to the UK less than 48 hours after he drew international ire over retweeting the leader of a British far-right group, according to a report.

Trump was scheduled to travel to London in January for the inauguration of a new American embassy. But those plans were dropped Thursday, a senior U.S. diplomat told the Telegraph.

"The idea of a visit has obviously been floated, but not December and not January," the diplomat told the British newspaper. "I would not expect a Trump visit in January."

The White House did not immediately return a request for comment from the Daily News.

News of the apparent cancellation came just hours after British Prime Minister Theresa May said it was "wrong" of Trump to retweet a trio of Islamophobic videos posted by Jayda Fransen, an organizer for the ultranationalist Britain First group.

May pointed out to Trump that Britain First is a "hateful organization" that "seeks to spread mistrust and division within our communities."

Trump responded that May shouldn't focus on him.
Already cited. You are free to search the thread for the post I provided the link.

and you are free to back up your statement, with the link, or the post.
Already done. Youre free to go find it.

no, the first instance was the post I responded to.

link it, or admit you're a liar
Sorry but you have no cred here. Go find it or admit you cant read. :)

Link it, or admit you're a liar.
No thanks. I told you that you lack the cred. You are free to think I am a liar. :)
can you 'cite' that?
Already cited. You are free to search the thread for the post I provided the link.

and you are free to back up your statement, with the link, or the post.
Already done. Youre free to go find it.

no, the first instance was the post I responded to.

link it, or admit you're a liar

Well Will, here is a link that shows that Trump cancelled a working visit to Britain because of the backlash were Trump retweeted racist Tweets from a British white supremacist.

Trump’s UK visit canceled amid outrage over far-right tweets

American diplomats called off President Trump's "working visit" to the UK less than 48 hours after he drew international ire over retweeting the leader of a British far-right group, according to a report.

Trump was scheduled to travel to London in January for the inauguration of a new American embassy. But those plans were dropped Thursday, a senior U.S. diplomat told the Telegraph.

"The idea of a visit has obviously been floated, but not December and not January," the diplomat told the British newspaper. "I would not expect a Trump visit in January."

The White House did not immediately return a request for comment from the Daily News.

News of the apparent cancellation came just hours after British Prime Minister Theresa May said it was "wrong" of Trump to retweet a trio of Islamophobic videos posted by Jayda Fransen, an organizer for the ultranationalist Britain First group.

May pointed out to Trump that Britain First is a "hateful organization" that "seeks to spread mistrust and division within our communities."

Trump responded that May shouldn't focus on him.

Thank you.

Shame the other poster couldn't back up his claim.

But then, I'm used to that from him
and you are free to back up your statement, with the link, or the post.
Already done. Youre free to go find it.

no, the first instance was the post I responded to.

link it, or admit you're a liar
Sorry but you have no cred here. Go find it or admit you cant read. :)

Link it, or admit you're a liar.
No thanks. I told you that you lack the cred. You are free to think I am a liar. :)

"You are free to think I am a liar."

just the facts, ma'am

Your only 'cite' was this:

No the white house said this. They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.
Already cited. You are free to search the thread for the post I provided the link.

and you are free to back up your statement, with the link, or the post.
Already done. Youre free to go find it.

no, the first instance was the post I responded to.

link it, or admit you're a liar

Well Will, here is a link that shows that Trump cancelled a working visit to Britain because of the backlash were Trump retweeted racist Tweets from a British white supremacist.

Trump’s UK visit canceled amid outrage over far-right tweets

American diplomats called off President Trump's "working visit" to the UK less than 48 hours after he drew international ire over retweeting the leader of a British far-right group, according to a report.

Trump was scheduled to travel to London in January for the inauguration of a new American embassy. But those plans were dropped Thursday, a senior U.S. diplomat told the Telegraph.

"The idea of a visit has obviously been floated, but not December and not January," the diplomat told the British newspaper. "I would not expect a Trump visit in January."

The White House did not immediately return a request for comment from the Daily News.

News of the apparent cancellation came just hours after British Prime Minister Theresa May said it was "wrong" of Trump to retweet a trio of Islamophobic videos posted by Jayda Fransen, an organizer for the ultranationalist Britain First group.

May pointed out to Trump that Britain First is a "hateful organization" that "seeks to spread mistrust and division within our communities."

Trump responded that May shouldn't focus on him.

Thank you.

Shame the other poster couldn't back up his claim.

But then, I'm used to that from him
Youre no one to back up anything to. It wasnt that I couldnt back it up, it was that you lack the cred to move me to back it up. :)
Already done. Youre free to go find it.

no, the first instance was the post I responded to.

link it, or admit you're a liar
Sorry but you have no cred here. Go find it or admit you cant read. :)

Link it, or admit you're a liar.
No thanks. I told you that you lack the cred. You are free to think I am a liar. :)

"You are free to think I am a liar."

just the facts, ma'am

Your only 'cite' was this:

No the white house said this. They cited the reason for cancelling the trip to the UK was due to being hated.
Nope that wasnt my only cite but if you want to believe that then I give you permission. :)
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