Poor White Trump Voters Admit They Thought He Wouldn't Follow Through...

Let me see...and you can speak for them? I live in Kentucky and my insurance is fine. The people in that article say the same things about their's. Kentucky still has 5 insurance providers. Keep going... you tell me how you know more about what's going on. I mean YOU spoke up about them before I did

Look numbnuts, it is who it is. They are the poor white people of Kentucky. They benefit from Obamacare, but voted for Trump despite him saying he was going to repeal it. Please explain to me why this is wrong
Is Obamacare really affordable? Not for the middle class.

I'm sorry... do you have a reading comprehension problem? What is the title of this thread?
If the people that are paying for it can't afford to pay for it , it will not work. Why is that so hard to understand? If you are getting a subsidy on your co pays and annual payments that make it free sure you will like it but by nature that is unsustainable.
Sorry the whole story is so stupid. As if every poor white person in KY is a fool that didn't believe Trump would do what he said he would do so they voted for him. Give me a break.
If the people that are paying for it can't afford to pay for it , it will not work. Why is that so hard to understand? If you are getting a subsidy on your co pays and annual payments that make it free sure you will like it but by nature that is unsustainable.

But that's just it, there are taxes like the medical equipment tax and taxes on Brand name prescription medicines that go towards helping pay for the differences, but Republicans want to get rid of those because of their buddy lobbyist from the medical companies...
Sorry the whole story is so stupid. As if every poor white person in KY is a fool that didn't believe Trump would do what he said he would do so they voted for him. Give me a break.

Yep, you are officially a numbnut.
But that's just it, there are taxes like the medical equipment tax and taxes on Brand name prescription medicines that go towards helping pay for the differences, but Republicans want to get rid of those because of their buddy lobbyist from the medical companies..
Lewdog...how would you like to be lying on the operating table and hear that the new knee is going to cost you $100,000 dollars and 45% of that are taxes on medical devices. It's not working I don't care how many poor whites in KY you talk to.
But that's just it, there are taxes like the medical equipment tax and taxes on Brand name prescription medicines that go towards helping pay for the differences, but Republicans want to get rid of those because of their buddy lobbyist from the medical companies..
Lewdog...how would you like to be lying on the operating table and hear that the new knee is going to cost you $100,000 dollars and 45% of that are taxes on medical devices. It's not working I don't care how many poor whites in KY you talk to.

WTF difference does it make if 45% of the $100,000 is because of a medical device tax or because the doctor wants to fleece you and the insurance company?
If the people that are paying for it can't afford to pay for it , it will not work. Why is that so hard to understand? If you are getting a subsidy on your co pays and annual payments that make it free sure you will like it but by nature that is unsustainable.

But that's just it, there are taxes like the medical equipment tax and taxes on Brand name prescription medicines that go towards helping pay for the differences, but Republicans want to get rid of those because of their buddy lobbyist from the medical companies...

No,we want to get rid of it because it's insanely expensive for those who actually pay for it.
WTF difference does it make if 45% of the $100,000 is because of a medical device tax or because the doctor wants to fleece you and the insurance company?
Okay economics 101 if something is taxed at 45% it will cost you 45% more. The left is trying to make healthcare ins free. It will never be free. The more they tinker with it the more expensive it gets. If the ins co is fleecing you maybe it's because the federal government is fleecing them. Get it? Of course not.
WTF difference does it make if 45% of the $100,000 is because of a medical device tax or because the doctor wants to fleece you and the insurance company?
Okay economics 101 if something is taxed at 45% it will cost you 45% more. The left is trying to make healthcare ins free. It will never be free. The more they tinker with it the more expensive it gets. If the ins co is fleecing you maybe it's because the federal government is fleecing them. Get it? Of course not.

Wait, but Trump said EVERYONE would be covered under his new plan... yet he has provided no details. How do you think he is going to pull that off?
Sorry, that isn't explaining how poor people are going to get coverage... like the MILLIONS of people that weren't covered before the ACA
There will be help for the poor there always was. But no one will get health care for free, everyone will pay something for their coverage. It's your body and life. Do you want ins or do you want a big screen TV? your choice.
Sorry, that isn't explaining how poor people are going to get coverage... like the MILLIONS of people that weren't covered before the ACA
There will be help for the poor there always was. But no one will get health care for free, everyone will pay something for their coverage. It's your body and life. Do you want ins or do you want a big screen TV? your choice.

What a dick thing to say. Like that is the choice for many Americans... insurance or a big screen tv. What you are saying would NEVER work. There will HAVE to be government funds going towards helping people pay insurance companies. The fact that many other countries provide it to their citizens shows it can work.
You know lewdog you seem to think costs were out of control and so the government rode in the save the day. It's the exact opposite. The government rode in and fucked it up and then told you they can fix it. And you have been believing that for decades.
What a dick thing to say. Like that is the choice for many Americans... insurance or a big screen tv. What you are saying would NEVER work. There will HAVE to be government funds going towards helping people pay insurance companies. The fact that many other countries provide it to their citizens shows it can work.
The dick thing to say is some don't have to contribute and some do.
What a dick thing to say. Like that is the choice for many Americans... insurance or a big screen tv. What you are saying would NEVER work. There will HAVE to be government funds going towards helping people pay insurance companies. The fact that many other countries provide it to their citizens shows it can work.
The dick thing to say is some don't have to contribute and some do.

Yeah... that's right... you don't want YOUR money going towards things like social programs. That's what it is all about.

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