Pop Singer criticized for saying she "loves being a woman"

It use to be when someone was spouting nonsense like this, they were evaluated for mental illness....now they are given positions of power by the democrat party.

So really, when you think about it, it's not tremendously different. Democrat Party, mental asylum . . . the big difference is that in the Dem Party, the lunatics are in charge.
I’m stumped on this silly outcry. What’s wrong with saying you enjoy the sexual identity which aligns with your actual gender?

There are right handers. There are left handers. There are switch-hitters. Anything beyond that set has to be fiction, unless you have no hands at all.
I’m stumped on this silly outcry. What’s wrong with saying you enjoy the sexual identity which aligns with your actual gender?

There are right handers. There are left handers. There are switch-hitters. Anything beyond that set has to be fiction, unless you have no hands at all.
My guess is that some people aren't happy until they have something to kick and scream about. In other words, they are not happy until they possess the mentality of a five-year-old.

God bless you always!!!

My guess is that some people aren't happy until they have something to kick and scream about. In other words, they are not happy until they possess the mentality of a five-year-old.

God bless you always!!!


You are correct about this. There's an increasing number of people who run around actively looking for something to be "offended" and "outraged" about.
Adele accused of transphobia for saying 'I love being a woman' at Brit Awards

British singer Adele was slammed as she walked the red carpet at Brit Awards 2022. At the gender-neutral awards show, Adele said that she “loves being a woman”, a statement that has now caused buzz on the social media and people accuse her of being transphobic.

Don't even address the left. Just pity them. All of them.

Good article that is hard to argue with. The Left is not only out to destroy men, they are out to destroy the very notion of a different sex either way. The Left hates everything and everyone equally.

Adele is the latest celebrity to get caught up in the gender war that is raging in the West. The British singer made the following remark at a recent award show while accepting an award for a new “gender-neutral” artist of the year category:

“I understand why the name of this award has changed, but I really love being a woman and being a female artist. I do!”

Adele received applause from the audience, but that didn’t prevent critics online from accusing her of transphobia.

Her experience represents the dirtiest little secret in America’s political culture.

Feminists. Hate. Women.

This may sound hyperbolic and counterintuitive, but the use of terms like “birthing people,” “menstruator,” and “non-prostate owner” in the halls of Congress and corporate media outlets prove it every day. It’s hard to claim you care about a group of people when you deny their existence, reject everything that makes them unique, and refuse to advocate on their behalf.

The most salient example in the culture today is the feminist support of biological males competing in girls’ sports. Corporate sports media companies like ESPN, Fox Sports, and Deadspin rarely address this issue, and when they do, it is always to defend the men who demand access.

The same dynamic exists in every area of politics and culture. There is no area of American life that remains the exclusive province of biological females.

The mothers of today’s women’s liberation movement have prioritized confused sons over confident daughters. Their anthem has gone from the opening line of Helen Reddy’s liberation song to the opening line of a James Brown classic.

“I am woman, hear me roar” is out. “This is a man’s world” is in.

This reality hovers on the surface of every conversation about sex and gender identity, but the use of dehumanizing language from the champions of women’s rights reflects a much larger issue.

Feminism is doomed to failure because it is an ideology that claims to want equality for women while rejecting the things that make women unique.

Feminists confuse equality with sameness, which sends a signal to our entire society that the height of womanhood is thinking, speaking, and behaving like men.

The irony is that many of the social norms feminists have worked to undo have been exactly what men have desired for ages.

The clearest example is in all things related to sex. We live in an age when virgins are mocked and women who have casual sexual encounters with different men every weekend are celebrated.

This is one reason abortion is one of the central planks of the feminist movement. It allows women to have sex free of reproductive consequences, just like their male counterparts.

Feminists also sold women the lie that a high-powered career is a more worthy pursuit than staying at home to manage their own homes or teach their own children. This worldview is the source of a great deal of the conflict between men and women. It is also a source of the frustrations many women feel when they realize they neither have the time nor energy to have the perfect career and ideal home life.

This dynamic never goes in the opposite direction.

Most men don’t complain about the lack of representation in the social work or teaching professions. We don’t lead protests to integrate ladies’ night at the local bowling alley or to gain admission to women’s colleges. We don’t start movements to gain access to all-female spaces or mimic female speech patterns in the home when communicating with our children.

Those things don’t typically happen because most men value masculinity. Unfortunately, those who don’t are the favorite foot soldiers in the left’s war against manhood.

As is always the case in America, there is a racial component that complicates these dynamics even further.

One black transgender actor named Angelica Ross appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Network and lectured a room full of black women about their “privilege” and role in perpetuating harm against trans women.

I imagine this may have been the first time these women have been accused of wielding privilege, but it definitely won’t be the last. In a world in which everyone is seen as either oppressed or an oppressor based on different aspects of their identity, a cisgender black woman will occupy a higher social station than any transwoman. That means the latter can demand more resources and opportunities at the expense of the former.

Let the intersectional Hunger Games begin.

Feminism is an ideology fueled by anti-identity. If the patriarchy says women should be protected, feminists reject chivalry as patronizing. If men argue for modesty, feminists argue for lewdness.

In some ways freedom is more difficult to manage than subjugation. Liberation becomes a more pernicious form of bondage when the purpose of our lives and the highest use of our bodies is to pursue our own interests, not to glorify God and reflect the beauty of His creation.

This is why a society is doomed to failure when it sees a woman who is married with children by 21 as oppressed, but a stripper or cam model of the same age as empowered.

The choice for women today is clear. They can align with the feminists who believe womanhood is a feeling that is impossible to define or with the traditionalists who value and cherish femininity. They can choose the women who prioritize the feelings and mental health needs of men who believe they were born in the wrong body or the men who believe women deserve their own spaces free from the intrusion of “prostate owners.”

This fight isn’t going anywhere. The left believes womanhood should be rejected. The right – for now – thinks it should be protected. The future of women is at stake. Either they will fight for their right to exist or succumb to the feminists who subconsciously believe men are better at everything – even at being women.
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The weird things is that the NOW mission statement, don't know now, haven't read it in a long time but in the late 80s,, it favored lesbians/homos (and by using that term i am sure that they intended it to extend to trans,) moreso than it protected or supported women.
The weird things is that the NOW mission statement, don't know now, haven't read it in a long time but in the late 80s,, it favored lesbians/homos (and by using that term i am sure that they intended it to extend to trans,) moreso than it protected or supported women.
At some point any mention of gender will be considered non-PC

The odd thing is, the opposite is true of race as everything is Uber racial now.

How insane is that?
The whole country has gone insane....well..not the whole country...less than half...but the crazies seem to be running the institution
Leftism is twisted so the answer is absolutely yes. It's similar their stance on racism for instance. Just for example, I just met a gal who she and her family are pure Democrats. On one hand she soaks in the racism the left adores to narrate, while on another she doesn't trust blacks and would never sleep with one. Her only comment about Mexicans is they're thieves.
Not all feminists are woke. Many really do want all girl to success in life. Where i am from feminism means equal rights and opportunities. Many Americans associate feminism with lesbians and man hating.
I determined when I was 14 that I would marry a virgin, i.e., a girl who had determined to be a virgin for her husband. I was not going to take any cock carousel whore for a wife and the mother of my children.
Not all feminists are woke. Many really do want all girl to success in life. Where i am from feminism means equal rights and opportunities. Many Americans associate feminism with lesbians and man hating.
I loath feminism.
At some point any mention of gender will be considered non-PC

The odd thing is, the opposite is true of race as everything is Uber racial now.

How insane is that?
At the same time, the left is pushing the ERA against gender discrimination. While gender/sex cannot even be defined without discriminating between people who believe internal identity trumps biological sex or believe these are separate and govt can only recognize biological sex which is determined objectively by science and has no jurisdiction to recognize or regulate internal gender identity that is faith based and up to individual liberty.

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