Pope allows priests to forgive women who have abortions

After confession, I almost always feel good about myself.

Well as long as you say your three hail marys and put some money in the collection jar your soul is as pure as the driven snow

Not if your confession isn't heartfelt and you are truly sorry for your sins. God knows
then why do you have to tell a priest?

Because I choose to, why does it bother you so much people do? Actually it's none of your business. You and others just want to wail and moan about the Catholics.

I'll give you all some advice...we don't care :)
After confession, I almost always feel good about myself.

Well as long as you say your three hail marys and put some money in the collection jar your soul is as pure as the driven snow
I have been a Catholic for nearly 30 years and no priest has EVER told me to put money in a donation jar, ass hole.

When my husband and I married my father tried to give the priest $100 for performing the ceremony, the priest told my father to give it to the newlyweds to start them on their way.
After confession, I almost always feel good about myself.

Well as long as you say your three hail marys and put some money in the collection jar your soul is as pure as the driven snow
I have been a Catholic for nearly 30 years and no priest has EVER told me to put money in a donation jar, ass hole.
Yeah they just give you envelopes to put in the collection every Sunday so they know how much you give ans can adjust your absolution accordingly

Like I said I was brought up Catholic so I know their shit
After confession, I almost always feel good about myself.

Well as long as you say your three hail marys and put some money in the collection jar your soul is as pure as the driven snow
I have been a Catholic for nearly 30 years and no priest has EVER told me to put money in a donation jar, ass hole.
Yeah they just give you envelopes to put in the collection every Sunday so they know how much you give ans can adjust your absolution accordingly

Like I said I was brought up Catholic so I know their shit

You don't have to use the envelopes....it's not mandatory. Try again
After confession, I almost always feel good about myself.

Well as long as you say your three hail marys and put some money in the collection jar your soul is as pure as the driven snow

Not if your confession isn't heartfelt and you are truly sorry for your sins. God knows
then why do you have to tell a priest?
You don't have to tell a priest.
Then why do Catholics have confession? I mean if god already knows all your sins and whether or not you are truly repentant why have confession?
After confession, I almost always feel good about myself.

Well as long as you say your three hail marys and put some money in the collection jar your soul is as pure as the driven snow
I have been a Catholic for nearly 30 years and no priest has EVER told me to put money in a donation jar, ass hole.
Yeah they just give you envelopes to put in the collection every Sunday so they know how much you give ans can adjust your absolution accordingly

Like I said I was brought up Catholic so I know their shit

You don't have to use the envelopes....it's not mandatory. Try again
If you don't they assume you gave nothing and will adjust your absolution accordingly
After confession, I almost always feel good about myself.

Well as long as you say your three hail marys and put some money in the collection jar your soul is as pure as the driven snow

Not if your confession isn't heartfelt and you are truly sorry for your sins. God knows
then why do you have to tell a priest?

Because I choose to, why does it bother you so much people do? Actually it's none of your business. You and others just want to wail and moan about the Catholics.

I'll give you all some advice...we don't care :)
Oh but you do care or you wouldn't be replying to me
After confession, I almost always feel good about myself.

Well as long as you say your three hail marys and put some money in the collection jar your soul is as pure as the driven snow
I have been a Catholic for nearly 30 years and no priest has EVER told me to put money in a donation jar, ass hole.
Yeah they just give you envelopes to put in the collection every Sunday so they know how much you give ans can adjust your absolution accordingly

Like I said I was brought up Catholic so I know their shit

You don't have to use the envelopes....it's not mandatory. Try again
If you don't they assume you gave nothing and will adjust your absolution accordingly

Good grief....you don't have the first clue, you're just commenting to bash Catholics
Well as long as you say your three hail marys and put some money in the collection jar your soul is as pure as the driven snow
I have been a Catholic for nearly 30 years and no priest has EVER told me to put money in a donation jar, ass hole.
Yeah they just give you envelopes to put in the collection every Sunday so they know how much you give ans can adjust your absolution accordingly

Like I said I was brought up Catholic so I know their shit

You don't have to use the envelopes....it's not mandatory. Try again
If you don't they assume you gave nothing and will adjust your absolution accordingly

Good grief....you don't have the first clue, you're just commenting to bash Catholics
You don't read very well do you?

I was subjected to Catholic dogma indoctrination only I was smart enough to see it for what it was
After confession, I almost always feel good about myself.

Well as long as you say your three hail marys and put some money in the collection jar your soul is as pure as the driven snow

Not if your confession isn't heartfelt and you are truly sorry for your sins. God knows
then why do you have to tell a priest?

Because I choose to, why does it bother you so much people do? Actually it's none of your business. You and others just want to wail and moan about the Catholics.

I'll give you all some advice...we don't care :)
Oh but you do care or you wouldn't be replying to me

Look nitwit I reply to dumbfucks everyday...today it's you. Get over yourself and thinking I give two shits what you think of Catholics.
Well as long as you say your three hail marys and put some money in the collection jar your soul is as pure as the driven snow

Not if your confession isn't heartfelt and you are truly sorry for your sins. God knows
then why do you have to tell a priest?

Because I choose to, why does it bother you so much people do? Actually it's none of your business. You and others just want to wail and moan about the Catholics.

I'll give you all some advice...we don't care :)
Oh but you do care or you wouldn't be replying to me

Look nitwit I reply to dumbfucks everyday...today it's you. Get over yourself and thinking I give two shits what you think of Catholics.
still not caring I see
I have been a Catholic for nearly 30 years and no priest has EVER told me to put money in a donation jar, ass hole.
Yeah they just give you envelopes to put in the collection every Sunday so they know how much you give ans can adjust your absolution accordingly

Like I said I was brought up Catholic so I know their shit

You don't have to use the envelopes....it's not mandatory. Try again
If you don't they assume you gave nothing and will adjust your absolution accordingly

Good grief....you don't have the first clue, you're just commenting to bash Catholics
You don't read very well do you?

I was subjected to Catholic dogma indoctrination only I was smart enough to see it for what it was

You don't read very well....I think you're stupid and bashing to be bashing, I wish I had a nickle for everyone I've seen claiming to have been Catholic but bashing Catholics. Pulease
Not if your confession isn't heartfelt and you are truly sorry for your sins. God knows
then why do you have to tell a priest?

Because I choose to, why does it bother you so much people do? Actually it's none of your business. You and others just want to wail and moan about the Catholics.

I'll give you all some advice...we don't care :)
Oh but you do care or you wouldn't be replying to me

Look nitwit I reply to dumbfucks everyday...today it's you. Get over yourself and thinking I give two shits what you think of Catholics.
still not caring I see

I suspect you're a liar. How's that Mr Sunshine with the stupid screen name and avatar? Now fug off
Yeah they just give you envelopes to put in the collection every Sunday so they know how much you give ans can adjust your absolution accordingly

Like I said I was brought up Catholic so I know their shit

You don't have to use the envelopes....it's not mandatory. Try again
If you don't they assume you gave nothing and will adjust your absolution accordingly

Good grief....you don't have the first clue, you're just commenting to bash Catholics
You don't read very well do you?

I was subjected to Catholic dogma indoctrination only I was smart enough to see it for what it was

You don't read very well....I think you're stupid and bashing to be bashing, I wish I had a nickle for everyone I've seen claiming to have been Catholic but bashing Catholics. Pulease
Believe me or don't that my family is still Catholic I really don't give a fuck

But I can sum up the Catholic indoctrination by quoting what one revered priest yelled at me while he was squeezing my face in his hands and shaking me back and forth
" You are not here to ask me questions , Boy. You are here to listen and BELIEVE ! "

Catholicism in a nutshell
The priest is not irrelevant. A good confession is very good for the psyche and the soul, and a good priest can give you good direction to avoid sin in the future. Sinners don't have to be alone, and they can learn that in the big scheme of things, sins that overwhelm and baffle them aren't nearly as bad as they think they are. Priests have heard every sin in the book, and they have lots of experience because of this. They can assure you that things aren't nearly as bad as you think they are. After confession, I almost always feel good about myself.

In Second Kings, chapter 5, the commander of the Syrian army, Naaman, was looking to have his leprosy cured.

God could have just poofed it gone, but He did not because God had a purpose in curing Naaman. So He had the prophet tell Naaman to go dip himself seven times in the Jordan River, and it almost offended Naaman, it was such an easy thing to do to cure his leprosy and he would have done far more....he almost did not go.

God removed the leprosy from Naanam only after Naaman had completely obeyed Gods command and he was raised up the seventh time.

God has told us through the Magisterium and church tradition that if we go to confession our sins will be cleansed, not by the power of the priest, but by faith in God who acts through the priest the same way He worked through the Jordan river to cleanse Naaman.

God has told us to confess our sins to a priest every since Leviticus chapter 5, "if anyone thoughtlessly takes an oath to do anything, whether good or evil (in any matter one might carelessly swear about) even though they are unaware of it, but then they learn of it and realize their guilt— 5 when anyone becomes aware that they are guilty in any of these matters, they must confess in what way they have sinned. 6 As a penalty for the sin they have committed, they must bring to the Lord a female lamb or goat from the flock as a sin offering[a]; and the priest shall make atonement for them for their sin."

In the new testament, in James chapter 5 we are told to "confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."

In this sacrament, the priest cures us of our sin by the authority of Jesus Christ to remove the guilt of sin. Whether you are confused about the sin in any way or not, you are guaranteed that your sin will be forgiven and removed.

Rome did not simply make this shit up, folks. IT is an extension of an ancient Hebrew tradition that dates from the earliest times.

There is not one thing heathen, ungodly or unChristian about any of it.
Speak for yourself. I was brought up in the Catholic cult.

But I was smart enough at 8 years old to tell my mother I refused to go to church or catechism anymore.
Yeah, because you totally understood Catholicism at the age of 8 years old.

Why dont you STFU and stop humiliating yourself, dumbass?
then why do you have to tell a priest?

Because I choose to, why does it bother you so much people do? Actually it's none of your business. You and others just want to wail and moan about the Catholics.

I'll give you all some advice...we don't care :)
Oh but you do care or you wouldn't be replying to me

Look nitwit I reply to dumbfucks everyday...today it's you. Get over yourself and thinking I give two shits what you think of Catholics.
still not caring I see

I suspect you're a liar. How's that Mr Sunshine with the stupid screen name and avatar? Now fug off

Wow a tantrum with name calling that would make a 5 year old proud

I will answer with the scathing

Believe me or don't that my family is still Catholic I really don't give a fuck

But I can sum up the Catholic indoctrination by quoting what one revered priest yelled at me while he was squeezing my face in his hands and shaking me back and forth
" You are not here to ask me questions , Boy. You are here to listen and BELIEVE ! "

Catholicism in a nutshell
No, that is not Catholicism in a nutshell. That is you in a nutshell.

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