Pope allows priests to forgive women who have abortions

Speak for yourself. I was brought up in the Catholic cult.

But I was smart enough at 8 years old to tell my mother I refused to go to church or catechism anymore.
Yeah, because you totally understood Catholicism at the age of 8 years old.

Why dont you STFU and stopping humiliating yourself, dumbass?

Believe me I knew enough to know it was all bullshit
Believe me or don't that my family is still Catholic I really don't give a fuck

But I can sum up the Catholic indoctrination by quoting what one revered priest yelled at me while he was squeezing my face in his hands and shaking me back and forth
" You are not here to ask me questions , Boy. You are here to listen and BELIEVE ! "

Catholicism in a nutshell
No, that is not Catholicism in a nutshell. That is you in a nutshell.

He's full of it...a Catholic can always tell
Believe me or don't that my family is still Catholic I really don't give a fuck

But I can sum up the Catholic indoctrination by quoting what one revered priest yelled at me while he was squeezing my face in his hands and shaking me back and forth
" You are not here to ask me questions , Boy. You are here to listen and BELIEVE ! "

Catholicism in a nutshell
No, that is not Catholicism in a nutshell. That is you in a nutshell.
Nope the priest is the Catholic church's and god's representative on earth he was spouting catholic doctrine as he was taught to
Priests have always absolved people of murder and various abuses. Nothing new.
Priests have always absolved people of murder and various abuses. Nothing new.
even though they have absolutely no power to do so

It's just a way for the church to have people do their bidding by offering absolution for all sins committed in the name of religion
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

I heard this on the news this morning as well.

He (The Pope) "extended" the date some more.

For a fetus that is not viable outside the womb, I don't think there is anything wrong with aborting these pregnancies. I know the Pope does not agree with me. I know Jesus and his Apostles and Evangelists were however silent on the issue same as the US Constitution is silent, although the Burger Court was NOT silent they were "activist" about it.

For a fetus that CAN survive outside the womb, which starts generally at 7 months, it does seem like murder (infanticide) to abort the child.

Can the Catholic Church forgive murder? I doubt it seriously.

So in my view it all depends on the month of gestation. Prior to 7 months no forgiveness required.

For 7 months or later, no forgiveness is possible.
Yes it is, because it's been moved from being forgiven by a bishop (which requires time, getting an appointment, and very possible long distance travel), to being forgiven by a priest (much more accessible at your local church).

Yeah like I'm buying what you're selling. Hint, moron I'm a Catholic. Any sin but blasphemy against the holy spirit is forgivable. That's like Catholic 101, hell our youngest is in the middle of confirmation classes and she can tell you that.
Just curious...can you ask God for forgiveness in your home or do you have to go to Confession?

Some Catholics adhere sin must be forgiven through confession with a priest and some do not. I go to confession but I also ask God for forgiveness w/o the "middle man"
Thank you for your input.

You're welcome but this isn't "earth shattering news" and the left is playing it up like abortion isn't "that bad of a sin"...it's a very grave sin, very grave
Meh, couple Our Fathers and a few Hail Marys and it's all good.
if mary had aborted jesus would we be talking about forgiveness?
Mary saw an Angel Of God (Gabriel) and then God Himself appeared to her WITH the Holy Ghost.

I doubt after that experience that Mary would be enticed by Lucifer to murder the unborn child named Jesus.

But if she HAD aborted him, then Gabriel, God, and the Holy Spirit would all be back on Square One.

Right, Amigo ?!
Sure. I'm sure that was just one rogue priest not
Yep, could have been. There are plenty of drunk/pervert/ignorant priests out there, for certain.

But the overwhelming odds are that your 8 year old mind simply misunderstood and failed to recognize the limits of your comprehension, that you constantly display when you go off on these anti-religious rants.

And you obviously have not gotten any smarter.
if mary had aborted jesus would we be talking about forgiveness?
Mary saw an Angel Of God (Gabriel) and then God Himself appeared to her WITH the Holy Ghost.

I doubt after that experience that Mary would be enticed by Lucifer to murder the unborn child named Jesus.

But if she HAD aborted him, then Gabriel, God, and the Holy Spirit would all be back on Square One.

Right, Amigo ?!
No. because God has perfect foresight since He exists out of the flow of space and time. He knew that Mary would accept and be the perfect Ark for the gestation of His Son and His being raised by a deserving woman.
Priests have always absolved people of murder and various abuses. Nothing new.
even though they have absolutely no power to do so

It's just a way for the church to have people do their bidding by offering absolution for all sins committed in the name of religion
I suppose if you pay with your own life for committing a murder, and especially like in China if they can harvest your organs and save other people's lives with them, THEN MAYBE forgiveness is possible.

But just telling a Catholic floozy that she is forgiven for her abortion does not cut it with me, logically or philosophically.
Priests have always absolved people of murder and various abuses. Nothing new.
even though they have absolutely no power to do so

It's just a way for the church to have people do their bidding by offering absolution for all sins committed in the name of religion
I suppose if you pay with your own life for committing a murder, and especially like in China if they can harvest your organs and save other people's lives with them, THEN MAYBE forgiveness is possible.

But just telling a Catholic floozy that she is forgiven for her abortion does not cut it with me, logically or philosophically.

the point is, you aren't the pope, nor are you Catholic.

The point is, the church has always absolved people of heinous crimes. Just because in this case it's women who you despise and want to see humiliated and rejected when they die from the abortions you encourage them to get, does not mean that the Catholic church has not historically absolved all crimes through their priests. Whether or not you agree is completely irrelevant, as you are, yourself.

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