Pope allows priests to forgive women who have abortions

Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

This pope is a leftist...that's why....
The church picked him. And they aren't tossing him out for blasphemy and heresay so they must approve and agree abortion is not murder.
You missed his point altogether.
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Lol...God forgives, Jesus paid the price...not priests
Jesus gave his apostles authority to forgive sins. I wish Protestants would actually read the Bible they beat everyone over the head with.
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Lol...God forgives, Jesus paid the price...not priests
Jesus gave his apostles authority to forgive sins. I wish Protestants would actually read the Bible they beat everyone over the head with.
Yes, your right...I'm not Protestant

So, I was wrong, please forgive me
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

This pope is a leftist...that's why....
The church picked him. And they aren't tossing him out for blasphemy and heresay so they must approve and agree abortion is not murder.
You missed his point altogether.
And you're missing mine. Abortion ain't murder.

If it was would the Pope announce from now on he's going to forgive anyone who gets one?

I think even the Catholic Church deep down gets that
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

It's considered a mortal sin, same as murder
So abortion isn't murder? Explain
The punishment for abortion in the Catholic Church is automatic ex-communication to everyone involved, which is not true for murder. So the punishment for abortion is HARSHER than the punishment for murder.

Abortion - Excommunication

Apart from abortion, are there other sins that incur automatic excommunication? | Catholic Answers
Well, Thank God for Jesus!
So do they forgive then excommunicate or excommunicate then forgive?
I think that Catholics should be granted the moral and legal authority to pass judgement on everybody in the world in the matter of abortion. I mean, if you can't trust a guy who has no wife or daughter, presumably little or no sexual experience, and is part of a statistically high population of child predators, just who can you trust in these matters?
You just joined my ignore list, because Catholic priests are NOT more likely to be sexual predators, and you knew that, and lied.

Five myths about the Catholic sexual abuse scandal
^^^^^^ loser.

Can't handle a discussion, take up knitting instead.
And they are more prone to molest. When you tell a man he can have this job but never have sex you are going to attract weirdos
Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

It's considered a mortal sin, same as murder
So abortion isn't murder? Explain
The punishment for abortion in the Catholic Church is automatic ex-communication to everyone involved, which is not true for murder. So the punishment for abortion is HARSHER than the punishment for murder.

Abortion - Excommunication

Apart from abortion, are there other sins that incur automatic excommunication? | Catholic Answers
Well, Thank God for Jesus!
So do they forgive then excommunicate or excommunicate then forgive?
So do they forgive then excommunicate or excommunicate then forgive?

God will never leave me or forsake me...
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

This pope is a leftist...that's why....
The church picked him. And they aren't tossing him out for blasphemy and heresay so they must approve and agree abortion is not murder.
You missed his point altogether.
And you're missing mine. Abortion ain't murder.

If it was would the Pope announce from now on he's going to forgive anyone who gets one?

I think even the Catholic Church deep down gets that
That's horribly flawed logic. Abortion is murder which is why up until now only bishops and cardinals could forgive this sin and reinstate the penitent. Delegating that authority to parish priests did not change the nature of the crime or deminish it. In this "year of mercy" the Holy Father is trying to extend the forgiveness of God to those who most need it.
I think that Catholics should be granted the moral and legal authority to pass judgement on everybody in the world in the matter of abortion. I mean, if you can't trust a guy who has no wife or daughter, presumably little or no sexual experience, and is part of a statistically high population of child predators, just who can you trust in these matters?
You just joined my ignore list, because Catholic priests are NOT more likely to be sexual predators, and you knew that, and lied.

Five myths about the Catholic sexual abuse scandal
^^^^^^ loser.

Can't handle a discussion, take up knitting instead.
And they are more prone to molest. When you tell a man he can have this job but never have sex you are going to attract weirdos
Nonsense. You aren't a priest.
I think that Catholics should be granted the moral and legal authority to pass judgement on everybody in the world in the matter of abortion. I mean, if you can't trust a guy who has no wife or daughter, presumably little or no sexual experience, and is part of a statistically high population of child predators, just who can you trust in these matters?
You just joined my ignore list, because Catholic priests are NOT more likely to be sexual predators, and you knew that, and lied.

Five myths about the Catholic sexual abuse scandal
^^^^^^ loser.

Can't handle a discussion, take up knitting instead.
And they are more prone to molest. When you tell a man he can have this job but never have sex you are going to attract weirdos
Nonsense. You aren't a priest.
That's because I want to fuck. I guess if you like little boys and you know it's wrong it makes sense guilt would put you in a Catholic priest's job. After all you were raised to believe being gay will send you to hell so despite your pedophile feelings you try to do what is right so you go into the priesthood and one day you find a little boys penis close to your mouth and GULP.
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

This pope is a leftist...that's why....
The church picked him. And they aren't tossing him out for blasphemy and heresay so they must approve and agree abortion is not murder.
You missed his point altogether.
And you're missing mine. Abortion ain't murder.

If it was would the Pope announce from now on he's going to forgive anyone who gets one?

I think even the Catholic Church deep down gets that

Abortion is murder. This pope is a leftist.
One of the problems with organized religion is that the Pope, in this instance, can change rules at the drop of a hat. Which in turn makes me think the religion is more political than based on the Bible.

I was told as a kid from a Catholic friend that I was going to hell because my family did not attend church and ate meat on Friday. Then the meat thing changed and people could get a divorce and remarry in the church if they "paid up."

I'll keep my relationship with Jesus to myself and let them play with the rules they want in a certain time. I don't have time for that rubbish.

The Roman Catholic Church was the first multinational corporation pushing colonialism and selling access to heaven.
Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

This pope is a leftist...that's why....
The church picked him. And they aren't tossing him out for blasphemy and heresay so they must approve and agree abortion is not murder.
You missed his point altogether.
And you're missing mine. Abortion ain't murder.

If it was would the Pope announce from now on he's going to forgive anyone who gets one?

I think even the Catholic Church deep down gets that

Abortion is murder. This pope is a leftist.

Yeah, 'cause if he has one idea that you don't embrace it's "leftist". We know your breadth and depth.
Note to non-Catholics: Thanks for your uninformed and ignorant opinions about the Catholic Church, but they don't mean shit!

A lot of that has come from observations of your own behavior you know, you're not a very good ambassador for your faith.
The religion IS more political than based on the Bible.

The most significant departures from the Bible occurred in 325 A.D. at the first Council of Nicaea.

There was another big departure later which resulted in the schism and departure of the Eastern Orthodox churches in 1054 A.D. as well. Those were the two big ones.

When Constantine adopted the Christian Church for the Roman Empire, he made it political from that point onwards.
How can the Catholic Church possibly be based on the Bible when it was the institution that assembled the Bible together and decreed what was canon and what was not?

The church is consistent with scripture but it is not itself built on the scripture since the scripture is built on it.
All who humble themselves and seek forgiveness will BE forgiven, that's all the Pope is saying. But that's always been true in the Catholic Church. It is a very comforting faith, and I thank God I am a Catholic.
Can you give us an internet link citation to the Bible on this?
Second chapter of Acts of the Apostles
36 “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.”

37 When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”

38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.
Note to non-Catholics: Thanks for your uninformed and ignorant opinions about the Catholic Church, but they don't mean shit!

A lot of that has come from observations of your own behavior you know, you're not a very good ambassador for your faith.
If Blackrook is a member I don't want to join. Sounds more like hell that religion having to talk to members like that.
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

This pope is a leftist...that's why....
So the Pope is only infallible when he happens to be a right winger?
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

This pope is a leftist...that's why....
So the Pope is only infallible when he happens to be a right winger?

He is infallible on church doctrine......not when he spews crap about global warming, or social justice whiners....
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

This pope is a leftist...that's why....
So the Pope is only infallible when he happens to be a right winger?

He is infallible on church doctrine......not when he spews crap about global warming, or social justice whiners....
Ok, so he's right about knocking abortion down to priest level forgiveness from bishop level then?

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