Pope allows priests to forgive women who have abortions

Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

This pope is a leftist...that's why....
The church picked him. And they aren't tossing him out for blasphemy and heresay so they must approve and agree abortion is not murder.
The Pope did not say that, you are twisting what he said.
I think that Catholics should be granted the moral and legal authority to pass judgement on everybody in the world in the matter of abortion. I mean, if you can't trust a guy who has no wife or daughter, presumably little or no sexual experience, and is part of a statistically high population of child predators, just who can you trust in these matters?
You just joined my ignore list, because Catholic priests are NOT more likely to be sexual predators, and you knew that, and lied.

Five myths about the Catholic sexual abuse scandal
How many hail marys and our fathers is abortion worth?
I don't know, I've never confessed this sin. You are attempting to be humorous, but you come off as an asshole.
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

It's considered a mortal sin, same as murder
First degree murder is a legal concept, not a religious concept.
Yea but someone said murder is a mortal sin. But if abortions OK then it must not be murder. Please tell your anti abortion friends who disagree with the Pope. He's a smart man
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

It's considered a mortal sin, same as murder
First degree murder is a legal concept, not a religious concept.
Yea but someone said murder is a mortal sin. But if abortions OK then it must not be murder. Please tell your anti abortion friends who disagree with the Pope. He's a smart man

Never did the Church say it was OK....you're confused
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

It's considered a mortal sin, same as murder
So abortion isn't murder? Explain
The punishment for abortion in the Catholic Church is automatic ex-communication to everyone involved, which is not true for murder. So the punishment for abortion is HARSHER than the punishment for murder.

Abortion - Excommunication

Apart from abortion, are there other sins that incur automatic excommunication? | Catholic Answers
God is sufficient!
That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it.

But Catholics believe God did not just toss down a Bible 2000 years ago and leave the world. Christ founded a Church, an institution of men, which is guided in its decisions by the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Church is the only religion in the world with a centralized authority that has lasted for longer than any nation on Earth. It is has survived Roman Emperors, Communist dictators, and the Nazis. It will also survive modern secularism, which seeks to undermine it from within.
And, if you feel God is not sufficient, you are entitled to your opinion
I talk to God all the time. But he doesn't talk back, so sometimes I go to a priest and tell him my sins in confession, and he forgives me on behalf of God.

Protestants don't have this option. They can talk to their preachers, but the preachers don't have the authority to forgive sin, and they are not bound to the secrecy of the confessional.
So, you are asking a sinner to forgive you
because God needs a middle man to do so on His behalf.

If you are asking a man to forgive you,
then you are not asking God to forgive you.

Only God can forgive...
You are quoting the Pharisees when you say only God can forgive sins.

Luke 5:21 The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, "Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?"
Jesus was reading their thoughts,
did they not know only God could forgive sin?

Show me Scripture where Jesus refers to anyone
other then God, who is able to forgive sin.
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

It's considered a mortal sin, same as murder
First degree murder is a legal concept, not a religious concept.
Yea but someone said murder is a mortal sin. But if abortions OK then it must not be murder. Please tell your anti abortion friends who disagree with the Pope. He's a smart man

Never did the Church say it was OK....you're confused
It ain't murder.
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

It's considered a mortal sin, same as murder
So abortion isn't murder? Explain
The punishment for abortion in the Catholic Church is automatic ex-communication to everyone involved, which is not true for murder. So the punishment for abortion is HARSHER than the punishment for murder.

Abortion - Excommunication

Apart from abortion, are there other sins that incur automatic excommunication? | Catholic Answers
But that's all changed I heard.
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

But I was just told the Catholic Church is harder on abortion than they are on murder. I'm confused.

Or have priests been allowed to forgive murder but not abortion before. Is that true?
That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it.

But Catholics believe God did not just toss down a Bible 2000 years ago and leave the world. Christ founded a Church, an institution of men, which is guided in its decisions by the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Church is the only religion in the world with a centralized authority that has lasted for longer than any nation on Earth. It is has survived Roman Emperors, Communist dictators, and the Nazis. It will also survive modern secularism, which seeks to undermine it from within.
And, if you feel God is not sufficient, you are entitled to your opinion
I talk to God all the time. But he doesn't talk back, so sometimes I go to a priest and tell him my sins in confession, and he forgives me on behalf of God.

Protestants don't have this option. They can talk to their preachers, but the preachers don't have the authority to forgive sin, and they are not bound to the secrecy of the confessional.
So, you are asking a sinner to forgive you
because God needs a middle man to do so on His behalf.

If you are asking a man to forgive you,
then you are not asking God to forgive you.

Only God can forgive...
You are quoting the Pharisees when you say only God can forgive sins.

Luke 5:21 The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, "Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?"
Jesus was reading their thoughts,
did they not know only God could forgive sin?

Show me Scripture where Jesus refers to anyone
other then God, who is able to forgive sin.

Even before the Catholic Church, priests were authorized to forgive sins:

Is Confession in Scripture?
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

But I was just told the Catholic Church is harder on abortion than they are on murder. I'm confused.

Or have priests been allowed to forgive murder but not abortion before. Is that true?
Yes, Catholic priests can forgive murder. Catholic priests can forgive any sin.

However, a Catholic priest might tell the murderer that in order to get absolution he must turn himself into the police and submit to punishment for his crime.
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

But I was just told the Catholic Church is harder on abortion than they are on murder. I'm confused.

Or have priests been allowed to forgive murder but not abortion before. Is that true?
Yes, Catholic priests can forgive murder. Catholic priests can forgive any sin.

However, a Catholic priest might tell the murderer that in order to get absolution he must turn himself into the police and submit to punishment for his crime.
Then why is this announcement news? We thought this was news. In other words NEW
I think that Catholics should be granted the moral and legal authority to pass judgement on everybody in the world in the matter of abortion. I mean, if you can't trust a guy who has no wife or daughter, presumably little or no sexual experience, and is part of a statistically high population of child predators, just who can you trust in these matters?
You just joined my ignore list, because Catholic priests are NOT more likely to be sexual predators, and you knew that, and lied.

Five myths about the Catholic sexual abuse scandal

Atrikedude looks pretty stupid right now...

Tell ya what, sassy. You leave your grandson with a priest, unsupervised, for a day. I don't believe that would be very high on my agenda, myself.....
Even though the Catholic stance on abortions has not changed, Pope Francis now says that priests can absolve and forgive women who have abortions. It used to be only bishops who could do that, but now it is a sin that priests can forgive as well.

Pope Francis allows priests to absolve women who have abortions

Why doesn't the church consider it 1st degree pre meditated murder?

It's considered a mortal sin, same as murder
So abortion isn't murder? Explain
The punishment for abortion in the Catholic Church is automatic ex-communication to everyone involved, which is not true for murder. So the punishment for abortion is HARSHER than the punishment for murder.

Abortion - Excommunication

Apart from abortion, are there other sins that incur automatic excommunication? | Catholic Answers
Well, Thank God for Jesus!
One of the problems with organized religion is that the Pope, in this instance, can change rules at the drop of a hat. Which in turn makes me think the religion is more political than based on the Bible.

I was told as a kid from a Catholic friend that I was going to hell because my family did not attend church and ate meat on Friday. Then the meat thing changed and people could get a divorce and remarry in the church if they "paid up."

I'll keep my relationship with Jesus to myself and let them play with the rules they want in a certain time. I don't have time for that rubbish.
Don't worry --- you'll have plenty of time to reconsider your position after ....
One of the problems with organized religion is that the Pope, in this instance, can change rules at the drop of a hat. Which in turn makes me think the religion is more political than based on the Bible.

I was told as a kid from a Catholic friend that I was going to hell because my family did not attend church and ate meat on Friday. Then the meat thing changed and people could get a divorce and remarry in the church if they "paid up."

I'll keep my relationship with Jesus to myself and let them play with the rules they want in a certain time. I don't have time for that rubbish.

I hear ya Jackson. Why should I have a priest or a pastor tell me what God's will is for me? I thought that God gave free will to everyone.

I also believe that God is too large to be contained in just one belief system or dogma, and I really don't think He cares if we eat meat or not, and as long as we acknowledge Him and try to live by the 10 Commandments, do you REALLY need to go to a fancy building ran by a dude in a dress (reference to Catholic priest robes)?

I think if we blindly follow any mortal man we could be led astray. If you have God in your heart and live according to his Word, I feel saved. (Of course I could be unpleasantly surprised when I reach those gates...:()There's many paths to the mountain top.

Actually, there aren't ---- God was pretty clear about the path that must be followed.
I think that Catholics should be granted the moral and legal authority to pass judgement on everybody in the world in the matter of abortion. I mean, if you can't trust a guy who has no wife or daughter, presumably little or no sexual experience, and is part of a statistically high population of child predators, just who can you trust in these matters?
You just joined my ignore list, because Catholic priests are NOT more likely to be sexual predators, and you knew that, and lied.

Five myths about the Catholic sexual abuse scandal
^^^^^^ loser.

Can't handle a discussion, take up knitting instead.

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