Pope allows priests to forgive women who have abortions

The point is, the church has always absolved people of heinous crimes. Just because in this case it's women who you despise and want to see humiliated and rejected when they die from the abortions you encourage them to get, does not mean that the Catholic church has not historically absolved all crimes through their priests. Whether or not you agree is completely irrelevant, as you are, yourself.
What makes you so boldly state that I am not Catholic ??

I am more Catholic than you are.
I suppose if you pay with your own life for committing a murder, and especially like in China if they can harvest your organs and save other people's lives with them, THEN MAYBE forgiveness is possible.

But just telling a Catholic floozy that she is forgiven for her abortion does not cut it with me, logically or philosophically.
If you are not a Catholic you are not expected to, dude.
The point is, the church has always absolved people of heinous crimes. Just because in this case it's women who you despise and want to see humiliated and rejected when they die from the abortions you encourage them to get, does not mean that the Catholic church has not historically absolved all crimes through their priests. Whether or not you agree is completely irrelevant, as you are, yourself.
What makes you so boldly state that I am not Catholic ??

I am more Catholic than you are.
Catholics acknowledge the authority of the priesthood, Einstein.
There isn't any reason for any of us to get upset with the beliefs of others. I'm firmly convinced God opens his heart to all of us who seek him. I don't worry about anyone other than my soul. I am so grateful for the blessings and lessons with which He has provided me. I often think of the day my eyes meet with those of Jesus. What an awesome moment that will be!
The O/P was asking us what we think.

I think it is all insane.

But it is a convenient guilt trip like Skull Pilot said.

And since all Christian churches (Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Coptic, Protestant, etc.) work hard to put a guilt trip on you, this one with the abortions is perfect for them also.
The point is, the church has always absolved people of heinous crimes. Just because in this case it's women who you despise and want to see humiliated and rejected when they die from the abortions you encourage them to get, does not mean that the Catholic church has not historically absolved all crimes through their priests. Whether or not you agree is completely irrelevant, as you are, yourself.
What makes you so boldly state that I am not Catholic ??

I am more Catholic than you are.

No, you aren't.

This isn't my first rodeo with fake Catholics, pig. Just ask Care4All. She spent like a year or two pretending to be Catholic before she finally admitted to being a lying sack. I am sure you aren't Catholic because of the stupid things you say about Catholicism.
The far and alt right Catholics here certainly do not speak for the Authority or Spirit of their church.
There is no doubt that the Pope is the boss and he can decide whatever he wants.

I would prefer to see him take a more strict approach against abortion, at least after the 6th month.

That's what I think.
No, you aren't.

This isn't my first rodeo with fake Catholics, pig. Just ask Care4All. She spent like a year or two pretending to be Catholic before she finally admitted to being a lying sack. I am sure you aren't Catholic because of the stupid things you say about Catholicism.
The "stupid things I say about Catholicism" may become the enlightened things of the future if the Catholic Popes would simply wise up.

I am not afraid of them.

I am not afraid to disagree with them.

I am a liberated recovered Catholic.
I think if we blindly follow any mortal man we could be led astray. If you have God in your heart and live according to his Word, I feel saved. (Of course I could be unpleasantly surprised when I reach those gates...:()There's many paths to the mountain top.
The Catholic Popes have always been very dangerous men. Look what they put Galileo through, for example.

There have been even worse Popes than that as well, particularly the ones who were under the thumb of the French kings.

Pope Francis is a good Pope, but I would like to see him do some more radical things while he can:

- allow priests and nuns to marry if they choose to;

- move the baptism date of infants up to 12 years old same as first communion;

- get rid of the Friday fish rule;

- shorten the Mass and get to the communion faster;

- shorten the readings and homilies in the Mass;

- excommunicate any female who has an abortion after the 6th month;

- etc.
I bet it is with all the millennials...
Mostly teens, 20's, 30's, and 40's I would day.

The line at Easter Thursday Mass is usually all the way across the back of the building and doubled back on itself.

No really old people. The old people just wait for Last Rites (Extreme Unction).
I hear ya Jackson. Why should I have a priest or a pastor tell me what God's will is for me? I thought that God gave free will to everyone.

I also believe that God is too large to be contained in just one belief system or dogma, and I really don't think He cares if we eat meat or not, and as long as we acknowledge Him and try to live by the 10 Commandments, do you REALLY need to go to a fancy building ran by a dude in a dress (reference to Catholic priest robes)?
This which you state is Martin Luther's view and officially now Lutheran doctrine.

Catholic doctrine states that the Holy Church is the intercessor between God and humankind.

Luther did not like that, especially after seeing with his own eyes the corruption at Rome at the time.

After Luther's reformation, the Vatican instituted a counter-reformation to clean itself up.

But the opinion you stated is Lutheran Protestant not Catholic.
One of the problems with organized religion is that the Pope, in this instance, can change rules at the drop of a hat. Which in turn makes me think the religion is more political than based on the Bible.

I was told as a kid from a Catholic friend that I was going to hell because my family did not attend church and ate meat on Friday. Then the meat thing changed and people could get a divorce and remarry in the church if they "paid up."

I'll keep my relationship with Jesus to myself and let them play with the rules they want in a certain time. I don't have time for that rubbish.
The religion IS more political than based on the Bible.

The most significant departures from the Bible occurred in 325 A.D. at the first Council of Nicaea.

There was another big departure later which resulted in the schism and departure of the Eastern Orthodox churches in 1054 A.D. as well. Those were the two big ones.

When Constantine adopted the Christian Church for the Roman Empire, he made it political from that point onwards.
Catholicism has the strictest rules for what is a sin, but it is also the Church where it is easiest to get forgiven for sins. I think non-Catholics really don't understand it. Even the Nazis could be forgiven their sins, and one Nazi was. After the war and his arrest, he converted to Catholicism, made a good confession, and then was hanged for his war crimes. I have no doubt this man is in heaven.
Catholicism has the strictest rules for what is a sin, but it is also the Church where it is easiest to get forgiven for sins. I think non-Catholics really don't understand it. Even the Nazis could be forgiven their sins, and one Nazi was. After the war and his arrest, he converted to Catholicism, made a good confession, and then was hanged for his war crimes. I have no doubt this man is in heaven.
If you believe the Popes are infallible then anything they do is Heaven sent, sure.

History has shown however that they are NOT infallible. Therefore they are just men. Not gods, not giants, just men.

If you believe the Catholic Church is infallible then anything she does is Heaven sent as well.

But history has also shown that she is NOT infallible. Therefore it is just another Earthly organization. Not magical, just another organization.

So as for the "forgiveness" of murderers and abortionist after the 6th month of gestation, it sounds silly to me.

If you cannot make a restitution for an evil act, then forgiveness (whatever that means substantially) for that evil act seems inconsistent.

Unless you donated all your organs to save the lives of others to make up for the life that you took, it does not seem that an indirect restitution is possible to make.

And a direct restitution of the life that you took, whether as a murderer of children or adults, or as the murderer of an unborn child that can survive outside of the womb, is not even possible. That's why murder is such a serious crime and sin.

The Pope himself acknowledged on the news today that he still holds abortion of any kind to be evil.

So why should he be inconsistent and forgive it ??

This is a contradiction.

Therefore logically and philosophically speaking it makes no sense.

Catholicism has the strictest rules for what is a sin, but it is also the Church where it is easiest to get forgiven for sins. I think non-Catholics really don't understand it. Even the Nazis could be forgiven their sins, and one Nazi was. After the war and his arrest, he converted to Catholicism, made a good confession, and then was hanged for his war crimes. I have no doubt this man is in heaven.
If you believe the Popes are infallible then anything they do is Heaven sent, sure.

History has shown however that they are NOT infallible. Therefore they are just men. Not gods, not giants, just men.

If you believe the Catholic Church is infallible then anything she does is Heaven sent as well.

But history has also shown that she is NOT infallible. Therefore it is just another Earthly organization. Not magical, just another organization.

So as for the "forgiveness" of murderers and abortionist after the 6th month of gestation, it sounds silly to me.

If you cannot make a restitution for an evil act, then forgiveness (whatever that means substantially) for that evil act seems inconsistent.

Unless you donated all your organs to save the lives of others to make up for the life that you took, it does not seem that an indirect restitution is possible to make.

And a direct restitution of the life that you took, whether as a murderer of children or adults, or as the murderer of an unborn child that can survive outside of the womb, is not even possible. That's why murder is such a serious crime and sin.

The Pope himself acknowledged on the news today that he still holds abortion of any kind to be evil.

So why should he be inconsistent and forgive it ??

This is a contradiction.

Therefore logically and philosophically speaking it makes no sense.

Your complete lack of comprehension of the process of sin and forgiveness is duly noted. I will tell you, however, that you yourself have sinned and if what you have said is true, we are all damned, including you. The condition of being forgiven, the FIRST condition, is that you must forgive all who have sinned against you. The more a person has hurt you, the more important it is to forgive them. As part of my conversion process, (I was always Catholic but I CONVERTED to being REALLY a Catholic), I forgave everyone who had hurt me, including kids in school who bullied me for years and REALLY hurt me.
All who humble themselves and seek forgiveness will BE forgiven, that's all the Pope is saying. But that's always been true in the Catholic Church. It is a very comforting faith, and I thank God I am a Catholic.
All who humble themselves and seek forgiveness will BE forgiven, that's all the Pope is saying. But that's always been true in the Catholic Church. It is a very comforting faith, and I thank God I am a Catholic.
Can you give us an internet link citation to the Bible on this?

I would like to look it up, in context, and translate it myself out of Hebrew or Greek.

Here are some Bible links so you can look online:

Online Parallel Bible

Matthew 1 YLT
Your complete lack of comprehension of the process of sin and forgiveness is duly noted. I will tell you, however, that you yourself have sinned and if what you have said is true, we are all damned, including you. The condition of being forgiven, the FIRST condition, is that you must forgive all who have sinned against you. The more a person has hurt you, the more important it is to forgive them. As part of my conversion process, (I was always Catholic but I CONVERTED to being REALLY a Catholic), I forgave everyone who had hurt me, including kids in school who bullied me for years and REALLY hurt me.

Well if you have murdered anyone or been involved in a post 6 month abortion then I think you are in really deep sh!t and Lucifer is warming up an oven in Hell for you.

As for me, I have never murdered anyone nor been a party to any abortion.


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