Pope: Biden ok to receive communion

Did Conservatives expect the Pope to have the Office of the Inquisition arrest Biden?

Once a person has been Baptized in the Catholic church, they are subject to the Office of the Inquisition if suspected of heresy.

(Yes, it still exists).
Must be because the Pope is so favorably inclined to a man who is a trans activist, anti female,
pro abortion and someone who has spent the last fifty years in Washington lining his pockets
and lying his ass off while he attempts to collapse America.
It will be interesting to watch how the pope responses to Biden claim of getting the approval to receive communion.
It will be interesting to watch how the pope responses to Biden claim of getting the approval to receive communion.
Yes it will

The Pope has already spoken out against politicizing the Eucharist
Gee. The Pope says yes but right wingers in the Internets say no.
What a dilemma!
Ok by me, he can mush the wafer up in his Gerber strained peas.
Yes it will

The Pope has already spoken out against politicizing the Eucharist

If Sleepy Joe is telling the truth here (and I admit its unlikely), that's exactly what the Pope is doing here by saying its fine for liberal abortionists like Biden to receive the sacrament.
If you believe getting benediction from this Pope will get you anywhere in the afterlife, you might need to find a new religion
Gee. The Pope says yes but right wingers in the Internets say no.
What a dilemma!
Not catholic, and the pope will have to answer to God for it. Not me.
Yes they do to protect the Papacies vast wealth of which they should give to the poor as Christ commanded..
so…yeah it’s very Christian to carry firearms

also catholic charities does more for the poor then any other charity on the planet
The Rightwing wants to weaponize communion
The Pope wants it to be a blessing
Maybe all the babies Biden supported the killing of. Will remind him of it in hell, everyday for eternity. The pope will also have to answer to God, as long as he didn't have anything to do with raping little boys. Then God will decide if he deserves his place in heaven.
Maybe all the babies Biden supported the killing of. Will remind him of it in hell, everyday for eternity. The pope will also have to answer to God, as long as he didn't have anything to do with raping little boys. Then God will decide if he deserves his place in heaven.
Our President supports the law of the land
Roe V Wade has been the law for 50 years
If Sleepy Joe is telling the truth here (and I admit its unlikely), that's exactly what the Pope is doing here by saying its fine for liberal abortionists like Biden to receive the sacrament.
i would think you'd take the "pedo joe" angle, since the catholic church has molested so many kids that Biden and the catholic church would be two peas in a pod?
I wonder how many Catholics will "drop out" and quit contributing to The First Church of Infanticide?

Good-bye Popemobile and say hello to the Papal Unicycle. After all, two wheels are twice as expensive as one.

well, there go all my mixed feelings out the window... I was willing to give the pope a chance because he has recently made... more orthodox comments than he did when first becoming pope

But I am absolutely throwing in the towel on this heretic..

It isn't even good for Bidum or anyone to receive Communion while in mortal sin... I think it is 1 Cor 11:23 that says there are adverse consequences to doing so... even death..

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