Pope: Biden ok to receive communion

Gee. The Pope says yes but right wingers in the Internets say no.
What a dilemma!
I care, I really do!

Eat all the stale crackers and grape kool-aid you want
How interesting. I was raised Catholic, dropped it at 12.

Seems things have changed a lot since.
understatement of the century!


it is "modernized"

but don't the dimwits running things (Vatican II ..etc) realize that people WANT ancient stuff... for lack of a better term... I mean... people are always talking about wanting to study Church history... wanting to go back as far as possible... and yet the RCC has seemingly tried to obliterate its own history.. and the traditions and etc.. it's like they became ashamed of being Catholic.. but actually, it is something else.. the Church has been infiltrated by her enemies.. who have vowed to destroy the RCC any way they can... looks as though they have all bu t succeeded.
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Gee. The Pope says yes but right wingers in the Internets say no.
What a dilemma!

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President Biden needs to hire a fixer to pay off bimbos with whom he ruts behind the backs of trophy wives before some stop spewing hatred at him for practicing Christianity with wanton disregard for their alternative morality.
Gee. The Pope says yes but right wingers in the Internets say no.
What a dilemma!

I find it offensive that anyone would cheer on a church taking a sacred ritual from anyone.

I find it equally offensive that anyone would be bothered that a church didn't take that sacred ritual from someone.

Religion is a very personal thing.

The only requirement to be a christian is to believe in jesus christ and follow his words.

Just because someone believes in choice doesn't mean they aren't a christian and the church should take any sacred ritual from any member.

It never should have been an issue.

All of it is no one's business but Joe Biden's.
Gee. The Pope says yes but right wingers in the Internets say no.
What a dilemma!
Birth control is against church doctrine also, the Catholic church in the pope are well aware that most Catholics practice birth control. Biden may well personally oppose abortion but he cannot let his personal feelings interfere in his civil duties.
Folks carry guns at the Vatican. There are armed guards all over the place....not to mention a big beautiful wall
That's for protection, not aggression; that makes a very big difference.
The pope is a globalist who worships the creation/green/glowarm.
Christ was a globalist, you're having the world with one big family everyone's duty was to take care of everyone else if that's not globalism I don't know what is. So as I see at the Pope is in good company.
the article you linked said it was Bishops not “right wingers on the internet” that said he shouldn’t get communion.
Are growing important segment of the Catholic following are the Africans, they are about as traditional as you can get and with 200 million followers there the Pope has to appease their desire for punitive and draconian measures to some degree. Plus I'm sure there's right wing bishops in America too.
Christ was a globalist, you're having the world with one big family everyone's duty was to take care of everyone else if that's not globalism I don't know what is. So as I see at the Pope is in good company.

If Im not mistaken, God shut down nimrods plans of globalism in the plains of shinar when he destroyed babel. Jesus was not a globalist nor was he involved in politics. He wanted everyone to love their neighbor. That had nothing to do with government.
If Im not mistaken, God shut down nimrods plans of globalism in the plains of shinar when he destroyed babel. Jesus was not a globalist nor was he involved in politics. He wanted everyone to love their neighbor. That had nothing to do with government.
Whatever, if God is watching what's happening on Earth today he would be a globalist after all he created the globe and chose one people to live in peace on it, that would require governments working together for the good of the people.

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