Pope: Biden ok to receive communion

Then why is Biden usually wearing a mask, Dipshit?
Dipshit ? You may we'll be one. Sorry to be you, until this last month most of the US was in the red zone for Covid, everyone should have been wearing masks. Biden said a very good example, unlike his predecessor.
I was recently touched by the words of Pope F

not sure I am exactly "done" as I said... but he confuses people and THAT is not good. Where does confusion come from? Well, not from God, this we know.

But anyhow, he was talking about murder in the womb and how we need to stop it.. wish I could recall exact words. He ssaid that elderly people are not treated well by society in general also (my paraphrase)... that sometimes we treat human life like trash

SOOOO true

the homeless come to mind.. Everyone who has stuff seems to look down on them... but they are created equal like everyone else.. they just don't HAVE equally..

and that reminds me of just howw UNEQUAL our world is... in so many ways... which in turn reminds me of how Pope F ... that was another good thing about years ago... how he defend the poor... probably still does
I was recently touched by the words of Pope F

not sure I am exactly "done" as I said... but he confuses people and THAT is not good. Where does confusion come from? Well, not from God, this we know.

But anyhow, he was talking about murder in the womb and how we need to stop it.. wish I could recall exact words. He ssaid that elderly people are not treated well by society in general also (my paraphrase)... that sometimes we treat human life like trash

SOOOO true

the homeless come to mind.. Everyone who has stuff seems to look down on them... but they are created equal like everyone else.. they just don't HAVE equally..

and that reminds me of just howw UNEQUAL our world is... in so many ways... which in turn reminds me of how Pope F ... that was another good thing about years ago... how he defend the poor... probably still does
The Catholic church is wealth is estimated between 10 and 15 billion dollars. I know they do a lot of good, but wouldn't it be wonderful if they took just half of that money put it in a fund to help feed the hungry and how's the poor just using the interest rates to do so, creating a permanent fund to help combat those most serious problems we have. It would be even greater if they did this anonymously. That could change the world. Thoughts have the possibility of changing the world, actions actually change the world.
The Catholic church is wealth is estimated between 10 and 15 billion dollars. I know they do a lot of good, but wouldn't it be wonderful if they took just half of that money put it in a fund to help feed the hungry and how's the poor just using the interest rates to do so, creating a permanent fund to help combat those most serious problems we have. It would be even greater if they did this anonymously. That could change the world. Thoughts have the possibility of changing the world, actions actually change the world.
Typo: house the poor. I was so anxious to respond to you, I forgot to proofread the text before I sent it. I agree I really appreciate Pope Francis.
Dipshit ? You may we'll be one. Sorry to be you, until this last month most of the US was in the red zone for Covid, everyone should have been wearing masks. Biden said a very good example, unlike his predecessor.
So the vaccine doesn’t work.
Well the Pope knows that all humans are sinners. The rightist in the US are complaining about the splinter in the eye of Biden while ignoring the beam of wood in theirs.
The sinning portion isn't the problem per se you can be redeemed from sin, but only if you admit that you actually sinned. It's no different than the gay issue and Christianity. Being gay and acting out on that impulse isnt any graver a sin than any other. Denying said sin (whatever that sin might be) and not being repentant is the issue.
The sinning portion isn't the problem per se you can be redeemed from sin, but only if you admit that you actually sinned. It's no different than the gay issue and Christianity. Being gay and acting out on that impulse isnt any graver a sin than any other. Denying said sin (whatever that sin might be) and not being repentant is the issue.
Yet, that is an issue with Biden himself not the OP.
Yet, that is an issue with Biden himself not the OP.
Yes however (and Im not Catholic so I could be wrong) but as I understand it if you are unrepentant of a sin then you are barred from taking communion in the Catholic Church. Biden's assertion that life does not begin at conception flys in the face of church doctrine and really the existence of God which, and again Im not Catholic, Im pretty sure is a sin.
So the vaccine doesn’t work.
At this point I don't care what you believe go ahead don't get vaccinated take your chances on getting the virus take your chances on getting very sick take your chances on possibly dying remember it was your choice and I don't want to hear you on TV saying I wish I had taken the vaccine. You had your chance and you blew it.
At this point I don't care what you believe go ahead don't get vaccinated take your chances on getting the virus take your chances on getting very sick take your chances on possibly dying remember it was your choice and I don't want to hear you on TV saying I wish I had taken the vaccine. You had your chance and you blew it.
Unless your old or fat those are really good odds...
Unless your old or fat those are really good odds...
Yes the odds were very good of not getting it with the original Covid. With the Delta variant those odds got worse. But you're not thinking about the future, the next even more virulent strain that evolves that comes down the pike will put you in even greater danger. That's the whole problem with viruses they are insidious and they find a way to attack us, and the best way is to attack the unvaccinated among Us. Good luck in now and in the future, you're going to need it. But like I said, I don't really care about people that are option about the vaccines now they had their chances as far as I'm concerned and they deserve whatever fate befalls them.
Yes the odds were very good of not getting it with the original Covid. With the Delta variant those odds got worse. But you're not thinking about the future, the next even more virulent strain that evolves that comes down the pike will put you in even greater danger. That's the whole problem with viruses they are insidious and they find a way to attack us, and the best way is to attack the unvaccinated among Us. Good luck in now and in the future, you're going to need it. But like I said, I don't really care about people that are option about the vaccines now they had their chances as far as I'm concerned and they deserve whatever fate befalls them.
As viruses get more contagious they typically get less deadly. Ideally for the virus's survival the host has little to no reaction to the virus. Dead hosts dont transmit the virus. Bed ridden hosts dont transmit the virus. A host with a little cough and sniffle walks around infecting everyone.....
As viruses get more contagious they typically get less deadly. Ideally for the virus's survival the host has little to no reaction to the virus. Dead hosts dont transmit the virus. Bed ridden hosts dont transmit the virus. A host with a little cough and sniffle walks around infecting everyone.....
Correct, the covid virus has mutated thousands of times, most of these strains are less virulent. The only names are ones that are notable. Unfortunately, that includes the possibility I've even more deadly forms.

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