Pope: Biden ok to receive communion

Whatever, if God is watching what's happening on Earth today he would be a globalist after all he created the globe and chose one people to live in peace on it, that would require governments working together for the good of the people.

No, he's against a globalist new world order. They'll have their time for a few years and they'll be destroyed.
No, he's against a globalist new world order. They'll have their time for a few years and they'll be destroyed.
Yeah right, you're one of those. I have a little more faith in God and mankind than you do. Good luck with your opinion.
it’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to defend the right to privacy while opposing abortion because of one’s religious beliefs, seeking the end of the practice by means other than ‘banning.’
That's scripture, not my opinion.
The Old Testament, and references to it in the New Testament, have very little to do with Christ and shouldn't have much to do with Christianity but unfortunately it was incorporated into the religion.
The Old Testament, and references to it in the New Testament, have very little to do with Christ and shouldn't have much to do with Christianity but unfortunately it was incorporated into the religion.

Well, it was Jesus who gave the revelation to John on the island of Patmos. Pretty sure that had nothing to do with religion.
Well, it was Jesus who gave the revelation to John on the island of Patmos. Pretty sure that had nothing to do with religion.
At least that's what John said anyway, doesn't really fit the Jesus narrative, fit's the church's narrative pretty good though. Repent and obey or oDoom and gloom.
Not all have the same views on the Pope. Through the centuries, whenever the Vatican sells out the principles of "the one true faith," and tenets of the believers for political power, or favor with the masses or other religions, nation and leaders, the leader of the church is accused of being, "the anti-pope."

This is the origin of movements like Opus Dei.

. . . only time will tell if his negotiating away the principles of the sacred heart is a good thing, or a bad thing.



Here's Pope Pius XI, Eugenio Pacelli and Hitler. . . So? I'm not real sure that the current Pope giving the blessing of a clearly powerful global politician. . . really means, in the end, a pile of beans.

Does it?


Hitler and The Two Popes​

The close relationship of Pius XI and Pius XII with Hitler and the Third Reich​

Not all have the same views on the Pope. Through the centuries, whenever the Vatican sells out the principles of "the one true faith," and tenets of the believers for political power, or favor with the masses or other religions, nation and leaders, the leader of the church is accused of being, "the anti-pope."

This is the origin of movements like Opus Dei.

. . . only time will tell if his negotiating away the principles of the sacred heart is a good thing, or a bad thing.



Here's Pope Pius XI, Eugenio Pacelli and Hitler. . . So? I'm not real sure that the current Pope giving the blessing of a clearly powerful global politician. . . really means, in the end, a pile of beans.

Does it?


Hitler and The Two Popes​

The close relationship of Pius XI and Pius XII with Hitler and the Third Reich​

Sounds like the best Pope ever. A true Pope of the people. The worst Pope ever had to be that gay one that appointed his lover as the Pope to follow him which the bishops ended up murdering much like the senators did to Julius Caesar.
So the Pope told him he could receive communion? Advocating abortion rights and gay marriage are now ok within Canon law? Gosh how times have changed. Either that or the Pope never said any such thing.
So the Pope told him he could receive communion? Advocating abortion rights and gay marriage are now ok within Canon law? Gosh how times have changed. Either that or the Pope never said any such thing.
The world has moved on, I'm sure they didn't discuss either issue. Biden is a devout Catholic, that is not in dispute. Since abortion and gay rights are political issues in this country not human ones, the Pope can surely overlook them, as they overlooked the more serious issue of so many pedophiles amongst their priests.
Gee. The Pope says yes but right wingers in the Internets say no.
What a dilemma!
BIDEN said the Pope said 'yes'.

Biden is a lying, dementia-ravaged SOB who likes killing babies.
BIDEN said the Pope said 'yes'.

Biden is a lying, dementia-ravaged SOB who likes killing babies.
Well all I know is they were both smiling the whole time. Very unlike when Trump visited. Perhaps the Pope was just happy to have a person who could really talk to.
Well all I know is they were both smiling the whole time. Very unlike when Trump visited. Perhaps the Pope was just happy to have a person who could really talk to.
'Really talk'? Biden stutters, stammers, rambles, and whispers creepily into the Mike when he's not incoherent...
'Really talk'? Biden stutters, stammers, rambles, and whispers creepily into the Mike when he's not incoherent...
Yes, he has a stuttering problem he's pretty well mastered it, better than most. I'm surprised you have this kind of attitude towards the disabled, very rude to say the least. Very telling of what kind of person you are. Fortunately most people in the world think he talks more distinctly than Trump ever did. Trump has the vocabulary of a fifth grader.

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