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Pope Calls For Civil Unions For Same-Sex Couples, In Major Departure From Vatican Doctrine

Jesus never gave an opinion about gay marriage. So good for the pope.
He did talk about marriage though. And in that discussion - although some will no doubt disagree with my interpretation - he did mention that some were born homosexual.

Can you cite the chapter / verse? (Not the passage about marriage, I know that one, but the second thing you said.)
It started with a smart alecky pharisee trying to test Jesus on the subject of divorce. That led into a conversation of marriage and a conversation of who shouldn't get married.

Matthew 19:1-12

Teaching About Divorce
1 Now when Jesus had finished these sayings, he went away from Galilee and entered the region of Judea beyond the Jordan. 2 And large crowds followed him, and he healed them there.

3 And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?” 4 He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, 5 and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” 7 They said to him, “Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?” 8 He said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. 9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

10 The disciples said to him, “If such is the case of a man with his wife, it is better not to marry.” 11 But he said to them, “Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given. 12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.”
Oh my goodness, two in a row who read my post too quickly. Re-read my post, ding. I specifically said I wasn't asking about the passage on marriage, I already know that and I was going to post that… I was asking you about the SECOND thing you said.
Read the underlined portion.

10 The disciples said to him, “If such is the case of a man with his wife, it is better not to marry.” 11 But he said to them, “Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given. 12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.”

Thanks. Eunuchs are not the same thing as homosexuals. (I'm just replying to that off the top of my head. But I do want to look into that passage more closely, when I have time.)
The phrase had multiple uses. Look at the third group who he said should not marry... the priests. They didn't castrate priests. Priests were not eunuchs. The phrase eunuch is referring to men who don't have sex with women. The first group that he said should not marry are eunuchs that were born that way - eunuchs who have been so from birth - there are no eunuchs from birth. He is referring to men who are obviously effeminate. The second group - eunuchs that were made that way by men - would encompass two groups; men who were castrated (which was a tiny percentage) and men who were not obviously gay but were turned gay through their environment or by men (which is a much larger percentage of the population).

I looked up the earliest definition I could find of eunuch and it had different meanings, bed servants, harem keepers and yes castration was done and they were seen as also trustworthy but disposable, those born eunuchs also might be hermaphrodites, or born with deformed genitals I don't know if they were transgendered (being born eunuch) but certainly there may have been sex with men or women. Do you eunuchs exist today who are born that way and are they actually sexual? :dunno: but also not sure why he would speak on it. I am not convinced the eunuchs are the same as gay. But I still have read why Jesus would say and who the first recorded eunuch was and how they evolved to the time era of Jesus.
They did not have a word for being gay other than eunuch. And you know they had gays at approximately the same rate as we have gays today.

but the old testament said men laying with men right? That's why I am still trying to understand why the word eunuch instead of just saying that? Anyway still looking stuff up. :)
So you are saying that if I am right that Jesus was explaining who shouldn't get married and that he was referring to three classes of men, he would have said men that lay with men because they were made that way by God and men that lay with men because they were made that way by men and priests?
No I am saying Jesus didn't talk about sex. And as far as marriage goes he did. I have not read anything about him talking about it except to the hooker and he said sin more. But if he can make that statement, well eunuchs slept with both sexes so maybe it was more along those lines than sexual preference. I'm just trying to understand why one is forgiven and the other isn't.
Jesus only had sex once. Once means he didn't like it. So he was probably gay.

How do you know? I trust ding on this because he has dedicated his life to it.
Let's not get carried away :)
I really don't care...gay people can do whatever they want now a days.. just like everyone else.

Just wish they'd STFU about it. We know, we know..you are gay..sheesh.. :uhoh3:

Remember when what people did in their sex lives was a private affair?

Yeah, it stayed in the bedroom..and someone's sexuality wasn't a badge of honor to be thrown in everyone's face constantly.

Gay people..no one cares. Be gay as you want.. just do so in a respectable manner.
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So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

How many natural kids can both partners bring into the world, when they are both women, or both men? They can make believe they are married but they can rub and rub but never achieve what God intended. This is the fallacy of the progs, to push immorality upon US so we can move away from our traditions.

Gay people have children all the time. Now you know.
That must mean that such are not 100% homosexual. GOD didn't make anyone that way. Sin is the corruptive force that distorts and manipulates truth to suit evil behavior, so that even some pope can be confused. Two men behaving badly together do not spawn children. And two women with their plastic accouterments cannot either. That is not to say that GOD intended everyone to marry, have sexual relations and procreate. However, our society screams "SEX, SEX, SEX!" ---- and if you feel uncomfortable then well ----- one must be peculiar.... This is the way secular ideology manipulates and distorts. And this is just another reason the world is in such a mess.
God made everything in the universe including people who are born gay. Gay people have children through sperm donors and surrogates... Now you know.
So, in fact they "supposed homosexuals" are forced to drag in the opposite sex to fulfill their desire for a child. GOD made everything and the UNIVERSE. GOD created a Cherub - Light Bearer who would choose to become Satan/The Accuser. GOD obviously didn't make Satan what he became. I don't see why anyone imagines they have to do anything (unless one is being prompted to). A person doesn't become hooked on drugs without first being exposed to being high first. There are many people who have never taken drugs nor smoked cigarettes ---- and they are fortunately not so inclined or addicted (just as GOD designed them). I can imagine that once an individual has gone for the first ride, he might feel ashamed; however, the second time then leads to a third. And if someone finds an obliging partner ---- all one can say is, "Well, there is no worry about an unwanted pregnancy, now is there?"
It all seem sordid and self-servicing. And now YOU know...
It is a shame that all the rubbing and gyrating going on by queers and lesbos that there is a lot of heat, but no conception between the two, so while one donor may have a connection with the child, the other one wont. There will be resentment when the child gravitates towards the real parent....
Heteros adopt children all the time. Are you suggesting that they don't "have a connection with the child"? :cuckoo:
In an adoption, when the child finds out that parents arent part of the kin, that child later on looks for the biological parents and has questions for them. Why does that happen, because the connection isnt complete. But for what you have been saying, you are the mentally ill person, who believes that a man should put his dick in another mans ass, and you think that is normal....Oh, yeah, dogs do it also.....

I was adopted by my stepdad and he is much better than my biological dad was that is for sure.
Why would you make yourself a Eunuch unless for spiritual reasons just like celibacy? It says they did it for the kingdom of Heaven. :dunno: but yeah ding you are correct Jesus said a man and a woman, not sure why though. But you are right the bible passage says that about marriage.

King James Version
For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

Source: Matthew 19:12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it.”
I really don't care...gay people can do whatever they want now a days.. just like everyone else.

Just wish they'd STFU about it. We know, we know..you are gay..sheesh.. :uhoh3:

Remember when what people did in their sex lives was a private affair?

Yeah, it stayed in the bedroom..and someone's sexuality wasn't a badge of honor to be thrown in everyone's face constantly.

Gay people..no one cares. Be gay as you want.. just do so in a respectable manner.

The reason why is because gays have been brutalized historically, and some beaten to death.
The Murder of Matthew Shepard | WyoHistory.org

"At the Fireside, Shepard sat at the bar drinking from a bottle of imported beer. After somewhat more than an hour, he was approached by two men his own age: Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson, high-school dropouts with roofing jobs. They had purchased a pitcher of beer with small change and eventually engaged Shepard in a conversation. Shortly after midnight, Shepard left the bar with McKinney and Henderson; "

"McKinney and Henderson drove Shepard to a remote area in the Sherman Hills development east of Laramie. By McKinney’s own confession, corroborated in most details by Henderson, McKinney told Shepard that the two men were not gay and that he was going to be robbed. McKinney began punching and pistol-whipping Shepard before continuing the assault at a buck-rail fence on Warren Livestock Company land. Investigators and an autopsy would later determine that Shepard was struck 19 to 21 times in the head with the butt of a .357-caliber Magnum Smith & Wesson pistol, the final blow irreparably damaging Shepard’s brain stem"

Shepard lingered in a coma state for about four days and died.
I really don't care...gay people can do whatever they want now a days.. just like everyone else.

Just wish they'd STFU about it. We know, we know..you are gay..sheesh.. :uhoh3:

Remember when what people did in their sex lives was a private affair?

Yeah, it stayed in the bedroom..and someone's sexuality wasn't a badge of honor to be thrown in everyone's face constantly.

Gay people..no one cares. Be gay as you want.. just do so in a respectable manner.

The reason why is because gays have been brutalized historically, and some beaten to death.
The Murder of Matthew Shepard | WyoHistory.org

"At the Fireside, Shepard sat at the bar drinking from a bottle of imported beer. After somewhat more than an hour, he was approached by two men his own age: Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson, high-school dropouts with roofing jobs. They had purchased a pitcher of beer with small change and eventually engaged Shepard in a conversation. Shortly after midnight, Shepard left the bar with McKinney and Henderson; "

"McKinney and Henderson drove Shepard to a remote area in the Sherman Hills development east of Laramie. By McKinney’s own confession, corroborated in most details by Henderson, McKinney told Shepard that the two men were not gay and that he was going to be robbed. McKinney began punching and pistol-whipping Shepard before continuing the assault at a buck-rail fence on Warren Livestock Company land. Investigators and an autopsy would later determine that Shepard was struck 19 to 21 times in the head with the butt of a .357-caliber Magnum Smith & Wesson pistol, the final blow irreparably damaging Shepard’s brain stem"

Shepard lingered in a coma state for about four days and died.

Past persecution is no reason/justification for poor behavior today.

Also..none of your response has anything to do with what I described as being the problem most people would have with gay folks now a days..

Which is keeping your sex life private, and not celebrating prideful hedonistic behavior.

Like I said, the vast majority of those alive in the United States today don't care if people are gay.

Gay people today seem to care more about making sure everyone knows they are gay(virtue signaling), and that straight folks are forced to join in the gay celebration, than they do about any past persecution.
I really don't care...gay people can do whatever they want now a days.. just like everyone else.

Just wish they'd STFU about it. We know, we know..you are gay..sheesh.. :uhoh3:

Remember when what people did in their sex lives was a private affair?

Yeah, it stayed in the bedroom..and someone's sexuality wasn't a badge of honor to be thrown in everyone's face constantly.

Gay people..no one cares. Be gay as you want.. just do so in a respectable manner.

The reason why is because gays have been brutalized historically, and some beaten to death.
The Murder of Matthew Shepard | WyoHistory.org

"At the Fireside, Shepard sat at the bar drinking from a bottle of imported beer. After somewhat more than an hour, he was approached by two men his own age: Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson, high-school dropouts with roofing jobs. They had purchased a pitcher of beer with small change and eventually engaged Shepard in a conversation. Shortly after midnight, Shepard left the bar with McKinney and Henderson; "

"McKinney and Henderson drove Shepard to a remote area in the Sherman Hills development east of Laramie. By McKinney’s own confession, corroborated in most details by Henderson, McKinney told Shepard that the two men were not gay and that he was going to be robbed. McKinney began punching and pistol-whipping Shepard before continuing the assault at a buck-rail fence on Warren Livestock Company land. Investigators and an autopsy would later determine that Shepard was struck 19 to 21 times in the head with the butt of a .357-caliber Magnum Smith & Wesson pistol, the final blow irreparably damaging Shepard’s brain stem"

Shepard lingered in a coma state for about four days and died.

Past persecution is no reason/justification for poor behavior today.

Also..none of your response has anything to do with what I described as being the problem most people would have with gay folks now a days..

Which is keeping your sex life private, and not celebrating prideful hedonistic behavior.

Like I said, the vast majority of those alive in the United States today don't care if people are gay.

Gay people today seem to care more about making sure everyone knows they are gay(virtue signaling), and that straight folks are forced to join in the gay celebration, than they do about any past persecution.

It's not in the past and not nearly reported on as it should be. We are supposed to protect our vulnerable and minority. Just my opinion but that's how I see the constitution. But I feel equally strong in protecting religious people's rights whether I agree with any particular religion or not. I see a lot of hating on religious people and I think it is extremely hypocritical to fight for certain rights for minority groups but not for others. Religion has been under attack for a long time and people should not feel stigmatized for being religious.
I really don't care...gay people can do whatever they want now a days.. just like everyone else.

Just wish they'd STFU about it. We know, we know..you are gay..sheesh.. :uhoh3:

Remember when what people did in their sex lives was a private affair?

Yeah, it stayed in the bedroom..and someone's sexuality wasn't a badge of honor to be thrown in everyone's face constantly.

Gay people..no one cares. Be gay as you want.. just do so in a respectable manner.

The reason why is because gays have been brutalized historically, and some beaten to death.
The Murder of Matthew Shepard | WyoHistory.org

"At the Fireside, Shepard sat at the bar drinking from a bottle of imported beer. After somewhat more than an hour, he was approached by two men his own age: Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson, high-school dropouts with roofing jobs. They had purchased a pitcher of beer with small change and eventually engaged Shepard in a conversation. Shortly after midnight, Shepard left the bar with McKinney and Henderson; "

"McKinney and Henderson drove Shepard to a remote area in the Sherman Hills development east of Laramie. By McKinney’s own confession, corroborated in most details by Henderson, McKinney told Shepard that the two men were not gay and that he was going to be robbed. McKinney began punching and pistol-whipping Shepard before continuing the assault at a buck-rail fence on Warren Livestock Company land. Investigators and an autopsy would later determine that Shepard was struck 19 to 21 times in the head with the butt of a .357-caliber Magnum Smith & Wesson pistol, the final blow irreparably damaging Shepard’s brain stem"

Shepard lingered in a coma state for about four days and died.

Past persecution is no reason/justification for poor behavior today.

Also..none of your response has anything to do with what I described as being the problem most people would have with gay folks now a days..

Which is keeping your sex life private, and not celebrating prideful hedonistic behavior.

Like I said, the vast majority of those alive in the United States today don't care if people are gay.

Gay people today seem to care more about making sure everyone knows they are gay(virtue signaling), and that straight folks are forced to join in the gay celebration, than they do about any past persecution.

I agree there are some who virtue signal but the same could be said with some radical republicans. In my opinion and of course, I am not saying your opinion is any less worth pondering, but anyway in my opinion people who are smug and party lines blind to the point of hurting others do not represent the majority of people on either side. Yes, there are some that are total nutbags, but on both sides.
I really don't care...gay people can do whatever they want now a days.. just like everyone else.

Just wish they'd STFU about it. We know, we know..you are gay..sheesh.. :uhoh3:

Remember when what people did in their sex lives was a private affair?

Yeah, it stayed in the bedroom..and someone's sexuality wasn't a badge of honor to be thrown in everyone's face constantly.

Gay people..no one cares. Be gay as you want.. just do so in a respectable manner.

The reason why is because gays have been brutalized historically, and some beaten to death.
The Murder of Matthew Shepard | WyoHistory.org

"At the Fireside, Shepard sat at the bar drinking from a bottle of imported beer. After somewhat more than an hour, he was approached by two men his own age: Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson, high-school dropouts with roofing jobs. They had purchased a pitcher of beer with small change and eventually engaged Shepard in a conversation. Shortly after midnight, Shepard left the bar with McKinney and Henderson; "

"McKinney and Henderson drove Shepard to a remote area in the Sherman Hills development east of Laramie. By McKinney’s own confession, corroborated in most details by Henderson, McKinney told Shepard that the two men were not gay and that he was going to be robbed. McKinney began punching and pistol-whipping Shepard before continuing the assault at a buck-rail fence on Warren Livestock Company land. Investigators and an autopsy would later determine that Shepard was struck 19 to 21 times in the head with the butt of a .357-caliber Magnum Smith & Wesson pistol, the final blow irreparably damaging Shepard’s brain stem"

Shepard lingered in a coma state for about four days and died.

Past persecution is no reason/justification for poor behavior today.

Also..none of your response has anything to do with what I described as being the problem most people would have with gay folks now a days..

Which is keeping your sex life private, and not celebrating prideful hedonistic behavior.

Like I said, the vast majority of those alive in the United States today don't care if people are gay.

Gay people today seem to care more about making sure everyone knows they are gay(virtue signaling), and that straight folks are forced to join in the gay celebration, than they do about any past persecution.

I agree there are some who virtue signal but the same could be said with some radical republicans. In my opinion and of course, I am not saying your opinion is any less worth pondering, but anyway in my opinion people who are smug and party lines blind to the point of hurting others do not represent the majority of people on either side. Yes, there are some that are total nutbags, but on both sides.

I can appreciate your perspective, and opinions on this.

And thanks for the reasonable, respectful reply. Refreshing..
I don't think Jesus is implying that. It does not make sense that he would offer love and forgiveness to a prostitute but condemn Eunuchs.

: a castrated man placed in charge of a harem or employed as a chamberlain in a palace
2: a man or boy deprived of the testes or external genitals
3: one that lacks virility or power-political eunuchs

Eunuch comes from the Ancient Greek word εὐνοῦχος (eunoukhos), first attested in a fragment of Hipponax,[6] the 6th century BC comic poet and prolific inventor of compound words.[7] The acerbic poet describes a particular lover of fine food having "consumed his estate dining lavishly and at leisure every day on tuna and garlic-honey cheese paté like a Lampsacene eunoukhos."[8]

The earliest surviving etymology of the word is from late antiquity. The 5th century (AD) Etymologicon by Orion of Thebes offers two alternative origins for the word eunuch: first, to tēn eunēn ekhein, "guarding the bed", a derivation inferred from eunuchs' established role at the time as "bedchamber attendants" in the imperial palace, and second, to eu tou nou ekhein, "being good with respect to the mind", which Orion explains based on their "being deprived of intercourse (esterēmenou tou misgesthai), the things that the ancients used to call irrational (anoēta, literally: 'mindless')"

Eunuch's that did have seuxal relations could have done that with men or women so I do not think this is about being gay. I think it's about something else maybe political but I still have to think it over. It just doesn't make sense to me, he protected the prosititue and said those without sin throw the first stone. I think Eunuch represented something else but still not sure what. Obviously, I do not know the bible like regular Christians do. But why would Jesus protect a hooker and condemn a eunuch?
I don't see how He is condemning eunuchs. But I am ok with you not agreeing with me. Convincing others is not high on my list of needs.
I'm just wondering if the idea was more related to Jesus being a virgin and the status of the eunuchs was similar to prostitution as far as where they fit into society. Maybe he meant something much more spiritual. I mean I could be entirely wrong obviously.
I'm just wondering if the idea was more related to Jesus being a virgin ...
and the status of the eunuchs was similar to prostitution as far as where they fit into society.
oh, how have you concluded the religious itinerant was a virgin and why that may have been so ... not to mention mary madeline. or that they ever referred to her as a prostitute.
I already said I didn't grow up in mainstream religion. I assumed she was a prostitute based on the storing story if that is incorrect show me. Thanks in advance. Are you saying Jesus was not a virgin? Maybe he was born a eunuch we don't know about his body parts you are correct. But even if metaphor the message about sex is at some point to not need it to not war with flesh. For all I know eunuchs were very spiritual and like Jesus we're not to marry because marriage and sex make people react to politics and life in a need to protect what is there's. But a person not married and celibate is not a slave to carnal desires. There could be different interpretations that don't have to mean gay and plus since some eunuchs slept with women it just seems to me there could be a different meaning.
I assumed she was a prostitute based on the storing story if that is incorrect show me. Thanks in advance. Are you saying Jesus was not a virgin?
i've never heard before that he was, a virgin - the connection between the religious itinerant and mary magdelin seems deliberate and would be interpreted differently between 1st century events and the 4th century christian bible - the 1st century would not reference mary magdalene a prostitute - unimbelished, traveled with Jesus as one of his followers and was a witness to his crucifixion. they were lovers.
This Pope may or may not be THE false prophet mentioned in Revelation, but he certainly is A false prophet...

He’s not a ‘prophet’ at all – ‘false’ or otherwise.

He also seems to be making a good faith effort to not be a bigot – something far too many of his fellow ‘Christians’ fail to do.
God does not approve
How arrogant of you to pretend that you know the mind of an omnipotent, unseen Supreme Being.
If you read the Bible you can. He lays it out in black and white. Unless you are a child of satan.

I don't think that the Supreme Being actually wrote the bible or any other sacred text in any religion. This "child of satan" stuff is just nutty.

You are right.

No supreme being wrote the Bible or any other spiritual documents.

There is a reason why the Bible has the "book of" John, Mark, Luke etc. Those words are the words of the person who wrote it, John, Mark, Luke etc.
God does not approve
How arrogant of you to pretend that you know the mind of an omnipotent, unseen Supreme Being.
If you read the Bible you can. He lays it out in black and white. Unless you are a child of satan.

I don't think that the Supreme Being actually wrote the bible or any other sacred text in any religion. This "child of satan" stuff is just nutty.

You are right.

No supreme being wrote the Bible or any other spiritual documents.y

There is a reason why the Bible has the "book of" John, Mark, Luke etc. Those words are the words of the person who wrote it, John, Mark, Luke etc.
they may not actually be their words. There is much debate about this. There also is a gospel of Mary Magdalene, who may have been the wife and close companion of Jesus. She may even have been carrying his child when he died.
God does not approve
How arrogant of you to pretend that you know the mind of an omnipotent, unseen Supreme Being.

I've read His book....you should

Start here....

It only shows they have homosexuality's way back then, also in Moses's day according to scripture. They had pedophiles and incest along with it.

Duh dumbass and it was a sin then too.... think hard, it's why it's Biblical

I have zero use for Jew haters so go bother someone else

Since Moses and Paul said it was. Child the bible was wrote by men, lots of men.

So your saying God made mistakes.

Jesus was a Jew....now run along Eva.

What you profess to know about religion I forgot long ago

All jews wrote the NT. You may not like it. You don't know anything about religion.

Wow. Those who scream the loudest that they know the bible and are the only real christians, sure don't know much about their bible and jesus.

Jesus was a jewish carpenter.
God does not approve
How arrogant of you to pretend that you know the mind of an omnipotent, unseen Supreme Being.
If you read the Bible you can. He lays it out in black and white. Unless you are a child of satan.

I don't think that the Supreme Being actually wrote the bible or any other sacred text in any religion. This "child of satan" stuff is just nutty.

You are right.

No supreme being wrote the Bible or any other spiritual documents.y

There is a reason why the Bible has the "book of" John, Mark, Luke etc. Those words are the words of the person who wrote it, John, Mark, Luke etc.
they may not actually be their words. There is much debate about this. There also is a gospel of Mary Magdalene, who may have been the wife and close companion of Jesus. She may even have been carrying his child when he died.
Lies. But then, you are talking.
God does not approve
How arrogant of you to pretend that you know the mind of an omnipotent, unseen Supreme Being.
If you read the Bible you can. He lays it out in black and white. Unless you are a child of satan.

I don't think that the Supreme Being actually wrote the bible or any other sacred text in any religion. This "child of satan" stuff is just nutty.

You are right.

No supreme being wrote the Bible or any other spiritual documents.

There is a reason why the Bible has the "book of" John, Mark, Luke etc. Those words are the words of the person who wrote it, John, Mark, Luke etc.
So now even the pope believes that homosexuals should be able to marry. He says in a civil union which means he still doesn't advocate that homosexuals should be able to get married in a church but this endorsement is a step in the right direction.

How many natural kids can both partners bring into the world, when they are both women, or both men? They can make believe they are married but they can rub and rub but never achieve what God intended. This is the fallacy of the progs, to push immorality upon US so we can move away from our traditions.

Gay people have children all the time. Now you know.
That must mean that such are not 100% homosexual. GOD didn't make anyone that way. Sin is the corruptive force that distorts and manipulates truth to suit evil behavior, so that even some pope can be confused. Two men behaving badly together do not spawn children. And two women with their plastic accouterments cannot either. That is not to say that GOD intended everyone to marry, have sexual relations and procreate. However, our society screams "SEX, SEX, SEX!" ---- and if you feel uncomfortable then well ----- one must be peculiar.... This is the way secular ideology manipulates and distorts. And this is just another reason the world is in such a mess.
God made everything in the universe including people who are born gay. Gay people have children through sperm donors and surrogates... Now you know.
So, in fact they "supposed homosexuals" are forced to drag in the opposite sex to fulfill their desire for a child. GOD made everything and the UNIVERSE. GOD created a Cherub - Light Bearer who would choose to become Satan/The Accuser. GOD obviously didn't make Satan what he became. I don't see why anyone imagines they have to do anything (unless one is being prompted to). A person doesn't become hooked on drugs without first being exposed to being high first. There are many people who have never taken drugs nor smoked cigarettes ---- and they are fortunately not so inclined or addicted (just as GOD designed them). I can imagine that once an individual has gone for the first ride, he might feel ashamed; however, the second time then leads to a third. And if someone finds an obliging partner ---- all one can say is, "Well, there is no worry about an unwanted pregnancy, now is there?"
It all seem sordid and self-servicing. And now YOU know...
People freely (or for money) donate sperm or become surrogates. Nobody forces them.

God made everything in the universe and allowed all the outcomes. Sp god is allowing gays to do what gay people do. Anyways, god threw Adam and Eve out of Eden for having hetero sex because he wanted Adam to stay in homo heaven with him. Hmmm.... And Jesus had a lot of gay traits as well.
I do believe I've explained the fact that what GOD allows, is different from what GOD desires. And that GOD permits men (who only wish to do their own thing) to continue with their indifferent lives, is so that specific individuals maybe redeemed regardless of what eventually happens to anyone else. The term "gay traits" represents a bias view. Certainly, a homosexual is anyone engaging in sexual activity with individuals of the same sex. And that is in fact the ONLY Biblical definition of that activity. Men who are hairdressers, actors, artists, tea-totterers and tenderhearted individuals are not homosexuals because of their vocation or hobbies. That is stereotyping and has nothing to do with deviant sexual vulgarities.

The fact is that sports activists, truck drivers, motorcycle gang members, wrestlers, and type A individuals are just as likely to engage for personal gratification or to demean and abuse. The reason ADAM and EVE were cast out the the garden was twofold. One because they defiantly ate of the TREE of KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL despite GOD's dire warning. And secondly, ADAM and EVE were cast out to the Garden of Eden to prevent them from eating of the TREE of LIFE. They were already spiritually dead in sin; however, if they in fact they then ate of the TREE of LIFE they would have existed forever growing more and more depraved and with no future hope of salvation. I do believe that both ADAM and EVE were eventually redeemed and were seeking the coming of a SAVIOR; however, they both faced bodily pain, suffering, and disappointment along their journey to death ----- but eventual they were set free from Paradise by our LORD JESUS the MESSIAH.
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God does not approve
How arrogant of you to pretend that you know the mind of an omnipotent, unseen Supreme Being.
If you read the Bible you can. He lays it out in black and white. Unless you are a child of satan.

I don't think that the Supreme Being actually wrote the bible or any other sacred text in any religion. This "child of satan" stuff is just nutty.

You are right.

No supreme being wrote the Bible or any other spiritual documents.

There is a reason why the Bible has the "book of" John, Mark, Luke etc. Those words are the words of the person who wrote it, John, Mark, Luke etc.
Prove it.

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