Zone1 Pope Francis Declares ‘Pedophiles Have a Special Place in Heaven’


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
Pope Francis has scandalized victims of sexual abuse by declaring that pedophilia is a mysterious illness and we must not judge those who are suffering from it. Instead, according to the pope, we must accept that God loves pedophiles, he created them for a reason, and he has reserved a special place in heaven for them.

You just can't make this stuff up.
Pope Francis has scandalized victims of sexual abuse by declaring that pedophilia is a mysterious illness and we must not judge those who are suffering from it. Instead, according to the pope, we must accept that God loves pedophiles, he created them for a reason, and he has reserved a special place in heaven for them.

You just can't make this stuff up.
Sure you can. He did.:auiqs.jpg:
Total BS! Not that I don't believe for one fucking minute Francis is an evil piece of shit, its just that such a statement at this time would literally serve to nuke the Church of Satan!
Pope Francis has scandalized victims of sexual abuse by declaring that pedophilia is a mysterious illness and we must not judge those who are suffering from it. Instead, according to the pope, we must accept that God loves pedophiles, he created them for a reason, and he has reserved a special place in heaven for them.

You just can't make this stuff up.

Are you sure that this is verified though?
Pope Francis has scandalized victims of sexual abuse by declaring that pedophilia is a mysterious illness and we must not judge those who are suffering from it. Instead, according to the pope, we must accept that God loves pedophiles, he created them for a reason, and he has reserved a special place in heaven for them.

Well I get what he's trying to say, that God loves all his children and forgives their sin, but I can't say that I'm thrilled with how it comes off as a defense of pedophilia. I suppose a person might have an attraction to children but so long as they keep it to themselves and don't actually harm any kids, I suppose that is their business or problem.
There's no date stamp next to the tweet photo in the article. So this is likely fake, although he does suck.
I also checked his twitter account and did not see that tweet.
I guess this sick bastard is now defending members of his church and the sick behavior that they take part in.

This church is evil to the core.

He's being tolerant of faggots, yes. That why they have so many of your peer group infesting their churches and raping kids, overwhelmingly male kids.
Actually, you can. I note the story is from "Newspunch" which is known for deliberately being a fake news site. We need to see if any credible news agency picks this up before accepting it as fact.
But dog help the Pope if he's trying to raise that flag now, after the Catholic church has burnt it's reputation to ashes on that question!

My late husband was an altar boy and was never victimized by a priest in any way. His father would have killed the man.


A faggot usually commits far more rapes than usual, which why they commit from 35% to over 50% of all child rapes while only being 1%-2% of the population. The average faggot pedo commits hundreds of rapes in their pedo careers, an average of 300 or so.
Pope Francis has scandalized victims of sexual abuse by declaring that pedophilia is a mysterious illness and we must not judge those who are suffering from it. Instead, according to the pope, we must accept that God loves pedophiles, he created them for a reason, and he has reserved a special place in heaven for them.

You just can't make this stuff up.
That explains the church shuffling them around from Parish to Parish.

Makes sense, and it makes sense why they support the DNC groomers as well at the Vatican.

So what did Jesus have to say about these things?

Matthew 18:6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Actually, you can. I note the story is from "Newspunch" which is known for deliberately being a fake news site. We need to see if any credible news agency picks this up before accepting it as fact.

Nope, it fits with everything has stayed before. He is anti Bible and spouts New Word Order.

Even after being told that NewsPunch is a satire-fakenews website, every pedo-screamer is _still_ falling for it.

And to think that these people vote, and that their vote counts as much as a normal person's.

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