Pope Francis donates $500,000 to migrants at US border

Pope Francis donated $500,000 to Mexico-based projects to help migrant communities as media attention has faded, the Vatican said Saturday.

The funds will be distributed between 27 projects associated with 16 Mexican dioceses and congregations, all of which asked for help to continue providing food, lodging, and basic necessities to those fleeing their home countries through Mexico.

“In recent months, thousands of migrants have arrived in Mexico, having travelled more than 4,000 kilometers on foot and with makeshift vehicles from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Men and women, often with young children, flee poverty and violence, hoping for a better future in the United States. However, the U.S. border remains closed to them,” said a press release from Peter's Pence, the organization handling the funds.

Peter’s Pence's collections are funds earmarked "to provide the Holy Father with the financial means to respond to those who are suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease," according to its website.

The money is specifically meant to aid the 75,000 migrants who arrived in Mexico in 2018 as part of six caravans, according to a press release from Peter's Pence.


(Excerpt) Read more at abcnews.go.com .

I say half a million to send them all to the Vatican
....Permanently.....Pope Francis didn’t donate a SINGLE DIME. He stole money that the Faithful contributed to evangelize the world and gave it away to ensure that it is easier to bring socialists, terrorists, gang members and uninvited illegals into America, and make it more attractive to do the same to millions more who will now show up illegally on our doorstep.

The Vicar of Marx, this Borgia Pope, is a real scumbag.
And now we REALLY know what CRCs think about charity and helping the less fortunate.
They would say the same if it were Jesus Christ himself was feeding them.
Today's CRCs would have been on the "crucify the socialist!" bandwagon.
Well they already are Marxist.
Pope Francis donated $500,000 to Mexico-based projects to help migrant communities as media attention has faded, the Vatican said Saturday.

The funds will be distributed between 27 projects associated with 16 Mexican dioceses and congregations, all of which asked for help to continue providing food, lodging, and basic necessities to those fleeing their home countries through Mexico.

“In recent months, thousands of migrants have arrived in Mexico, having travelled more than 4,000 kilometers on foot and with makeshift vehicles from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Men and women, often with young children, flee poverty and violence, hoping for a better future in the United States. However, the U.S. border remains closed to them,” said a press release from Peter's Pence, the organization handling the funds.

Peter’s Pence's collections are funds earmarked "to provide the Holy Father with the financial means to respond to those who are suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease," according to its website.

The money is specifically meant to aid the 75,000 migrants who arrived in Mexico in 2018 as part of six caravans, according to a press release from Peter's Pence.


(Excerpt) Read more at abcnews.go.com .

I say half a million to send them all to the Vatican
....Permanently.....Pope Francis didn’t donate a SINGLE DIME. He stole money that the Faithful contributed to evangelize the world and gave it away to ensure that it is easier to bring socialists, terrorists, gang members and uninvited illegals into America, and make it more attractive to do the same to millions more who will now show up illegally on our doorstep.
Well he and the UN should of have donate money to them long ago. Before George Soros convinced them to come here. But now they want to help them while they are far away from their homes.
Got any proof of Soros telling these people to migrate?
And now we REALLY know what CRCs think about charity and helping the less fortunate.
And we see once more, how the left will use these pitiful people to achieve their political ends.
It's not really a revelation, more of a confirmation of what we've always known.

The left doesn't give a shit about people from Guatemala except in as much as they can be useful tools to
collapse the U.S. through mass immigration.
Hey, Jesus loves these people are you gonna degrade his character ?
The first act these diseased illegal aliens do... is illegal.

Certainly not Christian like
And now we REALLY know what CRCs think about charity and helping the less fortunate.
And we see once more, how the left will use these pitiful people to achieve their political ends.
It's not really a revelation, more of a confirmation of what we've always known.

The left doesn't give a shit about people from Guatemala except in as much as they can be useful tools to
collapse the U.S. through mass immigration.
Hey, Jesus loves these people are you gonna degrade his character ?
The first act these diseased illegal aliens do... is illegal.

Certainly not Christian like
Yeah, you think Christians don't sin. If that were true no God would be needed..
Yep, don't take much to get the usual suspects upset at the pope for his act of helping the hungry and needy.
And now we REALLY know what CRCs think about charity and helping the less fortunate.
And we see once more, how the left will use these pitiful people to achieve their political ends.
It's not really a revelation, more of a confirmation of what we've always known.

The left doesn't give a shit about people from Guatemala except in as much as they can be useful tools to
collapse the U.S. through mass immigration.
Hey, Jesus loves these people are you gonna degrade his character ?
The first act these diseased illegal aliens do... is illegal.

Certainly not Christian like
Yeah, you think Christians don't sin. If that were true no God would be needed..
Christians will be the first to tell you we are sinners… Dumbass
Pope Francis donated $500,000 to Mexico-based projects to help migrant communities as media attention has faded, the Vatican said Saturday.

The funds will be distributed between 27 projects associated with 16 Mexican dioceses and congregations, all of which asked for help to continue providing food, lodging, and basic necessities to those fleeing their home countries through Mexico.

“In recent months, thousands of migrants have arrived in Mexico, having travelled more than 4,000 kilometers on foot and with makeshift vehicles from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Men and women, often with young children, flee poverty and violence, hoping for a better future in the United States. However, the U.S. border remains closed to them,” said a press release from Peter's Pence, the organization handling the funds.

Peter’s Pence's collections are funds earmarked "to provide the Holy Father with the financial means to respond to those who are suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease," according to its website.

The money is specifically meant to aid the 75,000 migrants who arrived in Mexico in 2018 as part of six caravans, according to a press release from Peter's Pence.


(Excerpt) Read more at abcnews.go.com .

I say half a million to send them all to the Vatican
....Permanently.....Pope Francis didn’t donate a SINGLE DIME. He stole money that the Faithful contributed to evangelize the world and gave it away to ensure that it is easier to bring socialists, terrorists, gang members and uninvited illegals into America, and make it more attractive to do the same to millions more who will now show up illegally on our doorstep.
Well he and the UN should of have donate money to them long ago. Before George Soros convinced them to come here. But now they want to help them while they are far away from their homes.
Got any proof of Soros telling these people to migrate?

Pope Francis donated $500,000 to Mexico-based projects to help migrant communities as media attention has faded, the Vatican said Saturday.

The funds will be distributed between 27 projects associated with 16 Mexican dioceses and congregations, all of which asked for help to continue providing food, lodging, and basic necessities to those fleeing their home countries through Mexico.

“In recent months, thousands of migrants have arrived in Mexico, having travelled more than 4,000 kilometers on foot and with makeshift vehicles from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Men and women, often with young children, flee poverty and violence, hoping for a better future in the United States. However, the U.S. border remains closed to them,” said a press release from Peter's Pence, the organization handling the funds.

Peter’s Pence's collections are funds earmarked "to provide the Holy Father with the financial means to respond to those who are suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease," according to its website.

The money is specifically meant to aid the 75,000 migrants who arrived in Mexico in 2018 as part of six caravans, according to a press release from Peter's Pence.


(Excerpt) Read more at abcnews.go.com .

I say half a million to send them all to the Vatican
....Permanently.....Pope Francis didn’t donate a SINGLE DIME. He stole money that the Faithful contributed to evangelize the world and gave it away to ensure that it is easier to bring socialists, terrorists, gang members and uninvited illegals into America, and make it more attractive to do the same to millions more who will now show up illegally on our doorstep.
Well he and the UN should of have donate money to them long ago. Before George Soros convinced them to come here. But now they want to help them while they are far away from their homes.
Got any proof of Soros telling these people to migrate?

Hearsay is not admissible in a court of law.
Pope Francis donated $500,000 to Mexico-based projects to help migrant communities as media attention has faded, the Vatican said Saturday.

The funds will be distributed between 27 projects associated with 16 Mexican dioceses and congregations, all of which asked for help to continue providing food, lodging, and basic necessities to those fleeing their home countries through Mexico.

“In recent months, thousands of migrants have arrived in Mexico, having travelled more than 4,000 kilometers on foot and with makeshift vehicles from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Men and women, often with young children, flee poverty and violence, hoping for a better future in the United States. However, the U.S. border remains closed to them,” said a press release from Peter's Pence, the organization handling the funds.

Peter’s Pence's collections are funds earmarked "to provide the Holy Father with the financial means to respond to those who are suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease," according to its website.

The money is specifically meant to aid the 75,000 migrants who arrived in Mexico in 2018 as part of six caravans, according to a press release from Peter's Pence.


(Excerpt) Read more at abcnews.go.com .

I say half a million to send them all to the Vatican
....Permanently.....Pope Francis didn’t donate a SINGLE DIME. He stole money that the Faithful contributed to evangelize the world and gave it away to ensure that it is easier to bring socialists, terrorists, gang members and uninvited illegals into America, and make it more attractive to do the same to millions more who will now show up illegally on our doorstep.

They gave it to him, tithed, and he knows how to spend it best. He did not steal the money.
Says the local Muslim socialist!

What do you want to starve and go without shelter. They walk 1500 miles with the clothes on their backs and kids escaping rape and crime, you heartless bitch.

Ahmed, the democrats pay for buses to bring illegal aliens (or as democrats call them, voters) into America. they are not walking.
Yet you have zero proof...

Wow; lie much Comrade?


The 22-bus caravan is expected to continue north on Mexican Federal Highway 15–temporarily stopping or passing through Hermosillo and north through Santa Ana, then west onto Mexican Federal Highway 2 past Caborca, San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexicali, Tecate and then to Tijuana.

This segment of the migrant caravan is part of the 7,000 to 10,000 Central Americans who crossed into Mexico approximately one month ago. Roughly 6,531 migrants crossed the state of Queretaro over the weekend, according to the local government. The figure is greater than the count made by authorities when the group spent several days in Mexico City, which suggests the possibility that other migrants joined the caravan. The group eventually stopped in Guadalajara after passing through Guanajuato.}

22 Buses with 900 Caravan Migrants Nears U.S. Border
Hey, Jesus loves these people are you gonna degrade his character ?
I am sure Jesus does not love them being used as pawns by the left. Jesus also certainly doesn't like the people who run Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, etc. stealing the money we used to send these nations for their own personal gain.

Based on that aid alone, which has gone on for decade after decade, the lie that we do not care about those people is absolute politicized bullshit! And that makes you and your troll buddies the real liars here. Surprise!

P.S...I also have to believe that using his name for advancing your political games is not something he, Jesus, appreciates.

No Medicare, or SS for you!!
They gave it to him, tithed, and he knows how to spend it best. He did not steal the money.
Says the local Muslim socialist!

What do you want to starve and go without shelter. They walk 1500 miles with the clothes on their backs and kids escaping rape and crime, you heartless bitch.

Ahmed, the democrats pay for buses to bring illegal aliens (or as democrats call them, voters) into America. they are not walking.
Yet you have zero proof...

Wow; lie much Comrade?


The 22-bus caravan is expected to continue north on Mexican Federal Highway 15–temporarily stopping or passing through Hermosillo and north through Santa Ana, then west onto Mexican Federal Highway 2 past Caborca, San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexicali, Tecate and then to Tijuana.

This segment of the migrant caravan is part of the 7,000 to 10,000 Central Americans who crossed into Mexico approximately one month ago. Roughly 6,531 migrants crossed the state of Queretaro over the weekend, according to the local government. The figure is greater than the count made by authorities when the group spent several days in Mexico City, which suggests the possibility that other migrants joined the caravan. The group eventually stopped in Guadalajara after passing through Guanajuato.}

22 Buses with 900 Caravan Migrants Nears U.S. Border

That is a 2018 pic.

Posted on April 29, 2018 by FAN Editor
Caravan of asylum-seeking migrants reach Mexico-US border, setting up a showdown with Trump - FAN
Says the local Muslim socialist!

What do you want to starve and go without shelter. They walk 1500 miles with the clothes on their backs and kids escaping rape and crime, you heartless bitch.

Ahmed, the democrats pay for buses to bring illegal aliens (or as democrats call them, voters) into America. they are not walking.
Yet you have zero proof...

Wow; lie much Comrade?


The 22-bus caravan is expected to continue north on Mexican Federal Highway 15–temporarily stopping or passing through Hermosillo and north through Santa Ana, then west onto Mexican Federal Highway 2 past Caborca, San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexicali, Tecate and then to Tijuana.

This segment of the migrant caravan is part of the 7,000 to 10,000 Central Americans who crossed into Mexico approximately one month ago. Roughly 6,531 migrants crossed the state of Queretaro over the weekend, according to the local government. The figure is greater than the count made by authorities when the group spent several days in Mexico City, which suggests the possibility that other migrants joined the caravan. The group eventually stopped in Guadalajara after passing through Guanajuato.}

22 Buses with 900 Caravan Migrants Nears U.S. Border

That is a 2018 pic.

Posted on April 29, 2018 by FAN Editor
Caravan of asylum-seeking migrants reach Mexico-US border, setting up a showdown with Trump - FAN
Perhaps you can hitch a ride and report on the rape, robbery and child trafficking situation with these invaders?
What do you want to starve and go without shelter. They walk 1500 miles with the clothes on their backs and kids escaping rape and crime, you heartless bitch.

Ahmed, the democrats pay for buses to bring illegal aliens (or as democrats call them, voters) into America. they are not walking.
Yet you have zero proof...

Wow; lie much Comrade?


The 22-bus caravan is expected to continue north on Mexican Federal Highway 15–temporarily stopping or passing through Hermosillo and north through Santa Ana, then west onto Mexican Federal Highway 2 past Caborca, San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexicali, Tecate and then to Tijuana.

This segment of the migrant caravan is part of the 7,000 to 10,000 Central Americans who crossed into Mexico approximately one month ago. Roughly 6,531 migrants crossed the state of Queretaro over the weekend, according to the local government. The figure is greater than the count made by authorities when the group spent several days in Mexico City, which suggests the possibility that other migrants joined the caravan. The group eventually stopped in Guadalajara after passing through Guanajuato.}

22 Buses with 900 Caravan Migrants Nears U.S. Border

That is a 2018 pic.

Posted on April 29, 2018 by FAN Editor
Caravan of asylum-seeking migrants reach Mexico-US border, setting up a showdown with Trump - FAN
Perhaps you can hitch a ride and report on the rape, robbery and child trafficking situation with these invaders?

The US has its own child traffickers and humans trafficked. It way too bad there is a huge market in the US for such human trafficking. The US has it own rape and robbery, its rampant and most are US citizens. They look fairly harmless to me.
Says the local Muslim socialist!

What do you want to starve and go without shelter. They walk 1500 miles with the clothes on their backs and kids escaping rape and crime, you heartless bitch.

Ahmed, the democrats pay for buses to bring illegal aliens (or as democrats call them, voters) into America. they are not walking.
Yet you have zero proof...

Wow; lie much Comrade?


The 22-bus caravan is expected to continue north on Mexican Federal Highway 15–temporarily stopping or passing through Hermosillo and north through Santa Ana, then west onto Mexican Federal Highway 2 past Caborca, San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexicali, Tecate and then to Tijuana.

This segment of the migrant caravan is part of the 7,000 to 10,000 Central Americans who crossed into Mexico approximately one month ago. Roughly 6,531 migrants crossed the state of Queretaro over the weekend, according to the local government. The figure is greater than the count made by authorities when the group spent several days in Mexico City, which suggests the possibility that other migrants joined the caravan. The group eventually stopped in Guadalajara after passing through Guanajuato.}

22 Buses with 900 Caravan Migrants Nears U.S. Border

That is a 2018 pic.

Posted on April 29, 2018 by FAN Editor
Caravan of asylum-seeking migrants reach Mexico-US border, setting up a showdown with Trump - FAN

Ahmed, the democrats pay for buses to bring illegal aliens (or as democrats call them, voters) into America. they are not walking.
Yet you have zero proof...

Wow; lie much Comrade?


The 22-bus caravan is expected to continue north on Mexican Federal Highway 15–temporarily stopping or passing through Hermosillo and north through Santa Ana, then west onto Mexican Federal Highway 2 past Caborca, San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexicali, Tecate and then to Tijuana.

This segment of the migrant caravan is part of the 7,000 to 10,000 Central Americans who crossed into Mexico approximately one month ago. Roughly 6,531 migrants crossed the state of Queretaro over the weekend, according to the local government. The figure is greater than the count made by authorities when the group spent several days in Mexico City, which suggests the possibility that other migrants joined the caravan. The group eventually stopped in Guadalajara after passing through Guanajuato.}

22 Buses with 900 Caravan Migrants Nears U.S. Border

That is a 2018 pic.

Posted on April 29, 2018 by FAN Editor
Caravan of asylum-seeking migrants reach Mexico-US border, setting up a showdown with Trump - FAN
Perhaps you can hitch a ride and report on the rape, robbery and child trafficking situation with these invaders?

The US has its own child traffickers and humans trafficked. It way too bad there is a huge market in the US for such human trafficking. The US has it own rape and robbery, its rampant and most are US citizens. They look fairly harmless to me.

Virtually all child trafficking is based on illegal immigration.

Why is a "Palestinian" Muslim like you sticking your nose into our affairs anyway? Don't you have a suicide vest to test?

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