Pope Francis says church cannot focus on abortion and gay marriage

It's funny how homosexuals look to a religion who doesn't condone their immorality for approval of their immorality. How does that work out exactly?

Being gay isn’t ‘immoral,’ that you perceive homosexuality as ‘immoral’ is a consequence of your ignorance and hate.

And gays are not ‘seeking approval’ from anyone, they are acknowledging the Pope’s appropriate concession that issues pertaining to privacy rights and equal protection rights are the purview of the law and public policy, not subjective, irrelevant religious dogma.
That's not what the Pope said or implied. .. :cool:
It's funny how homosexuals look to a religion who doesn't condone their immorality for approval of their immorality. How does that work out exactly?

Being gay isn’t ‘immoral,’ that you perceive homosexuality as ‘immoral’ is a consequence of your ignorance and hate.

And gays are not ‘seeking approval’ from anyone, they are acknowledging the Pope’s appropriate concession that issues pertaining to privacy rights and equal protection rights are the purview of the law and public policy, not subjective, irrelevant religious dogma.

Then why do they attack Christians so much? Why do they question them? Why do they look for reasons in the Bible that support their way of life? I find it odd, if gay people were really gay, they wouldn't need to seek justification for their immorality.
It's funny how homosexuals look to a religion who doesn't condone their immorality for approval of their immorality. How does that work out exactly?

Gays believe that with enough kicking and screaming they can force the church to change. Catholics don't need to change. If gays don't like Catholicism, pick another religion.

Wrong! Gays generally don't give a shit what the church thinks they just want to be left alone to live and let live. They do however care what the gov't thinks, they would think it great if the State recognizes their right to marry without prejudice.

That's a lie. And yes, they do care about what the government thinks, since they need someone to support their deviancy. All the meanwhile they use it to take out any opposition to their lifestyle.
Gays believe that with enough kicking and screaming they can force the church to change. Catholics don't need to change. If gays don't like Catholicism, pick another religion.

Wrong! Gays generally don't give a shit what the church thinks they just want to be left alone to live and let live. They do however care what the gov't thinks, they would think it great if the State recognizes their right to marry without prejudice.

That's a lie. And yes, they do care about what the government thinks, since they need someone to support their deviancy. All the meanwhile they use it to take out any opposition to their lifestyle.

well someone supports yours.
It's funny how homosexuals look to a religion who doesn't condone their immorality for approval of their immorality. How does that work out exactly?

Being gay isn’t ‘immoral,’ that you perceive homosexuality as ‘immoral’ is a consequence of your ignorance and hate.

And gays are not ‘seeking approval’ from anyone, they are acknowledging the Pope’s appropriate concession that issues pertaining to privacy rights and equal protection rights are the purview of the law and public policy, not subjective, irrelevant religious dogma.

If an individual in ANY Christian church believes the Bible is the word of God, then they MUST believe that living a homosexual life style is against The Word of God. It says:

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

How does living a homosexual lifestyle meet obedience to this command?

I personally find the pope's tone on this quite refreshing as he says, in effect, "there are far more serious things to be worried about now." Good for him.
It's funny how homosexuals look to a religion who doesn't condone their immorality for approval of their immorality. How does that work out exactly?

Being gay isn’t ‘immoral,’ that you perceive homosexuality as ‘immoral’ is a consequence of your ignorance and hate.

And gays are not ‘seeking approval’ from anyone, they are acknowledging the Pope’s appropriate concession that issues pertaining to privacy rights and equal protection rights are the purview of the law and public policy, not subjective, irrelevant religious dogma.

If an individual in ANY Christian church believes the Bible is the word of God, then they MUST believe that living a homosexual life style is against The Word of God. It says:

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

How does living a homosexual lifestyle meet obedience to this command?

I personally find the pope's tone on this quite refreshing as he says, in effect, "there are far more serious things to be worried about now." Good for him.

Only 10% of the population is homosexual, always been that way since the beginning of time, always will be. That 10% is not a threat to mankind's existence unless it increases but I doubt that. Why, I'll bet you anything that one of the 12 apostles was probably a closeted homo. It's that 10% thing. The pope recognizes this, good for him.
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It's funny how homosexuals look to a religion who doesn't condone their immorality for approval of their immorality. How does that work out exactly?

Being gay isn’t ‘immoral,’ that you perceive homosexuality as ‘immoral’ is a consequence of your ignorance and hate.

And gays are not ‘seeking approval’ from anyone, they are acknowledging the Pope’s appropriate concession that issues pertaining to privacy rights and equal protection rights are the purview of the law and public policy, not subjective, irrelevant religious dogma.

Then why do they attack Christians so much? Why do they question them? Why do they look for reasons in the Bible that support their way of life? I find it odd, if gay people were really gay, they wouldn't need to seek justification for their immorality.

Gays are gay because God made them gay. God has a reason for everything and everyone so I'm told over and over, again and again.
Being gay isn’t ‘immoral,’ that you perceive homosexuality as ‘immoral’ is a consequence of your ignorance and hate.

And gays are not ‘seeking approval’ from anyone, they are acknowledging the Pope’s appropriate concession that issues pertaining to privacy rights and equal protection rights are the purview of the law and public policy, not subjective, irrelevant religious dogma.

Then why do they attack Christians so much? Why do they question them? Why do they look for reasons in the Bible that support their way of life? I find it odd, if gay people were really gay, they wouldn't need to seek justification for their immorality.

Gays are gay because God made them gay. God has a reason for everything and everyone so I'm told over and over, again and again.

Ha! If he made them gay, WHY DOES HE CONDEMN IT IN THE BIBLE?! No. Don't even try.

Then why do they attack Christians so much? Why do they question them? Why do they look for reasons in the Bible that support their way of life? I find it odd, if gay people were really gay, they wouldn't need to seek justification for their immorality.

Gays are gay because God made them gay. God has a reason for everything and everyone so I'm told over and over, again and again.

Ha! If he made them gay, WHY DOES HE CONDEMN IT IN THE BIBLE?! No. Don't even try.


One word... eunuchs
Being gay isn’t ‘immoral,’ that you perceive homosexuality as ‘immoral’ is a consequence of your ignorance and hate.

And gays are not ‘seeking approval’ from anyone, they are acknowledging the Pope’s appropriate concession that issues pertaining to privacy rights and equal protection rights are the purview of the law and public policy, not subjective, irrelevant religious dogma.

If an individual in ANY Christian church believes the Bible is the word of God, then they MUST believe that living a homosexual life style is against The Word of God. It says:

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

How does living a homosexual lifestyle meet obedience to this command?

I personally find the pope's tone on this quite refreshing as he says, in effect, "there are far more serious things to be worried about now." Good for him.

Only 10% of the population is homosexual, always been that way since the beginning of time, always will be. That 10% is not a threat to mankind's existence unless it increases but I doubt that. Why, I'll bet you anything that one of the 12 apostles was probably a closeted homo. It's that 10% thing. The pope recognizes this, good for him.

I kind of doubt it's as high as 10%. There are different polls with different results, so I don't think we'll every know exactly. I'll bet it's closer to 3-5%, but who knows. Where I work there are 40 employees and only one is gay. There should be four gays if the figure is 10% and we are an accurate cross section.
Hmmm, “fall like a house of cards” the pope says. How ironic because that is exactly what is happening to the Republican Party as we speak because of their staunch anti-abortion, anti-gay platform.

This is big. The liberalization of the Roman Catholic Church Hierarchy. I like this pope.

Pope Francis says church cannot focus only on abortion and gay marriage - World News

Pope Francis said in an interview published Thursday that the Catholic Church cannot focus only on abortion, contraception and gay marriage, and that the moral structure of the church will “fall like a house of cards” if it does not find better balance.

I'm not Catholic, but I do like this Pope also. While he is not denouncing the teachings of the Church, he is realistic in the fact that the Church should not use those teachings to crucify anyone who does not fall in line with those teachings. The Catholic Church, much like the Fundamentalist and Evangelical Churches have become homophobic in their stance against gays.
I was born and raised a Catholic. What I've been taught is that being homosexual is not a sin.

What's a sin is ACTING on it.

Just like wanting sex before you are married is not a sin. It's ACTING on those desires that's the sin.

This new Pope is not saying gay sex is no longer a sin, he's just saying the Church needs to be concentrating more on drawing people to the Church, not chasing them away. Reel them on in, and then try to help them.

But, of course, it's not for me or anyone else to be judging others. We need to be contemplating our own sins and worrying about those, rather than worrying about everyone else's sins. That's God's role to play, not ours. The new Pope gets that.
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I was born and raised a Catholic. What I've been taught is that being homosexual is not a sin.

What's a sin is ACTING on it.

Just like wanting sex before you are married is not a sin. It's ACTING on those desires that's the sin.

This new Pope is not saying gay sex is no longer a sin, he's just saying the Church needs to be concentrating more on drawing people to the Church, not chasing them away. Reel them on in, and then try to help them.

But, of course, it's not for me or anyone else to be judging others. We need to be contemplating our own sins and worrying about those, rather than worrying about everyone else's sins. That's God's role to play, not ours. The new Pope gets that.

Religion is very messed up. Think about it. God is supposedly all loving and we are all His children, but if you are a bad child and happen to be gay, you will burn in eternal fire for your sins. Your father will behead you and throw you into the pit of Hell. Yea, that's the all loving God we're talking about. People are no different as they follow these ridiculous beliefs. Again, think about it. How is that any different from a Muslim family performing an honor killing? Anyway, off topic for this thread.
I was born and raised a Catholic. What I've been taught is that being homosexual is not a sin.

What's a sin is ACTING on it.

Just like wanting sex before you are married is not a sin. It's ACTING on those desires that's the sin.

This new Pope is not saying gay sex is no longer a sin, he's just saying the Church needs to be concentrating more on drawing people to the Church, not chasing them away. Reel them on in, and then try to help them.

But, of course, it's not for me or anyone else to be judging others. We need to be contemplating our own sins and worrying about those, rather than worrying about everyone else's sins. That's God's role to play, not ours. The new Pope gets that.

Religion is very messed up. Think about it. God is supposedly all loving and we are all His children, but if you are a bad child and happen to be gay, you will burn in eternal fire for your sins. Your father will behead you and throw you into the pit of Hell. Yea, that's the all loving God we're talking about. People are no different as they follow these ridiculous beliefs. Again, think about it. How is that any different from a Muslim family performing an honor killing? Anyway, off topic for this thread.

Can you tell me, without citing anything in the Old Testament, where the Bible says we should hate gays? Hmm? Your view on the Christian faith is overtly flawed. I've read your posts in silence because they were normally rational, but this one is out of line. It's funny too, nobody notices that Muslims still put gay people to death. This day and age, you won't find a Christian murdering a homosexual.
Ha! If he made them gay, WHY DOES HE CONDEMN IT IN THE BIBLE?! No. Don't even try.


One word... eunuchs


"For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother's womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it." Matthew 19:12
If an individual in ANY Christian church believes the Bible is the word of God, then they MUST believe that living a homosexual life style is against The Word of God. It says:

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

How does living a homosexual lifestyle meet obedience to this command?

I personally find the pope's tone on this quite refreshing as he says, in effect, "there are far more serious things to be worried about now." Good for him.

Only 10% of the population is homosexual, always been that way since the beginning of time, always will be. That 10% is not a threat to mankind's existence unless it increases but I doubt that. Why, I'll bet you anything that one of the 12 apostles was probably a closeted homo. It's that 10% thing. The pope recognizes this, good for him.

I kind of doubt it's as high as 10%. There are different polls with different results, so I don't think we'll every know exactly. I'll bet it's closer to 3-5%, but who knows. Where I work there are 40 employees and only one is gay. There should be four gays if the figure is 10% and we are an accurate cross section.

Logic dictates then that there are probably at least 3 gays among the employees at your workplace who have not come out.
It's funny how homosexuals look to a religion who doesn't condone their immorality for approval of their immorality. How does that work out exactly?

Gays believe that with enough kicking and screaming they can force the church to change. Catholics don't need to change. If gays don't like Catholicism, pick another religion.

Since you have chained your faith-based hatred to a political party, that party will also be rejected, and not just by homosexuals. Your hate is costing you electoral power. Your hate is dragging your church and your party down.

WTF does this even mean?

Good Lord...

Gays believe that with enough kicking and screaming they can force the church to change. Catholics don't need to change. If gays don't like Catholicism, pick another religion.

Since you have chained your faith-based hatred to a political party, that party will also be rejected, and not just by homosexuals. Your hate is costing you electoral power. Your hate is dragging your church and your party down.

WTF does this even mean?

Good Lord...


It means the pope is now officially part of the '47%' that Romney rejected. It also means the pope is going soft on the church's staunch anti-abortion stance.
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