Pope Francis says church cannot focus on abortion and gay marriage

I was born and raised a Catholic. What I've been taught is that being homosexual is not a sin.

What's a sin is ACTING on it.

Just like wanting sex before you are married is not a sin. It's ACTING on those desires that's the sin.

This new Pope is not saying gay sex is no longer a sin, he's just saying the Church needs to be concentrating more on drawing people to the Church, not chasing them away. Reel them on in, and then try to help them.

But, of course, it's not for me or anyone else to be judging others. We need to be contemplating our own sins and worrying about those, rather than worrying about everyone else's sins. That's God's role to play, not ours. The new Pope gets that.

Nicely said. Here's what the pope actually said:

A Big Heart Open to God | America Magazine
As far as the Catholic Church goes it should not even be under discussion. Which may be what he meant. It is settled chuch doctrine. Move on.

Except that the church hierarchy is very anti gay/abortion today but this pope hopes to turn that around. Maybe they will impeach the pope in the process?

This pope has already said that he will maintain Church doctrine as regards homosexuality and abortion. He just doesn't want to Church to become myopic on the subject and see the whole person. It's nonsense to think that the Pope would be impeached by gays and abortionists.

I am not a Catholic so I can disagree with the Pope. Gays do not see themselves as human beings but a subset of humanity as gay human beings. Their sex lives override every other concern. Homosexuals are the Langoliers of humanity. Much like abortionists who believe the only thing stopping a 100% abortion rate is getting someone to pay for abortions.
As far as the Catholic Church goes it should not even be under discussion. Which may be what he meant. It is settled chuch doctrine. Move on.

Except that the church hierarchy is very anti gay/abortion today but this pope hopes to turn that around. Maybe they will impeach the pope in the process?

This pope has already said that he will maintain Church doctrine as regards homosexuality and abortion. He just doesn't want to Church to become myopic on the subject and see the whole person. It's nonsense to think that the Pope would be impeached by gays and abortionists.

I am not a Catholic so I can disagree with the Pope. Gays do not see themselves as human beings but a subset of humanity as gay human beings. Their sex lives override every other concern. Homosexuals are the Langoliers of humanity. Much like abortionists who believe the only thing stopping a 100% abortion rate is getting someone to pay for abortions.

Big change coming to your local neighborhood in America... I'm ok, your ok, so is abortion and being gay.
There is nothing at all wrong with being gay. It is just wrong for me to accept that as an alternative form of normal. One action is what they do, which is none of my business. The other is an act that I do, which is solely my business and none of theirs.

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