Pope Francis shows his True Colors

Have a look at this and tell us who is bashing who? Very telling picture about what is really going on, Folks.


What's one more Inquisition? Whatever the Pope asked for....... Hitler was happy to give him. Even the world. Hitler, the faithful Roman Catholic. Thank God he was stopped - thanks to praying Protestants such as Rees Howells the intercessor! Still that wasn't the last of the Roman Catholic Herods - today there is a new one in the Vatican. Listen to the video in the OP and realize that his message sounds like another Inquisition is on the way - once again? The victims shall be Protestants, Jews, and anyone who resists the Roman Catholic Empire.
Thank you. I am satisfied that I know the value of your thoughts on this issue.

Your welcome. I make no apologies for speaking the truth. As for the Catholics on the earth today. I pray that in the days ahead when the Herod in the Vatican plots his next Inquisition ( WWIII) that you will be like this guy in the picture.


Any ole' dead fish can float down the river with the garbage - it takes a live one with a back bone to swim against the current. As you can see this man did not bow down to the Roman Catholic Fuhrer and his demands for loyalty. That is usually how it is - the masses follow the insanity of false prophets / false preachers and only a few are willing to stand up and say no. I won't be a part of this and I will not bow down to it either.

Which person will you be? Your decision today will determine your destiny for all eternity. Heaven or hell. Jesus Christ or the Vatican. Choose wisely.
[QUOTE="Jeremiah, post: 10983107, member: 40845" It is no where found in the bible that Salvation is through the Pope or His Catholic Institution called "Mother". It is no where found in the bible that the Pope is as God and has all authority over governments, kingdoms, nations,
Neither the Catholic Church nor any Pope has ever calimed either of those two things.

yet he openly declares this is his right in the video you are about to see. You will hear this ex-Catholic priest explaining exactly what the Pope refers to in these speeches
If he actually openly declared it, then we wouldn't need someone to explains what the Pope is referring to. The "explanations" are real stretches, at best.

No, they are not. This man who is explaining this to you is a former Roman Catholic Priest -a born again Christ - what possible motive could he have for not telling you exactly what this pope is speaking about? There isn't one. He is telling you the truth and if it that were not enough it is exactly what Dr. Alberto Rivera warns about and who was Dr. Alberto Rivera? An ex-Jesuit who exposed the Vatican and their plans for a new world order - to destroy anyone who refuses to submit to the Pope and his Mother Institution and to make war against the Protestants. This man is Herod in the flesh. Look at him. The people in America need to wake up and warn their Catholic relatives that if they do not come out of the Roman Catholic anti -Christ system they will spend eternity in hell. Is it worth it? Who will you serve? The Vatican? Or Jesus Christ? Time to make up your minds.[/QUOTE]

What possible motive would he have for lying? You can't seriously be asking this.

How is attacking the Pope, serving Jesus Christ?
If the Pope/Vatican is striving for world dominance, they are not being very successful.

Why would some nut-ball slander the Pope and Church? To make themselves feel important and relevant. Just like you.
In 1934 the German armed forces swore an oath of loyalty to Hitler

Hindenburg died and Hitler became chancellor, president and commander of the army. The words of the oath were: "I swear by God this holy oath, that I want to offer unconditional obedience to the Führer of the German Reich and people, Adolf Hitler, the commander-in-chief of the Wehrmacht, and be prepared as a brave soldier to risk my life for this oath at any time."

If you think about then you will find out that Hitler tried to make himselve with this oath to a godlike person.

By the way: In the only democratic election in 1933 Hitler had his worst results in the areas where a majority of Catholics lived. Only in Berlin Hitler had the same bad results.

using the same two finger sign the Popes have been photographed signing with - it is a sign indicating the Pope's rule over the world - temporal powers - which again is what this Pope is speaking of in the video -

What? I never thought about - but we Germans are really using three fingers of the right Hand - thumb, forefinger and middle finger - if we swear, while we are crossing forefinger and middle finger of the other hand in the back. Never saw a Pope doing so - but if - why not?

Here is a quote from Adolph Hitler:

I reject that book by Roseberg. It was written by a Protestant. It is not a party book. "As a Catholic I never felt comfortable in the evangelical church or its structures." As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which the Catholic Church has adopted for fifteen hundred years. - Adolph Hitler.

What is Adolf Hitler speaking of?

Absurde view on our history. What's your source for such an absurde view?

He is telling the world, my extermination of the Jews as a Catholic is not an abberation from the Catholic Church. I am fulfilling the duties of a good Catholic - I am exterminating the Jews which is the same policy the Roman Catholic "Church" has had for 1500 years.

And so Hitler attacked Poland (indirectly together with Stalin) and killed the german-speaking and/or yiddish-speaking Jews in Poland, because the Catholics there murdered them since 1500 years?

Open your eyes, people. This IS the Doctrine of the Roman Catholic Institution that Hitler was engaged in. He is telling the world right here that it is! World War II was another Roman Catholic Inquisition. Wake up. This Herod they have now is about to enact his own Inquisition against the Protestants and Jews- it is clear by his speech he is a very dangerous man.

Who is a dangerous man? The Hitler who had sent protestants into exterminating battlefields?

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Jeremiah, I would like to think that you are not a complete nut-ball, but you'll have to help me out here.

The Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church is not a democracy where the people get a vote on anything significant, and it's not a parliamentary system where the Cardinals draft stuff up for the Pope to sign. This is no surprise, and whether you like it or not, we Catholics don't have a problem with it. Do you find it offensive? Why?

The Pope believes that the RC Church is the "most Christian" of all of the "Christian" churches, and he wants to dialog with other Christian denominations to find areas of agreement and - hold on to your hat - identify areas where the other denominations may be in error, and try to correct those errors through the dialog. Do you find this surprising or offensive? Do you think that the Pope should consider all "Christian" denominations to be equally "Christian" even if they disagree on significant points?

The Pope has no temporal power. Period. Unless you count the Swiss Guards as the Pope's army. He can't force anyone to do anything, let alone "kill jews." Anyone who says otherwise is a complete idiot and/or crackpot.

Care to disagree?

First, I do not care whether you call me a crackpot or not, DSG. Anyone who has went up against the Roman Institution and dared to speak against it has been branded the same - I count it a badge of honor, quite frankly.

As to disagreeing? I already have. Emphatically. See this thread for the evidence that proves I'm right:

WWI WWII The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

As for the Pope having no temporal power - you are seriously mistaken. What do you think the hand sign of the pope is about? Two finger salute?

Do you know what this hand sign signifies?

Read the thread and be humble enough to realize you do not know what you think you know concerning the Roman Catholic System and how it operates.


Faithful Roman Catholic Nazi's salute their Pope with two finger hand sign.

When you see the two fingers held up by the Pope, they stand for the two pillars
1. Apostolic Succession
2. Temporal power

The pillar Temporal power (Which DSG denies exists) upon which the Vatican bases its claim that the pope has authority over all the kings of the earth. The pillar was founded on the forged forged documents called "Donations of Constantine." For that story see the link above WWI & WWII ........

May I ask you where's the zoo where you are coming from? What for heavens sake have your idiocies here to do with the german history? You are writing an unbelievable nonsense. The quality of your anticatholicism is not far away from the bad propaganda of the antisemites when the Nazis started about a hundred years ago. Unbelievable. The first picture here shows Paul VI ( Pope Paul VI - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ) blessing someone with two fingers of the right hand. What the other picture shows I don't know in the moment. Tell me please what's the year of this photo and the place where it was made. And explain me please why you think you have to tell everyone nonsense about the german history.

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