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Pope (politician) Francis - "Globalization brings us together"

March 30, 2016
A Dangerously Deluded Pope
By Tibor Krausz

Pope Francis, it seems, can't stop squandering whatever little true moral capital he has left. Last week the ageing pontiff, who is much given to periodic bouts of showboating, decided to drop to his knees before several recent Muslim migrants to Europe (call them "refugees," if you will) from North Africa and the Middle East. He then proceeded to wash the asylum seekers' feet with holy water before wiping them clean and kissing them. A cringe-worthy spectacle that was.


The very same day the pope was on his knees kissing the feet of random migrants outside an asylum center in Rome, a Muslim shopkeeper in Glasgow, who seem to have been blissfully well-integrated indeed, was savagely murdered by two other Muslim men in what police described as a "religiously prejudiced" attack. A few hours before he was stabbed to death, Asad Shah relayed a heartfelt public Easter message on Facebook to his Christian friends. By doing so, he violated one of Allah's commands to Muslims. "O ye who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians for friends!" the Koran (5:51) counsels. "They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk."

Yet many Europeans can't stop wanting to befriend Muslims, a lot of whom would instead prefer to see them dead. After every new act of savagery on European soil by Islamic terrorists comes the usual merry-go-round of feckless groveling, spearheaded by the likes of Pope Francis. The script has by now been perfected to a T. First, there's a bit of a shock at the callous brutality of the attackers and a bit of tough talk about waging war on a nebulous miasma of "radicalism," which "knows no religion." That done, it's on to distancing the self-proclaimed soldiers of Allah from Islam by claiming they have misunderstood a fine and peaceful religion and violated Islam's core teachings of universal brotherhood among all people (which happen not to exist). That is then followed immediately by warnings, repeated ad nauseam, of an imminent backlash (which never materializes) by "bigoted," "racist" and "xenophobic" Europeans against innocent Muslims who, we're told, are the real victims of Islamic terrorism. Finally, the crescendo of misdirection culminates in lectures to Europeans on their failure to integrate Muslims better and calls on them to atone some more for their forefathers' alleged misdeeds against the great religion of Islam.

To hell with all that. Peace will come only when it's not native Europeans but Muslims who are expected to engage in extensive soul-searching apropos the self-evident failures of their communities and societies. Europeans have not failed Muslim immigrants. It's many Muslim immigrants in Europe who have failed their host societies by refusing to integrate and become productive members of them, even as they continue to incubate an atavistic grievance culture of violent jihadism.

Pope Francis should man up and get up from his knees. Groveling isn't a virtue in the face of violent jihad; it's a sign of weakness and moral cowardice. Then again, the stalwarts of the Islamic State have openly declared war against the Vatican ("We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah, the Exalted") will like a pope on his knees just fine.

Read more: Articles: A Dangerously Deluded Pope
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
March 30, 2016
A Dangerously Deluded Pope
By Tibor Krausz

Pope Francis, it seems, can't stop squandering whatever little true moral capital he has left. Last week the ageing pontiff, who is much given to periodic bouts of showboating, decided to drop to his knees before several recent Muslim migrants to Europe (call them "refugees," if you will) from North Africa and the Middle East. He then proceeded to wash the asylum seekers' feet with holy water before wiping them clean and kissing them. A cringe-worthy spectacle that was.


The very same day the pope was on his knees kissing the feet of random migrants outside an asylum center in Rome, a Muslim shopkeeper in Glasgow, who seem to have been blissfully well-integrated indeed, was savagely murdered by two other Muslim men in what police described as a "religiously prejudiced" attack. A few hours before he was stabbed to death, Asad Shah relayed a heartfelt public Easter message on Facebook to his Christian friends. By doing so, he violated one of Allah's commands to Muslims. "O ye who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians for friends!" the Koran (5:51) counsels. "They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk."

Yet many Europeans can't stop wanting to befriend Muslims, a lot of whom would instead prefer to see them dead. After every new act of savagery on European soil by Islamic terrorists comes the usual merry-go-round of feckless groveling, spearheaded by the likes of Pope Francis. The script has by now been perfected to a T. First, there's a bit of a shock at the callous brutality of the attackers and a bit of tough talk about waging war on a nebulous miasma of "radicalism," which "knows no religion." That done, it's on to distancing the self-proclaimed soldiers of Allah from Islam by claiming they have misunderstood a fine and peaceful religion and violated Islam's core teachings of universal brotherhood among all people (which happen not to exist). That is then followed immediately by warnings, repeated ad nauseam, of an imminent backlash (which never materializes) by "bigoted," "racist" and "xenophobic" Europeans against innocent Muslims who, we're told, are the real victims of Islamic terrorism. Finally, the crescendo of misdirection culminates in lectures to Europeans on their failure to integrate Muslims better and calls on them to atone some more for their forefathers' alleged misdeeds against the great religion of Islam.

To hell with all that. Peace will come only when it's not native Europeans but Muslims who are expected to engage in extensive soul-searching apropos the self-evident failures of their communities and societies. Europeans have not failed Muslim immigrants. It's many Muslim immigrants in Europe who have failed their host societies by refusing to integrate and become productive members of them, even as they continue to incubate an atavistic grievance culture of violent jihadism.

Pope Francis should man up and get up from his knees. Groveling isn't a virtue in the face of violent jihad; it's a sign of weakness and moral cowardice. Then again, the stalwarts of the Islamic State have openly declared war against the Vatican ("We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah, the Exalted") will like a pope on his knees just fine.

Read more: Articles: A Dangerously Deluded Pope
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Anti Catholic bigotry is an ugly thing to witness.
Pope Francis who took the name of one of the most revered saints, Saint Francis of Assissi, the patron saint of animals, thinks he is talking to dumb animals.

Pope John Paul II, the last decent pope must be weeping in his grave seeing the the Church he left behind on solid rock, sliding onto sand.
Pope Francis who took the name of one of the most revered saints, Saint Francis of Assissi, the patron saint of animals, thinks he is talking to dumb animals.

Pope John Paul II, the last decent pope must be weeping in his grave seeing the the Church he left behind on solid rock, sliding onto sand.
That's because a lot of Catholics are left-wing social justice bull shiter's as is the pope and the under morons. I was brought up catholic and hated every minute...
I find this pope is actually dangerous to us.
I used several articles back 2007/8 on another forum which has been shut down. The point in the articles was that for the world to change two things have to happen america and the catholic church have to change. Well obongo pussyfied and gaynized america and the pope is changing the church. If hildabeast is elected the world not just america is at great risk...
March 30, 2016
A Dangerously Deluded Pope
By Tibor Krausz

Pope Francis, it seems, can't stop squandering whatever little true moral capital he has left. Last week the ageing pontiff, who is much given to periodic bouts of showboating, decided to drop to his knees before several recent Muslim migrants to Europe (call them "refugees," if you will) from North Africa and the Middle East. He then proceeded to wash the asylum seekers' feet with holy water before wiping them clean and kissing them. A cringe-worthy spectacle that was.


The very same day the pope was on his knees kissing the feet of random migrants outside an asylum center in Rome, a Muslim shopkeeper in Glasgow, who seem to have been blissfully well-integrated indeed, was savagely murdered by two other Muslim men in what police described as a "religiously prejudiced" attack. A few hours before he was stabbed to death, Asad Shah relayed a heartfelt public Easter message on Facebook to his Christian friends. By doing so, he violated one of Allah's commands to Muslims. "O ye who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians for friends!" the Koran (5:51) counsels. "They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk."

Yet many Europeans can't stop wanting to befriend Muslims, a lot of whom would instead prefer to see them dead. After every new act of savagery on European soil by Islamic terrorists comes the usual merry-go-round of feckless groveling, spearheaded by the likes of Pope Francis. The script has by now been perfected to a T. First, there's a bit of a shock at the callous brutality of the attackers and a bit of tough talk about waging war on a nebulous miasma of "radicalism," which "knows no religion." That done, it's on to distancing the self-proclaimed soldiers of Allah from Islam by claiming they have misunderstood a fine and peaceful religion and violated Islam's core teachings of universal brotherhood among all people (which happen not to exist). That is then followed immediately by warnings, repeated ad nauseam, of an imminent backlash (which never materializes) by "bigoted," "racist" and "xenophobic" Europeans against innocent Muslims who, we're told, are the real victims of Islamic terrorism. Finally, the crescendo of misdirection culminates in lectures to Europeans on their failure to integrate Muslims better and calls on them to atone some more for their forefathers' alleged misdeeds against the great religion of Islam.

To hell with all that. Peace will come only when it's not native Europeans but Muslims who are expected to engage in extensive soul-searching apropos the self-evident failures of their communities and societies. Europeans have not failed Muslim immigrants. It's many Muslim immigrants in Europe who have failed their host societies by refusing to integrate and become productive members of them, even as they continue to incubate an atavistic grievance culture of violent jihadism.

Pope Francis should man up and get up from his knees. Groveling isn't a virtue in the face of violent jihad; it's a sign of weakness and moral cowardice. Then again, the stalwarts of the Islamic State have openly declared war against the Vatican ("We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah, the Exalted") will like a pope on his knees just fine.

Read more: Articles: A Dangerously Deluded Pope
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Reminiscent of Jesus.
Tibor is correct when he writes Muslims must make the change: "To hell with all that. Peace will come only when it's not native Europeans but Muslims who are expected to engage in extensive soul-searching apropos the self-evident failures of their communities and societies. Europeans have not failed Muslim immigrants. It's many Muslim immigrants in Europe who have failed their host societies by refusing to integrate and become productive members of them, even as they continue to incubate an atavistic grievance culture of violent jihadism."

He is wrong to want a warrior Pope.
Stick to religion franny. You shouldn't be talking about globalization or illegal aliens. You have exposed yourself as just another politician raking in huge corporate bribes.

Read the pope's speech at Independence Hall

September 27, 2015, 12:43 pm "Just now I spoke of the trend towards globalization. Globalization is not evil. On the contrary, the tendency to become globalized is good; it brings us together. What can be evil is how it happens. If a certain kind of globalization claims to make everyone uniform, to level everyone out, that globalization destroys the rich gifts and uniqueness of each person and each people. But a globalization which attempts to bring everyone together while respecting the uniqueness and gifts of each person or people is a good globalization; it helps all of us to grow, and it brings peace"
The Pope doesn't know his Bible. If he did, he would know, within a decade of 1 world currency, it's all over. Tribulation is done, and the millennial reign will be rockin.

The false prophet? Could be. The anti-Christ, doubt it. A great deceiver, oh hell yeah!
Stick to religion franny. You shouldn't be talking about globalization or illegal aliens. You have exposed yourself as just another politician raking in huge corporate bribes.

Read the pope's speech at Independence Hall

September 27, 2015, 12:43 pm "Just now I spoke of the trend towards globalization. Globalization is not evil. On the contrary, the tendency to become globalized is good; it brings us together. What can be evil is how it happens. If a certain kind of globalization claims to make everyone uniform, to level everyone out, that globalization destroys the rich gifts and uniqueness of each person and each people. But a globalization which attempts to bring everyone together while respecting the uniqueness and gifts of each person or people is a good globalization; it helps all of us to grow, and it brings peace"

If you consider yourself a Christian, you'll listen to him

You far righties always talk about God-given rights, freedoms, etc.

But who drew the lines on the map, separating countries, the boundaries... Us and them. They are man-made.

To God there is no difference between a billionaire in NYC and dirt poor farmer in Mexico or Syrian refugee or a child living in poverty. All Children of God.
What an idiot, and in no way a Christian.

God is not all inclusive, and if you think He is, you show your stupidity.
The far right socons, many of them, like tiny above, have no idea about God, none.
The far right socons, many of them, like tiny above, have no idea about God, none.
I don't need an idea bout God, I already know Him.

As for what a Hebrew who lives at home with his parents thinks, I could care less, I'm not one of those, be nice to everyone, Christians. I'm a, tell you the truth and could care less if you believe me or not, because I don't have the faith or patience of Jesus, Christians.

I just have to tell you the truth, I could care less if you lived or died, that's God's thing.

By the way, check out Revelation 17: 14"These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful."

Guess what? Jesus is the Lamb, and He's gonna kill millions in the last war. He aint all love and peace, He's also wrath and destruction. You wouldn't accept him as a Lamb, so He's comin again, as a Lion.

Good luck with that.
The far right socons, many of them, like tiny above, have no idea about God, none.
I don't need an idea bout God, I already know Him.

As for what a Hebrew who lives at home with his parents thinks, I could care less, I'm not one of those, be nice to everyone, Christians. I'm a, tell you the truth and could care less if you believe me or not, because I don't have the faith or patience of Jesus, Christians.

I just have to tell you the truth, I could care less if you lived or died, that's God's thing.

By the way, check out Revelation 17: 14"These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful."

Guess what? Jesus is the Lamb, and He's gonna kill millions in the last war. He aint all love and peace, He's also wrath and destruction. You wouldn't accept him as a Lamb, so He's comin again, as a Lion.

Good luck with that.
So you are one of those nuts who think they know Jesus.
That Chef-Boyardee-looking motherfucker is so sick, he's a foot fetish sadist who sexually gets off on muslim violence; his reaction to Brussels was immediately sucking on the feet of male muslims. And this pig, this nightcrawling imitation of a real lifeform, STILL insists Europe take in more muslim refugees even after their constant rape epidemics. Seriously, the only thing this Quran-kissing traitor cares about is his muslim whoremasters.

Just because I'm intelligent enough to know that Pisslam is many orders of magnitude worse than Catholicrap, that DOESN'T MEAN I have any use for this corrupt, pederast-cesspool slime that rotten-to-the-core dregs of Christianity is.
The far right socons, many of them, like tiny above, have no idea about God, none.
I don't need an idea bout God, I already know Him.

As for what a Hebrew who lives at home with his parents thinks, I could care less, I'm not one of those, be nice to everyone, Christians. I'm a, tell you the truth and could care less if you believe me or not, because I don't have the faith or patience of Jesus, Christians.

I just have to tell you the truth, I could care less if you lived or died, that's God's thing.

By the way, check out Revelation 17: 14"These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful."

Guess what? Jesus is the Lamb, and He's gonna kill millions in the last war. He aint all love and peace, He's also wrath and destruction. You wouldn't accept him as a Lamb, so He's comin again, as a Lion.

Good luck with that.
So you are one of those nuts who think they know Jesus.
I know you are Laodicean.

Revelation 3:
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

God doesn't want you to go to hell, but I could care less, actually i'll enjoy watching the wicked being cast down. You see, I'm not Christ. Watching people like you burn, is going to make me smile.

Your choice, not mine, as long as you are reading this, guess what? You still have time, God is generous, I just don't give a rat ass about you, and I wont until.

1 Corinthians 15:
51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

So Jake, I don't give a damn if you know Christ or not, I don't give a damn if you are a false prophet or not, and I don't give a damn if you get to heaven or not.

Matthew 7: 21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

One more thing, I don't give a damn if you, or any other self professed Christian, thinks I'm in the wrong or not. If I don't give a damn for your soul, what the hell makes you think I value your opinion more than I value the shit coming out of my ass.

Now, maybe if I get really lucky, you will read this and drop dead.
I know I am a child of God, I call Jesus My Lord, and he calls me by my first name.

Always I will pray for you, tinynascarfan.

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