Popeyes manager fired for refusing to pay back $400 taken in armed robbery

Popeyes is in full cover your ass mode as they beat down the idiot franchise owner who is more concerned about his $400 than the safety of his employees
It's simple: Righties have lost all sense of humanity.

You're assuming the right had any humanity to begin with.

Oh, I think that at one time in the past, real conservatives had a lot of humanity in them.
But this generation of "Conservatives" is just not the generation of William F. Buckley or Barry Goldwater.

That's because the next driving element, the Jerry Falwells of the world, have always had a nose for fleecing the gullible.
She was fired for violating company policy.... it's on her.


I agree.

I fired a secretary on the spot one time for not depositing money in a timely fashion.

Don't mess with company money.

I fired a secretary on the spot one time for not depositing money in a timely fashion.
You're a real asshole then.

Depends, in some businesses, escrow money must be deposited within a limited amount of time. To not make the deposit in such a manner can result in very stiff fines or loss of license.
The bottom line for this thread--it's really simple: if this thread had been posted by a RWr, the RWrs would be going on and on about how the robbery was a result of liberal policies and essentially, somehow, inevitably Obama's fault, how there should be more guns around so citizens could fight crime like this, etc.


I suspect many would also have, instead of blaming the victim, focused much more on the thug thief -- the guy who's actually responsible for the robbery -- with some choice adjectives on his genetics --- until they watched the video and found out he was white.
How is this the responsibility of either the poster, Mertex, or the poor woman who faced a robber knowing her baby was at risk?

WTH is wrong with you people?

Mertex is somehow equating this to a corporation.

Do you really think a corporate staff would want this kind of publicity over 400 bucks ?

Oh they definitely do not, which is why they apparently called the franchise owners and "convinced" them to not only try to rehire said manager, but give her $2k in back pay. Then put out a public message to the media claiming they completely disagree with the franchises actions in this case.

If she accepts the offer, I'd suspect she'll be fired or demoted within 6-8 months; she's a liability and her poor attitude regarding following company policy has now in a sense been rewarded so she isn't very likely to rectify her mistakes. 6-8 months from now she won't have sympathy points in her favor to drive media sales so we'll never hear about it heh
She is a liability? Why, because she didn't die? Because she didn't take a bullet for the company's $400? She has a bad attitude because she didn't take a bullet for $400? Seriously, you people are sick, very, very sick. You'll say anything in order to disagree with liberals, no matter how absurd it is.


Because she thought so little of company policy to ignore it several times.

But the good news is that now she can start her own company with her own policies.

Wonder what she would do when her employees ignored HER rules????
Yeah we get it. Money is more important to you than human lives and viable fetuses.
Fucked up values dood.

This doesn't even make sense. Using the safe and keeping cash available at a minimum SAVES lives.

Ironic phrasing since the above is like saying "guns save lives". This robbery didn't happen because the amount of cash in the till crossed a certain threshold. It happened because A FUCKING THUG CAME IN WITH A GUN TO ROB THE PLACE. You seem blissfully oblivious to this plain fact and bent on blaming the victim. The only thing the amount of money in the register determines is how much he got away with. Had there been only $40 he would have had to get away with that, but the company you genuflect to wouldn't have had a pretext, would they? Then where would you be in your relentless quest to blame the victim?

Explain how this has anything to do with lives and babies OTHER THAN less cash in the registers and locked in the drop safe reduces the risk of robbery and the therefore the risk to employees.

Stop emoting and start thinking.

Just did. How much cash is in the register DOES NOT reduce the risk of robbery; it reduces how much he can get away with. Nobody on the outside KNOWS how much is in the register. Crime happens because A CRIMINAL COMMITS IT. Not because "she was asking for it".

You've obviously never heard of........

Risk vs Reward.

You know diddly.

Again for the slow readers -- armed robbery's a risky gig. It could pay off big, it could be peanuts. Sometimes you're lucky to get away with nothing, just to get away.

How come y'all fixate on blaming the victim here and let the thug off scot free? Did he or did he ot commit the robbery?
Yeah we get it. Money is more important to you than human lives and viable fetuses.
Fucked up values dood.

This doesn't even make sense. Using the safe and keeping cash available at a minimum SAVES lives.

Ironic phrasing since the above is like saying "guns save lives". This robbery didn't happen because the amount of cash in the till crossed a certain threshold. It happened because A FUCKING THUG CAME IN WITH A GUN TO ROB THE PLACE. You seem blissfully oblivious to this plain fact and bent on blaming the victim. The only thing the amount of money in the register determines is how much he got away with. Had there been only $40 he would have had to get away with that, but the company you genuflect to wouldn't have had a pretext, would they? Then where would you be in your relentless quest to blame the victim?

Explain how this has anything to do with lives and babies OTHER THAN less cash in the registers and locked in the drop safe reduces the risk of robbery and the therefore the risk to employees.

Stop emoting and start thinking.

Just did. How much cash is in the register DOES NOT reduce the risk of robbery; it reduces how much he can get away with. Nobody on the outside KNOWS how much is in the register. Crime happens because A CRIMINAL COMMITS IT. Not because "she was asking for it".

You've obviously never heard of........

Risk vs Reward.

You know diddly.

Again for the slow readers -- armed robbery's a risky gig. It could pay off big, it could be peanuts. Sometimes you're lucky to get away with nothing, just to get away

They go where the money is easy

Like floating down a river is easier than UP a river.
Rules are rules. Not that much money in the till. Ever. Manager. Didn't follow the rules. Manager gets fired. That's the topic. Not who committed the crime or why. Fact is, she did not act according to the policies of the store when being manager KNEW she was not following policy. She got robbed and got busted for not following store policy. End of story.
Rules are rules. Not that much money in the till. Ever. Manager. Didn't follow the rules. Manager gets fired. That's the topic. Not who committed the crime or why. Fact is, she did not act according to the policies of the store when being manager KNEW she was not following policy. She got robbed and got busted for not following store policy. End of story.

This is the reason I would never work retail w/o being armed. If she failed to follow proper "drop" policy then she should be liable for the excess cash lost. Her mistake should come with consequences.
Rules are rules. Not that much money in the till. Ever. Manager. Didn't follow the rules. Manager gets fired. That's the topic. Not who committed the crime or why. Fact is, she did not act according to the policies of the store when being manager KNEW she was not following policy. She got robbed and got busted for not following store policy. End of story.

NO, she got robbed because A ROBBER ROBBED. It's what robbers do. Again Gracie -- if there had been only $40 in there and everything else went down the same, it's still a robbery.

The only difference between the two scenaria is how much money the company lost. That's it. Doesn't change the robbery or the gun to the head of a pregnant woman.

And no, it isn't the topic. The robbery is the entire central point here. If she fails to follow policy and no robbery happens --- we don't have a story. And as somebody else noted, if it actually was a history of doing that -- then why did they wait until now to address it?

Further, why would they apologize and offer her the job back, with two thousand bucks hush money?

Think about it.
Rules are rules. Not that much money in the till. Ever. Manager. Didn't follow the rules. Manager gets fired. That's the topic. Not who committed the crime or why. Fact is, she did not act according to the policies of the store when being manager KNEW she was not following policy. She got robbed and got busted for not following store policy. End of story.

True. And my rules are rules, too. My rule is never to do business with any company that would support such a franchiser's policy. End of story.
It's simple: Righties have lost all sense of humanity.

You're assuming the right had any humanity to begin with.

Oh, I think that at one time in the past, real conservatives had a lot of humanity in them.
But this generation of "Conservatives" is just not the generation of William F. Buckley or Barry Goldwater.

The effort to build up conservatives of the past is little more than a feint to tear down the conservatives of the present.

The only good conservative is a dead conservative.

That, in a nutshell, describes the age-old tradition of liberals suddenly discovering that once-reviled conservatives were OK after all. It’s just we-the-living who are hateful ogres, troglodytes, and mopers.

Over the last decade or so, as the giants of the founding generation of modern American conservatism have died, each has been rehabilitated into a gentleman-statesman of a bygone era of conservative decency and open-mindedness.

Barry Goldwater was the first. A few years ago his liberal granddaughter produced a documentary in which nearly all of the testimonials were from prominent liberals like Hillary Clinton and James Carville. Almost overnight, the man whom LBJ cast as a hate-filled demagogue who would condemn the world to nuclear war became an avuncular and sage grandfather type. Down the memory hole went one of the most despicable campaigns of political demonization in American history. Even Sarah Palin hasn’t been subjected to an ad in the New York Times signed by more than 1,000 psychiatrists claiming she’s too crazy to be president (though I don’t want to give anybody any ideas).

Then there was William F. Buckley, the founder of National Review, the magazine I call home. For more than four decades, Buckley was subjected to condemnation for his alleged extremism. Jack Paar (the Johnny Carson/Jay Leno of his day for you youngsters) was among the first of many to try to paint Buckley as a Nazi. Now, Sam Tanenhaus, editor of the New York Times book review section, who is writing a biography of Buckley, insists that Bill’s life mission was to make liberalism better.

Read more at: Liberal Bouquets for Dead Conservatives National Review Online
She was fired for violating company policy.... it's on her.


I agree.

I fired a secretary on the spot one time for not depositing money in a timely fashion.

Don't mess with company money.

I fired a secretary on the spot one time for not depositing money in a timely fashion.
You're a real asshole then.

Depends, in some businesses, escrow money must be deposited within a limited amount of time. To not make the deposit in such a manner can result in very stiff fines or loss of license.
Does not really matter what business it was in. You hire someone to do a job and that includes certain things like getting money deposited at certain times.
Don’t do your job then you get fired, that is how jobs work. It is interesting that firing someone automatically makes him an asshole according to Marxist – even if she does not actually do her job. That is how some people think – usually those that think that they are owed something for simply existing.
Rules are rules. Not that much money in the till. Ever. Manager. Didn't follow the rules. Manager gets fired. That's the topic. Not who committed the crime or why. Fact is, she did not act according to the policies of the store when being manager KNEW she was not following policy. She got robbed and got busted for not following store policy. End of story.

NO, she got robbed because A ROBBER ROBBED. It's what robbers do. Again Gracie -- if there had been only $40 in there and everything else went down the same, it's still a robbery.

The only difference between the two scenaria is how much money the company lost. That's it. Doesn't change the robbery or the gun to the head of a pregnant woman.
We will have to agree to disagree. Being a store owner...twice...MY rules were the same. I didn't have a drop box because I was at work most of the time and would run across the street to the bank if the till got over 200 bucks.

I also got fired from a job for tackling an asshole that was trying to steal a case of beer. The owner told me to let them take it..that my life was worth more than the beer. I said if someone tries to steal again, I WILL tackle them again because its the principle of the matter. Woman working, some schmuck thinking easy target. Um. No. Not this woman. Owner said try it and be fired. It happened again, I did it, (both times the guy lost the case of beer) and I did get fired. No problem. I knew the rules.

I would fire her if she had 10 kids and lived in a tent. Follow my rules or find a different job. Period.
As word of this gets out I will be shocked if corporate doesn't buy the franchise back and get rid of that owner. And the reason you've never heard of it is because it's illegal as hell. I would hazard a guess that the Labor Relations Board is going to be inspecting this asshats business practices as well.

It's not illegal, dumbass....most all employees are "at will" hires who can be fired or quit without notice......as long as she's not a contract employee they can fire her for any reason. Further, it's not unusual for an employee to team up with a robber....he seemed to pick an opportune time to rob the place didn't he? And if it turns out the perp is her boyfriend?

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