Popeyes manager fired for refusing to pay back $400 taken in armed robbery

"The Popeyes franchise owner, Z&H Foods Inc., said [shift manager Marissa] Holcomb was keeping too much cash in the register — a violation of store policy — when the gunman robbed the store on March 31. She should have moved some of the money to the shop’s safe, the company said.

It was not the first time she broke the restaurant’s rules, mangers told the TV station."

Texas Popeyes manager fired after armed robber steals 400 - NY Daily News


"Holcomb says she was originally terminated because she refused to pay back money that was stolen during a robbery March 31. Dhanani argued she was fired because she broke police multiple times by leaving too much money in the register."

Popeyes attempting to rectify pregnant manager s firing

Spelling really does count!!!


Take it up with the NY Daily News...it's 100% copy and pasted. The state of liberal newspapers these days is deplorable.

Oops...cheap shot spelling nazi fail.

I was having fun with you, deal with it, bubba.

I did, rather succinctly I might add. :D
How is this the responsibility of either the poster, Mertex, or the poor woman who faced a robber knowing her baby was at risk?

WTH is wrong with you people?

Mertex is somehow equating this to a corporation.

Do you really think a corporate staff would want this kind of publicity over 400 bucks ?
How is this the responsibility of either the poster, Mertex, or the poor woman who faced a robber knowing her baby was at risk?

WTH is wrong with you people?

Mertex is somehow equating this to a corporation.

Do you really think a corporate staff would want this kind of publicity over 400 bucks ?

Oh they definitely do not, which is why they apparently called the franchise owners and "convinced" them to not only try to rehire said manager, but give her $2k in back pay. Then put out a public message to the media claiming they completely disagree with the franchises actions in this case.

If she accepts the offer, I'd suspect she'll be fired or demoted within 6-8 months; she's a liability and her poor attitude regarding following company policy has now in a sense been rewarded so she isn't very likely to rectify her mistakes. 6-8 months from now she won't have sympathy points in her favor to drive media sales so we'll never hear about it heh
She did nothing wrong and the company should be forced to pay her an extra $400 for going through what she did.

And then she should be given the decision on whether to fire the manager.

She was a manager. She had a responsibility. She failed to fulfill her duties. It wasn't the first time. She was fired for failing to perform her managerial duties.
This is unbelievable. And I just read a post in another thread how if Hillary Clinton were president, she would not support the 'common man.'

These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery

So, you're going to paint an entire corporation as evil, because one manager is an imbecile. Is that correct?
It's an illustration to make a point. Where are your secondary levels of comprehension?
How is this the responsibility of either the poster, Mertex, or the poor woman who faced a robber knowing her baby was at risk?

WTH is wrong with you people?

Mertex is somehow equating this to a corporation.

Do you really think a corporate staff would want this kind of publicity over 400 bucks ?

Oh they definitely do not, which is why they apparently called the franchise owners and "convinced" them to not only try to rehire said manager, but give her $2k in back pay. Then put out a public message to the media claiming they completely disagree with the franchises actions in this case.

If she accepts the offer, I'd suspect she'll be fired or demoted within 6-8 months; she's a liability and her poor attitude regarding following company policy has now in a sense been rewarded so she isn't very likely to rectify her mistakes. 6-8 months from now she won't have sympathy points in her favor to drive media sales so we'll never hear about it heh
She is a liability? Why, because she didn't die? Because she didn't take a bullet for the company's $400? She has a bad attitude because she didn't take a bullet for $400? Seriously, you people are sick, very, very sick. You'll say anything in order to disagree with liberals, no matter how absurd it is.
She is a liability? Why, because she didn't die? Because she didn't take a bullet for the company's $400? She has a bad attitude because she didn't take a bullet for $400? Seriously, you people are sick, very, very sick. You'll say anything in order to disagree with liberals, no matter how absurd it is.

Because she has repeatedly failed to follow company policy and the public through their emotional PR backlash have reinforced and rewarded her behavior. In the real world policies are in place for important reasons, and very often relate to employee and customer safety - Case in point, they have a policy of moving money from the registers to the vault to discourage robberies, like the one that occurred.

Also I don't submit to any specific political party (note my sig) so your final comment has no bearing on anything; other than you trying to pin a label on me and by extension spew hatred on some political group.

It never ceases to amaze me, every off-hand comment is read in the most vile way possible, and of course, always knowing all that underlies it. Of course you fly off the handle and think I'm sick, because you "presume" to know me and how I "feel." I should know better though, I mean you hyper-emotional types can't be bothered to make anything but the assumption that best fits your latest "outrage" - and I, being a more logical type, tend to forget that your kind couldn't possibly perceive the concept that my feeling bad that she was robbed at gunpoint goes without saying.

A bit ironic isn't it? I'm sick because you presume I don't care, when all the while it is your dismal assumptions (and an apparent despise of a "possible" political foe) that prevents you from envisioning my actual sympathy. I find it fascinating from a psychological standpoint, but I cannot help but feel bad for whatever biological oddity causes your type's outlooks on people and life in general to be so depressingly terrible. :/
Looks like a million dollars of bad publicity over $400 is catching up with Popeyes

However, by Thursday afternoon the chief executive of Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen weighed in.
"We recently became aware of a story in Houston involving a Popeyes restaurant and employee," CEO Cheryl Bachelder said in a statement. "We have spoken to the local franchise owner of the restaurant, and he has taken immediate action to reach out to the employee to apologize and rectify the situation.
While the facts are gathered, we will closely monitor this until it is appropriately resolved," she said. "We deeply regret the distress this situation has caused."
Well I am sure it was only a $8.50 job and she can get another one soon..
She was the store manager.

The fast-food restaurant chains offer salary ranges of $20,000 to $45,000 for assistant managers and managers.
Well I am sure it was only a $8.50 job and she can get another one soon..
She was the store manager.

The fast-food restaurant chains offer salary ranges of $20,000 to $45,000 for assistant managers and managers.

She was a "shift manager" which usually means $2 an hour more than the guy sweeping floors
Well I am sure it was only a $8.50 job and she can get another one soon..
She was the store manager.

The fast-food restaurant chains offer salary ranges of $20,000 to $45,000 for assistant managers and managers.

She was a "shift manager" which usually means $2 an hour more than the guy sweeping floors
My bad, I assumed by your op that she was the store Manager

Pregnant restaurant manager fired after armed robbery
Perhaps if people boycott all Popeyes restaurants, they'll yank the franchise from under the pathetic fascists.

Yeah ... Because following the rules often becomes a priority when women are in charge.
Probably why Popeyes is so successful.

"Cheryl Bachelder: This year in the U.S. we’ll build more restaurants that are free-standing drive-throughs than just about anyone in the quick-service restaurant category, except McDonald’s. We are in the rapid growth sector of our industry because our units are performing. New units are opening at $1.5 million in annual sales, which is 50% higher than five years ago. It means the people making investments get great return, and it’s a natural incentive to build more–70% are built by existing franchise owners."

Popeyes attempting to rectify pregnant manager s firing

Marissa Holcomb, who is a mother of three with a fourth child on the way, had a meeting with Z & H Foods owner Amin Dhanani on Wednesday, a day after our original story aired of her firing.
"He just apologized and pretty much offered me if I wanted to go back to his business and work there again," she said.

Dhanani refused to talk on camera Wednesday, but his company released a statement that reads:
"We deeply regret the way this matter was handled. We are committed to continuing to work with Ms. Holcomb, and we apologize to her, our employees, the public and other franchise operators of the Popeyes system. We have let them down and are committed to do better."

Holcomb is not only being offered her old position, but $2,000 in back pay. For the pregnant mother of three, the decision is tough.
"I do need a way to support my kids," she says. "I don't want to go back to a business where I'm treated the same and I just get pushed back out if something else happened."
Can kinda see the restaurant's pov. Who's to say the robber and the employee didn't conspire? Need more than the usual take from such a robbery, arrange to rob the place your friend works. They leave more in the register expecting your "robbery" you show up and put on a show for the cameras, split the take.

Assuming that didn't happen though they're gonna be publicly inviscerated firing a pregnant employee over a few hundred after having a gun in her face regardless of the circumstances.
So, what, this is Mertex' fault?

What the fuck dood...

Yes, Mertex's idiocy is his own fault.


A poor pregnant woman held at gunpoint with both lives on the line is fired for being on duty when a theif takes $400 ---- and you want to blame the messenger??

What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with you partisan hacks?

This one moron is taking up for Popeye's because he's still waiting for his share to trickle down.

I know you're a fucking moron, because you're a liberal, but how can my comment in any way be seen as taking up for Popeye's?

One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


Let me know if you don't understand any of the words, with your room temp IQ, I know you need help.

You're the fucking moron, because your statement that you highlighted surely shows you are taking up for Popeyes. Sorry you are too stupid to comprehend your own words. But being a conservative, you don't have to explain it........I already know you are clueless.

Taking up for Popeyes by saying their manager is a dumbass? LOL!
Shit, you're a stupid liberal.
But then I repeat myself.
I know you're a fucking moron, because you're a liberal, but how can my comment in any way be seen as taking up for Popeye's?

One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


Let me know if you don't understand any of the words, with your room temp IQ, I know you need help.

Only, no one here has said that.

Care to try again, or are your tonka toys now more inviting for you to play with them, hmmmm?

Read the OP.

These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing?

What was he trying to say there? LOL!
One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


So, what, this is Mertex' fault?

What the fuck dood...

Yes, Mertex's idiocy is his own fault.


A poor pregnant woman held at gunpoint with both lives on the line is fired for being on duty when a theif takes $400 ---- and you want to blame the messenger??

What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with you partisan hacks?

These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing?

I agree, Mertex is a partisan hack.

Bwahahaha....you're defending Popeye's because your party thinks corporations are people and you call me a partisan hack.....you're a moron.

It was a franchise.
She did nothing wrong and the company should be forced to pay her an extra $400 for going through what she did.

And then she should be given the decision on whether to fire the manager.

She was a manager. She had a responsibility. She failed to fulfill her duties. It wasn't the first time. She was fired for failing to perform her managerial duties.

That's bullshit. She explained that they had a rush of people and the $400 was made in a matter of a short period.....she didn't have time to put it in the safe. Besides, $400 is peanuts for a company like that....they should be ashamed of themselves for having such a policy...it should be outlawed.

Which policy?
Capitalists do shit far worse then this all the time. But yes, this is horrible.

Da comrade. Communists would have her shot. And billed her family for the bullet.
Much better than running dog capitalists.
Oh god.. I'm tired of the circlejerking bullshit and failure to understand context, socialist states, comparisons.. Ugh.

I'd tired of idiot Marxists.

I'm tired of heartless, souless bastards that get their panties all in a wad because they claim their "religious" beliefs are infringed upon, when they are not religious at all but just money hungry bastards who think that $400 is worth more than a person's life.

Hmmmm, she must of thought that as it WAS HER that left the cash in the drawer

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