Popeyes manager fired for refusing to pay back $400 taken in armed robbery

The company showed no empathy toward one of their employees who suffered a seriously traumatic incident, all they lost was $400, they were wrong for treating her the way they did.

What they lost is the protection of being a business that doesn't have a lot of cash on hand, which is what protects their employees from robbery. Making an example of a manager that didn't do her job reinforces the importance of following policy to not only her but other managers...which ALSO keeps their employees safer.

I already did, but if you didn't bother to read the whole article.....and I also explained it above....she didn't open the safe, so she risked her life because the robber might have thought she was playing dumb and could have shot her to death. The robber had no way of knowing whether she made the drops or not.

I not only read the article, but i read two other articles.

That could have happened whether she made the drops or not. She couldn't open the safe either way...the safe doesn't work that way. It's either on a timer, or it won't open for a set amount of time...like 30 minutes after the code is entered.

And the reason they believed her is because everybody knows that's how it works...just like everybody knows that these businesses are not flush with cash..it goes in the drop safe that they can't open. THAT is what keeps the employees safe.

Liberals thinking is so immediate...so short term.
By keeping too much cash in the register SHE put HER employees at risk.

Sorry dude
Oh come on, managers everywhere end up doing this, how much extra cash was it? Sounds like an excuse by the capitalist pig.

I was the manager of one of these. Thieves knew we emptied the cash often.

Sorry dude. Good managers do that. The less cash easily available, the less risk.
Doesn't answer my question regarding how much it was. Isn't it convenient when they finally decided to fire her? Come on..

Could be thousands, don't know their policy.

If true, not following THAT policy should lead to dismissal. Today thieves watch for those kind of openings.

Sorry dude.

Oh, so you can guarantee that if she had made the drops, that the robber wouldn't have come in and robbed them?

If that is the case, then why did they ask her to reimburse the whole amount? If she had made the drop, how much would there have been in the registers to be stolen? The thief took $400....surely they were allowed to keep some money and she would only be responsible for the amount over what was supposed to be there.

But, in any case, being robbed like that, and the robber only taking $400 because she didn't open the safe, the company should be rewarding her. That company is in the wrong.

Where did it say they asked for the whole amount? I didn't read that.

I read "Holcomb claimed after the robbery one of her managers gave her an ultimatum: Pay the money back or lose her job."

That doesn't necessarily mean the whole amount...it could just as easily mean the amount above what should have been in the registers.
The company showed no empathy toward one of their employees who suffered a seriously traumatic incident, all they lost was $400, they were wrong for treating her the way they did.

What they lost is the protection of being a business that doesn't have a lot of cash on hand, which is what protects their employees from robbery. Making an example of a manager that didn't do her job reinforces the importance of following policy to not only her but other managers...which ALSO keeps their employees safer.

I already did, but if you didn't bother to read the whole article.....and I also explained it above....she didn't open the safe, so she risked her life because the robber might have thought she was playing dumb and could have shot her to death. The robber had no way of knowing whether she made the drops or not.

I not only read the article, but i read two other articles.

That could have happened whether she made the drops or not. She couldn't open the safe either way...the safe doesn't work that way. It's either on a timer, or it won't open for a set amount of time...like 30 minutes after the code is entered.

And the reason they believed her is because everybody knows that's how it works...just like everybody knows that these businesses are not flush with cash..it goes in the drop safe that they can't open. THAT is what keeps the employees safe.

Liberals thinking is so immediate...so short term.

Liberals are more concerned about people.....humans....Conservatives are greedy money grubbers who claim to be "compassionate" but show they have no hearts.
They are to dump excess money in the floor safe and only keep a certain amount in the register. This woman did not do that. She is liable. I feel for her, but rules are rules. I would have fired her too if I were the owner. She was the manager and knew better.
The company showed no empathy toward one of their employees who suffered a seriously traumatic incident, all they lost was $400, they were wrong for treating her the way they did.

What they lost is the protection of being a business that doesn't have a lot of cash on hand, which is what protects their employees from robbery. Making an example of a manager that didn't do her job reinforces the importance of following policy to not only her but other managers...which ALSO keeps their employees safer.

I already did, but if you didn't bother to read the whole article.....and I also explained it above....she didn't open the safe, so she risked her life because the robber might have thought she was playing dumb and could have shot her to death. The robber had no way of knowing whether she made the drops or not.

I not only read the article, but i read two other articles.

That could have happened whether she made the drops or not. She couldn't open the safe either way...the safe doesn't work that way. It's either on a timer, or it won't open for a set amount of time...like 30 minutes after the code is entered.

And the reason they believed her is because everybody knows that's how it works...just like everybody knows that these businesses are not flush with cash..it goes in the drop safe that they can't open. THAT is what keeps the employees safe.

Liberals thinking is so immediate...so short term.

Liberals are more concerned about people.....humans....Conservatives are greedy money grubbers who claim to be "compassionate" but show they have no hearts.

Liberals are so concerned about how they can exploit a pregnant woman that they refuse to look at the big picture...that these company policies are instituted to protect employees by removing the temptation of a big score.

They see the hardship of one person that didn't do her job, and forget the ramifications that affect all the other employees, making them less safe.

All so liberals can score a few political points.

At least that's how it looks.
Maybe the robbers KNEW in advance she was not dumping the money and that is why they targeted that store. Who knows. All I DO know is....they do NOT keep a lot of cash in the register and the manager cannot open it most of the time. I worked at a store similar to a 7-11 and no clerk OR manager could get in that safe. It was dumped every time it got over 100 bucks into the safe. Someone else came every morning to collect it..NOT the manager. And most in that bad neighborhood knew no more than 100 was in there at any given time. Even clerks dumped their registers...50's and 100 dollar bills never went in the till. They were shoved in a slot in the floor.
The company showed no empathy toward one of their employees who suffered a seriously traumatic incident, all they lost was $400, they were wrong for treating her the way they did.

What they lost is the protection of being a business that doesn't have a lot of cash on hand, which is what protects their employees from robbery. Making an example of a manager that didn't do her job reinforces the importance of following policy to not only her but other managers...which ALSO keeps their employees safer.

I already did, but if you didn't bother to read the whole article.....and I also explained it above....she didn't open the safe, so she risked her life because the robber might have thought she was playing dumb and could have shot her to death. The robber had no way of knowing whether she made the drops or not.

I not only read the article, but i read two other articles.

That could have happened whether she made the drops or not. She couldn't open the safe either way...the safe doesn't work that way. It's either on a timer, or it won't open for a set amount of time...like 30 minutes after the code is entered.

And the reason they believed her is because everybody knows that's how it works...just like everybody knows that these businesses are not flush with cash..it goes in the drop safe that they can't open. THAT is what keeps the employees safe.

Liberals thinking is so immediate...so short term.

Liberals are more concerned about people.....humans....Conservatives are greedy money grubbers who claim to be "compassionate" but show they have no hearts.

Liberals are so concerned about how they can exploit a pregnant woman that they refuse to look at the big picture...that these company policies are instituted to protect employees by removing the temptation of a big score.

They see the hardship of one person that didn't do her job, and forget the ramifications that affect all the other employees, making them less safe.

All so liberals can score a few political points.

At least that's how it looks.
I agree with your whole post but did not click the Agree button cuz it ain't just liberals.This box/label thing drives me nuts.
All fast food places do it too. McD's, Taco Bell, etc. There are even signs saying they will not accept a bill over 20 bucks. So I think the robbers were aware of the manager not doing her job. Maybe it was all planned by another clerk that told someone else. Or maybe she even planned it thinking she could use her pregnancy to keep her job and it backfired. Nobody will know until more investigation is done. In the meantime...I agree with Popeyes for firing her. She should have done her job.
I worked at a store similar to a 7-11 and no clerk OR manager could get in that safe. It was dumped every time it got over 100 bucks into the safe. Someone else came every morning to collect it..NOT the manager. And most in that bad neighborhood knew no more than 100 was in there at any given time. Even clerks dumped their registers...50's and 100 dollar bills never went in the till. They were shoved in a slot in the floor.

I think that is the part Popeye's there is responsible for in this situation... They /should/ have an easy to access system, like you describe, to drop excess cash near the registers, rather than having a system that requires actually moving the cash around the building.
I worked at a store similar to a 7-11 and no clerk OR manager could get in that safe. It was dumped every time it got over 100 bucks into the safe. Someone else came every morning to collect it..NOT the manager. And most in that bad neighborhood knew no more than 100 was in there at any given time. Even clerks dumped their registers...50's and 100 dollar bills never went in the till. They were shoved in a slot in the floor.

I think that is the part Popeye's there is responsible for in this situation... They /should/ have an easy to access system, like you describe, to drop excess cash near the registers, rather than having a system that requires actually moving the cash around the building.
Maybe they do....but she just wasn't doing it.
I worked at a store similar to a 7-11 and no clerk OR manager could get in that safe. It was dumped every time it got over 100 bucks into the safe. Someone else came every morning to collect it..NOT the manager. And most in that bad neighborhood knew no more than 100 was in there at any given time. Even clerks dumped their registers...50's and 100 dollar bills never went in the till. They were shoved in a slot in the floor.

I think that is the part Popeye's there is responsible for in this situation... They /should/ have an easy to access system, like you describe, to drop excess cash near the registers, rather than having a system that requires actually moving the cash around the building.
Maybe they do....but she just wasn't doing it.

Oh I agree, but I'm just saying as a resolution on behalf of the company to prevent the issue from being an issue in the future. They're saying it was a repeated offense for her not to move the cash from the registers, so it would behoove them to make it easier to get the cash out of the registers.
I am a reasonable guy. Is it not reasonable that when a manager fails to do their job on more than one occasion and it costs a company money, that that company is within their rights to relieve that individual of those duties?

The companies perspective is, the money shouldn't have been there in the registers to be stolen. In fact, the presence of that money puts the restaurant at higher risk in the future...that a future robbery may have been deterred by a police report that the robber only received $60 on the risk of a 10 year minimum sentence would have made future would be armed robbers think twice about the risk/benefit ratio of robbing a Popeyes.

That seems extremely reasonable.

And that the restaurant would have fired her straight away had she not been pregnant, but chose to allow her to repay the money as a stern reminder of the consequences of not following company policy.

I once had to pay for a pallet of merchandise that I dropped because I was not following safety protocol...not because of the money, but to teach me a lesson that I have not forgotten to this day...speed does not trump safety. Literally saved my life when 10 years latter a National Guard unit dropped a milvan on my trailer from twenty five feet.

Oh please dood, enough of the blame-the-victim crapola. A pregnant woman robbed at gunpoint is in no way comparable to you jacking a pallet too fast. Don't insult everybody's intelligence.

The non-answer answer.

Why don't you tell me what is unreasonable about my post instead.

Unreasonable is your inability to understand or even argue the difference between an infraction on a work record before this incident, and this incident, a robbery, that was completely beyond her control.
"The Popeyes franchise owner, Z&H Foods Inc., said [shift manager Marissa] Holcomb was keeping too much cash in the register — a violation of store policy — when the gunman robbed the store on March 31. She should have moved some of the money to the shop’s safe, the company said.

It was not the first time she broke the restaurant’s rules, mangers told the TV station."

Texas Popeyes manager fired after armed robber steals 400 - NY Daily News


"Holcomb says she was originally terminated because she refused to pay back money that was stolen during a robbery March 31. Dhanani argued she was fired because she broke police multiple times by leaving too much money in the register."

Popeyes attempting to rectify pregnant manager s firing

Spelling really does count!!!

"The Popeyes franchise owner, Z&H Foods Inc., said [shift manager Marissa] Holcomb was keeping too much cash in the register — a violation of store policy — when the gunman robbed the store on March 31. She should have moved some of the money to the shop’s safe, the company said.

It was not the first time she broke the restaurant’s rules, mangers told the TV station."

Texas Popeyes manager fired after armed robber steals 400 - NY Daily News


"Holcomb says she was originally terminated because she refused to pay back money that was stolen during a robbery March 31. Dhanani argued she was fired because she broke police multiple times by leaving too much money in the register."

Popeyes attempting to rectify pregnant manager s firing

Spelling really does count!!!


Take it up with the NY Daily News...it's 100% copy and pasted. The state of liberal newspapers these days is deplorable.


Oops...cheap shot spelling nazi backfire.
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That's bullshit. She explained that they had a rush of people and the $400 was made in a matter of a short period.....she didn't have time to put it in the safe. Besides, $400 is peanuts for a company like that....they should be ashamed of themselves for having such a policy...it should be outlawed.

You make the time...that's WHY they have the policy.

Drop safes and limiting available cash SAVES LIVES, why would anyone want to outlaw it?

If she had done it several times, then they are to blame for leaving her as manager. If they are lying that she had done it several times, then they are souless bastards who think $400 is worth more than a person's life.

These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery

One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


it is amazing how sheeple think

I know you're a fucking moron, because you're a liberal, but how can my comment in any way be seen as taking up for Popeye's?

One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


Let me know if you don't understand any of the words, with your room temp IQ, I know you need help.

Only, no one here has said that.

Care to try again, or are your tonka toys now more inviting for you to play with them, hmmmm?
"The Popeyes franchise owner, Z&H Foods Inc., said [shift manager Marissa] Holcomb was keeping too much cash in the register — a violation of store policy — when the gunman robbed the store on March 31. She should have moved some of the money to the shop’s safe, the company said.

It was not the first time she broke the restaurant’s rules, mangers told the TV station."

Texas Popeyes manager fired after armed robber steals 400 - NY Daily News


"Holcomb says she was originally terminated because she refused to pay back money that was stolen during a robbery March 31. Dhanani argued she was fired because she broke police multiple times by leaving too much money in the register."

Popeyes attempting to rectify pregnant manager s firing

Spelling really does count!!!


Take it up with the NY Daily News...it's 100% copy and pasted. The state of liberal newspapers these days is deplorable.

Oops...cheap shot spelling nazi fail.

I was having fun with you, deal with it, bubba.
These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery

One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


it is amazing how sheeple think


Yes, everytime I read such Rightie drivel, I have exactly that same thought.

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