Popeyes manager fired for refusing to pay back $400 taken in armed robbery

That's bullshit. She explained that they had a rush of people and the $400 was made in a matter of a short period.....she didn't have time to put it in the safe. Besides, $400 is peanuts for a company like that....they should be ashamed of themselves for having such a policy...it should be outlawed.

You make the time...that's WHY they have the policy.

Drop safes and limiting available cash SAVES LIVES, why would anyone want to outlaw it?

If she had done it several times, then they are to blame for leaving her as manager. If they are lying that she had done it several times, then they are souless bastards who think $400 is worth more than a person's life.
When it all comes out of the wash it will be the luckiest thing that ever happened to her. She already has the media's attention. If she gets some professional advice she could get a big payday when it's all said and done. I'm thinking seven figures.
These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery

It's a franchise. Not the corporation. I quit reading after that


Z&H Foods Inc. which owns the Popeyes franchise, declined to comment on camera.
It's simple: Righties have lost all sense of humanity.

Toddster's so eager to drop to his knees to slob the knob of the corporate cock, he'll take down the messenger who gave him the opportunity too. Another day in Hackistan.

I couldn't understand you with your lips around Mertex's member.
Can you say it again, when you're done?

Your response shows that you are a souless bastard, and as Jim Sleeper put it......

Conservatives today, Sleeper writes, are

driven by a corporate capitalist materialism that's as soulless as the Marxist dialectical materialism. . . .

So far, the conservative "new class" has excused the displacement of the liberal counterculture with a degrading over-the-counter culture; of the New Deal’s oft-lampooned make-work programs with the public non-response to Katrina; and of the dreaded "Vietnam syndrome" with the worst strategic blunders in American history. Beneath their civic chimes and patriotic bombast, the spirit of republican vigilance writhes in silent agony, forsaken by conservatism itself.
Conservatism today is as soulless as Marxism w Poll Pie

You're an idiot.
Capitalists do shit far worse then this all the time. But yes, this is horrible.

Da comrade. Communists would have her shot. And billed her family for the bullet.
Much better than running dog capitalists.
Oh god.. I'm tired of the circlejerking bullshit and failure to understand context, socialist states, comparisons.. Ugh.

I'd tired of idiot Marxists.

I'm tired of heartless, souless bastards that get their panties all in a wad because they claim their "religious" beliefs are infringed upon, when they are not religious at all but just money hungry bastards who think that $400 is worth more than a person's life.
It's simple: Righties have lost all sense of humanity.

Toddster's so eager to drop to his knees to slob the knob of the corporate cock, he'll take down the messenger who gave him the opportunity too. Another day in Hackistan.

I couldn't understand you with your lips around Mertex's member.
Can you say it again, when you're done?

Your response shows that you are a souless bastard, and as Jim Sleeper put it......

Conservatives today, Sleeper writes, are

driven by a corporate capitalist materialism that's as soulless as the Marxist dialectical materialism. . . .

So far, the conservative "new class" has excused the displacement of the liberal counterculture with a degrading over-the-counter culture; of the New Deal’s oft-lampooned make-work programs with the public non-response to Katrina; and of the dreaded "Vietnam syndrome" with the worst strategic blunders in American history. Beneath their civic chimes and patriotic bombast, the spirit of republican vigilance writhes in silent agony, forsaken by conservatism itself.
Conservatism today is as soulless as Marxism w Poll Pie

You're an idiot.

The truth hit a nerve, I see.
It's simple: Righties have lost all sense of humanity.

By keeping too much cash in the register SHE put HER employees at risk.

Sorry dude
Oh come on, managers everywhere end up doing this, how much extra cash was it? Sounds like an excuse by the capitalist pig.

I was the manager of one of these. Thieves knew we emptied the cash often.

Sorry dude. Good managers do that. The less cash easily available, the less risk.
Doesn't answer my question regarding how much it was. Isn't it convenient when they finally decided to fire her? Come on..

Could be thousands, don't know their policy.

If true, not following THAT policy should lead to dismissal. Today thieves watch for those kind of openings.

Sorry dude.

I'm sorry too, dude.....certainly a person is worth more than $400.......maybe not to conservatives.
If she had done it several times, then they are to blame for leaving her as manager. If they are lying that she had done it several times, then they are souless bastards who think $400 is worth more than a person's life.

Pogo tried to make this same assertion, but I'm not seeing what springboard you are using to make this leap.

Are you saying that had she done her job and made her money drops she would have been killed?

Cuz that makes no sense...it seems like just a strawman thrown out there out of desperation.

Explain how her life was more at risk had she done her job before the robber ever arrived.
These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery
That's standard procedure for Popeye's. In the store here, the cash register came up about $35.00 short when 4 different people were using the same cash register to ring up sales. They chose one person and gave her the same choice of replacing the stolen money or being fired, because they said she was a little older than the others with access to the money, and she should have kept her eye on the others. She wasn't in charge of anybody, but they fired her.

That's insane. The person gets robbed at gun point......they should be paying her for any trauma she may have suffered. I can see where money missing without explanation could cause a company to charge the employee, but being robbed at gun point.....that's bizarre.

Of course being robbed at gunpoint is worse. The point was that they routinely force their employees to absorb any loss that is rightfully the responsibility of the company. In the situation mentioned the girl who was not authorized to monitor the other employees. They were all doing essentially the same job. One at the window, and the other two at the counter. The manager had access as well. Video over the camera showed no questionable actions from anybody. If there is any reason to believe a particular person is responsible, then by all means they should be held responsible. It's wrong to demand money from any employee when there is no valid reason to believe they took anything.
It's simple: Righties have lost all sense of humanity.

Toddster's so eager to drop to his knees to slob the knob of the corporate cock, he'll take down the messenger who gave him the opportunity too. Another day in Hackistan.

I couldn't understand you with your lips around Mertex's member.
Can you say it again, when you're done?

Your response shows that you are a souless bastard, and as Jim Sleeper put it......

Conservatives today, Sleeper writes, are

driven by a corporate capitalist materialism that's as soulless as the Marxist dialectical materialism. . . .

So far, the conservative "new class" has excused the displacement of the liberal counterculture with a degrading over-the-counter culture; of the New Deal’s oft-lampooned make-work programs with the public non-response to Katrina; and of the dreaded "Vietnam syndrome" with the worst strategic blunders in American history. Beneath their civic chimes and patriotic bombast, the spirit of republican vigilance writhes in silent agony, forsaken by conservatism itself.
Conservatism today is as soulless as Marxism w Poll Pie

You're an idiot.

The truth hit a nerve, I see.

Obviously. Your nerve is still tingling. Idiot.
A low paid employee risked her life over $400 of stinking company money

In times like that a billion dollar corporation needs to show more concern over the welfare of their employees than a stinking $400

A poorly paid, pregnant shift manager risked her life over $400

She deserves a bonus

The Popeyes corporation is out $400

They lost much more than that in bad publicity for firing a pregnant manager who risked her life over $400 in the cash register

You realize that her getting fired had nothing to do with the amount of money lost right, it was because she had repeatedly failed to follow company policy.

Though I agree 100% that they have/will likely lose more in bad PR than the $400 that was robbed. They definitely made the wrong call in their timing of getting rid of her.

She got a raw deal but it ain't a freaking executive job. How much could a Popeye manager make? Does workman's comp cover the PTSD of being robbed and roughed up? Instead of whining she should think about some options.

I'm fairly certain that workers comp would cover any PTSD she suffered from the event (regardless of if she broke company policies or not.)

Breaking company policies would only exclude her from a "wrongful termination" lawsuit. Also, if she didn't "unreasonably" break any policies, then she could also get compensation for her termination that would likely be equal her monthly pay until probably the 8th or 9th month of her pregnancy (when it would be presumed that she would have been on maternity leave.)

This is actually kind of why I don't believe that the manager's just off-handily fired her like is being portrayed by the media. I suspect her employee records have numerous offences against company policies that would protect them from any "wrongful firing" lawsuits she might bring up. Judges do /not/ like employer's who fire employee's who are pregnant unless there is a clear and serious issue with the employee's performance.

In other words, because she is one of the working poor, instead of part of the 3%, the firing should be overlooked as just a tough break.....?

In other words, because she's working poor, she should be excused for not following company policies?
Capitalists do shit far worse then this all the time. But yes, this is horrible.

Da comrade. Communists would have her shot. And billed her family for the bullet.
Much better than running dog capitalists.
Oh god.. I'm tired of the circlejerking bullshit and failure to understand context, socialist states, comparisons.. Ugh.

I'd tired of idiot Marxists.

I'm tired of heartless, souless bastards that get their panties all in a wad because they claim their "religious" beliefs are infringed upon, when they are not religious at all but just money hungry bastards who think that $400 is worth more than a person's life.

Still drinking? LOL!
Capitalists do shit far worse then this all the time. But yes, this is horrible.

Da comrade. Communists would have her shot. And billed her family for the bullet.
Much better than running dog capitalists.
Oh god.. I'm tired of the circlejerking bullshit and failure to understand context, socialist states, comparisons.. Ugh.

I'd tired of idiot Marxists.

I'm tired of heartless, souless bastards that get their panties all in a wad because they claim their "religious" beliefs are infringed upon, when they are not religious at all but just money hungry bastards who think that $400 is worth more than a person's life.

Still drinking? LOL!

Why don't you stick to the topic instead of acting like a child and posting your one-line insults.
These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery

One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


So, what, this is Mertex' fault?

What the fuck dood...

Yes, Mertex's idiocy is his own fault.


A poor pregnant woman held at gunpoint with both lives on the line is fired for being on duty when a theif takes $400 ---- and you want to blame the messenger??

What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with you partisan hacks?

This one moron is taking up for Popeye's because he's still waiting for his share to trickle down.

I know you're a fucking moron, because you're a liberal, but how can my comment in any way be seen as taking up for Popeye's?

One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


Let me know if you don't understand any of the words, with your room temp IQ, I know you need help.
If she had done it several times, then they are to blame for leaving her as manager. If they are lying that she had done it several times, then they are souless bastards who think $400 is worth more than a person's life.

Pogo tried to make this same assertion, but I'm not seeing what springboard you are using to make this leap.

Are you saying that had she done her job and made her money drops she would have been killed?
I didn't say that. I'm saying that if she wasn't doing her job as they claim, then they should have fired her or demoted her....they didn't, so I'm inclined to not believe that she had done it before. Also, if she had made the money drops, you can't guarantee that the robber wouldn't have come in anyway and traumatized her. She didn't open the safe, she risked her life because the robber may have thought she was holding out. The company should be glad that all he got was $400, thanks to her not being able to open the safe and instead of punishing her, reward her.

Cuz that makes no sense...it seems like just a strawman thrown out there out of desperation.
The company showed no empathy toward one of their employees who suffered a seriously traumatic incident, all they lost was $400, they were wrong for treating her the way they did.

Explain how her life was more at risk had she done her job before the robber ever arrived.
I already did, but if you didn't bother to read the whole article.....and I also explained it above....she didn't open the safe, so she risked her life because the robber might have thought she was playing dumb and could have shot her to death. The robber had no way of knowing whether she made the drops or not.
One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


So, what, this is Mertex' fault?

What the fuck dood...

Yes, Mertex's idiocy is his own fault.


A poor pregnant woman held at gunpoint with both lives on the line is fired for being on duty when a theif takes $400 ---- and you want to blame the messenger??

What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with you partisan hacks?

This one moron is taking up for Popeye's because he's still waiting for his share to trickle down.

I know you're a fucking moron, because you're a liberal, but how can my comment in any way be seen as taking up for Popeye's?

One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


Let me know if you don't understand any of the words, with your room temp IQ, I know you need help.

You're the fucking moron, because your statement that you highlighted surely shows you are taking up for Popeyes. Sorry you are too stupid to comprehend your own words. But being a conservative, you don't have to explain it........I already know you are clueless.
Toddster's so eager to drop to his knees to slob the knob of the corporate cock, he'll take down the messenger who gave him the opportunity too. Another day in Hackistan.

I couldn't understand you with your lips around Mertex's member.
Can you say it again, when you're done?

Your response shows that you are a souless bastard, and as Jim Sleeper put it......

Conservatives today, Sleeper writes, are

driven by a corporate capitalist materialism that's as soulless as the Marxist dialectical materialism. . . .

So far, the conservative "new class" has excused the displacement of the liberal counterculture with a degrading over-the-counter culture; of the New Deal’s oft-lampooned make-work programs with the public non-response to Katrina; and of the dreaded "Vietnam syndrome" with the worst strategic blunders in American history. Beneath their civic chimes and patriotic bombast, the spirit of republican vigilance writhes in silent agony, forsaken by conservatism itself.
Conservatism today is as soulless as Marxism w Poll Pie

You're an idiot.

The truth hit a nerve, I see.

Obviously. Your nerve is still tingling. Idiot.

If you had a brain you would take it out and play with it, idiot.
Why so lenient? Why not charge her for any damage done by the thieves to the cash register and the counter? Not to mention that probable loss of business for the rest of the day when the cops closed down the crime scene....

I don't recall a single law that would cover either of those damages if they occurred. It would be a 'no-fault' dismissal.

That said, if she had signed an agreement saying that she would reimburse shortages in the registers, then they could actually press charges for that amount. Though I'd seriously advise them not to personally, they've already burnt themselves.

In fact, if she choses to sue them for wrongful termination, them doing anything more than straight off giving her a reasonable settlement would be a really bad move for them. They'd be better off to give her however many months pay they can get her to accept and washing the deal, that way they've rid themselves of the problem employee without too much more bad PR - the public typically forgives if they give money in out of court settlements. Were it a more "in the black" field, I'd actually suggest throwing the settlement offer on the table immediately to mitigate the PR, but I suspect they run a tight margin and would have difficulty coughing it up.

Update: Ah it seems they're doubling down, the PR must have actually hurt the entire franchise sales: Popeyes attempting to rectify pregnant manager s firing Bad choice giving her the position back unless they are going to put in an immediate termination clause, but meh it's small business.
Last edited:
It's simple: Righties have lost all sense of humanity.

By keeping too much cash in the register SHE put HER employees at risk.

Sorry dude
Oh come on, managers everywhere end up doing this, how much extra cash was it? Sounds like an excuse by the capitalist pig.

I was the manager of one of these. Thieves knew we emptied the cash often.

Sorry dude. Good managers do that. The less cash easily available, the less risk.
Doesn't answer my question regarding how much it was. Isn't it convenient when they finally decided to fire her? Come on..

Could be thousands, don't know their policy.

If true, not following THAT policy should lead to dismissal. Today thieves watch for those kind of openings.

Sorry dude.

Oh, so you can guarantee that if she had made the drops, that the robber wouldn't have come in and robbed them?

If that is the case, then why did they ask her to reimburse the whole amount? If she had made the drop, how much would there have been in the registers to be stolen? The thief took $400....surely they were allowed to keep some money and she would only be responsible for the amount over what was supposed to be there.

But, in any case, being robbed like that, and the robber only taking $400 because she didn't open the safe, the company should be rewarding her. That company is in the wrong.

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