Popeyes manager fired for refusing to pay back $400 taken in armed robbery

i'm sure it was about the other people in the restaurant, stop trolling
Very true

That low paid pregnant manager kept other people in the restaurant from being killed

Popeyes is out $400

Public relations nightmare

i think you're posting without knowing all the facts. you do this quite often. she supposedly repeatedly broke the rule and i am positive there is more to this story than meets the eye. the fact you purposefully left out the restaurants response as to why she was fired only solidifies my statement that you ignore facts that don't fit your world view.

I provided the restaurants response

Mostly, they hid behind their lawyers

not in your OP quote of the news story. you left it up to people to click the link to see the fact that their response shows your OP is nothing but a lie. you claimed it was because she refused to give back money, they claimed something else, you left that important fact out in the hopes no one would click the link and see the other side to the story.

Popeyes hid behind their lawyers

And you repeatedly hide behind that statement.

Thread fail
She got a raw deal but it ain't a freaking executive job. How much could a Popeye manager make? Does workman's comp cover the PTSD of being robbed and roughed up? Instead of whining she should think about some options.

In other words, because she is one of the working poor, instead of part of the 3%, the firing should be overlooked as just a tough break.....?
It's simple: Righties have lost all sense of humanity.

By keeping too much cash in the register SHE put HER employees at risk.

Sorry dude

"She was asking for it"? Really? What a moron.

By this wacko logic if the perp had shot her he could have turned around and sued her for stealing his bullet.

Sorry, I've got experience with this, including a sawed off shotgun pointed at me while I opened a safe with hardly anything in it BECAUSE WE DEPOSITED THREE TIMES A DAY.

Word got around. Place was never robbed again.

So you opened the safe ---- where Marissa did not. And *she* gets fired.

Our rule was give the money without question. MY JOB was to insure the temptation to rob the place WAS MINIMIZED.

Getting the CASH TO THE BANK OFTEN minimized that RISK.

""The Popeyes franchise owner, Z&H Foods Inc., said [shift manager Marissa] Holcomb was keeping too much cash in the register — a violation of store policy — when the gunman robbed the store on March 31. She should have moved some of the money to the shop’ssafe, the company said.

It was not the first timeshe broke the restaurant’s rules, mangers told the TVstation."

Z&H Foods -- the same owner who profusely apologized, offered her the job back plus two thousand bucks and promised to "do better"? That Z&H Foods?

Cash is a good thing. It powers our economy and gives us a reason to show up for work. Cash on campus has one unfortunate side effect: robbers like it too. Robbery is an enormous problem in the workplace. For several years, it was the number one cause of death for women in the workplace.

Keeping cash away from robbers while increasing employee safety has been the subject of intensive study by law enforcement, universities and companies like Southland Corporation, the parent company to 7-11 mini-marts. Here are 10 steps that can reduce the potential for robbery and workplace injury.

1. Develop Employee Awareness: Have employees smile, make eye contact and greet all persons who enter a cash collection area. It is good for customer service while reducing the chance of a robbery. Studies have shown that robbers target employees who do not pay attention.

2. Minimize Availability of Large Amounts: Minimize the amount of available cash in the cash register or drawer. Try to keep it at or near $20. Do not accept currency in denominations greater than $20.

3. Use a Drop Safe: Train employees to immediately deposit large bills or cash amounts over the minimum limit into a drop or depository safe. These safes allow cash to be deposited without opening it. Some safes, like the Tidel, have the ability provide extra cash or change at timed intervals. Drop safes should be equipped with a time delay lock that will not open until a programmable delay of several minutes.

10 Steps to Safe Cash Management - Campus Safety

Yeah we get it. Money is more important to you than human lives and viable fetuses.
Fucked up values dood.
Cash is a good thing. It powers our economy and gives us a reason to show up for work. Cash on campus has one unfortunate side effect: robbers like it too. Robbery is an enormous problem in the workplace. For several years, it was the number one cause of death for women in the workplace.

Keeping cash away from robbers while increasing employee safety has been the subject of intensive study by law enforcement, universities and companies like Southland Corporation, the parent company to 7-11 mini-marts. Here are 10 steps that can reduce the potential for robbery and workplace injury.

1. Develop Employee Awareness: Have employees smile, make eye contact and greet all persons who enter a cash collection area. It is good for customer service while reducing the chance of a robbery. Studies have shown that robbers target employees who do not pay attention.

2. Minimize Availability of Large Amounts: Minimize the amount of available cash in the cash register or drawer. Try to keep it at or near $20. Do not accept currency in denominations greater than $20.

3. Use a Drop Safe: Train employees to immediately deposit large bills or cash amounts over the minimum limit into a drop or depository safe. These safes allow cash to be deposited without opening it. Some safes, like the Tidel, have the ability provide extra cash or change at timed intervals. Drop safes should be equipped with a time delay lock that will not open until a programmable delay of several minutes.

10 Steps to Safe Cash Management - Campus Safety

Yeah we get it. Money is more important to you than human lives and viable fetuses.
Fucked up values dood.

He is stating the exact OPPOSITE you moron! Read what he is saying instead of jumping to an ignorant asinine conclusion because you want to pick a fight.
Cash is a good thing. It powers our economy and gives us a reason to show up for work. Cash on campus has one unfortunate side effect: robbers like it too. Robbery is an enormous problem in the workplace. For several years, it was the number one cause of death for women in the workplace.

Keeping cash away from robbers while increasing employee safety has been the subject of intensive study by law enforcement, universities and companies like Southland Corporation, the parent company to 7-11 mini-marts. Here are 10 steps that can reduce the potential for robbery and workplace injury.

1. Develop Employee Awareness: Have employees smile, make eye contact and greet all persons who enter a cash collection area. It is good for customer service while reducing the chance of a robbery. Studies have shown that robbers target employees who do not pay attention.

2. Minimize Availability of Large Amounts: Minimize the amount of available cash in the cash register or drawer. Try to keep it at or near $20. Do not accept currency in denominations greater than $20.

3. Use a Drop Safe: Train employees to immediately deposit large bills or cash amounts over the minimum limit into a drop or depository safe. These safes allow cash to be deposited without opening it. Some safes, like the Tidel, have the ability provide extra cash or change at timed intervals. Drop safes should be equipped with a time delay lock that will not open until a programmable delay of several minutes.

10 Steps to Safe Cash Management - Campus Safety

Yeah we get it. Money is more important to you than human lives and viable fetuses.
Fucked up values dood.

He is stating the exact OPPOSITE you moron! Read what he is saying instead of jumping to an ignorant asinine conclusion because you want to pick a fight.

Uh nnnnno, he isn't. He's on the blame-the-victim team. Read his posts.

"Pick a fight"?? Poster please. It wasn't ten minutes after this thread was created that the corporatist bootlickers were already blaming the messenger, the victim, and everybody except the asshole who fired her.

Twelve minutes, to be exact. Post number TWO.

Humanity is a fucking lost art.
Yeah we get it. Money is more important to you than human lives and viable fetuses.
Fucked up values dood.
He is stating the exact OPPOSITE you moron! Read what he is saying instead of jumping to an ignorant asinine conclusion because you want to pick a fight.

There is no reasoning with some folks, they have a script and no amount of reason or logic will convince them to deviate from it.
Yeah we get it. Money is more important to you than human lives and viable fetuses.
Fucked up values dood.

This doesn't even make sense. Using the safe and keeping cash available at a minimum SAVES lives.

Explain how this has anything to do with lives and babies OTHER THAN less cash in the registers and locked in the drop safe reduces the risk of robbery and the therefore the risk to employees.

Stop emoting and start thinking.

These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery

One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


You have more than one dumbass manager, with government regulations, imagine if we left them all to their own devices....I'm sure you think they would all turn saintly.
These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery

One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


So, what, this is Mertex' fault?

What the fuck dood...

Yes, Mertex's idiocy is his own fault.


A poor pregnant woman held at gunpoint with both lives on the line is fired for being on duty when a theif takes $400 ---- and you want to blame the messenger??

What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with you partisan hacks?

This one moron is taking up for Popeye's because he's still waiting for his share to trickle down.
These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery
That's standard procedure for Popeye's. In the store here, the cash register came up about $35.00 short when 4 different people were using the same cash register to ring up sales. They chose one person and gave her the same choice of replacing the stolen money or being fired, because they said she was a little older than the others with access to the money, and she should have kept her eye on the others. She wasn't in charge of anybody, but they fired her.
These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery

One dumbass for a manager means we must immediately give the government more control over the economy! LOL!


So, what, this is Mertex' fault?

What the fuck dood...

Yes, Mertex's idiocy is his own fault.


A poor pregnant woman held at gunpoint with both lives on the line is fired for being on duty when a theif takes $400 ---- and you want to blame the messenger??

What in the wide world of fuck is wrong with you partisan hacks?

These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing?

I agree, Mertex is a partisan hack.

Bwahahaha....you're defending Popeye's because your party thinks corporations are people and you call me a partisan hack.....you're a moron.
These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery
That's standard procedure for Popeye's. In the store here, the cash register came up about $35.00 short when 4 different people were using the same cash register to ring up sales. They chose one person and gave her the same choice of replacing the stolen money or being fired, because they said she was a little older than the others with access to the money, and she should have kept her eye on the others. She wasn't in charge of anybody, but they fired her.

That's insane. The person gets robbed at gun point......they should be paying her for any trauma she may have suffered. I can see where money missing without explanation could cause a company to charge the employee, but being robbed at gun point.....that's bizarre.
She did nothing wrong and the company should be forced to pay her an extra $400 for going through what she did.

And then she should be given the decision on whether to fire the manager.

She was a manager. She had a responsibility. She failed to fulfill her duties. It wasn't the first time. She was fired for failing to perform her managerial duties.

That's bullshit. She explained that they had a rush of people and the $400 was made in a matter of a short period.....she didn't have time to put it in the safe. Besides, $400 is peanuts for a company like that....they should be ashamed of themselves for having such a policy...it should be outlawed.
These are the type of corporations that we're supposed to trust to regulate themselves, be fair to employees, pay them a decent wage and do the right thing? Now the company is claiming that she wasn't supposed to leave that much money in the registers, but she explains why....unbelievable.

Thank goodness she couldn't open the safe.

Is this fair?

A former Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen employee said she was fired after a store robbery because she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash. Marissa Holcomb (who is pregnant with her fourth child) was at work on 31 March 2015 at a Popeye’s in Channelview, Texas when the incident in question occurred.

CCTV footage of the robbery shows that Holcomb was forced to the floor and ordered to open the safe. She refused to do so, but the thief managed to steal around $400 from the register at Popeye’s before he fled. Holcomb said that her employment was quickly terminated by Popeye’s after she refused to reimburse the franchise for the stolen cash:

Marissa claimed that after the robbery, one of her managers gave her a choice to either pay the money back or get fired.

“I don’t think it’s right because now I’m struggling for my family because what I had to do to keep my life[.]”

Less than 36 hours after the robbery, Marissa was fired.

Pregnant Popeye s Worker Fired After Robbery

So, you're going to paint an entire corporation as evil, because one manager is an imbecile. Is that correct?

No, I'm saying that this is what companies are capable of doing, even when they have to respond to government for certain actions, imagine if there were no regulations on any companies what it would be like. Many companies are greedy and are all about making more money, and this company just proved it.
i'm sure it was about the other people in the restaurant, stop trolling

Trolling? It's called presenting my opinion and viewpoint on the issue, not "trolling."

I might have a bit more sympathy for her being fired if I bought her "we were too busy" excuse for not being able to follow the policy as well as I'd hope.

If you can find me evidence that there was enough people in the restaurant for the shift manager to be "busy with customers" "in the back" while the two counter people appeared to restock, I'd love to see it. I'd also then presume the robber was on drugs in that case, holding up a packed restaurant and all, unlikely, but I'll admit it does happen. I'm not unreasonable.

Still doesn't change the fact that she has reportedly repeatedly violated company policy, which was I'm sure put in place specifically to mitigate robberies like the one that happened, but in that case, if she was reasonably too busy to have done it yet, then I might just give her a warning and tell her flat out if it happened again [her not moving the cash to the vault] she'd be fired immediately.
That's bullshit. She explained that they had a rush of people and the $400 was made in a matter of a short period.....she didn't have time to put it in the safe. Besides, $400 is peanuts for a company like that....they should be ashamed of themselves for having such a policy...it should be outlawed.

You make the time...that's WHY they have the policy.

Drop safes and limiting available cash SAVES LIVES, why would anyone want to outlaw it?
Why so lenient? Why not charge her for any damage done by the thieves to the cash register and the counter? Not to mention that probable loss of business for the rest of the day when the cops closed down the crime scene....
It's simple: Righties have lost all sense of humanity.

Toddster's so eager to drop to his knees to slob the knob of the corporate cock, he'll take down the messenger who gave him the opportunity too. Another day in Hackistan.

I couldn't understand you with your lips around Mertex's member.
Can you say it again, when you're done?

Your response shows that you are a souless bastard, and as Jim Sleeper put it......

Conservatives today, Sleeper writes, are

driven by a corporate capitalist materialism that's as soulless as the Marxist dialectical materialism. . . .

So far, the conservative "new class" has excused the displacement of the liberal counterculture with a degrading over-the-counter culture; of the New Deal’s oft-lampooned make-work programs with the public non-response to Katrina; and of the dreaded "Vietnam syndrome" with the worst strategic blunders in American history. Beneath their civic chimes and patriotic bombast, the spirit of republican vigilance writhes in silent agony, forsaken by conservatism itself.
Conservatism today is as soulless as Marxism w Poll Pie

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