Popeyes manager fired for refusing to pay back $400 taken in armed robbery

Pregnant restaurant manager fired after armed robbery

"By the back of my shirt, he pulled me up and he pushed me to the front," she said. "He told me to give him everything out of my safe."
“I told them I'm not paying nothing. I just had a gun to me. I'm not paying the money.”
But the only thing Holcomb could open were the registers. The gunman got away with nearly $400.
After the robbery, Holcomb claimed that one of her managers gave her a choice: Pay the money back or be fired. Less than 36 hours later, she was fired.
"I don't think it's right because now I'm struggling for my family," she said. "What I had to do (was) keep my life."

However, a spokesman in the company's human resources department said Holcomb was fired because she didn't follow company policy, leaving too much money in the cash register. And this wasn't her first offense.

Holcomb said that Tuesday was busy: The restaurant offers a two-piece chicken meal for $1.19, and she moved money into the safe as fast as she could.
"They got what they got because that's what we made within one hour," she said

A manager often has to keep business flowing during a busy period rather than stopping to move cash

A manger has to do his job and if that job is bleeding the registers then that has to be done too.

I see no problem with her getting canned

Let me guess? You're a conservative and you have no empathy for people, right?

How many times do you let a person fuck up before you fire him?

Multiple instances of not bleeding the registers according to company policy ended up costing the company more than it should have.

The termination was justified
When a person risks her life for your business, that is not the time to add up her demerits.

She wasn't risking her life.

True. The bad guy with a gun was.
That's what the manager is claiming, but the teen said they told her she either paid the $400 or be fired.

Wait, wait... she's a pregnant teen? I missed that part, a teen with 3 kids, and another on the way, what'd she start popping them out at 12?

Oh wow....now you're going to hate her because she's a teen and has kids. You represent your party well. What happened to the "at least she didn't abort them" talking point?

Nope, but I'm going to say that my initial opinion of her being irresponsible is pretty much verified.

And how exactly is that your place to judge?

Where do we get "teen" anyway?
...you IGNORE what the management says and basically call them liars, but of course her side is 100% truth

Because, as everyone knows, employees never steal, cheat or lie and employers only steal, cheat and lie.
:bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3:

Because as everyone knows, one party has an self-preservation interest in the narrative they told while the other was already out of a job. As everyone further knows, the company, to its credit, subsequently denounced the way it was handled locally, profusely apologized to both the victim and their customer base, and offered her the job back plus $2k (over five times what the thug -- who is STILL the perpetrator here -- made off with).

Good guy: Popeye's Corporate.
Bad guys: local vindictive manager and Bad Guy with a Gun

I mean, Duh.
I would say that a $10 an hour employee who gets a gun pointed in her face is risking her life

The $10 an hour employee was there protecting the store. The owner was nowhere near the place

She had no security function other than keeping the till money dropped into the safe....a job she forgot to do and lost her job for it. Sure, she can have her job back but when the news dies down, she'll get the boot. If she's smart she'll take the $2K and skedaddle.

How do you know she "forgot"?
...you IGNORE what the management says and basically call them liars, but of course her side is 100% truth

Because, as everyone knows, employees never steal, cheat or lie and employers only steal, cheat and lie.
:bang3: :bang3: :bang3: :bang3:

Because as everyone knows, one party has an self-preservation interest in the narrative they told while the other was already out of a job. As everyone further knows, the company, to its credit, subsequently denounced the way it was handled locally, profusely apologized to both the victim and their customer base, and offered her the job back plus $2k (over five times what the thug -- who is STILL the perpetrator here -- made off with).

Good guy: Popeye's Corporate.
Bad guys: local vindictive manager and Bad Guy with a Gun

I mean, Duh.
I am glad the corporate fellows took over this fiasco...
Pregnant restaurant manager fired after armed robbery

"By the back of my shirt, he pulled me up and he pushed me to the front," she said. "He told me to give him everything out of my safe."
“I told them I'm not paying nothing. I just had a gun to me. I'm not paying the money.”
But the only thing Holcomb could open were the registers. The gunman got away with nearly $400.
After the robbery, Holcomb claimed that one of her managers gave her a choice: Pay the money back or be fired. Less than 36 hours later, she was fired.
"I don't think it's right because now I'm struggling for my family," she said. "What I had to do (was) keep my life."

However, a spokesman in the company's human resources department said Holcomb was fired because she didn't follow company policy, leaving too much money in the cash register. And this wasn't her first offense.

Holcomb said that Tuesday was busy: The restaurant offers a two-piece chicken meal for $1.19, and she moved money into the safe as fast as she could.
"They got what they got because that's what we made within one hour," she said

A manager often has to keep business flowing during a busy period rather than stopping to move cash

A manger has to do his job and if that job is bleeding the registers then that has to be done too.

I see no problem with her getting canned

Let me guess? You're a conservative and you have no empathy for people, right?

How many times do you let a person fuck up before you fire him?

Multiple instances of not bleeding the registers according to company policy ended up costing the company more than it should have.

The termination was justified

not only does it cost the company more money

it endangers future employees by setting up a bad precedent for future robberies

if they figure out the place has lots of loose cash floating around

it is a good place to hit

If that story is true, then how come the business offered her over five times what the robbery took?
Incentive for her not to sue them, that's why sez I.
Pregnant restaurant manager fired after armed robbery

"By the back of my shirt, he pulled me up and he pushed me to the front," she said. "He told me to give him everything out of my safe."
“I told them I'm not paying nothing. I just had a gun to me. I'm not paying the money.”
But the only thing Holcomb could open were the registers. The gunman got away with nearly $400.
After the robbery, Holcomb claimed that one of her managers gave her a choice: Pay the money back or be fired. Less than 36 hours later, she was fired.
"I don't think it's right because now I'm struggling for my family," she said. "What I had to do (was) keep my life."

However, a spokesman in the company's human resources department said Holcomb was fired because she didn't follow company policy, leaving too much money in the cash register. And this wasn't her first offense.

Holcomb said that Tuesday was busy: The restaurant offers a two-piece chicken meal for $1.19, and she moved money into the safe as fast as she could.
"They got what they got because that's what we made within one hour," she said

A manager often has to keep business flowing during a busy period rather than stopping to move cash

A manger has to do his job and if that job is bleeding the registers then that has to be done too.

I see no problem with her getting canned

Let me guess? You're a conservative and you have no empathy for people, right?

How many times do you let a person fuck up before you fire him?

Multiple instances of not bleeding the registers according to company policy ended up costing the company more than it should have.

The termination was justified

Even "wasn't her first offense" doesn't mean "multiple", Herr Pile-on.
Pregnant restaurant manager fired after armed robbery

"By the back of my shirt, he pulled me up and he pushed me to the front," she said. "He told me to give him everything out of my safe."
“I told them I'm not paying nothing. I just had a gun to me. I'm not paying the money.”
But the only thing Holcomb could open were the registers. The gunman got away with nearly $400.
After the robbery, Holcomb claimed that one of her managers gave her a choice: Pay the money back or be fired. Less than 36 hours later, she was fired.
"I don't think it's right because now I'm struggling for my family," she said. "What I had to do (was) keep my life."

However, a spokesman in the company's human resources department said Holcomb was fired because she didn't follow company policy, leaving too much money in the cash register. And this wasn't her first offense.

Holcomb said that Tuesday was busy: The restaurant offers a two-piece chicken meal for $1.19, and she moved money into the safe as fast as she could.
"They got what they got because that's what we made within one hour," she said

A manager often has to keep business flowing during a busy period rather than stopping to move cash

A manger has to do his job and if that job is bleeding the registers then that has to be done too.

I see no problem with her getting canned

Let me guess? You're a conservative and you have no empathy for people, right?

How many times do you let a person fuck up before you fire him?

Multiple instances of not bleeding the registers according to company policy ended up costing the company more than it should have.

The termination was justified
When a person risks her life for your business, that is not the time to add up her demerits.

She wasn't risking her life.
OMFG The robber had her at gunpoint. That is not risking your life? You're beyond anything reasonable or logical. You're scum. I wonder what you would do at gunpoint. Probably pee your pants.
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I'm curious how we know the loss.

I know that the story says she was to reimburse the store $400, but in my area anyway, the police don't give out that information and neither does the press. It's normally reported as "an undisclosed amount".

They say they do it so that potential robbers aren't going to be encouraged.

I think that came from the lady herself, dinnit?

So $400 was the total, or was that the amount over that violated the policy?

I'm asking because, if only 2 tills were open at the counter and another was open in the drive thru, then that is not a lot per till. Even if you don't count the drive through, $200 per till is not a lot per till. The more the open tills, the less per till.

Something's just not adding up. Plus they had just gotten through a rush period?

I dunno, something's just not adding up.

Yeah it seems not.
Going by the article, the thug got away with "nearly $400". I don't know how many registers were there but that would be all of them combined, or all that were opened, on a high-volume day.

Agreed, but, what I'm trying to ask is:

Was $400 the amount the robber got, or was $400 the amount over the amount allowed prior to dropping cash. Say the maximum allowed is $600, but the robber got $1000, then the $400 is only the part that violated the terms of employment. And, $400 total, after a rush is diddly squat for fast food.

It just doesn't add up.

Either way, the reimbursement request is wacko.

It can't be the amount over the allowed level, since the story says the thug got away with "nearly $400". That would mean the amount allowed in the tills would be zero (actually less than zero -- it would have to be a negative number).
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A manger has to do his job and if that job is bleeding the registers then that has to be done too.

I see no problem with her getting canned

Let me guess? You're a conservative and you have no empathy for people, right?

How many times do you let a person fuck up before you fire him?

Multiple instances of not bleeding the registers according to company policy ended up costing the company more than it should have.

The termination was justified
When a person risks her life for your business, that is not the time to add up her demerits.

She wasn't risking her life.
OMFG Laughing my ass off. She had a gun held to her head. That is not risking your life? You're beyond anything reasonable or logical. You're scum.

Yah because "guns don't kill people", remember?
One might add her fetus' life was simultaneouly at risk. Which has gotta be inconvenient for the corporate bootlickers.
They should fire Popeye for not coming to the rescue.

Yanno -- she does bear something of a resemblance to Olive Oyl....

So basically she wasn't demoted before hand because they were giving her another chance, she blew it off and the shit they'd been warning her about happened.

OR -- they made that up to try to cover their PR asses...

Yet another speculation fallacy. Some of us just never learn.

Again, I wouldn't assume that history is true...

And yet another speculation fallacy. As one who is quick to throw stones, you should consider moving out of your glass house.

Ummmmm..... not swallowing every story by a party whose self-interest serves that story is not what "speculation fallacy" even means, Sparky. That's called not being led around by the nose.

If the media spent more time trying to get the perp caught and less on her sob story, everybody would be better off.

That's true -- this entire thread has been trying to blame or defend the victim. A few even suggested she caused the robbery. Which is, as a thought process, bizarre.

Really? You think inside jobs are unusual? I believe you are bizarre.

There's your speculation fallacy. I knew you could do it.
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Amazing! This stupid restaurant - owner is really mad! What else he wanted her to do?
Pregnant woman(and not pregnant too) can't fight with armed robber, it's a fact! And i don't think that she should pay for him this money, on the contrary - owner should pay!
Security? At $10 an hour?

She kept her cool and no customers or employees got shot.......is that good enough for $10?

Where was the owner when guns were flashing?

Safe at home, I bet

You're the one saying she "protected" the store, not me. Why would the robber start shooting when all the employees were cooperating? He took a flyer on the safe when he found out it was locked and was satisfied with the till money. All she did was play dumb which from what I've read wasn't an act. :lol:
Wrongo. It's not my point to prove, it's yours. What she in fact said was the activity had been busy and she didn't get a chance to. There's no evidence she "forgot". You made that up.

I didn't make up the fact she didn't prioritize her duties; which is another way of saying she forgot what her job was. You earlier claimed she wasn't a manager...were you wrong or were you lying?
Wrongo. It's not my point to prove, it's yours. What she in fact said was the activity had been busy and she didn't get a chance to. There's no evidence she "forgot". You made that up.

I didn't make up the fact she didn't prioritize her duties; which is another way of saying she forgot what her job was. You earlier claimed she wasn't a manager...were you wrong or were you lying?

Again, I did not claim she was not a shift manager. If I did you could quote it. You can't because you're making that up too.

Not having enough time to do something is in no way "forgetting" to do it. Forgetting means it doesn't occur to you. Like the way you forgot to look up that bogus quote about me you just made.

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