Porn queen Trump paid 130k to: "Trump said I reminded him of Ivanka"

Bill Clinton assaulted and raped many women?

Convictions please?

:lmao: :lol: :laugh2: :lol:
worse--he perjured himself
. This crime is taken very seriously because the foundation of the legal system
Perjury - FindLaw
he obviously and undeniably committed perjury--but the demorats let him off
Well at least slutty Lewinsky was 22 and fully legal at the time.
Can you say the same of the 14 year old Moore diddled?
not necessarily
if the person is in a position of power/trust/etc--sometimes the age of consent is higher or there is no age of consent
most states have the ''power'' clause to include teachers/clergy/position of power/etc
Clinton certainly falls into that definition
person in a position of trust
DC Code - Chapter 30. Sexual Abuse.
Since when do rightards give a shit about perjury?? The right cheered when a convicted perjurer, Scooter Libby, had his sentence commuted.
Clinton--the POTUS commits perjury---a very serious crime--and you reply like that
If it were so serious, the right would not have cheered Bush for commuting Libby’s sentence.

What a pity for you that reality kicks your imagination in the ass, huh?
so you don't care for justice??
let injustice flourish ??
Of course I care for Justice. Clinton was impeached and acquitted. That’s justice at work.

Libby was tried and convicted. That’s justice at work.

Rightards bitch and moan because Clinton was acquitted but cheered Bush for committing the sentence of a felon, convicted on the same charges for which Clinton was acquitted.

Hypocrite; thy name be conservative.
He said women allow men to grab their pussy. That means they wanted it.

Being attracted to women isn’t perverted, it’s natural.

Possibly the most disgusting an misguided thing I've ever read in this forum

he's pretty gross.

Know the super-sad thing Jilly?
I'd no idea whatsoever that there were this MANY men as disgusting in our world.
Trump has given them a voice and license to do whatever they please
VERY Sad :(
Have you checked the inventory of disgusting men on your side of the political spectrum (as in the Democratic Party), Mr Harvey Weinstein I mean Mr. Al Franken I mean Mr. Kevin Spacey, I mean Mr Tavis Smily I mean Mr. Matt Lauer I mean Mr. Charlie Rose I mean Mr. Garisson Keillor? :rofl:
Why does this national inquirer type bullshit even matter? Did he abuse his position of power by getting a 20 year old intern to give him blowjobs in the Oval Office like Bill Clinton did? Is that all you guys have left, gossip, fake news, and conspiracy theories?

yes, let's not talk about the sexual predator in the white house now.

nope nope nope.

sorry dude.... no one cares about that. even monica didn't care about that. she went to DC to "get [her] presidential kneepads". The only reason you know about it at all is her "friend" linda tripp took advantage of her to cash in with lucianne Goldberg.

how about you stick to the disgusting man who likes grabbing women by the genitals. (By the by, I'm pretty sure you don't speak like that in your life. it isn't ok for Donald either).

Banging women that want to bang you isn’t being a “sexual predator”.

true. but that isn't what the orange sexual predator said. he said he "kisses women whenever he feels like" and "grabs women by the pussy" because he can. he also said he liked watching 15 year old beauty pageant contestants undress.

he's a perv and so are you if you think that was ok.
That wasn't okay, but while Trump was making alpha male type empty joking and bragging that never actually happened, Bill Clinton actually assaulted and raped many women, other than Monica. And apparently for decades it was Hillary's job to attack his accusers and make it go away. Yup, Hillary, the symbol of women's rights. We literally had a Harvey Weinstein type character in the White House, and the Democratic Party went out of their way to justify his actions and defend him. And now they have this faux outrage for everything Trump says or does, while the majority of sexual assaulters seem to be the same people that are symbols of the anti Trump resistance and major donors to the Democratic Party.

There are quite a few women who say that Trump did grope them, assault them and engage in a variety of sexual misconduct.

You merely ignore them.

And Monica *never* claimed to have been raped.
Remove your head from the sand please:

Juanita Broaddrick
In a 1999 episode of Dateline NBC, former Bill Clinton volunteer Juanita Broaddrick alleged that, in the late 1970s, Clinton raped her in her hotel room. According to Broaddrick, she agreed to meet with Clinton for coffee in the lobby of her hotel, but Clinton asked if they could go to her room to avoid a crowd of reporters; she agreed. Once Clinton had isolated her in her hotel room, Broaddrick states that he raped her. Broaddrick stated Clinton injured her lip by biting it during the assault.[5][6] In 1999, Clinton denied Broaddrick's allegations through his lawyer.

Supporters of Clinton have questioned her account by noting that, when Broaddrick testified about her alleged encounter with Clinton under oath, she denied having been raped by him. In her NBC interview alleging rape, Broaddrick stated that she had only denied being raped under oath to protect her privacy. Supporters of Clinton have also noted that she continued to support him, and appear at public events on his behalf, weeks after the alleged rape, and that Broaddrick stated that she couldn't remember the day or month the alleged incident occurred.[7] Broaddrick has stated in 1978 that she revealed the alleged assault to five intimates, and that they advised her not to cause trouble for herself by going public.

Paula Jones
According to Paula Jones' account, on May 8, 1991, she was escorted to Clinton's hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas,[8] where he propositioned and exposed himself to her. She claimed she kept quiet about the incident until 1994, when a David Brock story in the American Spectator magazine printed an account. In 1994, Jones filed a federal lawsuit against Clinton, alleging sexual harassment. In the discovery stage of the suit, Jones's lawyers had the opportunity to question Clinton under oath about his sexual history; in the course of this testimony, Clinton denied having had a sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky, a denial that (once his affair with Lewinsky was exposed) would lead to his impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice.[9]

Several witnesses disputed Jones's account, including her sister and brother-in-law. These witnesses contended that she had described her encounter with Clinton as "happy" and "gentle". In addition, Jones had claimed to friends that Clinton had a particular deformity on his penis, a claim that was revealed to be false by investigators.[1]

In April 1998, the case was dismissed by Republican Judge Susan Webber Wright as lacking legal merit.[10] But Jones appealed Webber Wright's ruling, and her suit gained traction following Clinton's admission to having an affair with Monica Lewinsky in August 1998.[11] (This admission indicated that Clinton may have lied under oath when he testified, in the Jones case, that he had never had a sexual relationship with Lewinsky.)

On appeal, in the midst of his trial for impeachment based on his testimony in the Jones case, Clinton was faced with the prospect of having to go under oath again and testify more about his sexual history. Instead, Clinton agreed to an out-of-court settlement, paying Jones and her lawyers $850,000 to drop the suit; the vast majority of this money was used to pay Jones's legal fees.[12] Clinton's lawyer said that the president made the settlement only so he could end the lawsuit for good and move on with his life.[13]

Kathleen Willey
In 1998, Kathleen Willey alleged Clinton groped her without consent in the White House Oval Office in 1993.[14] Kenneth Starr granted her immunity for her testimony in his separate inquiry.[15][16]

Linda Tripp, the Clinton Administration staffer who secretly taped her phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky in order to expose the latter's affair with the President, testified under oath that Willey's sexual contact with President Clinton in 1993 was consensual, that Willey had been flirting with the President, and that Willey was happy and excited following her 1993 encounter with Clinton.[2] Six other friends of Willey confirmed Tripp's account in sworn testimony, stating that Willey had sought a sexual relationship with the President.[3] Ken Starr, who had deposed Willey in the course of investigating the sexual history of President Clinton, determined that she had lied under oath repeatedly to his investigators. Starr and his team therefore concluded that there was insufficient evidence to pursue her allegations further.

In 2007 Willey published a book about her experiences with the Clintons.[17]

Gloria Steinem and Joy Behar controversies
In a 1998 op-ed for the New York Times, feminist icon Gloria Steinem said of Willey and Jones, "Mr. Clinton seems to have made a clumsy sexual pass, then accepted rejection.”[18] Generally dismissive of other women who came forward with tales of Bill Clinton, her piece exemplified a certain kind of reflexive feminist defense of Clinton.[18] It received some criticism when it was published.[19] But then with the passage of time, as evidenced in 2017 by the words of The Atlantic, Steinem's essay had become "notorious" in that "It slut-shamed, victim-blamed, and age-shamed; it urged compassion for and gratitude to the man the women accused."[20]

Two decades after most of the events in question, on the U.S. television program The View, co-host Joy Behar referred to Bill Clinton's accusers as "tramps". Behar apologized for the sexual slur shortly afterwards.[21][22][23][24]
Symbol of the Democrat party: Dirty old man Bill Clinton taking advantage of a 20 year old intern and getting blowjobs in the sanctity of the Oval Office desk. And then his wife Hillary, another symbol of the Democratic party attacking the woman when she comes out. And of course let's not forget the entire Democratic Party stsndjng shoulder to shoulder to defend his actions. Not one of them had the balls to come out and say, "this is wrong."

FAIL - She was 22 and fully cognizant of her activity
Yup, and he was the president of the United States, a married man no less, acting like a fucking pervert committing statuary rape, making a 20 year old woman give him blowjobs underneath the presidential desk of the Oval Office. And there's your paragon of Democratic Party morality.
yes, let's not talk about the sexual predator in the white house now.

nope nope nope.

sorry dude.... no one cares about that. even monica didn't care about that. she went to DC to "get [her] presidential kneepads". The only reason you know about it at all is her "friend" linda tripp took advantage of her to cash in with lucianne Goldberg.

how about you stick to the disgusting man who likes grabbing women by the genitals. (By the by, I'm pretty sure you don't speak like that in your life. it isn't ok for Donald either).

Banging women that want to bang you isn’t being a “sexual predator”.

true. but that isn't what the orange sexual predator said. he said he "kisses women whenever he feels like" and "grabs women by the pussy" because he can. he also said he liked watching 15 year old beauty pageant contestants undress.

he's a perv and so are you if you think that was ok.
That wasn't okay, but while Trump was making alpha male type empty joking and bragging that never actually happened, Bill Clinton actually assaulted and raped many women, other than Monica. And apparently for decades it was Hillary's job to attack his accusers and make it go away. Yup, Hillary, the symbol of women's rights. We literally had a Harvey Weinstein type character in the White House, and the Democratic Party went out of their way to justify his actions and defend him. And now they have this faux outrage for everything Trump says or does, while the majority of sexual assaulters seem to be the same people that are symbols of the anti Trump resistance and major donors to the Democratic Party.

There are quite a few women who say that Trump did grope them, assault them and engage in a variety of sexual misconduct.

You merely ignore them.

And Monica *never* claimed to have been raped.
Remove your head from the sand please:

Juanita Broaddrick
In a 1999 episode of Dateline NBC, former Bill Clinton volunteer Juanita Broaddrick alleged that, in the late 1970s, Clinton raped her in her hotel room. According to Broaddrick, she agreed to meet with Clinton for coffee in the lobby of her hotel, but Clinton asked if they could go to her room to avoid a crowd of reporters; she agreed. Once Clinton had isolated her in her hotel room, Broaddrick states that he raped her. Broaddrick stated Clinton injured her lip by biting it during the assault.[5][6] In 1999, Clinton denied Broaddrick's allegations through his lawyer.

Supporters of Clinton have questioned her account by noting that, when Broaddrick testified about her alleged encounter with Clinton under oath, she denied having been raped by him. In her NBC interview alleging rape, Broaddrick stated that she had only denied being raped under oath to protect her privacy. Supporters of Clinton have also noted that she continued to support him, and appear at public events on his behalf, weeks after the alleged rape, and that Broaddrick stated that she couldn't remember the day or month the alleged incident occurred.[7] Broaddrick has stated in 1978 that she revealed the alleged assault to five intimates, and that they advised her not to cause trouble for herself by going public.

Paula Jones
According to Paula Jones' account, on May 8, 1991, she was escorted to Clinton's hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas,[8] where he propositioned and exposed himself to her. She claimed she kept quiet about the incident until 1994, when a David Brock story in the American Spectator magazine printed an account. In 1994, Jones filed a federal lawsuit against Clinton, alleging sexual harassment. In the discovery stage of the suit, Jones's lawyers had the opportunity to question Clinton under oath about his sexual history; in the course of this testimony, Clinton denied having had a sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky, a denial that (once his affair with Lewinsky was exposed) would lead to his impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice.[9]

Several witnesses disputed Jones's account, including her sister and brother-in-law. These witnesses contended that she had described her encounter with Clinton as "happy" and "gentle". In addition, Jones had claimed to friends that Clinton had a particular deformity on his penis, a claim that was revealed to be false by investigators.[1]

In April 1998, the case was dismissed by Republican Judge Susan Webber Wright as lacking legal merit.[10] But Jones appealed Webber Wright's ruling, and her suit gained traction following Clinton's admission to having an affair with Monica Lewinsky in August 1998.[11] (This admission indicated that Clinton may have lied under oath when he testified, in the Jones case, that he had never had a sexual relationship with Lewinsky.)

On appeal, in the midst of his trial for impeachment based on his testimony in the Jones case, Clinton was faced with the prospect of having to go under oath again and testify more about his sexual history. Instead, Clinton agreed to an out-of-court settlement, paying Jones and her lawyers $850,000 to drop the suit; the vast majority of this money was used to pay Jones's legal fees.[12] Clinton's lawyer said that the president made the settlement only so he could end the lawsuit for good and move on with his life.[13]

Kathleen Willey
In 1998, Kathleen Willey alleged Clinton groped her without consent in the White House Oval Office in 1993.[14] Kenneth Starr granted her immunity for her testimony in his separate inquiry.[15][16]

Linda Tripp, the Clinton Administration staffer who secretly taped her phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky in order to expose the latter's affair with the President, testified under oath that Willey's sexual contact with President Clinton in 1993 was consensual, that Willey had been flirting with the President, and that Willey was happy and excited following her 1993 encounter with Clinton.[2] Six other friends of Willey confirmed Tripp's account in sworn testimony, stating that Willey had sought a sexual relationship with the President.[3] Ken Starr, who had deposed Willey in the course of investigating the sexual history of President Clinton, determined that she had lied under oath repeatedly to his investigators. Starr and his team therefore concluded that there was insufficient evidence to pursue her allegations further.

In 2007 Willey published a book about her experiences with the Clintons.[17]

Gloria Steinem and Joy Behar controversies
In a 1998 op-ed for the New York Times, feminist icon Gloria Steinem said of Willey and Jones, "Mr. Clinton seems to have made a clumsy sexual pass, then accepted rejection.”[18] Generally dismissive of other women who came forward with tales of Bill Clinton, her piece exemplified a certain kind of reflexive feminist defense of Clinton.[18] It received some criticism when it was published.[19] But then with the passage of time, as evidenced in 2017 by the words of The Atlantic, Steinem's essay had become "notorious" in that "It slut-shamed, victim-blamed, and age-shamed; it urged compassion for and gratitude to the man the women accused."[20]

Two decades after most of the events in question, on the U.S. television program The View, co-host Joy Behar referred to Bill Clinton's accusers as "tramps". Behar apologized for the sexual slur shortly afterwards.[21][22][23][24]

Juanita Broaddrick — swore under oath, facing the penalty of perjury had she lied, that Clinton didn’t rape her and stories circulating that he had raped were nothing but rumors.

Paula Jones — took her evidence to court where her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.

Kathleen Wiley — made unsubstantiated claims Clinton groped that she could never prove.
Banging women that want to bang you isn’t being a “sexual predator”.

true. but that isn't what the orange sexual predator said. he said he "kisses women whenever he feels like" and "grabs women by the pussy" because he can. he also said he liked watching 15 year old beauty pageant contestants undress.

he's a perv and so are you if you think that was ok.
That wasn't okay, but while Trump was making alpha male type empty joking and bragging that never actually happened, Bill Clinton actually assaulted and raped many women, other than Monica. And apparently for decades it was Hillary's job to attack his accusers and make it go away. Yup, Hillary, the symbol of women's rights. We literally had a Harvey Weinstein type character in the White House, and the Democratic Party went out of their way to justify his actions and defend him. And now they have this faux outrage for everything Trump says or does, while the majority of sexual assaulters seem to be the same people that are symbols of the anti Trump resistance and major donors to the Democratic Party.

There are quite a few women who say that Trump did grope them, assault them and engage in a variety of sexual misconduct.

You merely ignore them.

And Monica *never* claimed to have been raped.
Remove your head from the sand please:

Juanita Broaddrick
In a 1999 episode of Dateline NBC, former Bill Clinton volunteer Juanita Broaddrick alleged that, in the late 1970s, Clinton raped her in her hotel room. According to Broaddrick, she agreed to meet with Clinton for coffee in the lobby of her hotel, but Clinton asked if they could go to her room to avoid a crowd of reporters; she agreed. Once Clinton had isolated her in her hotel room, Broaddrick states that he raped her. Broaddrick stated Clinton injured her lip by biting it during the assault.[5][6] In 1999, Clinton denied Broaddrick's allegations through his lawyer.

Supporters of Clinton have questioned her account by noting that, when Broaddrick testified about her alleged encounter with Clinton under oath, she denied having been raped by him. In her NBC interview alleging rape, Broaddrick stated that she had only denied being raped under oath to protect her privacy. Supporters of Clinton have also noted that she continued to support him, and appear at public events on his behalf, weeks after the alleged rape, and that Broaddrick stated that she couldn't remember the day or month the alleged incident occurred.[7] Broaddrick has stated in 1978 that she revealed the alleged assault to five intimates, and that they advised her not to cause trouble for herself by going public.

Paula Jones
According to Paula Jones' account, on May 8, 1991, she was escorted to Clinton's hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas,[8] where he propositioned and exposed himself to her. She claimed she kept quiet about the incident until 1994, when a David Brock story in the American Spectator magazine printed an account. In 1994, Jones filed a federal lawsuit against Clinton, alleging sexual harassment. In the discovery stage of the suit, Jones's lawyers had the opportunity to question Clinton under oath about his sexual history; in the course of this testimony, Clinton denied having had a sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky, a denial that (once his affair with Lewinsky was exposed) would lead to his impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice.[9]

Several witnesses disputed Jones's account, including her sister and brother-in-law. These witnesses contended that she had described her encounter with Clinton as "happy" and "gentle". In addition, Jones had claimed to friends that Clinton had a particular deformity on his penis, a claim that was revealed to be false by investigators.[1]

In April 1998, the case was dismissed by Republican Judge Susan Webber Wright as lacking legal merit.[10] But Jones appealed Webber Wright's ruling, and her suit gained traction following Clinton's admission to having an affair with Monica Lewinsky in August 1998.[11] (This admission indicated that Clinton may have lied under oath when he testified, in the Jones case, that he had never had a sexual relationship with Lewinsky.)

On appeal, in the midst of his trial for impeachment based on his testimony in the Jones case, Clinton was faced with the prospect of having to go under oath again and testify more about his sexual history. Instead, Clinton agreed to an out-of-court settlement, paying Jones and her lawyers $850,000 to drop the suit; the vast majority of this money was used to pay Jones's legal fees.[12] Clinton's lawyer said that the president made the settlement only so he could end the lawsuit for good and move on with his life.[13]

Kathleen Willey
In 1998, Kathleen Willey alleged Clinton groped her without consent in the White House Oval Office in 1993.[14] Kenneth Starr granted her immunity for her testimony in his separate inquiry.[15][16]

Linda Tripp, the Clinton Administration staffer who secretly taped her phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky in order to expose the latter's affair with the President, testified under oath that Willey's sexual contact with President Clinton in 1993 was consensual, that Willey had been flirting with the President, and that Willey was happy and excited following her 1993 encounter with Clinton.[2] Six other friends of Willey confirmed Tripp's account in sworn testimony, stating that Willey had sought a sexual relationship with the President.[3] Ken Starr, who had deposed Willey in the course of investigating the sexual history of President Clinton, determined that she had lied under oath repeatedly to his investigators. Starr and his team therefore concluded that there was insufficient evidence to pursue her allegations further.

In 2007 Willey published a book about her experiences with the Clintons.[17]

Gloria Steinem and Joy Behar controversies
In a 1998 op-ed for the New York Times, feminist icon Gloria Steinem said of Willey and Jones, "Mr. Clinton seems to have made a clumsy sexual pass, then accepted rejection.”[18] Generally dismissive of other women who came forward with tales of Bill Clinton, her piece exemplified a certain kind of reflexive feminist defense of Clinton.[18] It received some criticism when it was published.[19] But then with the passage of time, as evidenced in 2017 by the words of The Atlantic, Steinem's essay had become "notorious" in that "It slut-shamed, victim-blamed, and age-shamed; it urged compassion for and gratitude to the man the women accused."[20]

Two decades after most of the events in question, on the U.S. television program The View, co-host Joy Behar referred to Bill Clinton's accusers as "tramps". Behar apologized for the sexual slur shortly afterwards.[21][22][23][24]

Juanita Broaddrick — swore under oath, facing the penalty of perjury had she lied, that Clinton didn’t rape her and stories circulating that he had raped were nothing but rumors.

Paula Jones — took her evidence to court where her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.

Kathleen Wiley — made unsubstantiated claims Clinton groped that she could never prove.
Right. All of Bill's accusers were liars. Sounds like you're channeling Hillary and the rest of the Democrats now. The party of women's rights, my ass.
true. but that isn't what the orange sexual predator said. he said he "kisses women whenever he feels like" and "grabs women by the pussy" because he can. he also said he liked watching 15 year old beauty pageant contestants undress.

he's a perv and so are you if you think that was ok.
That wasn't okay, but while Trump was making alpha male type empty joking and bragging that never actually happened, Bill Clinton actually assaulted and raped many women, other than Monica. And apparently for decades it was Hillary's job to attack his accusers and make it go away. Yup, Hillary, the symbol of women's rights. We literally had a Harvey Weinstein type character in the White House, and the Democratic Party went out of their way to justify his actions and defend him. And now they have this faux outrage for everything Trump says or does, while the majority of sexual assaulters seem to be the same people that are symbols of the anti Trump resistance and major donors to the Democratic Party.

There are quite a few women who say that Trump did grope them, assault them and engage in a variety of sexual misconduct.

You merely ignore them.

And Monica *never* claimed to have been raped.
Remove your head from the sand please:

Juanita Broaddrick
In a 1999 episode of Dateline NBC, former Bill Clinton volunteer Juanita Broaddrick alleged that, in the late 1970s, Clinton raped her in her hotel room. According to Broaddrick, she agreed to meet with Clinton for coffee in the lobby of her hotel, but Clinton asked if they could go to her room to avoid a crowd of reporters; she agreed. Once Clinton had isolated her in her hotel room, Broaddrick states that he raped her. Broaddrick stated Clinton injured her lip by biting it during the assault.[5][6] In 1999, Clinton denied Broaddrick's allegations through his lawyer.

Supporters of Clinton have questioned her account by noting that, when Broaddrick testified about her alleged encounter with Clinton under oath, she denied having been raped by him. In her NBC interview alleging rape, Broaddrick stated that she had only denied being raped under oath to protect her privacy. Supporters of Clinton have also noted that she continued to support him, and appear at public events on his behalf, weeks after the alleged rape, and that Broaddrick stated that she couldn't remember the day or month the alleged incident occurred.[7] Broaddrick has stated in 1978 that she revealed the alleged assault to five intimates, and that they advised her not to cause trouble for herself by going public.

Paula Jones
According to Paula Jones' account, on May 8, 1991, she was escorted to Clinton's hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas,[8] where he propositioned and exposed himself to her. She claimed she kept quiet about the incident until 1994, when a David Brock story in the American Spectator magazine printed an account. In 1994, Jones filed a federal lawsuit against Clinton, alleging sexual harassment. In the discovery stage of the suit, Jones's lawyers had the opportunity to question Clinton under oath about his sexual history; in the course of this testimony, Clinton denied having had a sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky, a denial that (once his affair with Lewinsky was exposed) would lead to his impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice.[9]

Several witnesses disputed Jones's account, including her sister and brother-in-law. These witnesses contended that she had described her encounter with Clinton as "happy" and "gentle". In addition, Jones had claimed to friends that Clinton had a particular deformity on his penis, a claim that was revealed to be false by investigators.[1]

In April 1998, the case was dismissed by Republican Judge Susan Webber Wright as lacking legal merit.[10] But Jones appealed Webber Wright's ruling, and her suit gained traction following Clinton's admission to having an affair with Monica Lewinsky in August 1998.[11] (This admission indicated that Clinton may have lied under oath when he testified, in the Jones case, that he had never had a sexual relationship with Lewinsky.)

On appeal, in the midst of his trial for impeachment based on his testimony in the Jones case, Clinton was faced with the prospect of having to go under oath again and testify more about his sexual history. Instead, Clinton agreed to an out-of-court settlement, paying Jones and her lawyers $850,000 to drop the suit; the vast majority of this money was used to pay Jones's legal fees.[12] Clinton's lawyer said that the president made the settlement only so he could end the lawsuit for good and move on with his life.[13]

Kathleen Willey
In 1998, Kathleen Willey alleged Clinton groped her without consent in the White House Oval Office in 1993.[14] Kenneth Starr granted her immunity for her testimony in his separate inquiry.[15][16]

Linda Tripp, the Clinton Administration staffer who secretly taped her phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky in order to expose the latter's affair with the President, testified under oath that Willey's sexual contact with President Clinton in 1993 was consensual, that Willey had been flirting with the President, and that Willey was happy and excited following her 1993 encounter with Clinton.[2] Six other friends of Willey confirmed Tripp's account in sworn testimony, stating that Willey had sought a sexual relationship with the President.[3] Ken Starr, who had deposed Willey in the course of investigating the sexual history of President Clinton, determined that she had lied under oath repeatedly to his investigators. Starr and his team therefore concluded that there was insufficient evidence to pursue her allegations further.

In 2007 Willey published a book about her experiences with the Clintons.[17]

Gloria Steinem and Joy Behar controversies
In a 1998 op-ed for the New York Times, feminist icon Gloria Steinem said of Willey and Jones, "Mr. Clinton seems to have made a clumsy sexual pass, then accepted rejection.”[18] Generally dismissive of other women who came forward with tales of Bill Clinton, her piece exemplified a certain kind of reflexive feminist defense of Clinton.[18] It received some criticism when it was published.[19] But then with the passage of time, as evidenced in 2017 by the words of The Atlantic, Steinem's essay had become "notorious" in that "It slut-shamed, victim-blamed, and age-shamed; it urged compassion for and gratitude to the man the women accused."[20]

Two decades after most of the events in question, on the U.S. television program The View, co-host Joy Behar referred to Bill Clinton's accusers as "tramps". Behar apologized for the sexual slur shortly afterwards.[21][22][23][24]

Juanita Broaddrick — swore under oath, facing the penalty of perjury had she lied, that Clinton didn’t rape her and stories circulating that he had raped were nothing but rumors.

Paula Jones — took her evidence to court where her case was thrown out due to lack of merit.

Kathleen Wiley — made unsubstantiated claims Clinton groped that she could never prove.
Right. All of Bill's accusers were liars. Sounds like you're channeling Hillary and the rest of the Democrats now. The party of women's rights, my ass. definition, Juanita Broaddrick is a liar. She even called herself a liar. After testifying under oath that Clinton didn’t rape her, she went on TV to say he did. Both stories cannot be true.

But since you believe women with nothing but accusations, I guess this means you believe the women who accused Roy Moore of sexual abuse, is that right?
This is creepy - a year into a marriage right after your son is born an your out picking up on porn stars who remind you of your daughter. Ewww - Trumplings need to admit that they voted for and support a man with no morals.

More creepy shit Trump has said about Ivanka:

7 Creepy Things Donald Trump Has Said About Ivanka

Your libtard outrage rings hollow when you elected the serial rapist, Bill Clinton, to two terms in the Presidency.
Unreal to what lengths some of you idiots will go. Trump doesn't want to fuck Ivanka and Obama wasn't grabbing his daughter's ass. Yall some sick stupid assholes.
The libtards have come unhinged over the election of Trump. They really should seek mental health professionals or buy a cat to pet.
true. but that isn't what the orange sexual predator said. he said he "kisses women whenever he feels like" and "grabs women by the pussy" because he can. he also said he liked watching 15 year old beauty pageant contestants undress.

he's a perv and so are you if you think that was ok.
That wasn't okay, but while Trump was making alpha male type empty joking and bragging that never actually happened, Bill Clinton actually assaulted and raped many women, other than Monica. And apparently for decades it was Hillary's job to attack his accusers and make it go away. Yup, Hillary, the symbol of women's rights. We literally had a Harvey Weinstein type character in the White House, and the Democratic Party went out of their way to justify his actions and defend him.

Bill Clinton assaulted and raped many women?

Convictions please?

:lmao: :lol: :laugh2: :lol:

funny from the creeps who deny that the orange one ADMITTED he's a sexual predator.

Like you did with Clinton, and your parents did with Kennedy.

who voted for Clinton after the Lewinsky thing? not once.


you don't know who my parents voted for. and I'd still vote for Kennedy. unlike uptight right cards, I have no problem with consensual sex.... unlike what the creepy pussy grabber did.

but thanks for playing Ivan.

Juanita Broderick wasn't consensual.
Yup, and he was the president of the United States, a married man no less, acting like a fucking pervert committing statuary rape, making a 20 year old woman give him blowjobs underneath the presidential desk of the Oval Office. And there's your paragon of Democratic Party morality.

Yet your outrage over Trump's morally bankrupt past including his affair with a porn star a year after marrying Melania and paying her off during the campaign?

Michael Cohen, one of President Donald Trump's top lawyers reportedly organized a Delaware-based limited-liability company to transfer a $130,000 payment to the adult-film star "Stormy Daniels," who claimed that she had a sexual encounter with Trump, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

The payment was delivered in October 2016, just before Trump won the US election in a surprise victory over Hillary Clinton. The alleged encounter between Daniels and Trump happened at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, according to an earlier report from the Journal.​

Top Trump lawyer reportedly went extraordinary lengths to quietly pay porn star 'Stormy Daniels' $130,000

Trump’s lawyer created a private LLC in Delaware to pay off Stormy Daniels: report

Corporate records and sources close to the alleged relationship between adult film actress Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump show that the president’s lawyer created an LLC in Delaware to pay the actress for her silence.

No NO NOOO ---
It didn't happen!!

Michael Cohen, one of President Donald Trump's top lawyers reportedly organized a Delaware-based limited-liability company to transfer a $130,000 payment to the adult-film star "Stormy Daniels," who claimed that she had a sexual encounter with Trump, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

The payment was delivered in October 2016, just before Trump won the US election in a surprise victory over Hillary Clinton. The alleged encounter between Daniels and Trump happened at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, according to an earlier report from the Journal.​

Top Trump lawyer reportedly went extraordinary lengths to quietly pay porn star 'Stormy Daniels' $130,000
Omarosa may have secretly taped White House conversations: report

© Getty Images
Former Trump staffer Omarosa Manigault Newman might have secretly recorded private conversations in the White House as she feared special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, The New York Daily News reported Friday.

Sources told the Daily News that Manigault Newman, who abruptly resigned from the White House late last year, “loves” to record meetings. Her official last day in the administration is Saturday.
“Everyone knows Omarosa loves to record people and meetings using the voice notes app on her iPhone,” one source said. “Don’t be surprised if she has secret audio files on everyone in that White House, past and present staffers included.”
The White House’s recent ban on staffers having their personal cell phones was tied to Manigault-Newman’s habit of recording her conversations, the source told the Daily News.
Mueller would like to hear those! :cool:


Why? You think there are recordings of discussions about events that Mueller can't otherwise prove happened? Meaning Trump has somehow managed to keep his secret deals with Russia secret for 2 years now, but he's in the WH discussing them now? LOL
worse--he perjured himself
Perjury - FindLaw
he obviously and undeniably committed perjury--but the demorats let him off
not necessarily
if the person is in a position of power/trust/etc--sometimes the age of consent is higher or there is no age of consent
most states have the ''power'' clause to include teachers/clergy/position of power/etc
Clinton certainly falls into that definition
DC Code - Chapter 30. Sexual Abuse.
Since when do rightards give a shit about perjury?? The right cheered when a convicted perjurer, Scooter Libby, had his sentence commuted.
Clinton--the POTUS commits perjury---a very serious crime--and you reply like that
If it were so serious, the right would not have cheered Bush for commuting Libby’s sentence.

What a pity for you that reality kicks your imagination in the ass, huh?
so you don't care for justice??
let injustice flourish ??
Of course I care for Justice. Clinton was impeached and acquitted. That’s justice at work.

Libby was tried and convicted. That’s justice at work.

Rightards bitch and moan because Clinton was acquitted but cheered Bush for committing the sentence of a felon, convicted on the same charges for which Clinton was acquitted.

Hypocrite; thy name be conservative.
just like OJ was acquitted
no--not fair because most of the Dems voted for acquittal while most Reps did not--OBVIOUSLY the Dems were not voting on evidence, but on party lines!! very unfair...if you were a fair man [? ] you would agree
All 45 Democrats in the Senate voted "not guilty" on both charges
Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

as you can see--this is CLEARLY injustice by the Dems.......
it's all and Bill cannot deny it !!!

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