Porn Star Danica Dillan had "terrifying" rough sex with Josh Duggar while his wife was pregnant...

How long until Josh Duggar's wife divorces him?

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are some of the weirdest people in who and what they Obsess over. for years it was rush Limbaugh, then came fox news, then came Ted Nugent, then they went after Sarah Palin, then it was Duck Dynasty, then came George Zimmerman, NOW its some nobody on a reality television show
Snookie's hubby was caught with an Ashley Madison acct also. Bet you will get right on that next....
o that is funny as shit too snookie's hubby and she is still running her mouth about dugger...

dugger was not only on a reality tv show....he was a paid speaker who held himself out as a moral man and expected to be a role model for others....
Snookie's hubby was caught with an Ashley Madison acct also. Bet you will get right on that next....

are you kidding. the left is excused because they don't claim to have morals evidently. and they are SAINTS of all mankind:rolleyes-41:
It is abundantly clear that Josh is a creep. I feel bad for his wife. He doesn't respect and love his wife or he wouldn't put her health at risk by paying random people to sleep with him. He could have given her and the baby an STD. Perhaps he should have spent more time focusing on his family.
Josh held himself out to be something his lifestyle contradicted. The right wing evangelicals wrongly hold themselves as admirable folks to emulate. The left wing is every bit as screwed up but they don't go on about religious morality. Wonder how many of Pat Robertson's folks and followers have MA accounts. Bad behavior will out.
Snookie's hubby was caught with an Ashley Madison acct also. Bet you will get right on that next....
Was Snookies hubby the head of GOP family values too?
He's a reality star just like the Duggars.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Big bad meanie Stat didn't post about ALL of those other unfaithful people!!

it just got better...josh is headed to rehab

Josh Duggar heads to rehab amid sex scandal
How sad for his wife and kids and his parents and his sibs.

He is a serial sexual predator pretending to be an exemplar of a moral life.

Sort of like Hillary's husband
I have no idea, and neither do you. However, the comparison is false because the Clintons were not portraying the moral high road of the Duggars. And if even comparable, then the exemplars of the far right Christians are as every bit as hypocritical of the ones with whom they disagree.

Our Christian folks know better, Frank, and they fall just as quickly as anybody else. Let's be honest.

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