Portland judge releases drunk driver who killed a child

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You can see the scar between my thumb and primary finger.

When I was 12 years old that cut happened and I severed an artery and a vein. There was blood on the ceiling running through the house where I went out the back door, got in the car and drove 25 minutes to the hospital at 10 at night through country back roads and I don't even remember making it into the hospital but they said I crawled through the emergency room doors white as a sheet and damn near dead.

I didn't cause any wrecks or kill anyone. That guy should be in fucking jail.
You're just lucky the hospital didn't turn you away!
That is the reason we are having to deal with travesties like the one addressed in this thread.
The travesty my friend is that too many Americans are so extremely ignorant that they don't understand that all people accused of murder shouldn't be locked up. I know you understand that too on account of you being part of a group that comprises billions. The only possibility is extermination by lighting the nest on fire.

So this judge in Portland Oregan releases a man who killed a child in a car accident.

But this is Portland, home of the communist nations of the world!!

For some reason the citizens are outraged by this, but they vote democrat anyway.

Makes no sense.

Get used to it America.
You evidently have no idea that it happens all the time.
The society America has created is the society that it has to learn to live with.

And besides, the jails are full and putting more people in jail has the opposite of the desired effect.

Reject social change to ensure it only gets worse.
Social change must come naturally at times. A push is needed also. Not what we are seeing now. This is deliberate and it is to win elections.
The society America has created is the society that it has to learn to live with.

And besides, the jails are full and putting more people in jail has the opposite of the desired effect.

Reject social change to ensure it only gets worse.
The jails aren't full. Many have been closed. Jail is not always the answer. Whipping, caning and amputation are good, non incarceration substitutes.
Dem trash in Portland get everything they deserve for giving 100% control to Democrats for the past 20+ years. For those not aware, California invaded Oregon by the millions and took over. Need I say more as to why Oregon is now a Dem shithole?
How is everyone just glossing over the fact that the guy had been shot, and was trying to get himself to the hospital? I could get myself to the Local H faster by driving, than waiting for an ambulance to show up, and pronounce me dead. It sucks about the little boy; but this wasn't some random, don't dive a damn drunk, flaunting the law. The guy was potentially bleeding out. Drunk, or not. This is hardly a slam dunk case of "black guy gets bail, because black.."
How is everyone just glossing over the fact that the guy had been shot, and was trying to get himself to the hospital? I could get myself to the Local H faster by driving, than waiting for an ambulance to show up, and pronounce me dead. It sucks about the little boy; but this wasn't some random, don't dive a damn drunk, flaunting the law. The guy was potentially bleeding out. Drunk, or not. This is hardly a slam dunk case of "black guy gets bail, because black.."
Were there no other potential drivers at the scene? I think you are twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to justify this tragic loss of life as "just another unfortunate event." No wonder the country is in the shape it is in.
Were there no other potential drivers at the scene? I think you are twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to justify this tragic loss of life as "just another unfortunate event." No wonder the country is in the shape it is in.
Oh horse shit. No one has ever accused me of being some kind of "sympathizer". But in law, there is a very real thing called exigent circumstances. I don't know all the minor details, and neither does anyone else here. But if exigencies exist; being shot, and bleeding out qualifies as one. Maybe he's responsible getting himself shot. I don't know. But what we do know, is this wasn't some reckless drunk who stumbled out a bar, and said fuck it.
exigent circumstances
There are NO exigent circumstances--He was drunk at a wake. Apparently there was some gun play. He chose to drive when there were other, safer, more responsible alternatives than driving himself. Stupidity is not an exigent circumstance.
There are NO exigent circumstances--He was drunk at a wake. Apparently there was some gun play. He chose to drive when there were other, safer, more responsible alternatives than driving himself. Stupidity is not an exigent circumstance.
Being drunk at a wake is legal. "Safer alternatives" is your own unsubstantiated assertion. How do you know he wasnt in his car already when he was shot? You dont. This is why we have laws, and judges. Plenty of reasons for grabbing pitchforks; this isn't one of them...
You dont.
Neither do you. The story says he was at a wake--drinking. Wakes that I've been to always have more than one person at them and typically they are sensitive folks who could make the determination that the guy needed a hospital. Do you have a DUI on your record? Methinks you protest too much.
Neither do you. The story says he was at a wake--drinking. Wakes that I've been to always have more than one person at them and typically they are sensitive folks who could make the determination that the guy needed a hospital. Do you have a DUI on your record? Methinks you protest too much.
No DUI. But I have been shot. So I probably have a different perspective than you. And "neither do you" is an admission from your own lips that details are lacking in this instance. That's why we have courts, and judges. The Devil is in the details so they say...
And this is an admission from your own fingers that you don't.
"Yes". That's why we have courts. As I said... This isn't the slam dunk cue to grab the torches, and pitchforks. Of all these responsible people, whom were the sensible alternative... How many did not scatter when shots rang out..?
"Yes". That's why we have courts. As I said... This isn't the slam dunk cue to grab the torches, and pitchforks. Of all these responsible people, whom were the sensible alternative... How many did not scatter when shots rang out..?
Apparently, his wound was not life threatening as he was able to survive a crash in which he killed another human, he was able to wait until THAT ambulance arrived and took him to the hospital and he managed to survive all of that. Bottom line. Drunk drivers are taken to jail every day when they are NOT involved in fatal accidents. This guy should be no different. IDK why I'm even bothering to comment on "The Blaze" anyway.

So this judge in Portland Oregan releases a man who killed a child in a car accident.

But this is Portland, home of the communist nations of the world!!

For some reason the citizens are outraged by this, but they vote democrat anyway.

Makes no sense.

Get used to it America.
So a city is the home to countries? Look, I get it: you are a retard with an opinion, but too stupid to properly express, but try harder

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