Portland truck attack suspect arrested

The suspect that was caught on video pulling a man out of his truck in Portland and beating on him till he was unconscious has been arrested. Be interesting to hear what his defense for that will be and if either Biden or Harris have any comment on it.
Portland police arrest truck attack suspect Marquise Love, jail records show | Fox News

What I don't understand is why he wasn't charged with attempted murder for kicking him in the head. Can anyone explain that?

Yes; it was because the victim was white and a prole, which is fine with Democrats; they intend to murder that demographic if they win in November, by various means.
they want revenge/etc

Yes; they want revenge for their own self-inflicted dystopia. They're surrounded by so many 'refugees' who literally came from living in mud and straw huts to America and made something of themselves, like the Indian, Nigerian, Chinese, and Kenyan engineers I worked with for decades, and have no excuses for their dope slinging, gang banging, hood rat 'culture', illiteracy, and violent feral animal mentality. They need to kill Whitey for abandoning them and giving them their own cities and school systems in the 1960's and 1970's; we did them wrong to leave them to rule themselves.
The suspect that was caught on video pulling a man out of his truck in Portland and beating on him till he was unconscious has been arrested. Be interesting to hear what his defense for that will be and if either Biden or Harris have any comment on it.
Portland police arrest truck attack suspect Marquise Love, jail records show | Fox News

What I don't understand is why he wasn't charged with attempted murder for kicking him in the head. Can anyone explain that?

Yes; it was because the victim was white and a prole, which is fine with Democrats; they intend to murder that demographic if they win in November, by various means.
they want revenge/etc

Yes; they want revenge for their own self-inflicted dystopia. They're surrounded by so many 'refugees' who literally came from living in mud and straw huts to America and made something of themselves, like the Indian, Nigerian, Chinese, and Kenyan engineers I worked with for decades, and have no excuses for their dope slinging, gang banging, hood rat 'culture', illiteracy, and violent feral animal mentality. They need to kill Whitey for abandoning them and giving them their own cities and school systems in the 1960's and 1970's; we did them wrong to leave them to rule themselves.
..they are like the shithead Palestinians
This piece of crap needs to be sent away for a long time.

THIS is good to see. Thanks for the post.
This piece of crap needs to be sent away for a long time.

The guy actually had the audacity to claim that he was " just in a fight" with the guy that was dragged from his truck. Apparently, he thinks that coming up on some very dazed guy on the ground and kicking him with all your might, is fighting. Newsflash to the guy, if the guy you are kicking, isn't striking back at all, he isn't fighting, he's just being a victim. Also, as for kicking people in the head, it can and has killed people. Kicking people that are down and not fighting, as well as sucker-punching them, are the acts of cowards. He should be charged with attempted murder.
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Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

Most of what is dropped are minor things that they can't really make stick, like disorderly conduct. Assault like this is a whole 'other level. It's like what happened in Charlottesville - a lot of the violence ended up not being prosecuted, but the guy that drove the truck into the crowd most certainly will be prosecuted. I think for the minor stuff - getting thrown in jail for the night is traumatic enough to make a lasting impression for many.
Never underestimate to ability of a liberal prosecutor or a biased, liberal-activist judge to exonerate a Marxist asshole for assault and battery...or even murder.
This piece of crap needs to be sent away for a long time.

He needs to be made an example of... A public hanging would be to good for him..
This piece of crap needs to be sent away for a long time.

BLM is just like any other strength in number gang... welfare dependent groupthink punks.
That negro should be hanged in the public square. Let's have a good old fashion lynching to send the message to other violent protesters, negro and white alike, that violence will not work, and the only ones who will benefit from it are those who will be rid of the negro and white monkeyfucks who perpetrate it.

At the very least, this piece of shit needs to have his teeth kicked into another time zone...
Thank you for a truely disgusting reminder of what we used to be like. Just sad that the “used to be” isn’t as “used to be” as I thought.
This piece of crap needs to be sent away for a long time.

BLM is just like any other strength in number gang... welfare dependent groupthink punks.
Please be sure you move your reply OUTSIDE of the quote markers. Changing anothers written post will get you banned.
That negro should be hanged in the public square. Let's have a good old fashion lynching to send the message to other violent protesters, negro and white alike, that violence will not work, and the only ones who will benefit from it are those who will be rid of the negro and white monkeyfucks who perpetrate it.

At the very least, this piece of shit needs to have his teeth kicked into another time zone...
Thank you for a truely disgusting reminder of what we used to be like. Just sad that the “used to be” isn’t as “used to be” as I thought.

Sorry, but there should be no mercy for this scumbag animal. I'm sure you care about this animals feelings, and you hope he's treated well and coddled and counseled.

He deserves no of that. He deserves nothing which a decent society provides.

I hope he dies in front of his mother...
This piece of crap needs to be sent away for a long time.

From what I understand he turned himself in.

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