Portland truck attack suspect arrested

Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.

That's not true. Vigilantism arises when there is a breakdown in the criminal justice system. In the old west the vigilance committees were very well controlled. They would spring into existence when the law would do nothing because either there was none, or the law was cowardly, or, in more extreme cases the law was corrupted. The San Francisco experience in eliminating the Sydney Ducks as one example, and the citizenry killing the sheriff up in Montana when it was found he was the leader of a gang of criminals.

In Portland we are watching as a corrupt legal system releases violent felons to go back out and attack the community. Eventually the community will have enough and they will react. Aren't you in the slightest bit concerned about that?
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

Most of what is dropped are minor things that they can't really make stick, like disorderly conduct. Assault like this is a whole 'other level. It's like what happened in Charlottesville - a lot of the violence ended up not being prosecuted, but the guy that drove the truck into the crowd most certainly will be prosecuted. I think for the minor stuff - getting thrown in jail for the night is traumatic enough to make a lasting impression for many.
Never underestimate to ability of a liberal prosecutor or a biased, liberal-activist judge to exonerate a Marxist asshole for assault and battery...or even murder.

But we just watched them do exactly that. How is it possible for you to WATCH it happen in front of you and not acknowledge that it is?
This piece of crap needs to be sent away for a long time.

From what I understand he turned himself in.

What possible difference should that make?
I wonder also who the guy was, was it a member of the Proud Boys.

A right-wing "flag wave" event in downtown Portland on Saturday ended with a far-right protester firing two gunshots into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators.
Seaside, Ore., resident and conservative activist Haley Adams advertised her Aug. 15 "Rally Against Domestic Terrorism" as a "flag wave" and stressed the group's intent to remain peaceful. About 25 people attended the rally in front of the Multnomah County Justice Center.
This reporter saw several members of the protest arrive with weaponry—they open-carried a Scorpion 9 mm carbine and an AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle. Others held Mace, paintball guns and a 9 mm handgun.

The flag wave rally exchanged chants and taunts for approximately an hour with a group of Black Lives Matter protesters before Adams' group embarked on a march through downtown Portland. Counterprotesters followed closely, and there was a small exchange of violence between the two groups: Flag wave protesters were seen Macing BLM protesters and shooting them with paintball rounds and hard plastic pellets. Counterprotesters returned fire with Mace and Silly String.

Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

Most of what is dropped are minor things that they can't really make stick, like disorderly conduct. Assault like this is a whole 'other level. It's like what happened in Charlottesville - a lot of the violence ended up not being prosecuted, but the guy that drove the truck into the crowd most certainly will be prosecuted. I think for the minor stuff - getting thrown in jail for the night is traumatic enough to make a lasting impression for many.
Never underestimate to ability of a liberal prosecutor or a biased, liberal-activist judge to exonerate a Marxist asshole for assault and battery...or even murder.
The suspect that was caught on video pulling a man out of his truck in Portland and beating on him till he was unconscious has been arrested. Be interesting to hear what his defense for that will be and if either Biden or Harris have any comment on it.
Portland police arrest truck attack suspect Marquise Love, jail records show | Fox News

This is something, but

1. it should be more. Even the people at the scene thought he killed the guy.

2. it was not just him. everyone that attacked him, was guilty of rioting and assault. Indeed, the people that were robbing the white trannie, the people that were running after the truck, the people that held him there for no cause, ect. everyone who was fucking RIOTING, should be charged with fucking RIOTING.
That negro should be hanged in the public square. Let's have a good old fashion lynching to send the message to other violent protesters, negro and white alike, that violence will not work, and the only ones who will benefit from it are those who will be rid of the negro and white monkeyfucks who perpetrate it.

At the very least, this piece of shit needs to have his teeth kicked into another time zone...
Thank you for a truely disgusting reminder of what we used to be like. Just sad that the “used to be” isn’t as “used to be” as I thought.

If the police are not only not doing their jobs, of protecting us, then we will have to do it ourselves.

that is the way it used to be done, before police.
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.

That's not true. Vigilantism arises when there is a breakdown in the criminal justice system. In the old west the vigilance committees were very well controlled. They would spring into existence when the law would do nothing because either there was none, or the law was cowardly, or, in more extreme cases the law was corrupted. The San Francisco experience in eliminating the Sydney Ducks as one example, and the citizenry killing the sheriff up in Montana when it was found he was the leader of a gang of criminals.

In Portland we are watching as a corrupt legal system releases violent felons to go back out and attack the community. Eventually the community will have enough and they will react. Aren't you in the slightest bit concerned about that?

And at least one case where they arrested a man for defending himself.

This is worse than the old west. Well I guess pretty close to the montana sheriff you mention.
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

This piece of crap needs to be sent away for a long time.

From what I understand he turned himself in.

What possible difference should that make?
Quite a bit when it comes to a voluntary versus involuntary arrest.
That negro should be hanged in the public square. Let's have a good old fashion lynching to send the message to other violent protesters, negro and white alike, that violence will not work, and the only ones who will benefit from it are those who will be rid of the negro and white monkeyfucks who perpetrate it.

At the very least, this piece of shit needs to have his teeth kicked into another time zone...

No, CS; you are NOT DemoKKKrats. Just the Law applied justly is what is asked for by Republicans AND us furreners alike.

I cannot understand that level of hatred that a person would just kick a defenseless person sitting on the ground.

They are psychopaths ....very sick creatures.

We want justice! we want to see these criminals punished!

Definitely....they have been indoctrinated into the stupidity that anyone who does not agree with them is a evil racist deserving of death and even more insane they think they are morally superior...not even to mention completely saturated with TDS.
Oh happy days, the Portland Police are finally doing their job.
Maybe if they had dome their job earlier the poor dude would not have been kicked in the head in the first place
Oh happy days, the Portland Police are finally doing their job.
Maybe if they had dome their job earlier the poor dude would not have been kicked in the head in the first place

Exactly.....the police not being allowed to do their job encouraged the mob and they even began to believe they were above the law as if doing the work of Satan was acceptable.
I cannot understand that level of hatred that a person would just kick a defenseless person sitting on the ground.

You mean a guy who just tried to run them over with a truck?
....you have been posting crap for a long time---this is another example-makes your other arguments crap
..you've discredited yourself--like using the word ''racist'' too many times--we laugh at your posts

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