Portland truck attack suspect arrested

I cannot understand that level of hatred that a person would just kick a defenseless person sitting on the ground.

You mean a guy who just tried to run them over with a truck?
....you have been posting crap for a long time---this is another example-makes your other arguments crap
..you've discredited yourself--like using the word ''racist'' too many times--we laugh at your posts

Has the idiot ever been right about anything?

I might make him an offer....come to the race track with me....then I would do the opposite of what he says and always win. hehheh
This piece of crap needs to be sent away for a long time.

From what I understand he turned himself in.

Well then, that is different, they need to drop the charges and have the victim apologize. :rolleyes-41:
I cannot understand that level of hatred that a person would just kick a defenseless person sitting on the ground.

You mean a guy who just tried to run them over with a truck?
....you have been posting crap for a long time---this is another example-makes your other arguments crap
..you've discredited yourself--like using the word ''racist'' too many times--we laugh at your posts

Has the idiot ever been right about anything?

I might make him an offer....come to the race track with me....then I would do the opposite of what he says and always win. hehheh
like George Costanza doing the opposite
I wonder also who the guy was, was it a member of the Proud Boys.

A right-wing "flag wave" event in downtown Portland on Saturday ended with a far-right protester firing two gunshots into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators.
Seaside, Ore., resident and conservative activist Haley Adams advertised her Aug. 15 "Rally Against Domestic Terrorism" as a "flag wave" and stressed the group's intent to remain peaceful. About 25 people attended the rally in front of the Multnomah County Justice Center.
This reporter saw several members of the protest arrive with weaponry—they open-carried a Scorpion 9 mm carbine and an AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle. Others held Mace, paintball guns and a 9 mm handgun.

The flag wave rally exchanged chants and taunts for approximately an hour with a group of Black Lives Matter protesters before Adams' group embarked on a march through downtown Portland. Counterprotesters followed closely, and there was a small exchange of violence between the two groups: Flag wave protesters were seen Macing BLM protesters and shooting them with paintball rounds and hard plastic pellets. Counterprotesters returned fire with Mace and Silly String.

There is nothing peaceful in the riots every night. Spin it all you want, downplay the left wing’s part, it is all good however you are a hateful bigot and just plain wrong. There is right wing violence occurring, however most of the violence is coming from the left and that is documented well. So spin all you want however most of America is smarter than you and not buying your BS.

BTW, Willamette Weekly is a far left bias news source and is more editorial than fact. For a person that cries and cries over sources, you are a hypocrite in this regard and dishonest.
The report was on Russian RT and FOX News — FOX said the event happened “just a few blocks away” from a BLM protest ... in other words NOT part of whatever “protest” they are talking about. Every asshole in America is taking pictures of every other asshole doing stupid shit — in this case utterly criminal shit — and then blaming BLM, or whoever they hate. FOX videos and reports of “BLM” criminals like this, and looters as being BLM “activists,” is just not credible to me, but of course asshole criminals may claim to be innocent BLM protesters to get sympathy.

That asshole should and no doubt will be prosecuted. He apparently has a record, including domestic violence, and the guy he attacked claims he was helping a transgender person (a BLM person?). The bad guy was identified by numerous community people, including no doubt supporters of BLM, before he was forced to “turn himself in.” Most if not all BLM organizers and activists in Portland are no doubt horrified by such criminality. You won’t hear on FOX any interviews with those BLM people who denounce such violence. Obviously.
That negro should be hanged in the public square. Let's have a good old fashion lynching to send the message to other violent protesters, negro and white alike, that violence will not work, and the only ones who will benefit from it are those who will be rid of the negro and white monkeyfucks who perpetrate it.

At the very least, this piece of shit needs to have his teeth kicked into another time zone...
Thank you for a truely disgusting reminder of what we used to be like. Just sad that the “used to be” isn’t as “used to be” as I thought.
What are we like when he's pulling innocent people out of their vehicles, kicking their ass, then coming back for a stomp on the head cause he's white?

While I certainly don't excuse what this poster said, I certainly do not excuse the actions that led up to him saying it.

We agree he needs to go through our court system. Good. But his behavior was far worse than some internet warrior talking tough.
The report was on Russian RT and FOX News — FOX said the event happened “just a few blocks away” from a BLM protest ... in other words NOT part of whatever “protest” they are talking about. Every asshole in America is taking pictures of every other asshole doing stupid shit — in this case utterly criminal shit — and then blaming BLM, or whoever they hate. FOX videos and reports of “BLM” criminals like this, and looters as being BLM “activists,” is just not credible to me, but of course asshole criminals may claim to be innocent BLM protesters to get sympathy.

That asshole should and no doubt will be prosecuted. He apparently has a record, including domestic violence, and the guy he attacked claims he was helping a transgender person (a BLM person?). The bad guy was identified by numerous community people, including no doubt supporters of BLM, before he was forced to “turn himself in.” Most if not all BLM organizers and activists in Portland are no doubt horrified by such criminality. You won’t hear on FOX any interviews with those BLM people who denounce such violence. Obviously.

He was wearing a vest that said "Security" on the back. So who was he working security for (and I use that word loosely) if not BLM or Antifa?
This piece of crap needs to be sent away for a long time.

He should have went up to him and asked if they could be friends and learn MMA together.
The report was on Russian RT and FOX News — FOX said the event happened “just a few blocks away” from a BLM protest ... in other words NOT part of whatever “protest” they are talking about. Every asshole in America is taking pictures of every other asshole doing stupid shit — in this case utterly criminal shit — and then blaming BLM, or whoever they hate. FOX videos and reports of “BLM” criminals like this, and looters as being BLM “activists,” is just not credible to me, but of course asshole criminals may claim to be innocent BLM protesters to get sympathy.

That asshole should and no doubt will be prosecuted. He apparently has a record, including domestic violence, and the guy he attacked claims he was helping a transgender person (a BLM person?). The bad guy was identified by numerous community people, including no doubt supporters of BLM, before he was forced to “turn himself in.” Most if not all BLM organizers and activists in Portland are no doubt horrified by such criminality. You won’t hear on FOX any interviews with those BLM people who denounce such violence. Obviously.

He was wearing a vest that said "Security" on the back. So who was he working security for (and I use that word loosely) if not BLM or Antifa?
So now any asshole who buys a vest that reads “SECURITY” is automatically working to establish security? And this “security” has to be interpreted as being for BLM too? Even though he was blocks away from a reported protest? This just seems to show how gullible you are, how easy it is for criminal elements or even paid provocateurs to instigate violence, and then have it broadcast as BLM or Antifa or pro-Democrat ... by Russian trolls or FOX news.

I don’t really bother watching all the unending coverage of violence, looting or fistfights in parking lots over MAGA hats, nuts spewing racist epithets or liberal loons fighting over pronouns on campuses. This is all, pro and con, used in utterly propagandistic ways. Everything now is filmed on somebody’s phone and fed into the mass media spin machine.
That negro should be hanged in the public square. Let's have a good old fashion lynching to send the message to other violent protesters, negro and white alike, that violence will not work, and the only ones who will benefit from it are those who will be rid of the negro and white monkeyfucks who perpetrate it.

At the very least, this piece of shit needs to have his teeth kicked into another time zone...
Thank you for a truely disgusting reminder of what we used to be like. Just sad that the “used to be” isn’t as “used to be” as I thought.
What are we like when he's pulling innocent people out of their vehicles, kicking their ass, then coming back for a stomp on the head cause he's white?

While I certainly don't excuse what this poster said, I certainly do not excuse the actions that led up to him saying it.

We agree he needs to go through our court system. Good. But his behavior was far worse than some internet warrior talking tough.

That doesn’t excuse it. Given the overall mood of the country racist rhetoric like that, that has a solid foundation of action in our history isn’t helpful. Why go round Robin Hood’s barn to excuse it because that is effectively what you did? The behavior of the man who who pulled him from the car is inexcusable. But why add to it? I don’t see why.
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.
That negro should be hanged in the public square. Let's have a good old fashion lynching to send the message to other violent protesters, negro and white alike, that violence will not work, and the only ones who will benefit from it are those who will be rid of the negro and white monkeyfucks who perpetrate it.

At the very least, this piece of shit needs to have his teeth kicked into another time zone...
Thank you for a truely disgusting reminder of what we used to be like. Just sad that the “used to be” isn’t as “used to be” as I thought.
What are we like when he's pulling innocent people out of their vehicles, kicking their ass, then coming back for a stomp on the head cause he's white?

While I certainly don't excuse what this poster said, I certainly do not excuse the actions that led up to him saying it.

We agree he needs to go through our court system. Good. But his behavior was far worse than some internet warrior talking tough.

That doesn’t excuse it. Given the overall mood of the country racist rhetoric like that, that has a solid foundation of action in our history isn’t helpful. Why go round Robin Hood’s barn to excuse it because that is effectively what you did? The behavior of the man who who pulled him from the car is inexcusable. But why add to it? I don’t see why.

"Inexcusable"? That's how you define that chimpanzee's actions?

As for being "helpful", that ship has sailed. When you have monkeys like this attacking some innocent guy, and doing so with such vunbridled violence, "helpful" isn't the first thing I'm thinkin' about being.

But, please, weep for the BLM animal...
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

People, white people, are being arrested for defending themselves. The law, the legal system has been corrupted by democrats.

The cops are protecting the mobs from the people and working with them to help them break the law.
His 5'9" 160 lb ass is going to see some heavy traffic in the big house.

Fuck this guy. Drop him out of a helicopter into the next 'protest' for all I care. Whatever he gets he bought and paid for himself.
That negro should be hanged in the public square. Let's have a good old fashion lynching to send the message to other violent protesters, negro and white alike, that violence will not work, and the only ones who will benefit from it are those who will be rid of the negro and white monkeyfucks who perpetrate it.

At the very least, this piece of shit needs to have his teeth kicked into another time zone...
Thank you for a truely disgusting reminder of what we used to be like. Just sad that the “used to be” isn’t as “used to be” as I thought.
What are we like when he's pulling innocent people out of their vehicles, kicking their ass, then coming back for a stomp on the head cause he's white?

While I certainly don't excuse what this poster said, I certainly do not excuse the actions that led up to him saying it.

We agree he needs to go through our court system. Good. But his behavior was far worse than some internet warrior talking tough.

That doesn’t excuse it. Given the overall mood of the country racist rhetoric like that, that has a solid foundation of action in our history isn’t helpful. Why go round Robin Hood’s barn to excuse it because that is effectively what you did? The behavior of the man who who pulled him from the car is inexcusable. But why add to it? I don’t see why.

That negro should be hanged in the public square. Let's have a good old fashion lynching to send the message to other violent protesters, negro and white alike, that violence will not work, and the only ones who will benefit from it are those who will be rid of the negro and white monkeyfucks who perpetrate it.

At the very least, this piece of shit needs to have his teeth kicked into another time zone...
Thank you for a truely disgusting reminder of what we used to be like. Just sad that the “used to be” isn’t as “used to be” as I thought.
What are we like when he's pulling innocent people out of their vehicles, kicking their ass, then coming back for a stomp on the head cause he's white?

While I certainly don't excuse what this poster said, I certainly do not excuse the actions that led up to him saying it.

We agree he needs to go through our court system. Good. But his behavior was far worse than some internet warrior talking tough.

That doesn’t excuse it. Given the overall mood of the country racist rhetoric like that, that has a solid foundation of action in our history isn’t helpful. Why go round Robin Hood’s barn to excuse it because that is effectively what you did? The behavior of the man who who pulled him from the car is inexcusable. But why add to it? I don’t see why.
I think it's stupid, but if you can understand why people are out hurting others for 5heir social causes, I can understand why people will get mad and call them hateful names.
I'll bet you haven't seen the video. Am I right?

I have. My point still stands. Those people are damned angry, like someone just tried to run them down with a truck.

He was wearing a vest that said "Security" on the back. So who was he working security for (and I use that word loosely) if not BLM or Antifa?

Could be anyone. Could be a club downtown..

What we don't know is why these people started chasing down the truck, or what he did to provoke them.
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.

That's not true. Vigilantism arises when there is a breakdown in the criminal justice system. In the old west the vigilance committees were very well controlled. They would spring into existence when the law would do nothing because either there was none, or the law was cowardly, or, in more extreme cases the law was corrupted. The San Francisco experience in eliminating the Sydney Ducks as one example, and the citizenry killing the sheriff up in Montana when it was found he was the leader of a gang of criminals.

In Portland we are watching as a corrupt legal system releases violent felons to go back out and attack the community. Eventually the community will have enough and they will react. Aren't you in the slightest bit concerned about that?

That is only partly true. Vigilantism arises when citizens decide to take the law in their own hands. It is nothing more than mob justice and lawlessness. And it is what those people innacted when they pulled the guy from the car because he was white. Vigilantism is what killed Ahmed Arbery.

By definition: Vigilantism is the act of enacting perceived justice summarily and without legal authority.

Here are examples:

This one, is along the lines of how you define it: Ken McElroy - Wikipedia

But lynchings are also vigilantism. In fact they are a common tool of it.

This too is vigilantism: Strange Fruit: Anniversary Of A Lynching

Once a mob or individual starts operating outside the law...there is no justice.
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.

That's not true. Vigilantism arises when there is a breakdown in the criminal justice system. In the old west the vigilance committees were very well controlled. They would spring into existence when the law would do nothing because either there was none, or the law was cowardly, or, in more extreme cases the law was corrupted. The San Francisco experience in eliminating the Sydney Ducks as one example, and the citizenry killing the sheriff up in Montana when it was found he was the leader of a gang of criminals.

In Portland we are watching as a corrupt legal system releases violent felons to go back out and attack the community. Eventually the community will have enough and they will react. Aren't you in the slightest bit concerned about that?

That is only partly true. Vigilantism arises when citizens decide to take the law in their own hands. It is nothing more than mob justice and lawlessness. And it is what those people innacted when they pulled the guy from the car because he was white. Vigilantism is what killed Ahmed Arbery.

By definition: Vigilantism is the act of enacting perceived justice summarily and without legal authority.

Here are examples:

This one, is along the lines of how you define it: Ken McElroy - Wikipedia

But lynchings are also vigilantism. In fact they are a common tool of it.

This too is vigilantism: Strange Fruit: Anniversary Of A Lynching

Once a mob or individual starts operating outside the law...there is no justice.
Justice is coming to those who choose to do this.

I care much more about their actions than those calling the names from the sidelines.

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