Portland truck attack suspect arrested

I'll bet you haven't seen the video. Am I right?

I have. My point still stands. Those people are damned angry, like someone just tried to run them down with a truck.

He was wearing a vest that said "Security" on the back. So who was he working security for (and I use that word loosely) if not BLM or Antifa?

Could be anyone. Could be a club downtown..

What we don't know is why these people started chasing down the truck, or what he did to provoke them.
You should watch the video. We know exactly why he was attacked. Democrats were robbing a transgender person and he stuck up for her, so they attacked him next.
This piece of crap needs to be sent away for a long time.

Never saw a "protest" that looked like that before! Where was the protest? Back in my day, we used to call those mobs of civil unrest!
I'll bet you haven't seen the video. Am I right?

I have. My point still stands. Those people are damned angry, like someone just tried to run them down with a truck.

He was wearing a vest that said "Security" on the back. So who was he working security for (and I use that word loosely) if not BLM or Antifa?

Could be anyone. Could be a club downtown..

What we don't know is why these people started chasing down the truck, or what he did to provoke them.

Actually, we do.

A trans-gender woman was being harrassed and attacked by BLM monkeys. Then this white guy had the audacity to try to stop it, so they turned on him.

The only good BLM money is a dead BLM monkey...
The report was on Russian RT and FOX News — FOX said the event happened “just a few blocks away” from a BLM protest ... in other words NOT part of whatever “protest” they are talking about. Every asshole in America is taking pictures of every other asshole doing stupid shit — in this case utterly criminal shit — and then blaming BLM, or whoever they hate. FOX videos and reports of “BLM” criminals like this, and looters as being BLM “activists,” is just not credible to me, but of course asshole criminals may claim to be innocent BLM protesters to get sympathy.

That asshole should and no doubt will be prosecuted. He apparently has a record, including domestic violence, and the guy he attacked claims he was helping a transgender person (a BLM person?). The bad guy was identified by numerous community people, including no doubt supporters of BLM, before he was forced to “turn himself in.” Most if not all BLM organizers and activists in Portland are no doubt horrified by such criminality. You won’t hear on FOX any interviews with those BLM people who denounce such violence. Obviously.

He was wearing a vest that said "Security" on the back. So who was he working security for (and I use that word loosely) if not BLM or Antifa?
So now any asshole who buys a vest that reads “SECURITY” is automatically working to establish security? And this “security” has to be interpreted as being for BLM too? Even though he was blocks away from a reported protest? This just seems to show how gullible you are, how easy it is for criminal elements or even paid provocateurs to instigate violence, and then have it broadcast as BLM or Antifa or pro-Democrat ... by Russian trolls or FOX news.

I don’t really bother watching all the unending coverage of violence, looting or fistfights in parking lots over MAGA hats, nuts spewing racist epithets or liberal loons fighting over pronouns on campuses. This is all, pro and con, used in utterly propagandistic ways. Everything now is filmed on somebody’s phone and fed into the mass media spin machine.
You arent REALLY trying to imply this guy wasnt "protesting" for BLM, are you? That would be fucking insane and also a very dumb move to make in a debate with rational people.
This guy is in custody? That's great news.

Now if the Portland prosecutors that don't seem to want to prosecute anyone can be overcome and the Portland judges who don't want to sentence anyone justice will finally be done.

I'm hoping and praying this perfect storm of a criminal event will finally result with some Antifa
gangster doing big prison time for his subhuman deed.
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

Tell your fucking politicians to enforce the law and stop playing this defund the police as they loot and murder and burn

When the law is not enforced you will eventually cause citizens of this country to deal with these assholes themselves

DNC politicians have thrown gas on the fire.......IGNORED LAWLESSNESS. and threatened the police for doing their jobs.................BS.

Put them on a dang leash then;......and enforce the damned law........or the people of this country will deal with this shit eventually;
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

When the government through corruption, or incompetence, refuses to protect the people, the people WILL, protect themselves.

That is simple reality.

And why do you inject race into this? Race has NOTHING to do with desiring to protect your family.
The suspect that was caught on video pulling a man out of his truck in Portland and beating on him till he was unconscious has been arrested. Be interesting to hear what his defense for that will be and if either Biden or Harris have any comment on it.
Portland police arrest truck attack suspect Marquise Love, jail records show | Fox News
Biden has condemned the violence at some of the protests many times. The guy was arrested right away and is facing the consequences. What more are you looking for?
George Floyd was killed on the 26th of May. The officer involved was arrested the 29th.

Yet protests -- riots -- continue.

What more are you looking for?
Assault like this is a whole 'other level.
Right, of course. And he was arrested right away and will face the consequences.. The white wingers... always trying to sift through the mountain of justice in their face to find some injustice, so they can claim to be victims...
Obviously, the driver was racist for getting almost killed.

He deserved it, right?
Seems to me that the better approach to confrontimg the animals directly is to confront the politicians who are turning a blind eye and supporting it. They need to fear the targets of blm and antifa violence more than they fear blm and antifa.
.....don't be fooled by the stupid shit like BLM is peaceful/he doesn't represent BLM/etc
..that other BLM bitch who's son was shooting at people, and the cops killed him, said all that VIOLENT crap about cops
..BLM want's to KILL whites

..BLM said looting was ok
blacks are sympathetic to this BASTARD/looting/violence

THIS is BLM--violent/etc AND they have no argument--their reason for protesting is idiotic
It's all about the violence and FREE SHIT!!!

Makes me wonder why anybody in their right mind would ever vote or contribute to the sponsoring Democrat Party.
The report was on Russian RT and FOX News — FOX said the event happened “just a few blocks away” from a BLM protest ... in other words NOT part of whatever “protest” they are talking about. Every asshole in America is taking pictures of every other asshole doing stupid shit — in this case utterly criminal shit — and then blaming BLM, or whoever they hate. FOX videos and reports of “BLM” criminals like this, and looters as being BLM “activists,” is just not credible to me, but of course asshole criminals may claim to be innocent BLM protesters to get sympathy.

That asshole should and no doubt will be prosecuted. He apparently has a record, including domestic violence, and the guy he attacked claims he was helping a transgender person (a BLM person?). The bad guy was identified by numerous community people, including no doubt supporters of BLM, before he was forced to “turn himself in.” Most if not all BLM organizers and activists in Portland are no doubt horrified by such criminality. You won’t hear on FOX any interviews with those BLM people who denounce such violence. Obviously.

He was wearing a vest that said "Security" on the back. So who was he working security for (and I use that word loosely) if not BLM or Antifa?
So now any asshole who buys a vest that reads “SECURITY” is automatically working to establish security? And this “security” has to be interpreted as being for BLM too?

In this case, yes. There were armed guys in the Seattle CHAZ walking around with vests and shirts with "security" on the back so it's no stretch to assume this guy is with BLM. Besides, Andy Ngo has a pic of this clown from some other place and time wearing a Black Lives Matter T-shirt. Also, there is a longer video (32 minutes) that includes 20 minutes or so leading up to the initial Haner assault. During the first 3 minutes the video shows Love and two other goons escorting some guy out of a park.

I don't know why this is so hard for you to accept. We already know that known members of BLM and Antifa have assaulted people during these protests and during the occupation.

Even though he was blocks away from a reported protest? This just seems to show how gullible you are, how easy it is for criminal elements or even paid provocateurs to instigate violence, and then have it broadcast as BLM or Antifa or pro-Democrat ... by Russian trolls or FOX news.

If there is no evidence that Love is with BLM then there is also no evidence that it was instigated by paid provocateurs. You can't have it both ways.

I don’t really bother watching all the unending coverage of violence, looting or fistfights in parking lots over MAGA hats, nuts spewing racist epithets or liberal loons fighting over pronouns on campuses. This is all, pro and con, used in utterly propagandistic ways. Everything now is filmed on somebody’s phone and fed into the mass media spin machine.

Like when they spin it as staged or instigated conflicts by paid provocateurs?
This piece of crap needs to be sent away for a long time.

From what I understand he turned himself in.
What possible difference should that make?
Quite a bit when it comes to a voluntary versus involuntary arrest.
We all know that he only turned himself in so that his punishment won't be as severe, but it could still be a rather lengthy prison sentence that he is slapped with when he knew very well that what he was doing is wrong.

God bless you and his victim always!!!

I'll bet you haven't seen the video. Am I right?

I have. My point still stands.

So if you watched the video then you must have noticed that they swarmed his truck as soon as he got in and started it. You also must have noticed that as he was trying to drive away, he kept honking his horn and moving in fits and starts so as not to run over anyone. Once it was clear there was no one in front of the truck, that's when he gunned it and drove off.

You noticed all this, right?

Those people are damned angry, like someone just tried to run them down with a truck.

Or they were just damned angry about something else entirely.

I've watched the full 32 minute video, including the 20 minutes leading up to the moment where they surround Haner's truck. The whole thing started with them (Love and his goons) chasing a guy out of the park. They assaulted him in the street and he was running from them and ended up running through the crowd in front of the 7-Eleven.
The transgender person was part of this crowd along with a couple of friends and for some reason I can't figure out, their focus went from the guy they chased from the park to this transgender person. They started arguing with her and at various times spit on her, hit her, took her skateboard and then her backpack.
Haner was there the whole time, mostly in the background drinking a beer and smoking. Occasionally he would step in and say something to one of the people harassing the transgender woman and generally seemed to be trying to calm things down.
Then, when he gets in his truck and starts it, that's when they swarmed the truck. I don't even know why because they never acted aggressively towards him the whole time he was there up to this point.

He was wearing a vest that said "Security" on the back. So who was he working security for (and I use that word loosely) if not BLM or Antifa?

Could be anyone. Could be a club downtown..

What we don't know is why these people started chasing down the truck, or what he did to provoke them.

He didn't do anything to provoke them. The video made that clear.

Here's something else, in Love's tweet after the incident he says "Might go to jail for murder tonight for a racist when all I did was fight him..."

So in spite of the fact that Love had no interaction with Haner before Haner tried to leave, he deemed him a racist. Why?
The report was on Russian RT and FOX News — FOX said the event happened “just a few blocks away” from a BLM protest ... in other words NOT part of whatever “protest” they are talking about. Every asshole in America is taking pictures of every other asshole doing stupid shit — in this case utterly criminal shit — and then blaming BLM, or whoever they hate. FOX videos and reports of “BLM” criminals like this, and looters as being BLM “activists,” is just not credible to me, but of course asshole criminals may claim to be innocent BLM protesters to get sympathy.

That asshole should and no doubt will be prosecuted. He apparently has a record, including domestic violence, and the guy he attacked claims he was helping a transgender person (a BLM person?). The bad guy was identified by numerous community people, including no doubt supporters of BLM, before he was forced to “turn himself in.” Most if not all BLM organizers and activists in Portland are no doubt horrified by such criminality. You won’t hear on FOX any interviews with those BLM people who denounce such violence. Obviously.

He was wearing a vest that said "Security" on the back. So who was he working security for (and I use that word loosely) if not BLM or Antifa?
So now any asshole who buys a vest that reads “SECURITY” is automatically working to establish security? And this “security” has to be interpreted as being for BLM too? Even though he was blocks away from a reported protest? This just seems to show how gullible you are, how easy it is for criminal elements or even paid provocateurs to instigate violence, and then have it broadcast as BLM or Antifa or pro-Democrat ... by Russian trolls or FOX news.

I don’t really bother watching all the unending coverage of violence, looting or fistfights in parking lots over MAGA hats, nuts spewing racist epithets or liberal loons fighting over pronouns on campuses. This is all, pro and con, used in utterly propagandistic ways. Everything now is filmed on somebody’s phone and fed into the mass media spin machine.
You arent REALLY trying to imply this guy wasnt "protesting" for BLM, are you? That would be fucking insane and also a very dumb move to make in a debate with rational people.
I’m not sure how sane you are! Personally, I have no idea if this criminal dipshit called himself a supporter of BLM — or a supporter of MLK or Malcolm X for that matter. The culprit looks to me like an ordinary white or minority criminal, a paid or (more likely) unpaid provocateur. What he did should be fully prosecuted. For all I know the defenseless guy who supposedly stopped to help a “transgendered” victim of a supposed robbery ... was himself a BLM sympathizer. No leading activist of BLM has supported either such robberies or this type of wanton violence against innocents.

Indeed, it is well known that the earliest national BLM organizers were largely gay women who went out of their way to express the new movement’s solidarity with the LGB and transgender movements. The Portland “Mothers,” just like millions of minority and liberal white sympathizers of BLM, are usually the last sort of people one would associate with this kind of thuggery. Looters are also no more examples of what the huge BLM demonstrations in cities stood for than the riots in ghettos in the late 1960s examples of what the Civil Rights Movement or MLK stood for. Handling protests and even riots are usually best left up to local community cops. It is certainly not up to hotheads watching TV with a political ax to grind, or to our conman in the White House. This particular asshole was rightly sought by the local authorities, fingered by community people, and is now in prison. He will get a trial and then there will be one less violent punk on the streets. The local authorities call in outside help if they feel it is needed, not if you feel it is needed. Simple.
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Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

When the government through corruption, or incompetence, refuses to protect the people, the people WILL, protect themselves.

That is simple reality.

And why do you inject race into this? Race has NOTHING to do with desiring to protect your family.

Any one with a knowledge of history knows race has been a factor and outside of race. .many innocent people have been murdered by vigilante "justice". Who gives you tbe right to be judge jury and executioner? What if you are wrong about the person you execute or beat up? What makes you any different then than the man who pulled the guy from the car and meted out his version of "justice"? And by the way...I didnt bring race into it. It was ALREADY brought in when someone pointed out the victim was white and the assaulter black.
.....don't be fooled by the stupid shit like BLM is peaceful/he doesn't represent BLM/etc
..that other BLM bitch who's son was shooting at people, and the cops killed him, said all that VIOLENT crap about cops
..BLM want's to KILL whites

..BLM said looting was ok
blacks are sympathetic to this BASTARD/looting/violence

THIS is BLM--violent/etc AND they have no argument--their reason for protesting is idiotic
It's all about the violence and FREE SHIT!!!

Makes me wonder why anybody in their right mind would ever vote or contribute to the sponsoring Democrat Party.
Or the Republican party.
Looters are also no more examples of what the huge BLM demonstrations in cities stood for than the riots in ghettos in the late 1960s examples of what the Civil Rights Movement or MLK stood for.

BLM, looters and rioters are one in the same.

Sorry if the truth hurts...
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

When the government through corruption, or incompetence, refuses to protect the people, the people WILL, protect themselves.

That is simple reality.

And why do you inject race into this? Race has NOTHING to do with desiring to protect your family.

Any one with a knowledge of history knows race has been a factor and outside of race. .many innocent people have been murdered by vigilante "justice". Who gives you tbe right to be judge jury and executioner? What if you are wrong about the person you execute or beat up? What makes you any different then than the man who pulled the guy from the car and meted out his version of "justice"? And by the way...I didnt bring race into it. It was ALREADY brought in when someone pointed out the victim was white and the assaulter black.

yes---that DID involve race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and guess what??????!!!!!!!! the MSM never even mentioned it--a black ATTACKING a white--it was a HATE crime
..but when a black jackass RESISTING criminal dies from white cops--the MSM has it all about race--when race has NOTHING to do with it
.......we are not stupid ----the MSM/blacks/Dems are the stupid ones
UNDENIABLY a hate crime
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

When the government through corruption, or incompetence, refuses to protect the people, the people WILL, protect themselves.

That is simple reality.

And why do you inject race into this? Race has NOTHING to do with desiring to protect your family.

Any one with a knowledge of history knows race has been a factor and outside of race. .many innocent people have been murdered by vigilante "justice". Who gives you tbe right to be judge jury and executioner? What if you are wrong about the person you execute or beat up? What makes you any different then than the man who pulled the guy from the car and meted out his version of "justice"? And by the way...I didnt bring race into it. It was ALREADY brought in when someone pointed out the victim was white and the assaulter black.

Put them on a leash and ENFORCE THE LAW.............DNC politicians have allowed them to run rampant and even joined them.

They are violating their oaths of office and are failing to protect the property and business owners..........they have also failed to support the police.

When the politicians refuse to enforce the law............eventually the people will do so..........and defend themselves.............this is coming if they do not get their heads out of their asses...............you will see it if it continues............and I guarantee you that the law will no longer matter when it does...........

Tell your DNC pecker wood politicians to do their damned jobs.

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