Portland truck attack suspect arrested

.....don't be fooled by the stupid shit like BLM is peaceful/he doesn't represent BLM/etc
..that other BLM bitch who's son was shooting at people, and the cops killed him, said all that VIOLENT crap about cops
..BLM want's to KILL whites

..BLM said looting was ok
blacks are sympathetic to this BASTARD/looting/violence

THIS is BLM--violent/etc AND they have no argument--their reason for protesting is idiotic
It's all about the violence and FREE SHIT!!!

Makes me wonder why anybody in their right mind would ever vote or contribute to the sponsoring Democrat Party.
Or the Republican party.

In a world in which no issues are ALL WHITE OR ALL BLACK (no pun intended) -we are faced with a choice-----often "BAD" vs "GOOD" is a matter of more or less. ----right, coyote?
Last edited:
.....don't be fooled by the stupid shit like BLM is peaceful/he doesn't represent BLM/etc
..that other BLM bitch who's son was shooting at people, and the cops killed him, said all that VIOLENT crap about cops
..BLM want's to KILL whites

..BLM said looting was ok
blacks are sympathetic to this BASTARD/looting/violence

THIS is BLM--violent/etc AND they have no argument--their reason for protesting is idiotic
It's all about the violence and FREE SHIT!!!

Makes me wonder why anybody in their right mind would ever vote or contribute to the sponsoring Democrat Party.
Or the Republican party.
......the Republicans are not the ones being CRIMINALS and/or sympathizing with criminals--LOOOOOOOTING !! BURNING/etc
..the Rs are not attacking INNOCENT white people --kicking them in the head, STABBING them to death
....the Rs do not HATE America/whites/cops like the Dems do--plain and simple--don't try to babble crap it any other way
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

When the government through corruption, or incompetence, refuses to protect the people, the people WILL, protect themselves.

That is simple reality.

And why do you inject race into this? Race has NOTHING to do with desiring to protect your family.

Any one with a knowledge of history knows race has been a factor and outside of race. .many innocent people have been murdered by vigilante "justice". Who gives you tbe right to be judge jury and executioner? What if you are wrong about the person you execute or beat up? What makes you any different then than the man who pulled the guy from the car and meted out his version of "justice"? And by the way...I didnt bring race into it. It was ALREADY brought in when someone pointed out the victim was white and the assaulter black.

I have an extensive knowledge of history and the reality is the western vigilance committees were not racist in any way. The "victims" of their justice were overwhelmingly white.

I think instead of your very shallow history knowledge you should do some research on the subject. Elton mentioned the Sydney Ducks of San Francisco. These were 3,000 gang members, mainly from Australia, who during the 1850's would set fire to the neighborhoods of San Francisco and then loot them before the flames destroyed everything after the people who lived there had fled the flames. This went on for a number of years until the San Francisco vigilance committee formed and destroyed them.

No racism, just a bunch of hard working people who had had enough. Racism is the last cry of the ignorant. And that is born out by massive amounts of scholarly research that shows the western States vigilantes were far from racist.

YOU need to stop making ignorant claims.
The suspect that was caught on video pulling a man out of his truck in Portland and beating on him till he was unconscious has been arrested. Be interesting to hear what his defense for that will be and if either Biden or Harris have any comment on it.
Portland police arrest truck attack suspect Marquise Love, jail records show | Fox News
Biden has condemned the violence at some of the protests many times. The guy was arrested right away and is facing the consequences. What more are you looking for?
BEIJING joe does not condemn the violence he incites it...
The suspect that was caught on video pulling a man out of his truck in Portland and beating on him till he was unconscious has been arrested. Be interesting to hear what his defense for that will be and if either Biden or Harris have any comment on it.
Portland police arrest truck attack suspect Marquise Love, jail records show | Fox News
Biden has condemned the violence at some of the protests many times. The guy was arrested right away and is facing the consequences. What more are you looking for?
BEIJING joe does not condemn the violence he incites it...

I would use the term FACILITATES
The suspect that was caught on video pulling a man out of his truck in Portland and beating on him till he was unconscious has been arrested. Be interesting to hear what his defense for that will be and if either Biden or Harris have any comment on it.
Portland police arrest truck attack suspect Marquise Love, jail records show | Fox News
Biden has condemned the violence at some of the protests many times. The guy was arrested right away and is facing the consequences. What more are you looking for?
BEIJING joe does not condemn the violence he incites it...

I would use the term FACILITATES
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

When the government through corruption, or incompetence, refuses to protect the people, the people WILL, protect themselves.

That is simple reality.

And why do you inject race into this? Race has NOTHING to do with desiring to protect your family.

Any one with a knowledge of history knows race has been a factor and outside of race. .many innocent people have been murdered by vigilante "justice". Who gives you tbe right to be judge jury and executioner? What if you are wrong about the person you execute or beat up? What makes you any different then than the man who pulled the guy from the car and meted out his version of "justice"? And by the way...I didnt bring race into it. It was ALREADY brought in when someone pointed out the victim was white and the assaulter black.

I have an extensive knowledge of history and the reality is the western vigilance committees were not racist in any way. The "victims" of their justice were overwhelmingly white.

I think instead of your very shallow history knowledge you should do some research on the subject. Elton mentioned the Sydney Ducks of San Francisco. These were 3,000 gang members, mainly from Australia, who during the 1850's would set fire to the neighborhoods of San Francisco and then loot them before the flames destroyed everything after the people who lived there had fled the flames. This went on for a number of years until the San Francisco vigilance committee formed and destroyed them.

No racism, just a bunch of hard working people who had had enough. Racism is the last cry of the ignorant. And that is born out by massive amounts of scholarly research that shows the western States vigilantes were far from racist.

YOU need to stop making ignorant claims.

Australians??? sheeeeesh like today's "latin" street gangs. SHEEEEEEESH Aussies talk funny too
The suspect that was caught on video pulling a man out of his truck in Portland and beating on him till he was unconscious has been arrested. Be interesting to hear what his defense for that will be and if either Biden or Harris have any comment on it.
Portland police arrest truck attack suspect Marquise Love, jail records show | Fox News
Biden has condemned the violence at some of the protests many times. The guy was arrested right away and is facing the consequences. What more are you looking for?
BEIJING joe does not condemn the violence he incites it...

I would use the term FACILITATES
The report was on Russian RT and FOX News — FOX said the event happened “just a few blocks away” from a BLM protest ... in other words NOT part of whatever “protest” they are talking about. Every asshole in America is taking pictures of every other asshole doing stupid shit — in this case utterly criminal shit — and then blaming BLM, or whoever they hate. FOX videos and reports of “BLM” criminals like this, and looters as being BLM “activists,” is just not credible to me, but of course asshole criminals may claim to be innocent BLM protesters to get sympathy.

That asshole should and no doubt will be prosecuted. He apparently has a record, including domestic violence, and the guy he attacked claims he was helping a transgender person (a BLM person?). The bad guy was identified by numerous community people, including no doubt supporters of BLM, before he was forced to “turn himself in.” Most if not all BLM organizers and activists in Portland are no doubt horrified by such criminality. You won’t hear on FOX any interviews with those BLM people who denounce such violence. Obviously.

He was wearing a vest that said "Security" on the back. So who was he working security for (and I use that word loosely) if not BLM or Antifa?
So now any asshole who buys a vest that reads “SECURITY” is automatically working to establish security? And this “security” has to be interpreted as being for BLM too? Even though he was blocks away from a reported protest? This just seems to show how gullible you are, how easy it is for criminal elements or even paid provocateurs to instigate violence, and then have it broadcast as BLM or Antifa or pro-Democrat ... by Russian trolls or FOX news.

I don’t really bother watching all the unending coverage of violence, looting or fistfights in parking lots over MAGA hats, nuts spewing racist epithets or liberal loons fighting over pronouns on campuses. This is all, pro and con, used in utterly propagandistic ways. Everything now is filmed on somebody’s phone and fed into the mass media spin machine.
You arent REALLY trying to imply this guy wasnt "protesting" for BLM, are you? That would be fucking insane and also a very dumb move to make in a debate with rational people.
I’m not sure how sane you are! Personally, I have no idea if this criminal dipshit called himself a supporter of BLM — or a supporter of MLK or Malcolm X for that matter. The culprit looks to me like an ordinary white or minority criminal, a paid or (more likely) unpaid provocateur. What he did should be fully prosecuted. For all I know the defenseless guy who supposedly stopped to help a “transgendered” victim of a supposed robbery ... was himself a BLM sympathizer. No leading activist of BLM has supported either such robberies or this type of wanton violence against innocents.

And yet, there has been violence and looting at a majority of BLM marches and protests from the beginning.

Of course BLM is going to say they don't condone violence and I'm sure that, officially, they don't. However, I don't see much from BLM in the way of condemnation of violent acts by BLM members.

There appears to be no organization and leadership to these marches. As a result, a carnival atmosphere is the inevitable result.
This animal will meet some Aryan boys in prison and they'll teach it how to service a full grown hardened convict. It will make some serial killer a dutiful girlfriend.
The report was on Russian RT and FOX News — FOX said the event happened “just a few blocks away” from a BLM protest ... in other words NOT part of whatever “protest” they are talking about. Every asshole in America is taking pictures of every other asshole doing stupid shit — in this case utterly criminal shit — and then blaming BLM, or whoever they hate. FOX videos and reports of “BLM” criminals like this, and looters as being BLM “activists,” is just not credible to me, but of course asshole criminals may claim to be innocent BLM protesters to get sympathy.

That asshole should and no doubt will be prosecuted. He apparently has a record, including domestic violence, and the guy he attacked claims he was helping a transgender person (a BLM person?). The bad guy was identified by numerous community people, including no doubt supporters of BLM, before he was forced to “turn himself in.” Most if not all BLM organizers and activists in Portland are no doubt horrified by such criminality. You won’t hear on FOX any interviews with those BLM people who denounce such violence. Obviously.

He was wearing a vest that said "Security" on the back. So who was he working security for (and I use that word loosely) if not BLM or Antifa?
So now any asshole who buys a vest that reads “SECURITY” is automatically working to establish security? And this “security” has to be interpreted as being for BLM too? Even though he was blocks away from a reported protest? This just seems to show how gullible you are, how easy it is for criminal elements or even paid provocateurs to instigate violence, and then have it broadcast as BLM or Antifa or pro-Democrat ... by Russian trolls or FOX news.

I don’t really bother watching all the unending coverage of violence, looting or fistfights in parking lots over MAGA hats, nuts spewing racist epithets or liberal loons fighting over pronouns on campuses. This is all, pro and con, used in utterly propagandistic ways. Everything now is filmed on somebody’s phone and fed into the mass media spin machine.
You arent REALLY trying to imply this guy wasnt "protesting" for BLM, are you? That would be fucking insane and also a very dumb move to make in a debate with rational people.
I’m not sure how sane you are! Personally, I have no idea if this criminal dipshit called himself a supporter of BLM — or a supporter of MLK or Malcolm X for that matter. The culprit looks to me like an ordinary white or minority criminal, a paid or (more likely) unpaid provocateur. What he did should be fully prosecuted. For all I know the defenseless guy who supposedly stopped to help a “transgendered” victim of a supposed robbery ... was himself a BLM sympathizer. No leading activist of BLM has supported either such robberies or this type of wanton violence against innocents.

And yet, there has been violence and looting at a majority of BLM marches and protests from the beginning.

Of course BLM is going to say they don't condone violence and I'm sure that, officially, they don't. However, I don't see much from BLM in the way of condemnation of violent acts by BLM members.

There appears to be no organization and leadership to these marches. As a result, a carnival atmosphere is the inevitable result.
If almost all the protesters are peaceful, why arent they stopping the few trouble makers?
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

People, white people, are being arrested for defending themselves. The law, the legal system has been corrupted by democrats.

The cops are protecting the mobs from the people and working with them to help them break the law.

And nowhere does she condemn this.

As usual, you lie. Are you going to frantically shift the goalposts?

Really? Provide the link where you came out and condemned this. Not as part of a packaged deal, but show the audience where you simply condemned this thug
.....don't be fooled by the stupid shit like BLM is peaceful/he doesn't represent BLM/etc
..that other BLM bitch who's son was shooting at people, and the cops killed him, said all that VIOLENT crap about cops
..BLM want's to KILL whites

..BLM said looting was ok
blacks are sympathetic to this BASTARD/looting/violence

THIS is BLM--violent/etc AND they have no argument--their reason for protesting is idiotic
It's all about the violence and FREE SHIT!!!

Makes me wonder why anybody in their right mind would ever vote or contribute to the sponsoring Democrat Party.
Or the Republican party.
show me the republicans out in the street beating up people who don't agree with them.

i'll wait right here.
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

When the government through corruption, or incompetence, refuses to protect the people, the people WILL, protect themselves.

That is simple reality.

And why do you inject race into this? Race has NOTHING to do with desiring to protect your family.

Any one with a knowledge of history knows race has been a factor and outside of race. .many innocent people have been murdered by vigilante "justice". Who gives you tbe right to be judge jury and executioner? What if you are wrong about the person you execute or beat up? What makes you any different then than the man who pulled the guy from the car and meted out his version of "justice"? And by the way...I didnt bring race into it. It was ALREADY brought in when someone pointed out the victim was white and the assaulter black.

I have an extensive knowledge of history and the reality is the western vigilance committees were not racist in any way. The "victims" of their justice were overwhelmingly white.

I think instead of your very shallow history knowledge you should do some research on the subject. Elton mentioned the Sydney Ducks of San Francisco. These were 3,000 gang members, mainly from Australia, who during the 1850's would set fire to the neighborhoods of San Francisco and then loot them before the flames destroyed everything after the people who lived there had fled the flames. This went on for a number of years until the San Francisco vigilance committee formed and destroyed them.

No racism, just a bunch of hard working people who had had enough. Racism is the last cry of the ignorant. And that is born out by massive amounts of scholarly research that shows the western States vigilantes were far from racist.

YOU need to stop making ignorant claims.

Westwall. I AM aware of history. I did not BRING race into it. It was already there brought up SPECIFICALY by the poster who advocated retaliatory violence against blacks. Did you MISS that bit on your haste.

I do not CARE what the race is of either the victimq or perpetrator is becaise the end result is the same.

Your knowledge of history ought to show you that, historicaly, race was significant factor in a portion of vigilante "justice". You cant ignore. You also cant ignore the many innocent victims of this extra judicial violence.

Who are they accountable to?

Who determines guilt?

Because rumor has it that.....? Everyone knows...that guy was always kind of weird....he looks at kids funny...he must have...where there is smoke there is fire...it was on twitter...why dont the police do anything....we need to DO something!

For everything they were legitimately right as aggrieved citizens (if can ever call lawlessness legitimate) there are 20 or more innocent victims.

When you have someone advocating going after "negros" in retaliation for a black man pulling an innocent white man out of a car and beating him (which was said by another poster) ...then you are just another lawless mob, no different than the one you are condemning.
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

People, white people, are being arrested for defending themselves. The law, the legal system has been corrupted by democrats.

The cops are protecting the mobs from the people and working with them to help them break the law.

And nowhere does she condemn this.

As usual, you lie. Are you going to frantically shift the goalposts?

Really? Provide the link where you came out and condemned this. Not as part of a packaged deal, but show the audience where you simply condemned this thug

Frigging READ the thread. Post #2.
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

People, white people, are being arrested for defending themselves. The law, the legal system has been corrupted by democrats.

The cops are protecting the mobs from the people and working with them to help them break the law.

And nowhere does she condemn this.

As usual, you lie. Are you going to frantically shift the goalposts?

Really? Provide the link where you came out and condemned this. Not as part of a packaged deal, but show the audience where you simply condemned this thug

Frigging READ the thread. Post #2.

Wow! I almost missed how angry you got in that post! I sure felt the empathy for the poor guy whose head was treated like a football.
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

When the government through corruption, or incompetence, refuses to protect the people, the people WILL, protect themselves.

That is simple reality.

And why do you inject race into this? Race has NOTHING to do with desiring to protect your family.

Any one with a knowledge of history knows race has been a factor and outside of race. .many innocent people have been murdered by vigilante "justice". Who gives you tbe right to be judge jury and executioner? What if you are wrong about the person you execute or beat up? What makes you any different then than the man who pulled the guy from the car and meted out his version of "justice"? And by the way...I didnt bring race into it. It was ALREADY brought in when someone pointed out the victim was white and the assaulter black.

I have an extensive knowledge of history and the reality is the western vigilance committees were not racist in any way. The "victims" of their justice were overwhelmingly white.

I think instead of your very shallow history knowledge you should do some research on the subject. Elton mentioned the Sydney Ducks of San Francisco. These were 3,000 gang members, mainly from Australia, who during the 1850's would set fire to the neighborhoods of San Francisco and then loot them before the flames destroyed everything after the people who lived there had fled the flames. This went on for a number of years until the San Francisco vigilance committee formed and destroyed them.

No racism, just a bunch of hard working people who had had enough. Racism is the last cry of the ignorant. And that is born out by massive amounts of scholarly research that shows the western States vigilantes were far from racist.

YOU need to stop making ignorant claims.

Westwall. I AM aware of history. I did not BRING race into it. It was already there brought up SPECIFICALY by the poster who advocated retaliatory violence against blacks. Did you MISS that bit on your haste.

I do not CARE what the race is of either the victimq or perpetrator is becaise the end result is the same.

Your knowledge of history ought to show you that, historicaly, race was significant factor in a portion of vigilante "justice". You cant ignore. You also cant ignore the many innocent victims of this extra judicial violence.

Who are they accountable to?

Who determines guilt?

Because rumor has it that.....? Everyone knows...that guy was always kind of weird....he looks at kids funny...he must have...where there is smoke there is fire...it was on twitter...why dont the police do anything....we need to DO something!

For everything they were legitimately right as aggrieved citizens (if can ever call lawlessness legitimate) there are 20 or more innocent victims.

When you have someone advocating going after "negros" in retaliation for a black man pulling an innocent white man out of a car and beating him (which was said by another poster) ...then you are just another lawless mob, no different than the one you are condemning.

Your claim about race being a significant factor in vigilante justice is a LIE. A well proven lie. The KKK and their terrorist attacks against blacks is not what we are talking about. We are talking about civilians being FORCED to take the law into their own hands because the government won't do their job for whatever reason. I suggest you read a book called "Gunfighters, Highwaymen, and Vigilantes" it is a scholarly study of western violence, and vigilantism in the most violent city in the west. Bodie California.

That is just one scholarly look at vigilantism, and how all the things you have been told are an outright lie. There are many others. Like i said, I have been studying violence in general for a very long time. The people are getting fed up and the backlash is going to be terrible. You ask some valid questions, questions that you SHOULD be asking the authorities in those cities that are allowing the cities they supposedly protect, to burn.

And you allow yourself to paint a broad brush against anyone who is opposite you because of one racist jackass. BLM is CLEARLY racist and nary a peep from you.
Quite possible that the DA will drop the charges. They've dropped a lot of charges against this lot.

I wonder if the DA does that the people will start taking to vigilantism for self protection?

Vigilantism is just another word for mob justice. You know, like what this mob does.
It works...........and only is needed if the system of justice breaks down.....................and in DNC run places ordering police to stand down............and DA's that cherry pick what they will charge...........

This shit ends when these people get a taste of their own medicine........in other areas of the country they tried it........didn't turn out well for them.............because WHERE I COME FROM...........they get educated VERY QUICKLY.

No. It doesn’t work. It completely avoids the the law, the justice system, our right a jury trial, the protections and presumptions of innocence we are supposed to be granted.

Vigilantism is mob justice where the color of your skin is enough to prove tbe crime whether it is the by the mob who pulled a white man from a car or the men who followed, ambushed and shot a black man jogging in a white neighborhood.

Have to laugh though. Though you guys were the law and order folks...but I see far more posts advocating Violence, whether it is shooting protestors for trespassing or...vigilante “justice” from the right than I do from the left supporting Riots. Don’t see much support for that at all.

When the government through corruption, or incompetence, refuses to protect the people, the people WILL, protect themselves.

That is simple reality.

And why do you inject race into this? Race has NOTHING to do with desiring to protect your family.

Any one with a knowledge of history knows race has been a factor and outside of race. .many innocent people have been murdered by vigilante "justice". Who gives you tbe right to be judge jury and executioner? What if you are wrong about the person you execute or beat up? What makes you any different then than the man who pulled the guy from the car and meted out his version of "justice"? And by the way...I didnt bring race into it. It was ALREADY brought in when someone pointed out the victim was white and the assaulter black.

I have an extensive knowledge of history and the reality is the western vigilance committees were not racist in any way. The "victims" of their justice were overwhelmingly white.

I think instead of your very shallow history knowledge you should do some research on the subject. Elton mentioned the Sydney Ducks of San Francisco. These were 3,000 gang members, mainly from Australia, who during the 1850's would set fire to the neighborhoods of San Francisco and then loot them before the flames destroyed everything after the people who lived there had fled the flames. This went on for a number of years until the San Francisco vigilance committee formed and destroyed them.

No racism, just a bunch of hard working people who had had enough. Racism is the last cry of the ignorant. And that is born out by massive amounts of scholarly research that shows the western States vigilantes were far from racist.

YOU need to stop making ignorant claims.

Westwall. I AM aware of history. I did not BRING race into it. It was already there brought up SPECIFICALY by the poster who advocated retaliatory violence against blacks. Did you MISS that bit on your haste.

I do not CARE what the race is of either the victimq or perpetrator is becaise the end result is the same.

Your knowledge of history ought to show you that, historicaly, race was significant factor in a portion of vigilante "justice". You cant ignore. You also cant ignore the many innocent victims of this extra judicial violence.

Who are they accountable to?

Who determines guilt?

Because rumor has it that.....? Everyone knows...that guy was always kind of weird....he looks at kids funny...he must have...where there is smoke there is fire...it was on twitter...why dont the police do anything....we need to DO something!

For everything they were legitimately right as aggrieved citizens (if can ever call lawlessness legitimate) there are 20 or more innocent victims.

When you have someone advocating going after "negros" in retaliation for a black man pulling an innocent white man out of a car and beating him (which was said by another poster) ...then you are just another lawless mob, no different than the one you are condemning.

Your claim about race being a significant factor in vigilante justice is a LIE. A well proven lie. The KKK and their terrorist attacks against blacks is not what we are talking about. We are talking about civilians being FORCED to take the law into their own hands because the government won't do their job for whatever reason. I suggest you read a book called "Gunfighters, Highwaymen, and Vigilantes" it is a scholarly study of western violence, and vigilantism in the most violent city in the west. Bodie California.

That is just one scholarly look at vigilantism, and how all the things you have been told are an outright lie. There are many others. Like i said, I have been studying violence in general for a very long time. The people are getting fed up and the backlash is going to be terrible. You ask some valid questions, questions that you SHOULD be asking the authorities in those cities that are allowing the cities they supposedly protect, to burn.

And you allow yourself to paint a broad brush against anyone who is opposite you because of one racist jackass. BLM is CLEARLY racist and nary a peep from you.

Westwall, I am not broad brushing anything. And I am not talking about the kkk. I am talking ordinary people who THINK they are right and act on it, outside the law.

Once you start that....who determines guilt? And how? And what if they are wrong?

Can you address that?

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