Possible reason why Democrats and Republicans let millions of refugees and immigrants into this country. Through the southern border here is why


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
The reason could be because they know that these people will not join the union. They know that these types of immigrants will have no problem working a job that pays as little as possible just so they can get by. And so what this does is this drives the wages down for all Americans making life even worse.

This is why you see so many young men in the prime of their life who have been in this country… whose father and grandfather were born in this country …. well these young men are making $15-$20 an hour(The same job is paying 30 or $35 an hour if not more in the American past) and they will be making that wage probably for the rest of their life with no pension no union protection

. If we don’t do something fast though they will be making that low wage for the rest of their life. So we need big-time change in America and that includes the union jobs.

In the 20th century we had millions of immigrants come to this country who joined up with a factory job ..so today we could have refugees and immigrants come through the southern border and get a good job. It’s just that we live in a bad country today where as In the American past we had a much better country.
Wage depreciation is certainly a component part, but the primary reason is to vote fascist.... They all vote, there are entire ghost districts of illegal aliens voting by the millions every cycle...
There's also the fact that America still welcomes illegal aliens on account of America not being a viable economy that can match China's ability to produce, if it pays Americans what they demand. If they're not offered at least 30 then they choose to sit around and enjoy OPM.

People will buy American if the price is competitive and the quality is equal bang for the buck.
War with China is the only apparent war to bring it back to America, but economic war is completely out of the question now.

America's government isn't ignoring the problem: It's fighting a war with Russia with long term gain as the target.
The reason could be because they know that these people will not join the union. They know that these types of immigrants will have no problem working a job that pays as little as possible just so they can get by. And so what this does is this drives the wages down for all Americans making life even worse.

This is why you see so many young men in the prime of their life who have been in this country… whose father and grandfather were born in this country …. well these young men are making $15-$20 an hour(The same job is paying 30 or $35 an hour if not more in the American past) and they will be making that wage probably for the rest of their life with no pension no union protection

. If we don’t do something fast though they will be making that low wage for the rest of their life. So we need big-time change in America and that includes the union jobs.

In the 20th century we had millions of immigrants come to this country who joined up with a factory job ..so today we could have refugees and immigrants come through the southern border and get a good job. It’s just that we live in a bad country today where as In the American past we had a much better country.

Wow, someone found the long lost Bernie Sanders cheat codes.

They haven't been located since everyone's favorite socialist muppet began selling $95 tickets to his events while juggling three mortgages.
Wage depreciation is certainly a component part, but the primary reason is to vote fascist.... They all vote, there are entire ghost districts of illegal aliens voting by the millions every cycle...
I am sure you have some kind of proof, but......
The reason could be because they know that these people will not join the union. They know that these types of immigrants will have no problem working a job that pays as little as possible just so they can get by. And so what this does is this drives the wages down for all Americans making life even worse.

This is why you see so many young men in the prime of their life who have been in this country… whose father and grandfather were born in this country …. well these young men are making $15-$20 an hour(The same job is paying 30 or $35 an hour if not more in the American past) and they will be making that wage probably for the rest of their life with no pension no union protection

. If we don’t do something fast though they will be making that low wage for the rest of their life. So we need big-time change in America and that includes the union jobs.

In the 20th century we had millions of immigrants come to this country who joined up with a factory job ..so today we could have refugees and immigrants come through the southern border and get a good job. It’s just that we live in a bad country today where as In the American past we had a much better country.

Time from Proportional Representation. Reduce the impact of the main two parties. Give people a choice when they go to vote.
Time from Proportional Representation. Reduce the impact of the main two parties. Give people a choice when they go to vote.
It will be tough to get away from the two party system. Seems like something that’s been in grained into American culture.
It will be tough to get away from the two party system. Seems like something that’s been in grained into American culture.

Of course it'll be tough.

1) The people are too lazy
2) The people are too ignorant
3) The people are too manipulated by the main two partie
4) The main two parties have all the power and don't want to lose that power.
Literally, to get PR you have to let the two parties who benefit from FPTP pass a law that goes against THEIR OWN interests in favor of the interests of the people.

However if the people demand PR, it'd happen. But even on a forum like this, 98% dismiss it without even knowing what it is.
I literally had one person saying "We already have Proportional Representation", most are incapable of going to wikipedia and typing in "Proportional Representation" and reading about it.

"Democracy" at its finest.
Of course it'll be tough.

1) The people are too lazy
2) The people are too ignorant
3) The people are too manipulated by the main two partie
4) The main two parties have all the power and don't want to lose that power.
Literally, to get PR you have to let the two parties who benefit from FPTP pass a law that goes against THEIR OWN interests in favor of the interests of the people.

However if the people demand PR, it'd happen. But even on a forum like this, 98% dismiss it without even knowing what it is.
I literally had one person saying "We already have Proportional Representation", most are incapable of going to wikipedia and typing in "Proportional Representation" and reading about it.

"Democracy" at its finest.
The issue at hand could also be that when it comes to independent candidates they might not support what Americans on the fence want. Which independent candidates can create a stronger middle class or at least help ?

I don’t agree with Bernie Sanders he’s got too many far left viewpoints for me. Which other independence are there. I gave the libertarian Gary Johnson my vote back in 2012.
The issue at hand could also be that when it comes to independent candidates they might not support what Americans on the fence want. Which independent candidates can create a stronger middle class or at least help ?

I don’t agree with Bernie Sanders he’s got too many far left viewpoints for me. Which other independence are there. I gave the libertarian Gary Johnson my vote back in 2012.

People will have a choice of at least six different political parties (like in Germany) or ten in Denmark. It'd allow for more views within politics and more oversight.
In December 2022, the last full month before humanitarian parole, Border Patrol had 84,176 encounters with migrants from those four countries which accounted for over 36 percent of all encounters that month at the U.S.-Mexico border. In January, the number had already dropped to 11,909—an 86 percent decline. As a result, overall U.S.-Mexico border encounters are down 42 percent.

This was similar to the decline in Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion showing up at the Southwest border in Spring 2022 after a similar program was announced. Their numbers dropped from 20,118 in April 2022 to 375 in May, a 98 percent reduction, after the Uniting for Ukraine parole program allowed them to come directly from abroad with a U.S. sponsor.

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