Post A Message to The Future Here.

Seems like every time an old trash pile, I mean really old, like 1,000 years or more, gets found, a lot of people get excited and start carefully pulling the decayed bits and pieces apart calling the pieces 'artifacts' and putting the stuff in museums. Ass-u-me-ing you're reading this in the USMessageboard Documentation of The Last 1,000 Years Library of History, and ass-u-me-ing human nature remains interested in the past, I want you to know that this average Joe did not understand the Pet Rock either. Nor do I get the attraction of "texting".

I also want you to know that in spite of what you have probably read about living at the dawn of the 21st Century, I feel lucky to be alive now. The odds of an average Joe being born into a pretty nice life have been getting better and better up to now, in no small part due to the influence of the concept behind 'America', and I trust the trend has not changed. Ain't life cool?

Do most of you feel lucky yet?

Have you reached for the stars?​

My message ? sorry we fucked you over so badly. We used to ridicule the professional welfare collectors, but at some point it became socially acceptable. Sorry.
Dear future Carlos,
Did you get Lung Cancer yet?:(


Near future.

Different. Different, but just as poignant.

I know I'm good right now, hence why I'm tryna quit or @ least seriously cut down.

Actually, you have no way of knowing that. Maybe "tests" don't show a spot on your lung, maybe you're not coughing up blood or pieces of lung tissue the that does not guarantee there is no disease.

I remember sitting in some sort of "quit smoking" seminar or meeting or something and being asked to speak to why I was there.

I said that I felt I no longer had the protection of my youth and felt like an ass as I said it.

Truth is, time is no protection. The very young can get lung cancer from smoking just as old folks can get it without ever smoking one cigarette.

There are many other reasons not to smoke - the expense, the fact that you stink and don't even know it and all the rest we already know.

One day, you will love yourself, your children, your life, your future more than you love hacking and coughing every morning and you'll find a way to quit. Or you won't.
Dear people of 3000 AD - three things:

1. Don't trust government or government workers
2. Save ten percent of your gross income NO MATTER WHAT
3. Spend three times as much time listening as talking and you'll do fine
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To the people of 3000 AD:

1. Read the Classics, don't waster your time reading contemporary pundits.

2. Garbage in, garbage out - a universal and timeless truth (don't waste your time listening to contemporary pundits).

3. If we haven't done so yet, colonize space.

4. If banks still exist, work to eradicate them.

5. If elections still occur, eradicate them. Pick your representatives randomly, employ them for one year before they take office and pay them well. Let them serve six years only and forever thereafter hold no office or exert no influence over the next iteration of representatives under penalty of death.

6. Protect the earth, the waters and the air. If you haven't done so these words will never be read.
:beer: Father Time and another average notch in the handle!

Have you kids reached the stars yet?
You kids ROCK! :rock:
Seems like every time an old trash pile, I mean really old, like 1,000 years or more, gets found, a lot of people get excited and start carefully pulling the decayed bits and pieces apart calling the pieces 'artifacts' and putting the stuff in museums. Ass-u-me-ing you're reading this in the USMessageboard Documentation of The Last 1,000 Years Library of History, and ass-u-me-ing human nature remains interested in the past, I want you to know that this average Joe did not understand the Pet Rock either. Nor do I get the attraction of "texting".

I also want you to know that in spite of what you have probably read about living at the dawn of the 21st Century, I feel lucky to be alive now. The odds of an average Joe being born into a pretty nice life have been getting better and better up to now, in no small part due to the influence of the concept behind 'America', and I trust the trend has not changed. Ain't life cool?

Do most of you feel lucky yet?

Have you reached for the stars?​

Get bread, eggs and milk
Seems like every time an old trash pile, I mean really old, like 1,000 years or more, gets found, a lot of people get excited and start carefully pulling the decayed bits and pieces apart calling the pieces 'artifacts' and putting the stuff in museums. Ass-u-me-ing you're reading this in the USMessageboard Documentation of The Last 1,000 Years Library of History, and ass-u-me-ing human nature remains interested in the past, I want you to know that this average Joe did not understand the Pet Rock either. Nor do I get the attraction of "texting".

I also want you to know that in spite of what you have probably read about living at the dawn of the 21st Century, I feel lucky to be alive now. The odds of an average Joe being born into a pretty nice life have been getting better and better up to now, in no small part due to the influence of the concept behind 'America', and I trust the trend has not changed. Ain't life cool?

Do most of you feel lucky yet?

Have you reached for the stars?​

My message is
Sorry about obama.:eusa_whistle:
Seems like every time an old trash pile, I mean really old, like 1,000 years or more, gets found, a lot of people get excited and start carefully pulling the decayed bits and pieces apart calling the pieces 'artifacts' and putting the stuff in museums. Ass-u-me-ing you're reading this in the USMessageboard Documentation of The Last 1,000 Years Library of History, and ass-u-me-ing human nature remains interested in the past, I want you to know that this average Joe did not understand the Pet Rock either. Nor do I get the attraction of "texting".

I also want you to know that in spite of what you have probably read about living at the dawn of the 21st Century, I feel lucky to be alive now. The odds of an average Joe being born into a pretty nice life have been getting better and better up to now, in no small part due to the influence of the concept behind 'America', and I trust the trend has not changed. Ain't life cool?

Do most of you feel lucky yet?

Have you reached for the stars?​

My message is
Sorry about obama.:eusa_whistle:

that is your past.
Seems like every time an old trash pile, I mean really old, like 1,000 years or more, gets found, a lot of people get excited and start carefully pulling the decayed bits and pieces apart calling the pieces 'artifacts' and putting the stuff in museums. Ass-u-me-ing you're reading this in the USMessageboard Documentation of The Last 1,000 Years Library of History, and ass-u-me-ing human nature remains interested in the past, I want you to know that this average Joe did not understand the Pet Rock either. Nor do I get the attraction of "texting".

I also want you to know that in spite of what you have probably read about living at the dawn of the 21st Century, I feel lucky to be alive now. The odds of an average Joe being born into a pretty nice life have been getting better and better up to now, in no small part due to the influence of the concept behind 'America', and I trust the trend has not changed. Ain't life cool?

Do most of you feel lucky yet?

Have you reached for the stars?​

My message is
Sorry about obama.:eusa_whistle:

that is your past.

No that's for obama tax
Seems like every time an old trash pile, I mean really old, like 1,000 years or more, gets found, a lot of people get excited and start carefully pulling the decayed bits and pieces apart calling the pieces 'artifacts' and putting the stuff in museums. Ass-u-me-ing you're reading this in the USMessageboard Documentation of The Last 1,000 Years Library of History, and ass-u-me-ing human nature remains interested in the past, I want you to know that this average Joe did not understand the Pet Rock either. Nor do I get the attraction of "texting".

I also want you to know that in spite of what you have probably read about living at the dawn of the 21st Century, I feel lucky to be alive now. The odds of an average Joe being born into a pretty nice life have been getting better and better up to now, in no small part due to the influence of the concept behind 'America', and I trust the trend has not changed. Ain't life cool?

Do most of you feel lucky yet?

Have you reached for the stars?​

My message is
Sorry about obama.:eusa_whistle:

that is your past.

...and currently his future....

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