Post A Message to The Future Here.

To the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-et cetera grandkids:

Wash behind your ears.

Do your homework.

Take music classes.

Learn to cook.

Sit up straight.

Here's some money and a bag of candy, who wants ice cream?

And we apologize that the money is worthless on account of we allowed our politicians to spend your money like it was going out of style.

Dear Future Generations.

I'm sorry, but I DID try. Stupidity won the day, obama was re-elected. I fought, and fought hard, but lost. The decades before progressives came along was truely spectacular. Technological progress, scientific discoveries, unprecidented freedom, and more. Yes there was hatred and bigotry, but it was minor and fixable. The irony of the whole thing was that the party that the progressives rose out of was the party reponsible for the racism and bigotry.

Again, I'm sorry that we couldn't win the day, I'm sorry for your suffering. i recommend revolution and reinstatement of the original US Constitution.

Good Luck.
Dear future Kids,

I tried to block the marxist left - but unfortunately they'd infiltrated everywhere - politics, church, education .. Hope you make it OK .. :sad:
Dear Future Generations:

We're sorry, but we did try. Unfortunately the left controled the schools in our time via the teacher's unions and the Department of Education. They produced more and more ignorant graduates who then went to liberal colleges and became even more ignorant. The left also controlled the media and that was the icing on the cake.

Eventually the stupid and the lazy outnumbered the smart and responsible. This resulted in Nancy Pelosi, Harry Ried, and barack hussein obama.

You know the rest, you're living in it. Take solice in the fact that many of us who fought, fought for you.

We lost, we're sorry.
dear future young adults

learn to do it for yourself. Everything. Learn how to produce your own food. Learn how to build. These lessons will make your trips to the grocery store more appreciative and if there are no stores one day you can take care of yourself.

BECOME SELF RELIANT dont set around and wait for someone to fix it for you.
2110 - if you crack time travel, please come back to 2010 and save us from the TeaBaggers.

2112 - To dude who finds guitar in cave, try the chord progression 1, 4, 5.... You ROCK!!
To the Future: History shows that people always panic in any given era of hard times and yet here you are, The Future still thriving, don't give into the "depression" propoganda live, smile and be authentic.

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