Post A Message to The Future Here.

I watched a family of 5 great egrets out my back window this past year, and guests to our pond included a great blue heron, many ducks, and I was wondering if someone did something good to keep these marvelous birds alive and if they are as much the vision of elegance when they take off and land as they are now in North America advanced to your day. I just hope the people who follow us will be kind to wild animals and co-exist peacefully so that you may enjoy seeing them as much as we do now, May 14, 2012. Abiding love on earth for good and beautiful spirited creatures.

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I posted a message to the future on this thread many days ago, and now I am here to collect it.

ummmm....hmmmm....yup, there it is.

It was stupid.
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Seems like every time an old trash pile, I mean really old, like 1,000 years or more, gets found, a lot of people get excited and start carefully pulling the decayed bits and pieces apart calling the pieces 'artifacts' and putting the stuff in museums. Ass-u-me-ing you're reading this in the USMessageboard Documentation of The Last 1,000 Years Library of History, and ass-u-me-ing human nature remains interested in the past, I want you to know that this average Joe did not understand the Pet Rock either. Nor do I get the attraction of "texting".

I also want you to know that in spite of what you have probably read about living at the dawn of the 21st Century, I feel lucky to be alive now. The odds of an average Joe being born into a pretty nice life have been getting better and better up to now, in no small part due to the influence of the concept behind 'America', and I trust the trend has not changed. Ain't life cool?

Do most of you feel lucky yet?

Have you reached for the stars?​

I think every post we make is a post to the future. Everything we post is saved. Hell, I've found posts I've made as far back as 1997 on various sites.

There are some posts by individuals that go back way before the internet was even around - I'm talking early 80's. Usually universities back in the day had " bulletin boards" for dos users and all those files have been saved and have been "reposted" on the internet..

80sBBS : Online in the 1980s - 80s BBS Scene

I found a site that had a shit load of them.... It was almost like a time capsule. People arguing about Regan and shit when I was only 3 hahaha...

I had it bookmarked on my old computer, but I don't recall the site right now...
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Dear Future:

We recall a day when Jerusalem was the capital of Israel.

Of course, that was back in the day when there still was a "Middle East."

Imagine there's no countries...

Dear Future:

It is still August 2012 as this is written.

If we managed to kick Pres. Obama OUT of office, then you are welcome.

But, if we managed to put that moron BACK into the Office of President of the United States, then you have my profound regrets and apologies. I can't take personal blame, of course. I am trying to prevent that utter calamity.

But I only get one vote.

Liberal Democrats have long insisted on the right to many many votes.

Good luck, future.


Liability, from your past.
Dear future,

Today we got some beautiful high resolution pictures from the surface of earth's brother planet Mars, as we finally got one of the rovers up that stays powered, somehow. Here's a video and two high-res pictures I picked up on the internet today. Not sure what you'll be seeing, but hope you're all okay. :)



  • $NASA High-resolution, Mars from Curiosity.jpg
    $NASA High-resolution, Mars from Curiosity.jpg
    64.1 KB · Views: 65
  • $NASA, Hi-resolution Mars II Curiosity.jpg
    $NASA, Hi-resolution Mars II Curiosity.jpg
    71.3 KB · Views: 66
Greetings, 21st-century dwellers!

This is Paravani from the 31st century (not to be confused with my earlier incarnation in the 21st century), who has traveled 1000 years back in time to return your kind messages to the future.

First, to answer your questions:

Ass-u-me-ing you're reading this in the USMessageboard Documentation of The Last 1,000 Years Library of History, and ass-u-me-ing human nature remains interested in the past, I want you to know that this average Joe did not understand the Pet Rock either. ...

I also want you to know that in spite of what you have probably read about living at the dawn of the 21st Century, I feel lucky to be alive now. ...

Do most of you feel lucky yet?

Of course we have pet rocks in our time -- they talk and keep us company on long ring-ship rides. We also have talking cats, dogs, monkeys, tarantulas, and any other pet you'd prefer to keep at home where there's room to roam.

Yes, Joe, I too feel lucky to have been born at the end of the 20th century and to have lived in the 21st. If we'd been born any earlier, we might have missed the advances in biochemistry that have allowed me -- and you, too, most likely -- to live indefinitely in a state of physical perpetual youth. I'm now more than 10 centuries old, and I feel as energetic and pain-free as I did when I was twenty.

The discovery that led to perpetual youth was made just four years before your first post on this thread, and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine on Monday October 8 just 24 days before my arrival here in the past "today":
The Nobel Prize recognizes two scientists who discovered that mature, specialised cells can be reprogrammed to become immature cells capable of developing into all tissues of the body.

Have you reached for the stars?
Yes, we launched our first ring-ship in the year 2032. One thousand years later, intergalactic travel is now relatively as easy and inexpensive as train travel was in 2012... but why would you want to go anywhere? The earth is as pretty a planet as can be found in the universe. There are other pretty planets, of course, many of which have evolved their own technologically advanced races... but there really are no nicer planets than the cradle of humanity.

Don't watch the television series 'Lost'. If you do, it'll take you another 1000 years to figure-out why you did in the first place.

P.s. I don't care if we found life on Mars, all I want to know is did Justin Bieber suffer a painful death?

Sorry, Blagger, neither Justin Bieber nor "Lost" made it into history books, and I myself didn't care enough about them to keep track of them. Doubtless Justin died in obscurity...

Dear future Carlos,
Did you get Lung Cancer yet?:(

In your time, we had already cured the common cold. (Well, true, the flu shot didn't completely eradicate cold viruses; but I never had a cold that lasted longer than a miserable eight hours once I started getting flu shots every year.) Just a few short decades later, we conquered all forms of cancer, addictions, and mental illnesses caused by chemical imbalances. Venereal diseases became a thing of the past, malaria was wiped out, and HIV was cured immediately after a persistent journalist discovered documentation of the top-secret stockpile of vaccine that had been manufactured at the same time the HIV virus was invented. (That's right, HIV was lab-created. No big surprise there, eh? ... Considering that the main anti-viral used against it from the mid-1990's onwards had been sitting in a warehouse in New Jersey since 1964... )

We also conquered overpopulation and the growth of the welfare state with international agreements to subject everyone to Universal Birth Control. All public water supplies were treated with a universal contraceptive that could only be counteracted by drinking bottled water. It worked like a charm: it turned out that very few people actually wanted enormous families to feed and clothe, not even so-called "welfare queens". The birthrate dropped rapidly until the population of Earth stabilized at a mere 500 million, which solved the overpopulation-linked problems of pollution, global warming, destruction of natural habitat, extinction of species, and over-consumption of the planet's resources.

Also, natural selection for the ability to plan ahead (because couples who wished to become pregnant had to drink bottled water and avoid food cooked in municipal water) has ultimately resulted in a much smarter, happier race of humanity than we were in 2012. It's easy to be happy when everyone cooperates together and plans a society that meets everyone's needs.

Toro, you idiot.

Why did you bet everything on gold?

Now your wife has left you, and you're homeless and living in your car.

You moron.

Do you remember that before we learned to extract it from bauxite, aluminum was far more precious than gold ?

Unlocking the secrets of quantum mechanics has made it possible for us to manufacture any element we need in any amounts we want. In the 31st century, gold is cheap and available in any quantity you could desire. It's far superior to aluminum, which it has replaced as cooking foil.

Do you still use paper plates?
Sorry about the mess.

We were too busy living the good life to clean up after ourselves.

Yes, we do use paper plates -- that is, plates made of biodegradable cellulose filaments pressed into a semi-solid disc with upturned edges. Our paper plates are much sturdier than the ones in the 21st century, and of course they're made of recycled cellulose, not chopped-down trees... but the basic principle is the same.

We did have quite a mess to clean up in the 22nd century, especially after the population shrank. It took decades to clean up the Pacific ocean, with its floating continent of plastic that was already bigger than Texas in the 21st century... but we finally managed to convert all of that garbage back into biodegradable hydrocarbons, and we'll never use plastic casually again.

Dear Future:

Sorry about that whole screw up between roughly 1960 and 2012. For a while there, Americans actually forgot how they came to be such a beacon of hope in the world. They actually accepted the whiny preachings of liberals. I know it must be startling for you future Americans to grasp this, but the poor "liberals" of our day actually thought they were doing something to "improve" America and the "world."

Don't worry about it, Liability. In the year 3012 there is no longer any "America" as in "the USA": there's just North America and South America, Eurasia, Africa, and Australia, all governed by the World Council. After the third world war it was decided that borders only led to nationalism and the illusion that other people could be "enemies", when in fact the only real enemies of the human race are diseases and parasites, natural and man-made environmental disasters, and shortages of resources.

Oh, and you were right: there is also no longer a "Middle East"... no Jerusalem, no Mecca, no Medina. The third world war took care of that, too.

(And to answer the question you're about to ask: Yes, Iran started it.)

Uh... :eusa_think: ...Check for toilet paper before you sit down to shit.
Anyone want to bet that in the year 3000 they're using 3 silver seashells instead?

In the 31st century we don't use toilet paper or silver seashells. There really has never been anything to top the good ol' fashioned French bidet for cleanliness, although of course its aim is better now, it works faster, and it's extremely thorough. It's also a pleasurable end to an otherwise tedious interlude. :eusa_whistle:

Well, that's all for today. I'll xscribe more later.

-- Paravani 3012
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To the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-et cetera grandkids:

Wash behind your ears.

Do your homework.

Take music classes.

Learn to cook.

Sit up straight.

Here's some money and a bag of candy, who wants ice cream?

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