Post A Message to The Future Here.

Happy New Year, y'all!

2012 :eusa_think: Pivotal election year and the end of the World according to the Mayan Calendar.

Carry on.

These ruins were given to you by predatory capitalism.

Dear Future.

Booger, as usual, was wrong. The "ruins" were obviously brought to you by the anti-capitalists who banked our future (i.e., you folks) on their limp dick silly notions of social "justice" and so forth despite recognizing even at the time that their fantasy based Utopianism was contrary to human nature and reality.

If you are reading this, that only means the rest of us prevented the likes of Booger from ruining everything with their duplicitous idiocy.

You're welcome.
Dear Future folks:

I'm sorry. I tried very hard in my fight against the Democrats, but I was defeated by stupidity in very large numbers. Now you have to live in the effects. You have my sympathy.
Well... It's certainly a milestone for me!

Taxes that are fair because the code is simple and easy to understand, public budgets that are balanced by law, transparency in all things politics (especially the money part) and then build an economy that your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: Still not rocket science, y'all.

Are you there yet, kids? Have you reached the stars?

What is my message to the future?

"I told you so. Zombies only die if you hit them in the head. Also, my neighbor has lots of stuff stored up. So, check his place out, because he is really dumb and I don't think he will survive the first wave."
That I'm an introspective guy.
Sometimes almost lost, focusing deeply within.
I often find myself walking through the office, not really watching where I'm going.

Today I counted and, during moving while focused on the task in hand runs to various printers, copiers, coworkers, computers & clients, the 'spidey sense' that makes me look up just in time to avoid crashing in to colleagues saved my ass 4 out of 4 times.

The good news is that, thanks to me being one of Momma's luckiest little bastards ever, I've never actually crashed in to a coworker. :D

Although :eek: "Hello!" near misses are embarrassingly frequent. :redface:

A busy office at the dawn of the Internet Age is a strange environment in which to make a living. :eusa_think: 3,000 years ago, my handle at the local watering hole would not have been AVG-JOE, in spite of my 'large side of average' six-foot frame, I would have been :eusa_shifty: AVG-FOOD.

Just imagine where you little bastards will be in the next 5,000!

:beer: To Mom! Our favorite big wet rock in space!

Are you there yet? Have you reached the stars? You kids ROCK! :rock:
That I'm an introspective guy.
Sometimes almost lost, focusing deeply within.
I often find myself walking through the office, not really watching where I'm going.

Today I counted and, during moving while focused on the task in hand runs to various printers, copiers, coworkers, computers & clients, the 'spidey sense' that makes me look up just in time to avoid crashing in to colleagues saved my ass 4 out of 4 times.

The good news is that, thanks to me being one of Momma's luckiest little bastards ever, I've never actually crashed in to a coworker. :D

Although :eek: "Hello!" near misses are embarrassingly frequent. :redface:

A busy office at the dawn of the Internet Age is a strange environment in which to make a living. :eusa_think: 3,000 years ago, my handle at the local watering hole would not have been AVG-JOE, in spite of my 'large side of average' six-foot frame, I would have been :eusa_shifty: AVG-FOOD.

Just imagine where you little bastards will be in the next 5,000!

:beer: To Mom! Our favorite big wet rock in space!

Are you there yet? Have you reached the stars? You kids ROCK! :rock:

Dear Future.

We TOLD Avg-Joe time and time again, "no drugs." But did he listen?

Sorry, future.

With all due regrets,

your pal,

Liability and the others who failed to straighten out Avg-Joe.
To the future Americans:

The reason you are being forced to pay our debts is that we were not smart enough to kick the big spenders out of office when we had the chance. We listened to their promises about increasing revenue and cutting expenses election after election after election and we bought it hook line and sinker every single time.

You have our sincerist apologies.

Don't make the same mistake we did!

Dear People of the Future,

I hope you finally got the jet packs we were supposed to have by now. I feel gypped. Is it politically incorrect to say "gypped" in the future?

Someone is probably predicting the world is going to end in your own near future. Don't worry. We were told the same thing, over and over and over. It is a paradox that predictors of the end never end. Just ask them to give you all their stuff since the world is ending and they will shut up. Sell them dried rice for their bunker at a large mark-up.

You probably cured all kinds of diseases and are suffering from all kinds of new ones. It turns out that the same conditions necessary for diseases to exist are identical to the ones necessary for life itself to exist. What are you gonna do, amiright?

God says, "Hi." I don't know if he talks to any of you, or if he finally shut up, but he still drops in on a few people here and there in our time. We either lock them up in padded rooms or give them their own hour of television programming, depending on our mood. Almost nobody listens to them. Hope that isn't a mistake! If it is, there is no future and I am talking to a dead Universe.

If you have discovered how to travel in time, could you drop off a jet pack for me? I promise I won't tell anyone where I got it.
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