Post A Message to The Future Here.

As today is Dia De Juicio, I just have one thing to say:

So long, and thanks for all the fish!
Quite astonishingly wrong. The GOP did well in the last election, true. But they managed -- even so -- to take just one house of our bicameral legislature. The other house is solidly in the Dim camp, still, as is the Executive Branch.

All that the GOP CAN do (if they manage to stick to their guns) is say NO to the hideous Obama Administration agenda. And the really good news is: it suffices. There is no problem. You are mistaken. Gridlock is good.

Until the original premise of your post is realized (as in when the GOP relieves the Dims of the majority in both houses of our legislative branch AND reclaims the Executive branch), the GOP isn't powerful enough to formulate our national public policies. They cannot single-handedly undo all the crap done by the irresponsible liberal Democratics.

If (other than JUST enough appropriation bills to meet our actual needs) the Congress proves entirely incapable of passing so much as ONE bit of legislation during the next two years, I'm more than happy enough with that. :thup:


(A) No. Responding to another member's post is not "thread jacking."

(B) there is no way to "thread jack" in a thread designated as leaving a message to the future. By definition every post is for the future.

Are you going to check in, periodically, Magoo, as your sabbatical starts to actually require your time and effort?

Or is that too thread jack-y for ya?


:lol: That sabbatical actually didn't last as long as I'd hoped (more money, honey), but I've already embarked on a new one. If you don't see me here for say two straight weeks, you'll know I've gone to the Mother Ship, but will still have my eyes on you.


(A) No. Responding to another member's post is not "thread jacking."

(B) there is no way to "thread jack" in a thread designated as leaving a message to the future. By definition every post is for the future.

Are you going to check in, periodically, Magoo, as your sabbatical starts to actually require your time and effort?

Or is that too thread jack-y for ya?


I actually like the topic, but I just have to think on it awhile. In the meantime, I'll build on what I'm considering that will go straight to your heart:

Dear Survivors of our Apocalypse:

It all started like this, mildly playful drunken silliness, until certain assholes decided to escalate the fun and turn it into all out war. Your assignment is to determine whether it was caused by a nation of drugged up zombies or Obamacare.


I would ask the question differently: Who will take care of all the drugged up zombies? I don't think they're covered by Obamacare, even now. Maybe you could channel John Belushi and ask him how that problem turns out.
Okay, I'm reading posts from last December. How come this thread only turned back up in my User CP occasionally, as it did today?
(A) No. Responding to another member's post is not "thread jacking."

(B) there is no way to "thread jack" in a thread designated as leaving a message to the future. By definition every post is for the future.

Are you going to check in, periodically, Magoo, as your sabbatical starts to actually require your time and effort?

Or is that too thread jack-y for ya?


I actually like the topic, but I just have to think on it awhile. In the meantime, I'll build on what I'm considering that will go straight to your heart:

Dear Survivors of our Apocalypse:

It all started like this, mildly playful drunken silliness, until certain assholes decided to escalate the fun and turn it into all out war. Your assignment is to determine whether it was caused by a nation of drugged up zombies or Obamacare.


That was a borderline interesting post, Magoo. Kinda incoherent, but that's ok.

Nice use of the Belushi gif, too.

And, why are you thread jacking?

Does it have something to do with your almost-on-sabbatical sabbatical?

You mean I responded to my own a while back? Uh oh, now I know I need that sabbatical. Well hell, it's been a long time since I posted that and forgot I copied a pic of Belushi. Senior moment.
Dear Future,

If you study us, please forgive us for our liberals. They probably meant well, but as your review of the nonsense they write will confirm, they were rather quite tragically Stupid. Blind. Ignorant. Often hateful. Ugly. Foul smelling. Dishonest. Misguided. Uneducable. Arrogant. Baselessly self righteous. And Stupid.

Yes. I did mention that they were stupid twice. They were really REALLY stupid.

Sorry about them.

Hope you got past their numerous fuck ups.


Us from your Past (except for the liberals, of course).

The one-paragraph retort from the liberal community:

Dear Future Race: Never trust the group who goes overboard explaining why they hate something. See: Shakespeare's Hamlet Ibid. "The [lady] doth protest too much, me thinks."
Simple Taxes = Fair Taxes

Fair taxes, a budget balanced by law, and then build a government* your children can be proud of.

First Nation to 'get' this gets to start our Momma's Little Bastards down a road to the stars.

:beer: To Mom!
So Beautiful in Blue​

:beer:To the future!
In Deep Shades of Pink.​

(Insert your preferred Deity here) bless the variety that our mom gave evolution to work with.


10 years and counting. I think the general consensus is "tired of the bullshit".

Have you kids gotten it turning again yet?


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