Post A Message to The Future Here.

Future, if you are reading this I am dead.

And the reason my body is perfectly preserved and pickled is the alcohol content.

Put me in the Natural History Museum next to the pickled dolphins.

Dolphins are horny too.
Future, if you are reading this I am dead.

And the reason my body is perfectly preserved and pickled is the alcohol content.

Put me in the Natural History Museum next to the pickled dolphins.

Dolphins are horny too.

I may just do that myself, if the time comes when I'm diagnosed with a fatal disease. Why suffer?

[I don't quite get the horny dolphins connection, however.]
Post Your Message to The Future here.

I'm goin out and play some pool and have a fabulous breakfast. I predict the Ham and Eggs will be delicious and my buddy Al is goin down .. My guess?? HUGGY wins 5 out of 7!!!
:beer: To the day when the military is thought of as 'The Worlds Firefighters' instead of 'The Worlds Police'.

:salute: Nothing personal there boys & girls in blue - It's just that everyone gets nervous and stupid when the cops show up, but firefighters are almost always a welcome sight on a bad day.

:beer: To the day when 75% of us believe our military is deployed assisting fellow humans who are having a bad day.....

:eusa_think: If you make certain those polled know that The Coast Guard is included, we're probably pretty close right now.
I was here but now I'm gone... I had a great time in life. Hope the dead people have a good time going on for them too.
Here's one for you Joe:

We finally figured out why the Mayans disappeared, and we made the mistake of pushing the same button. Sorry about that.

If you're reading this, it is after March 15, 2011, and the brown dwarf has annihilated all of us.

Brown dwarfs suck.


If you're reading this, it is after March 15, 2011, and the brown dwarf has annihilated all of us.

Brown dwarfs suck.


I'm reading it and it's not even Valentines day, 2011. :eek: Unless my calendar stopped running AGAIN!

I hate it when that happens!​
My Message To The Future:

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